Former Apple hardware chief appointed as Palm's new CEO



  • Reply 21 of 59
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    They're gonna be sorry when they realize Jobs installed a kill switch in Rubenstein, back when he was at Apple.

    It's all "Hey, that's great, new opportunities, you go get 'em!" until they start to compete with Apple, then Boom! Aneurism.

    You sir are a genius. I'm going to start the script today. Yeah'll sound a little Manchurian Candidate'ish but we'll toss in some naked ladies and a cute pet.

    Good job upgrade for Ruby though listening to that guy talk makes me want to say "whatever is in your mouth blocking the wind...get it out!"
  • Reply 22 of 59
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Jon isn't going to steal squat. He's a nice guy and was a joy to chat with at work, but his role AI is citing is far from factual and overblown.
  • Reply 23 of 59
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I truly agree with this. So far, the rest of the 'smart'phones haven't measured up to Apple in any significant way - I think it took Pre to push Apple to focus on making some changes to the iPhone that they could/should have long ago (e.g., c/c/p). Also, Pre seems to be focused on both the software as well as the hardware experience, unlike the others.

    I disagree. There is really no evidence that Apple's done anything to change their current path. If Palm does influence Apple, we'll see it next year with OS 4.0. If Palm really did scare Apple, we would see a sloppy patchwork for background tasks as was rumored. I don't mind if there is a serious competitor to the iPhone, I do mind that that a company like Palm tries to copy and piggyback Apple + iTunes to the extent that it has.
  • Reply 24 of 59
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    The Pre is $299. Some retailers are offering a $100 rebate.
  • Reply 25 of 59
    quillzquillz Posts: 209member
    It's funny how now all of a sudden, Jon Rubenstein has become an enemy to all the Mac fanatics around here.

    Because, you know, someone who once worked at Apple is never allowed to work at another corporation that may be more suitable for them.

    I wonder what would happen if Johnny Ive left Apple tomorrow to go work for Microsoft? Would he be worse than Satan?
  • Reply 26 of 59
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by Quillz View Post

    I wonder what would happen if Johnny Ive left Apple tomorrow to go work for Microsoft? Would he be worse than Satan?

    Yes ... except if he was part of an Apple conspiracy to destroy MS from the inside
  • Reply 27 of 59
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by Quillz View Post

    e is never allowed to work at another corporation that may be more suitable for them.

    I wonder what would happen if Johnny Ive left Apple tomorrow to go work for Microsoft? Would he be worse than Satan?

    We'd tar and feather him.
  • Reply 28 of 59
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    I totally TOTALLY saw this happening!

    They shoulda kicked that idiot Colligan to the curb sooner. I wonder though if they are making Rubenstein CEO a little too late.

    Anyways, good luck to him.

    The first thing Rubenstein should do as CEO is put a muzzle on that hippie McNamee and prohibit him from going on any more talk shows promoting the Pre! McNamee talks too much!
  • Reply 29 of 59
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    I totally TOTALLY saw this happening!

    They shoulda kicked that idiot Colligan to the curb sooner. I wonder though if they are making Rubenstein CEO a little too late.

    Anyways, good luck to him.

    The first thing Rubenstein should do as CEO is put a muzzle on that hippie McNamee and prohibit him from going on any more talk shows promoting the Pre! McNamee talks too much!

    +1 I was like "who is this guy?"

    then I saw that he writes big checks.
  • Reply 30 of 59
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Here's a website with more incredibly crazy quotes from Colligan.

    “In my opinion, the Foleo is going to be most successful and the most significant product that Palm has done.”

    "I think people are buying Centros for different reasons [than the iPhone]. They’re [Centros] easier to use, they’re a little less pretentious, they are smaller form factor. They’ve got a full keyboard for doing data entry."
  • Reply 31 of 59
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    At least with Rubenstein on board, we can hopefully see better products and more intelligent management on Palm. Colligan and his cronies practically burned Palm into the ground and left a lot of developers (me included) really pissed off. Colligan should have been ejected ages ago.

    I don't think Palm has much of a chance at this stage. The Pre may go down in history as the right device but at the wrong time. Nonetheless, it will be fun sitting back and watching the action. If anyone can pull it off, it may very well be Rubenstein.

    I knew this was going to happen.....Rubenstein being made CEO I mean. Yup, Colligan is an idiot....ok to be fair he probably had sense and vision once but not anymore. He has been acting like an idiot for the last several years and I can only hope he hasn't made any decisions recently that might further damage Palm now that it has a chance again with its new WebOS.

    Again I must say that I also hope Jon Rubenstein puts a muzzle on that idiot McNamee.
  • Reply 32 of 59
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Quillz View Post

    It's funny how now all of a sudden, Jon Rubenstein has become an enemy to all the Mac fanatics around here.

    Because, you know, someone who once worked at Apple is never allowed to work at another corporation that may be more suitable for them.

    I wonder what would happen if Johnny Ive left Apple tomorrow to go work for Microsoft? Would he be worse than Satan?

    And I think it's funny how a certain kind of person always focuses in on a handful of posts as if they characterize the forum, when a simple reading of the thread shows most people are glad for Palm having decent leadership, don't care, or are making jokes.

    But I understand. The sort of person that broods over "Mac fanatics" finds them everywhere, monolithic, chanting, mindless.

    Because Mac derangement syndrome is a savage taskmaster. Your work is never done.
  • Reply 33 of 59
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post

    Here's a website with more incredibly crazy quotes from Colligan.

    ?In my opinion, the Foleo is going to be most successful and the most significant product that Palm has done.?

    "I think people are buying Centros for different reasons [than the iPhone]. They?re [Centros] easier to use, they?re a little less pretentious, they are smaller form factor. They?ve got a full keyboard for doing data entry."

    Well, he is gone now.

    Now I have a feeling Jon being made CEO was like taking the leash off of a pitbull. I hope Jon pulls out all the stops and really starts innovating like mad!

    The second thing I would do if I was Jon (after he puts a muzzle on McNamee) is get that SDK out as soon as possible. He needs to make it a full SDK that lets the developer do more with the pre (or any WebOS device) than iphone devs can do with the iphone.

    He needs to totally attack Apple's weaknesses when it comes to developer relations. Because as much as iphone devs love what they do they are also thoroughly annoyed at Apple about certain things.

    "Why was my app denied from the app store?" "For god's sake Apple talk to me and tell me what I need to do to get my app approved!!!!"

    I wonder how many times iphone devs has asked this question with no feedback whatsover by Apple.

    That arrogance by Apple is a weakspot Rubenstein can exploit if he is shrewd enough. How about an NDA with Palm developers that doesn't seem like a witness protection program?

    No wait, I don't want to write too long a post here. There are numerous points of weakness on the iPhone platform that Palm can take advantage of. I just hope Jon is truly smarter than Colligan as I suspect.

    If so that I think Palm really has a chance now.

    Better competition, better products (from Apple and Palm), the consumer wins.
  • Reply 34 of 59
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,012member
    Apple recently made a statement about vigorously defending their intellectual property. I wonder how long it will be before we see a lawsuit directed at Palm? If nothing else it could slow them down and make them poison for a takeover in the near term.

    I'm not so sure Palm will fail at the smart phone game. It's a big market and growing. People like choices. There may be enough of an old Palm fan base out there to keep it going long enough for them to innovate some distance between themselves and the competition. Apple will always have a huge advantage with their entire ecosystem, so I don't see Palm as ever being the majority player in this space.
  • Reply 35 of 59
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Jon isn't going to steal squat. He's a nice guy and was a joy to chat with at work, but his role AI is citing is far from factual and overblown.

    You work at Apple?
  • Reply 36 of 59
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    You work at Apple?

    He's an old NeXT guy that was in the trenches with John Steve Jobs.
  • Reply 37 of 59
    ajitmdajitmd Posts: 365member
    I think that Palm's best shot with the Pre is to have a open proprietary architecture with an open value chain. It would mean making the phone available with multiple bands, radios like GSM, UMTS/3G, CDMA/EVDO, etc. Carriers can do their own subsidies. Allow the software developers to give or sell apps directly to the Pre customer... yes, even Porn. Of course the SDK needs to be out soon. Allow the customer to add higher capacity batteries, DRAM and Flash memory.

    That was basically the Microsoft model... except the OS is not being licensed. Allows for better hardware and software integration.

    Palm needs to play by different rules.
  • Reply 38 of 59
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    Again I must say that I also hope Jon Rubenstein puts a muzzle on that idiot McNamee.

    McNamee is a major venture capitalist. He invested $425 million into Palm and helped to make this happen. He has a huge stake in its success.

    Please don't spout utter nonsense.
  • Reply 39 of 59
    quillzquillz Posts: 209member
    Except Apple didn't invent touch screens or anything else on the iPhone. The Pre can do all the touch-based interfaces it wants so long as it's not directly copying Apple's patented Multi-Touch, which it isn't.

    Frankly, people here should be hoping the Pre is a massive success. It drives competition, forcing better products and lower prices for customers, no matter what product they end up buying. If the Pre and any other phone fails, Apple will have a monopoly on this sort of thing and thus see little reason to improve their products. People moan and complain about Microsoft's monopoly, without realizing that an Apple monopoly is just as bad.
  • Reply 40 of 59
    cincyteecincytee Posts: 419member
    <quote>In the years that would follow, Rubinstein -- better known as "Ruby" by his peers -- would take the reigns of Apple's Mac hardware engineer team,...</quote>

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