The State Of Apple, MOT & IBM...



  • Reply 21 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by Rooster:



    See here:$file/750cx-cxe_pb.pdf

    6 W @ 600 MHz (CXe)



    The 750FX, aka Sahara, not the CX. Do you read before you post (twice?)
  • Reply 22 of 23
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    "The State Of Apple, MOT & IBM... "

    It looks like a state of decomposition

    sorry, I'm really getting bummed by Motorola's apparent complete lack of desire to manufacture desktop cpu's and Apple's obvisous failure to recognize that Motorola manufactures embedded processors for embedded uses.
  • Reply 23 of 23
    thttht Posts: 5,605member
    <strong>Originally posted by DaveGee:

    Cupertino I think we have a problem...</strong>

    It's been quite obvious that Motorola and IBM haven't been designing state-of-the-art PPC chips specifically for Apple's market since 1998. But since Apple has managed to stay afloat the last 3 years, they can manage this.

    <strong>MOT just did a pretty big layoff and it seems the group working on the PPC may have been hit. (if I'm wrong please let me know)</strong>

    Big layoff! Motorola laid off 40000 employees in 2001 alone. But as with all tech companies, if Motorola laid of their core competency people, the company would be on the verge of bankrupcy. They are a long ways from that.

    <strong>Many have speculated that the new iMac was to feature the Sahara in the LCD iMac and then MWSF hit and BAM they now sport the G4 (ala MOT).</strong>

    My <a href=""; target="_blank">prediction</a> was pretty good Just have to wait now to see whether my Power Mac prediction was on the ball.

    <strong>IBM had to spend more than just pocket change to R&D Sahara and now Apple can't use em...</strong>

    For IBM, it was pocket change.

    <strong>MOT has done next to nothing with the G4 over the past two and a half (close enough) years* and they just did a major layoff... IBM has been doing it's job with the G3 and if they had access to AltiVec I'd be willing to bet they can/could do better with the G4 too...</strong>

    Everyone overestimates IBM. For instance, with the shipping of the MPC7450, Motorola has had a faster clocked G4 processor than IBM's G3 for the past year. It's going to stay that way for the foreseeable future.

    <strong>top speed of 1st G4 500Mhz 2+ years later top speed 867Mhz... pretty sick by any standard! 367Mhz pop comes out to .5Mhz per day (blech!). How far as Intel or AMD come in 2+ years??</strong>

    This is more the product of fabrication technology mismanagement than processor design. In the span of 3 years, IBM and Moto started with a fabrication technology lead only to be surpassed by Intel.

    <strong>Anyway... while some say Apple has been fed-up with MOT it sure seems they are betting everything on them. IBM can't be too happy about loosing even more PPC sales to MOT.</strong>

    If IBM cared, they would simply license AltiVec.

    Apple's best option is to leave the IBM and Motorola PPC processors for the iMac, Powerbook and iBook. For the Power Macs, they need to have an inhouse team design processors and contract out the fab to some company (like Intel).
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