Japan's Asahi Kasei to supply magnetometer for next-gen iPhone



  • Reply 41 of 57
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Right- Add this basically useless feature,unless you trek in the wilderness, and then forget about multiple app capabilities! But then who would need or want that??

    You sound like you would defend everything and anything that Apple adds to the iPhone or anything else. In other words pathetic since you haven't stated a legitimate purpose for it-yet defend it. Maybe it could help you climb over all the homeless in SF to find your way North.

    Of course not. In general, the smoke spewing out of your ass from all your posts is reason enough to have a compass to help all of us navigate away from you.

    I'm not defending Apple at all. This is just a simple case of you whining and demanding that Apple implement what you consider basic features (like MMS and Video), features that many people don't need nor use, yet you seem to have no problem turning right around and preach to the world that this particular compass feature is of no use to you and complaining to other folks that would find it useful. Typical hypocrite.

    The quality of AI has become stained with your trolling nonsense. Like others before me, short of having your basement door welded shut, paying your parents to never open it up and increase the medication in your spiked koolaid, we'll just have to settle to placing you on our "ignore" list.
  • Reply 42 of 57
    rpsxrpsx Posts: 46member
    Originally Posted by dizzy13 View Post

    Would be nice if the map could turn the direction you are facing so when you are heading south you don't have to turn the phone upside down

    this is EXACTLY what japanese phones with compasses have been doing for last couple years (or more?). i used a couple phones with this, and trust me, as easy as it is to turn around your phone yourself after getting your bearings, to have it do it for you automatically saves the brain from lots of time lag... and it skips out on the "i am a tourist" affect.

    also, one of the phones did have a star-chart application - and, it accurately changes the view - it was pretty impressive - the screen just became a map for exactly where you pointed the phone. this compass is the needed lacking component for creating "enhanced reality" applications on the iphone.

    now... this same phone i was using TWO YEARS AGO, also had a wide VGA display... i would like to hear hints that apple is finally upgrading the screen to a higher resolution - that would make this next iphone a REAL 2.0 iphone to me.
  • Reply 43 of 57
    rpsxrpsx Posts: 46member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Right- Add this basically useless feature,unless you trek in the wilderness, and then forget about multiple app capabilities! But then who would need or want that??

    You sound like you would defend everything and anything that Apple adds to the iPhone or anything else. In other words pathetic since you haven't stated a legitimate purpose for it-yet defend it. Maybe it could help you climb over all the homeless in SF to find your way North.

    you have very little knowledge of technology... you should inform yourself before posting such harsh ill-informed comments.

  • Reply 44 of 57
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by rpsx View Post

    you have very little knowledge of technology... you should inform yourself before posting such harsh ill-informed comments.


    Well then if have such knowledge then use it and post an example of a really practical example for needing this rather than a link from- wikipedia?
  • Reply 45 of 57
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Of course not. In general, the smoke spewing out of your ass from all your posts is reason enough to have a compass to help all of us navigate away from you.

    I'm not defending Apple at all. This is just a simple case of you whining and demanding that Apple implement what you consider basic features (like MMS and Video), features that many people don't need nor use, yet you seem to have no problem turning right around and preach to the world that this particular compass feature is of no use to you and complaining to other folks that would find it useful. Typical hypocrite.

    The quality of AI has become stained with your trolling nonsense. Like others before me, short of having your basement door welded shut, paying your parents to never open it up and increase the medication in your spiked koolaid, we'll just have to settle to placing you on our "ignore" list.

    Such venom and bile- yet I'm the one with nonsensical posts?

    BTW- enjoy your MMS and Video and get back to me when you figure out what purpose your compass serves besides gaming ( and that's fine for gamers) or Directions for Dummies.
  • Reply 46 of 57
    rpsxrpsx Posts: 46member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Well then if have such knowledge then use it and post an example of a really practical example for needing this rather than a link from- wikipedia?

    dude, cant you read??? or are you just too lazy to scroll? - here is a direct link to the part on the page with examples - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augment...t_applications - i am guessing you also have trouble with comprehending this, so...

    here are two that i just mentioned (did you skip that post?) - automatic orientation of map, IN A CITY, pan-able star map that moves in real-time in any direction. want more? point the phone with camera active around you to locate your friends (through walls, of coures!) - or, here is a simple one - google maps streetview in real time that matches your phones orientation. you clearly have no imagination whatsoever. this is why, i think, most competent tech companies should ignore the public because of ilk like you. reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OORnMYoWX9c

    i used to imagine apple people were reading these forums once in awhile to gain some insight... now, because of folks like you, i hope they never pay attention. i am sure they do not.
  • Reply 47 of 57
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Well tek it does not seem you have much familiarity with GIS, GPS, etc? This is AWESOME.

    Now what do we need? ArcGIS ArcPAD, Trimble software, something like that. The iPhone could become a BIG contender in the professional engineering and consulting industries in the field. Just needs a rugged case.
  • Reply 48 of 57
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Originally Posted by rpsx View Post

    dude, cant you read??? or are you just too lazy to scroll? - here is a direct link to the part on the page with examples - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augment...t_applications - i am guessing you also have trouble with comprehending this, so...

    here are two that i just mentioned (did you skip that post?) - automatic orientation of map, IN A CITY, pan-able star map that moves in real-time in any direction. want more? point the phone with camera active around you to locate your friends (through walls, of coures!) - or, here is a simple one - google maps streetview in real time that matches your phones orientation. you clearly have no imagination whatsoever. this is why, i think, most competent tech companies should ignore the public because of ilk like you. reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OORnMYoWX9c

    i used to imagine apple people were reading these forums once in awhile to gain some insight... now, because of folks like you, i hope they never pay attention. i am sure they do not.

    Remember that this is Teckstud you're trying to convince. Trolls - and in Teckstud's case a very lazy troll - does not respond well to folks making valid, lucid, and contributing posts for the greater good.
  • Reply 49 of 57
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Remember that this is Teckstud you're trying to convince. Trolls - and in Teckstud's case a very lazy troll - does not respond well to folks making valid, lucid, and contributing posts for the greater good.

    I put him on my ignore list and already my life is better.
  • Reply 50 of 57
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Originally Posted by delreyjones View Post

    I put him on my ignore list and already my life is better.

    It would be a perfect world if in addition to putting him on the ignore list, his quotes that other people respond to would disappear too. Teckstud is just contaminating the forums with his viral crap.

    It's disappointing that the AI admins aren't putting him on notice. He is ruining what is otherwise a great site.
  • Reply 51 of 57
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Originally Posted by rpsx View Post

    dude, cant you read??? or are you just too lazy to scroll?

    You clearly have no imagination whatsoever. this is why, i think, most competent tech companies should ignore the public because of ilk like you. reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OORnMYoWX9c

    i used to imagine apple people were reading these forums once in awhile to gain some insight... now, because of folks like you, i hope they never pay attention. i am sure they do not.

    That YouTube link was hilarious! Bravo! That is definitely Teckstud's mentality! Of course, it would involve having to click that link which would mean he'll never go through the effort of clicking it let alone watching it.
  • Reply 52 of 57
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    I don't know how this chip works but I see the main challenge is that maybe it only works when the phone is held in a horizontal position? Or does this chip have the possibility to work at any angle? It must be ready to work in a car phone holder, and when walking. Well, in a car direction can be calculated with gps data once you start moving, I guess, so there it's not really needed. But still, potential hazzle to overcome? Anyone got some insight on this?
  • Reply 53 of 57
    steviet02steviet02 Posts: 594member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    So are you saying that when Apple announced the iPhone in January 2007 people knew that they can use the accelerometer to measure slop with 1 degree accuracy, play flight simulator and car racing games with the accelerometer being the main control, detect movement to control the camera functionality,,, etc?

    For the first year, the accelerometer had one function only. That function was to rotate Safari pages between landscape and portrait.

    I'm saying that one can imagine a number of different uses for the accelerometer, most of which was flipping from landscape to portrait or vice-versa, but you can also image games using that feature heavily. So your claim that people were saying it was useless is false and made up to try to make your argument that the magnetic compass is a 'great' idea.
  • Reply 54 of 57
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    That YouTube link was hilarious! Bravo! That is definitely Teckstud's mentality! Of course, it would involve having to click that link which would mean he'll never go through the effort of clicking it let alone watching it.

    And I'm the one contaminating the forum?

    You have yet to post anything of any worth on this thread, whereas all my comments are directly related to the topic or a response to a juvenile attack from you..
  • Reply 55 of 57
    anmarkleanmarkle Posts: 15member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I am. I live in NYC and wouldn't need anything that crappy like you would to get around. If you can't find your way around NYC (which is a grid system) than you are truly pathetic. I have never had a problem finding anything in NY- of all places?

    I have a brain defect that affects my sense of direction and map comprehension. I can tell you that this would be extremely helpful for me. I am glad to hear you have an excellent sense of direction so this is a non issue for you.
  • Reply 56 of 57
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    This is good. People didn't think much about the accelerometer and look what developers creativity did with the features. I can't wait to see the possibilities. I can think of a one right now (Rotating maps). Many people find it hard to read maps on GPS and phones since their orientation is fixed to how you hold your phone/GPS. If the map rotate to match your direction this problem will disappear.

    Originally Posted by steviet02 View Post

    I'm saying that one can imagine a number of different uses for the accelerometer, most of which was flipping from landscape to portrait or vice-versa, but you can also image games using that feature heavily. So your claim that people were saying it was useless is false and made up to try to make your argument that the magnetic compass is a 'great' idea.

    Please show me where I said the compass is great and people thought the accelerometer was useless!! if you think "good" = "great" and "didn't think much" = "useless" then maybe you should work on improving your vocabulary. You even put "great" in quotes even though the word was never mentioned in my post
  • Reply 57 of 57
    rpsxrpsx Posts: 46member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    It would be a perfect world if in addition to putting him on the ignore list, his quotes that other people respond to would disappear too. Teckstud is just contaminating the forums with his viral crap.

    It's disappointing that the AI admins aren't putting him on notice. He is ruining what is otherwise a great site.

    i just figured out how to do this! it was a bit hidden... there should be a link directly in forum threads for add to block list! and, i agree... he posts 5 messages a day!! that is crazy, and a sure sign of being socially challenged. i understand the forum moderators, though... if they blocked his account, he would just come back under a different name.

    what would be smart is - they should have some kind of "block" that allows problem posters to keep posting, but only THEY see their messages in a thread. then they can spew their dribble to their hearts content, but no one in public would have to put up with it. haha.
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