Apple posts QuickTime stream of WWDC 2009 Keynote Address



  • Reply 21 of 41
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by L255J View Post

    I wonder when the iPod touch will be updated with all the iPhone 3G S's new features.

    September- historically when iPod updates happen, after they deplete them due to the " buy a Mac get a free iPod" back-to-school promotion all summer long. I have to say all these new feature will make the Touch an amazing device- video and camera and compass. And 64 gb plus no AT&T !
  • Reply 22 of 41
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by randythot View Post

    Ugh, this was a really long fact, the length definitely hurt the effectiveness of the keynote overall.

    They could have done a better job summarizing/viewing already announced features.

    Also, could have saved a lot of time by crafting the presentations to eliminate clapping, and utilize it more during more significant moments. All the Apple people seemed tired...lacked a touch of enthusiasm.

    Schiller who I usually like was rushing through everything like he just had too much to cover, I really don't understand why they need to show the MacBook pros here. While I love all the new changes I feel it was just a reaction to Microsoft's commercial that necessitated this. It just made it all so long. Just update them without all the hoopla.
  • Reply 23 of 41
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    Concerning tethering and AT&T...

    It's not going to happen, not without severe bandwidth limits and extra fee's.

    Right now AT&T offers that "laptop connect" USB, for $60 a month w/a phone and $100 without a phone.

    They also limit it to 5GB a month.

    Allowing free iPhone tethering will just cut into that revenue stream.

    AT&T nickle and dimes everything, their customers, their workers, even their network upgrades. I wouldn't be surprised if they had trouble getting credit.

    My guess is Apple decided to make the very best iPhone now and may not make a newer hardware version for quite some time as to take advantage of economies of scale and weather the recession.

    I'm going to give the new iPhone 3Gs a month to work out the bugs and buy my first one.

    I much rather have the iPhone apps running on my Mac though, as it's paid for and no annoying monthly bills and hidden fee's.
  • Reply 24 of 41
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    That was a very long one. I had to stop at 40 minutes. Based on the scrubber, it looks like it's a three hour presentation, I forgot to scrub it all the way to check the length. I'm not interested in giving up an evening or parts of multiple evenings to watch that.
  • Reply 25 of 41
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    I'm particularly interested in sessions on GCD. Hopefully I'll find them being podcast somewhere...
  • Reply 26 of 41
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    I much rather have the iPhone apps running on my Mac though, as it's paid for and no annoying monthly bills and hidden fee's.

    I think iPhone apps on the Mac is going to be awkward. It wouldn't work well on the desktops, they don't have multitouch at all, and I wonder how people would take to using an iPhone app using the multitouch touch pad.

    Besides, they would have to deal with emulation, I wonder if that's worth it, it might take a lot to patch everything together so as much of the app works right.
  • Reply 27 of 41
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    I don't know how it will come out on video (haven't watched it yet) but as far as the live updates yesterday, I thought this was the best keynote in quite a while. Packed with stuff, and all of it good stuff.
  • Reply 28 of 41
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Right now AT&T offers that "laptop connect" USB, for $60 a month w/a phone and $100 without a phone.

    They also limit it to 5GB a month.

    I have unlimited data with AT&T for USB card. The contract has a soft cap of 5GB but that has never been enforced. I use an obscene amount of carrier data that well exceeds the soft cap. In fact, just yesterday I DLed an audiobook, rented and iTS movie, DLed both the latest SL beta and iPhone OS X3.0 GM, and did a whole lot of interneting which included Hulu and YouTube. THe SL beta is 5.84GB by itself.

    The iPhone and 3G USB card, both connected to AT&T, are my primary connection to internet as I?m constantly traveling During peak TV season I?m either streaming it from Hulu (or other TV show websites) or using a torrent to grab it. I haven?t received any cap information or ever noticed any throttling. If AT&T were to open this up my bandwidth would suffer, but hope that they do offer a fee. Anything less than $60/month as an add-on saves me money as I can get rid of my USB card. The only problem I?ve notices with the iPhone tethering is that excessive data throughput will drain the iphone battery before it can be charged, even when connected via USB to your computer.
  • Reply 29 of 41
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    y primary connection to internet as I?m constantly traveling During peak TV season I?m either streaming it from Hulu (or other TV show websites) r computer.

    Are you streaming from hulu to your iphone ? And the AT&T card is a usb plugin right?

    And can you with that card you can stream hulu on your p/c ?

    Spell out your exact setup please.
  • Reply 30 of 41
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Are you streaming from hulu to your iphone ? And the AT&T card is a usb plugin right?

    And can you with that card you can stream hulu on your p/c ?

    Spell out your exact setup please.

    I have a Sierra Wireless 3G USB card and an iPhone 3G on AT&T?s network. The USB card has 7.2Mbps (down) HSDPA and 2Mbps (up) HSUPA. I usually get about 2Mbps down and 1Mbps up on average, but have gone as high as 3Mbps down and 1.6Mbps up. That seems quite good for a cellular card in the US. That is of course connect via USB.

    On my iPhone 3G I have 3.6Mbps (down) HSDPA with a lowly 384Kbps up. I?m gotten 1.5Mbps down and over 200Kbos up. (I had hoped the iPhone had HSUPA to improve the upload speed but all accounts clearly point to only an improved HSDPA). I can tether my iPhone 3G to my Mac via the included USB cable (though you can use Bluetooth, although you get a performance hit) using iPhone OS X v3.0. It?s still open in the Betas and GM build.

    Since the issue with Hulu is their lack of an iPhone OS X app and the Adobe?s lack of a Flash 8 or higher for mobile devices I can?t watch Hulu videos on my iPhone, but I can watch Hulu video through my iPhone while tethered as the site is rendered on my Mac in Safari.

    Is that exact enough for you?
  • Reply 31 of 41
    Rather than streaming the video I'd like to download it. How do we go about doing that?
  • Reply 32 of 41
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by latafairam View Post

    Rather than streaming the video I'd like to download it. How do we go about doing that?

    Historically the podcast has come as a higher-definition video podcast from iTS.
  • Reply 33 of 41
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I have a Sierra Wireless 3G USB card and an iPhone 3G on AT&T?s network. The USB card has 7.2Mbps (down) HSDPA and 2Mbps (up) HSUPA.

    Is that exact enough for you?

    Is that exact enough for you?


    <I invented that word, you can use it too.>

    So the sierra card spec say 7.2 Mbp's, but you only top out at 2 Mpb's or so. But you still can stream HULU ? Weird.

    That is a very good rate for you. Most NYC midtown user's need 3.3 MPB or more to stream HULU, using a wifi card.

    I tried to stream HULU using the verizon 760 card. It did not even come close, Choppy video. Once we can find a true fast DL card we can drop our DSL ACCOUNTS at home and work. Saving millions.

    Thanks for talking to me.

  • Reply 34 of 41
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    September- historically when iPod updates happen, after they deplete them due to the " buy a Mac get a free iPod" back-to-school promotion all summer long. I have to say all these new feature will make the Touch an amazing device- video and camera and compass. And 64 gb plus no AT&T !

    Wrong. Apple doesn't delay the iPod Touch software update. He is referring to the 3.0 software, not new hardware.
  • Reply 35 of 41
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    In a few days, the Podcast should be available. Much easier than streaming.
  • Reply 36 of 41
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Did they keep the two demo failures for comic relief? Ah, well.

    It's a old caution to never do a live show with child or animal acts. At an Apple Keynote, I guess we need to add anything that requires moving parts. At least the medical demo didn't "flatline" like the science project pressure graph!

    Originally Posted by L255J View Post

    I wonder when the iPod touch will be updated with all the iPhone 3G S's new features.

    The still and vid cams sure sound like a lock. As does 64 GB, which finally brings it into my media wheel house...

    ...since I want all this goodness without AT&T's crap coverage (even in major metro areas, decades into the cell era!), I considered the notion of adding Verizon's MiFi, a Touch and my current Verizon phone. But at $50/month for MiFi, it feels like it'd be an expensive kludge (not to mention lugging three tiny bricks and chargers around).

    One question: is there sound input on the current Touch to make Skyping practical on it?

    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    I don't know how it will come out on video (haven't watched it yet) but as far as the live updates yesterday, I thought this was the best keynote in quite a while. Packed with stuff, and all of it good stuff.

    It held my interest nearly all the way through.

    Partly of the grousing is because with all the partners Apple now has and the earlier roll-out of the 3.0 features, we knew most of the details of the phone-related stuff. So Apple was mostly tying a ribbon around the leaks, and the updates to the instrument were all incremental, and most of the goodness new apps will give us (in both Snow and 3.0) is down the road.

    However, I think the jaded missed the rush of a monster home run or two.

    This was a real display of many solid singles and doubles (with the new 13" FW-equpped MB Pro a triple for me) and if you add up all the runs scored in advancing the entire Apple ecosystem, there were a bunch.

    You can bet that Blackberry, Palm and Android were im- or depressed.

    And, with the $29 Snow upgrade (at least a triple), may I be the first - for all the poor schlubs who will pay through the nose to move from XP, Wistful or W7 "Starter" to a real Win version - to start talking about "the Windows 7 tax"!!
  • Reply 37 of 41
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member

    TRY THIS ONE >>>

  • Reply 38 of 41
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Is that exact enough for you?


    <I invented that word, you can use it too.>

    So the sierra card spec say 7.2 Mbp's, but you only top out at 2 Mpb's or so. But you still can stream HULU ? Weird.

    That is a very good rate for you. Most NYC midtown user's need 3.3 MPB or more to stream HULU, using a wifi card.

    I tried to stream HULU using the verizon 760 card. It did not even come close, Choppy video. Once we can find a true fast DL card we can drop our DSL ACCOUNTS at home and work. Saving millions.

    I think that is more than most people get from their DSL connections in the US. The card is theoretically capable of 7.2Mbps but regardless of what AT&T could push I?d never get that. Same goes for any data transmission. I can more than stream with that. I could stream HD with 2Mbps if it was constant. The 360p or 480p with poor bitrate is easy with that connection. Streaming with EDGE is even possible but it requires queuing.

    I am not sure what you are referring to ?3.3MPB" for Hulu as you only need a few hundred actual Kbps to stream Hulu. A WiFi card is not your internet connection, but your LAN, WIFi will be much faster than your connection to the internet, whether it be the cell carrier, DSL or cable, which is your bottleneck unless your WiFI network is congested.

    Check out you network speed at They have a copy button that will copy the address of an image that shows your stats.

    PS: I?m sure you thought of the word ?almostly? on your own, but unless you are a Highlander the word was invented long before you were born. I no longer have access to the online OED but Google Books has 1620 being the earliest it?s in print, being used as you used it.
  • Reply 39 of 41
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I s congested.

    Check out you network speed at They have a copy button that will copy the address of an image that shows your stats.

    PS: I’m sure you thought of the word ‘almostly’ on your own, but unless you are a Highlander the word was invented long before you were born. I no longer have access to the online OED but Google Books has 1620 being the earliest it’s in print, being used as you used it.

    I just checked my speed and its at 6.67DL.

    I have the verizon 7.2 service.

    I bought the verizon 760 laptop card but it was slow, well not slow but not hulu fast enough. If one day I can find a very fast MIFI CARD or laptop card, I could dump 2 DSL accounts and always be connected.

    Almosty is the sacred husband and WIFE story about toast and the trials thereof. Or maybe some one from the 1600's invented this word at the same time as me. A worldwide search will start now.

    My online friends call me lostplay.

  • Reply 40 of 41
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    The WWDC Keynote is now available as a Podcast from iTunes. Much better than streaming. Do a iTunes search for Keynotes.
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