Apple apologizes over Baby Shaker app



  • Reply 81 of 96
    buckbuck Posts: 293member
    Oh WHAT'S wrong with shaking those pesky babies to death? You're not hurting any babies. Are they special in any way? How about killing imaginary people in videogames? That's totally okay somehow. Yet - not babies! Oh no! Stupid humans with their stupid morality and stupid backwards ethics!!
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  • Reply 82 of 96
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Out of curiosity, if there was a game where you, as a Spartan, had to bath babies in wine to see if they survived, if they didn't or were rejected by the Gerousia you then had to throw the babies into a pit on Mount Taygetos. It would historical based so should it be allowed or would this be in bad taste, too. What about the current Oregon Trail game which, I think, is able to kill your children from dysentery or malnutrition or rattlesnake bites and whatnot. Or should games that only focus on as their primary game play be disallowed for poor taste?

    Disclaimer: I do agree with the game being pulled, don't think it should have made it past to the App Store, but also don't agree with the rabid replies about the game in itself.
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  • Reply 83 of 96
    I also agree that the game is in poor taste, but, the moral outrage and indignation by some in this thread is really off the charts. It's akin to Muslims who freak out if their make-believe deity appears in print as a cartoon character.

    Taking Solipsism's post above further, do any of you object to the Baby Pacman game, wherein the Baby Pacman can be eaten up by any myriad of monsters?

    I also find all these violent and gory shooter games tasteless and personally offensive, however, I don't go around picketing video game stores that sell them.
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  • Reply 84 of 96
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Trajectory View Post

    Taking Solipsism's post above further, do any of you object to the Baby Pacman game, wherein the Baby Pacman can be eaten up by any myriad of monsters?

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  • Reply 85 of 96
    wijgwijg Posts: 99member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I think censorship is always wrong unless there is an actual material harm that can be identified. This is not that. It's a stupid game like the folks at National Lampoon would have wrote if they could write iPhone games back then.

    It's not Apple's job to protect us from boobies and bad jokes.

    This is not censorship. Censorship, as such, is the domain of governments alone. If someone limits "free speech" within the media someone owns, that is called the right of private property. Indeed, it is not Apple's job to protect us. Their job is to make money and craft their image as they desire.

    That point aside, I agree completely that societal acceptance of black humor has waned significantly. And that's a damn shame.
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  • Reply 86 of 96
    wijgwijg Posts: 99member
    Originally Posted by kerryn View Post

    When I was in my early twenties, single and childless, I probably would have found the though of this game funny. Now, married with two young children the thought is of it is repulsive. Maturity and life experience changes my views.

    Yeah? Well duh.

    Originally Posted by kerryn View Post

    I have a thought for a new game. Perhaps I should make a game were we club baby seals to death by shaking the iPhone. Seems to me that there are enough sickos out there that would like this kind of thing...

    It's interesting how you think reality accords with whatever your beliefs of the moment are.

    Maybe you should actually make your baby-seal-clubbing app, and donate the procedes to saving real-live baby seals. Now you don't know what to think do you?
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  • Reply 87 of 96
    uelogyuelogy Posts: 16member
    Yep you all have no idea - sorry AI readers - you truly are a disgusting breed to be so passionate arguing/defending this. You need a good hard look at your moral self.


    Please be careful in your selection of words.
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  • Reply 88 of 96
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I don't know, I think people are making entirely too much out of this incident. Especially given that all we have is a general description of the app, and none of the people damning it have ever played it or seen it.

    Anyone over the age of 45 or so who remembers the 70's or the 60's can tell you that this sort of black humour used to be common, things like this were published in humour magazines and lampooned on comedy shows all the time.

    At the risk of using the classic "old-timer" phrase ... it never hurt me or anyone I ever heard of.

    We can't laugh at this sort of thing anymore, but we have wall to wall disgusting porn available to every six year old through the internet? This is "too shocking" yet we are (at least 30 or 40 percent of us) okay with raping and torturing our enemies in wartime?

    Sometimes it seems like the world is topsy-turvy. We are so PC we can't make an inappropriate joke, but at the same time pretty much anything goes as long as you keep it nominally hidden or don't talk about it too much? That's just dishonest. I think censorship is always wrong unless there is an actual material harm that can be identified. This is not that. It's a stupid game like the folks at National Lampoon would have wrote if they could write iPhone games back then.

    It's not Apple's job to protect us from boobies and bad jokes.

    Maybe not, but it is their job to protect themselves.
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  • Reply 89 of 96
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    Jeff, I assume since you don't have the social awareness to sense when a certain amount of sarcasm is being used, you are probably okay with this game?

    Sorry, but text is often not as good of a way to communicate sarcasm as by other means. It's often easy to misinterpret because tone isn't as easy to convey as with voice or gestures, just as it is easy to miss the delivery a bit. Your statement could easily be taken both ways, especially since there are plenty of nutty (IMO) people out there that would make serious statements just like that.


    Personally I like dark humor, however when a society gets to the point where it becomes funny to simulate the killing of babies, it has a serious problem.

    It is a problem, but it's tough to draw a line as to what to do about it. It's sick, but I also have major concerns about interest groups of any political leaning pressuring companies and governments to apply moral standards for everyone else, because it's subject to abuse and also a way for a minority to heart impose their agenda on everyone else.
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  • Reply 90 of 96
    uelogyuelogy Posts: 16member
    Originally Posted by Uelogy View Post

    Yep you all have no idea - sorry AI readers - you truly are a disgusting breed to be so passionate arguing/defending this. You need a good hard look at your moral self.


    Please be careful in your selection of words.

    i dont see what your issue is - ive seen worse on this site in arguments about matte screens.

    Whatever, ive totally lost respect for you all - amazing show of character.
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  • Reply 91 of 96
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Uelogy View Post

    i dont see what your issue is - ive seen worse on this site in arguments about matte screens.

    Whatever, ive totally lost respect for you all - amazing show of character.

    I don't remember worse with respect to matte screens. The two worst arguments that I remember involved discussing children.

    To me, claiming to be morally superior to everyone else while cursing everyone else out is a show of lack of character. I certainly don't remember anything like that in the matte screen discussions.
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  • Reply 92 of 96
    Originally Posted by Uelogy View Post

    i dont see what your issue is - ive seen worse on this site in arguments about matte screens.

    Whatever, ive totally lost respect for you all - amazing show of character.

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  • Reply 93 of 96
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,917member
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    Hopefully some day when you become a parent you'll see things a little differently.

    And there it it. The disdainful epithet hurled by so called "parents" at anyone without children who dares to question the divinity and sanctity of children. Typically this insult is directed at people when they complain about kids behaving badly in public places like airplanes or restaurants. That, or when you complain, the parents get insulted that you are "questioning" their parenting. Yes, I am. Your kid is behaving like a rabid donkey - do something about it.

    I guess they want to hurt us non-parents and make us feel inadequate: Oh gosh I don't have a child! How can I ever understand what it is like to have one, the joy, the pain, the dumbass behavior it elicits in parents?

    By the way, there have been more than 100 BILLION babies born on the planet since the existence of humans. Trust me if one dies, there will be one to replace it.

    I have a dog - it's the same thing, right?
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  • Reply 94 of 96
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    By the way, there have been more than 100 BILLION babies born on the planet since the existence of humans.

    I found this on WikiAnswers about the number you mention...
    Q: How many people have lived and died on this earth since the beginning of time?

    A: Estimates are that between 69 billion and 110 billion people have populated the earth since about one million years ago. Assuming that we start counting from about 55,000 B.C. , the time when modern home sapiens appeared on the earth (not from 1,700,000 B.C., when the ancestors of Homo sapiens appeared, or several million years ago hominids were present), talking into account that all population data are a rough estimate, and assuming a constant growth rate applied to each period up to modern times, it has been estimated that a total of 106 billion people have been born since the dawn of the human race.

    Trust me if one dies, there will be one to replace it.

    I have a dog - it's the same thing, right?

    I can't say I agree with your assessment. It sound like you find human life disposable and ultimately meaningless.
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  • Reply 95 of 96
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I found this on WikiAnswers about the number you mention...
    Q: How many people have lived and died on this earth since the beginning of time?

    A:... it has been estimated that a total of 106 billion people have been born since the dawn of the human race.
    I can't say I agree with your assessment. It sound like you find human life disposable and ultimately meaningless.

    If life is so meaningful, will you complain about THIS brand new iPhone game, Silent Sniper?

    Oh, right, there are no babies being hurt only "terrorists", so it's okay.

    Red Xes over the eyes of a poor little baby is SO revolting! Seeing someone's head explode when penetrated by a .50 caliber sniper rifle round is perfectly acceptable, right?

    I play Call of Duty online occasionally. You're merrily sniping, machine gunning and combat knife slashing your play mates.

    BUT, on the majority of servers, if you text chat a 4-letter-word, you're issued a warning or even kicked because there are "children" playing.

    Yeah, right. Please don't swear while I slit your throat... it's offensive.

    Killing is good, clean family fun, right?

    The family that slays together stays together?

    Luckily there are no babies, kitties or puppies being hurt.

    The entire argument over Baby Shaker is utter bullshit and pure hypocrisy.
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  • Reply 96 of 96
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jeffharris View Post

    If life is so meaningful, will you complain about THIS brand new iPhone game, Silent Sniper?

    I'm not sure if your question was posted at me or just at the forum in general, but this is a post I made a few ticks up.
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