Need help erasing trash

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in Genius Bar edited January 2014

I have a weird issue here, i can't erase trash.

I only have one folder containing one item in my trash:

(~/.Trash/ERASE/Ti?ng Viê?t.html)

For the life of me i can't get rid of this %$#@#@@@

doing : ls ~/.Trash/ERASE/, shows Tie????ng Vie????t.html

Now. i thought i just sudo -rm -r this bastard, but when autocopmpleting pathname (tab) it changes to:

sudo rm -r ~/.Trash/ERASE/Tie\\314\\202\\314\\201ng Vie\\314\\202\\314\\243t.html

then ends up telling me:

rm: Viê?t.html: No such file or directory

Some sort of character encoding issue?

Any ideas?

(sorry for chaotic post)


  • Reply 1 of 9
    I would reboot first, then - while holding down the option/alt key - empty the trash by chosing the respective command in Finder's menu.

    If that does not help, navigate to the trash folder in Terminal and use the " rm -rf * " command in there - but only in there!!! That should erase everything in the trash folder.
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  • Reply 2 of 9
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Originally Posted by piwozniak


    I have a weird issue here, i can't erase trash.

    I only have one folder containing one item in my trash:

    (~/.Trash/ERASE/Ti?ng Viê?t.html)

    For the life of me i can't get rid of this %$#@#@@@

    doing : ls ~/.Trash/ERASE/, shows Tie????ng Vie????t.html

    Now. i thought i just sudo -rm -r this bastard, but when autocopmpleting pathname (tab) it changes to:

    sudo rm -r ~/.Trash/ERASE/Tie\\314\\202\\314\\201ng Vie\\314\\202\\314\\243t.html

    then ends up telling me:

    rm: Viê?t.html: No such file or directory

    Some sort of character encoding issue?

    Any ideas?

    (sorry for chaotic post)

    You have an unescaped space in there just before the 'Vie'. Put a backslash just before it like so...

    ...\\201ng\\ Vie\\314...
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  • Reply 3 of 9
    didn't work.

    Why would it "autocomplete" it wrong?
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  • Reply 4 of 9
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    VERY weird.

    Hmm. Try entering into the ERASE directory, and 'rm -f *.html'. Any better?
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  • Reply 5 of 9
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Why not erase the ERASE directory with the -r option, thereby also deleting all files contained within the ERASE directory.( i.e. >cd ~/.Trash >sudo rm -r ERASE)

    If you can't get anything to work, that probably means the disk formatting is screwed. Have you checked it with Disk Utility?
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  • Reply 6 of 9
    Kickaha, good suggestion, i didn't think of that.

    Still no go though.

    Mr H, i've tried that before i posted, nope it won't let me.

    Anyways, for those of you with Adobe CS2 installed.. this file is located in /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS2/Legal

    I was trying to use ASR to clone my HD, and it would always fail on this specific file, and since i don't really need all that EULAs i thought it was a good idea to get rid of it.

    It's not the end of the world, but it just bugs me

    I can't rename it, i can move it though, i can't open it (using either safari or textwrangler)

    Finder says it's 112KB. I can do pico ~/.Trash/ERASE/Tie\\314\\202\\314\\201ng\\ Vie\\314\\202\\314\\243t.html

    it shows as empty though....

    can't rename it, can't copy it

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  • Reply 7 of 9
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,522moderator
    Originally Posted by piwozniak

    Anyways, for those of you with Adobe CS2 installed.. this file is located in /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS2/Legal

    "Mac OS X causes illegal file names to be reported when it reads some of the font data used in the Vietnamese End User License Agreements, which are installed in the Legal or Legal.localized folders. This problem causes severe file system and hard disk corruption if the files are not deleted or if the file system is not repaired.

    Apple fixed this problem in Mac OS X 10.4.7."

    As soon as I install CS2 on anyone's machine, I run Disk Utility and find the name error. I then repair the drive by booting and holding command-s for single user mode and running fsck -f. Then there should be no problems cloning. I have cloned a system with CS2 installed after doing this repair.
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  • Reply 8 of 9
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Holeee.... geez, that's bizarre.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 9
    Originally Posted by Marvin

    "Mac OS X causes illegal file names to be reported when it reads some of the font data used in the Vietnamese End User License Agreements, which are installed in the Legal or Legal.localized folders. This problem causes severe file system and hard disk corruption if the files are not deleted or if the file system is not repaired.

    Apple fixed this problem in Mac OS X 10.4.7."

    As soon as I install CS2 on anyone's machine, I run Disk Utility and find the name error. I then repair the drive by booting and holding command-s for single user mode and running fsck -f. Then there should be no problems cloning. I have cloned a system with CS2 installed after doing this repair.

    fsck did the trick

    i got another weird msg after fsck, launchd bug: something something.... which may explain why my computer takes looong time to boot.

    But at least i got rid of these EULAs, thanks!

    That was interesting i have to say ...
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