AT&T drops iPhone 3G S prices for early iPhone 3G adopters



  • Reply 201 of 206
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by ChasingJason View Post

    I really do understand that when we sign a contract we cant complain if we cant upgrade early...I get that...AT&T can stop beating us over the head with their corporate posturing...fine...okay...

    But what irritates me is this: My wife and I bought a EDGE iphone and service in January of 2008. We bought the 3G the day it came out. Now my account shows that ONE of my lines can get the subsidized price in JUly of 2009 and the other line has to wait for March of 2010. Its this point that is causing me the annoyance since they are parlaying a 'contract terms change' from September of 2008 to apply such logic. I pay nearly 170 a month for both our phones (unlimited everything) and yet, what they do is use the technicality of ONE line being the primary as a justification for having two separate upgrade dates. I guess the other option was two separate accounts at 120 a piece but that seems like gouging and ridiculous. I mean, how many couples or families would ever agree to that?

    As per my initial statement, I get it AT& are the exclusive carrier, you set the rules for us contract monkeys...I get it...but dont defy logic with these preposterous scenarios. If we have an account, and we HAVE to set it up with one primary line and dont offer the option of TWO primary lines, then dont pull this nonsense as a way to take advantage of your situation as the exclusive carrier. All I wanted was for the same rules to apply to both lines. I am not asking for anything but for you to apply your rules evenly. Or just say, NO to everyone who wants the pricing early. I spend 2000 a year on service that isnt that if you have to eat 200 per phone, are you really doing anything other than making me wish I had a choice?

    We left Verizon in January 2008 for the iPhone...I do believe all cell phone companies who engage in contract pricing will always have customers who feel abused...some are worse than others. The fact is that the service is horrible compared to Verizon and I am just glad I mostly text cause the call quality is medicore at best. I live in San DIego, CA so I am not in some podunk rural village...

    So let this be a messgae for others in a similar situation and know that I have no solution just yet. I dont know what i want to do.. Do I pay the unsubsidized price for one of them only to find myself int he same predicament next year? Do I hold on to my 3G and see if 2010 bring a Verizon iPhone? Its a quandry because I am just not one who waits on new technology. If something works faster and better, and I use it a lot and its a main function for me, then I wont wait. I use my iPhone and Mac a lot and dont like the 'getting by' mentality. but I really dont know what to do.


    I THINK I understand the logic.

    We have three 3G phones. We pay $230 a month for the three. Now that my daughter will be going to England for school, we were (are) trying to figure out the best way to go with this. It turns out that if we discontinue my daughter's phone from our plan, we only save $10 a month. So we bought those three phones at the end of August. According to AT&T, we would be eligible for two new phones at the cheapest price. $220 divided by two phones is $110 per phone per month. Bingo! So the third phone doesn't qualify. Makes sense, if that $99 per minimum per phone is a contributing factor.
  • Reply 202 of 206
    sigs21sigs21 Posts: 82member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Then consider this to be a low cost camcorder as well, and suck up the extra dollars. You often have to pay for convenience.

    Also, look up where you can sell your older phones, and for how much. You can recoup some, or all of the extra cost that way.

    The video on the new phone is decent, though it has no zoom.

    Hey just put the sim from the 3gs in my 3g. and put her sim from her 3 g in the 3gs and bingo.. worked ready to go.. That way we can have the next one upgraded next year...
  • Reply 203 of 206
    moofrankmoofrank Posts: 15member
    I'm still confused on the issue.

    I've never really seen a proper statement for AT&T's normal phone upgrade policy. All I can find on the AT&T site regarding the upgrade prices is a vaguely worded iphone upgrade PDF that uses the phrases "in general" and "in most cases", and the word "generally" several dozen times.

    But nothing I've seen explains the upgrade dates that we have on our phones. AND the CSR's seem to have no idea how those are set as well.
  • Reply 204 of 206
    nick710nick710 Posts: 5member
    Hi, I have a rather large bone to pick with AT&T. I have been a loyal customer since 2003; I?ve had the original iPhone 8GB and the iPhone 3G 16GB, which I purchased on 7/11/08. I inquired on the eligibility to get early upgrade pricing of $299 for the new iPhone 3GS 32GB and was told I was ineligible for two reasons.

    (1) I was disqualified for a rate plan change that was made on 6/17/09, the day of

    the upgrade announcement. I went from a individual 900 minute/200 text/unlimited internet to a 1400 minutes/200 text each/unlimited internet for one family plan with my fiancé.

    (2) I was disqualified for not spending $99 each month for the last 3 months before taxes/fees. My bill over that last 11 months averages out to $105.49. The last 3 months specifically were each over $100, but before tax/fees was only 94.99. I was disqualified over $4.01 and month!

    I?ve read over the upgrade eligibility policy ( a couple times and have not found these disqualifying specifics stating that if you change a rate plan, even if it is to a more expensive rate plan you lose eligibility. Or that the $99 a month bill will only be calculated on the last 3 bills and before taxes/fees to be eligible. The only thing it is clear about is that you needed to purchase your phone during July, August or September 2008.

    So in short I?m getting screwed on being eligible for the $299 iPhone 3GS 32GB upgrade, even though I bought my iPhone 3G 16GB on 7/11/08; because I change my rate plan to a more expensive plan on 6/17/09 and I fell $4.01 short a month because taxes/fees don?t count as part of your bill! Wow, don?t I feel like a valued customer, so much that if I want to upgrade now, I have to pay another $200 on top of the $299 to total $499!

    I?ve also learned and want to mention, one way to avoid the $200 early upgrade fee is to do an early termination on your contract. And then purchase the new phone under a new contract. My early termination fee would be $120 since I bought my phone on 7/11/09. That?s an $80 savings! Which leads me to say that now AT&T is just screwing over the iPhone users that want to do an early upgrade, because the most an early termination fee could be, is $175!

    I?m posting this to get the word out on what is really going on with eligibility upgrade pricing and early upgrade pricing. AT&T if you were really listing and cared, then this would never have happened!

    I encourage anyone reading this and agree or have similar experiences to comment on my post and share your experience with others.
  • Reply 205 of 206
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Nick710 View Post

    Hi, I have a rather large bone to pick with AT&T. I have been a loyal customer since 2003; I?ve had the original iPhone 8GB and the iPhone 3G 16GB, which I purchased on 7/11/08. I inquired on the eligibility to get early upgrade pricing of $299 for the new iPhone 3GS 32GB and was told I was ineligible for two reasons.

    Forget the loyalty argument. It means nothing. This is about paying off the subsidy, that's all.

    (1) I was disqualified for a rate plan change that was made on 6/17/09, the day of

    the upgrade announcement. I went from a individual 900 minute/200 text/unlimited internet to a 1400 minutes/200 text each/unlimited internet for one family plan with my fiancé.

    (2) I was disqualified for not spending $99 each month for the last 3 months before taxes/fees. My bill over that last 11 months averages out to $105.49. The last 3 months specifically were each over $100, but before tax/fees was only 94.99. I was disqualified over $4.01 and month![/quote]

    Unfortunately, they have to cut the line somewhere. If they cut it at 94.99, someone else would say they were paying 92.55, so why weren't they entitled, and so on.


    I?ve read over the upgrade eligibility policy ( a couple times and have not found these disqualifying specifics stating that if you change a rate plan, even if it is to a more expensive rate plan you lose eligibility. Or that the $99 a month bill will only be calculated on the last 3 bills and before taxes/fees to be eligible. The only thing it is clear about is that you needed to purchase your phone during July, August or September 2008.

    Doesn't it mention that other factors will be taken into account? I've read that.


    So in short I?m getting screwed on being eligible for the $299 iPhone 3GS 32GB upgrade, even though I bought my iPhone 3G 16GB on 7/11/08; because I change my rate plan to a more expensive plan on 6/17/09 and I fell $4.01 short a month because taxes/fees don?t count as part of your bill! Wow, don?t I feel like a valued customer, so much that if I want to upgrade now, I have to pay another $200 on top of the $299 to total $499!

    Was that new plan over $99 for each phone before taxes and fees?


    I?ve also learned and want to mention, one way to avoid the $200 early upgrade fee is to do an early termination on your contract. And then purchase the new phone under a new contract. My early termination fee would be $120 since I bought my phone on 7/11/09. That?s an $80 savings! Which leads me to say that now AT&T is just screwing over the iPhone users that want to do an early upgrade, because the most an early termination fee could be, is $175!

    That's been discussed. It looks as though you must wait 60 days before signing on again with the same carrier.


    I?m posting this to get the word out on what is really going on with eligibility upgrade pricing and early upgrade pricing. AT&T if you were really listing and cared, then this would never have happened!

    I encourage anyone reading this and agree or have similar experiences to comment on my post and share your experience with others.

    This is a problem for a lot of people, but really, AT&T was being nice by allowing the cut-rate upgrades to some people before the two year contract was up, which all people signed knowingly. If not all people are eligible for the lowest pricing after AT&Ts opening it up to more people, that's unfortunate, but not everyone qualifies. They can't be expected to take the losses. Fair is from both sides.
  • Reply 206 of 206
    Originally Posted by ChasingJason View Post

    I really do understand that when we sign a contract we cant complain if we cant upgrade early..


    We left Verizon in January 2008 for the iPhone...The fact is that the service is horrible compared to Verizon and I am just glad I mostly text cause the call quality is medicore at best. I live in San DIego .. snip..

    Do I pay the unsubsidized price for one of them only to find myself int he same predicament next year? Do I hold on to my 3G and see if 2010 bring a Verizon iPhone?I use my iPhone and Mac a lot and dont like the 'getting by' mentality. but I really dont know what to do.

    I understand your feelings. But every year, here's what I do. I buy a high-end iPhone ( most memory ) , sell it on eBay and offset the balance. So in this way, I can have every iteration of the iPhone. I suppose the iPhone will still stay with ATnT for some time.. I highly doubt 2010 will bring the launch of a Verizon iPhone, seriously. I love my Mac and iPhone too.
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