Help!!! (Macbook vs. Thinkpad)



  • Reply 61 of 83
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    Missle Command Kid, isn't this kind of foolish? Though you may have great intentions, this is actually the definition of well-intentioned trolling.

    I will say that I'm not certain why anyone should even have to justify/explain anything about Macs to you--you seem like a sharp computer user, and you've gone on at length about hardware compatabilities with drivers for another machine that drove you to Apple. Case closed--what should anyone care what you run on the damn thing, anyway? I have XP2 installed on my MacBook Pro--I rarely run it, but the fact that I can run XP, OSX and Linux on the same laptop pretty much buries any Dell machine.

    Why the hell would people use Front Row when not listening or watching something?
  • Reply 62 of 83
    Originally Posted by mrmister

    Missle Command Kid, isn't this kind of foolish? Though you may have great intentions, this is actually the definition of well-intentioned trolling.

    Foolish, yes. This is why I stopped posting and hijacking the discussion! AppleInsider is not the place to make the case that XP is, indeed, a worthwhile alternative to OSX (or the other way around, depending on your perspective), but unfortunately I hadn't come to this obvious conclusion before I started posting.

    My original opinion still stands: MacBook running XP. Great hardware, great software. I'll proceed to shut up now.
  • Reply 63 of 83
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Missile Command Kid

    My original opinion still stands: MacBook running XP. Great hardware, great software.

    It is great hardware and XP is ok system software. Get it and give OSX an honest try. You'll probably end up liking it. If not you can always run XP as you mentioned.
  • Reply 64 of 83
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    To return to the original topic, both the Macbook and the Thinkpad X60s are fantastic. I have one of both in this room right now (I'm not the owner though, I have an iBook). The Thinkpad mostly runs Linux but has Windows installed as well.

    The Thinkpad is a rock solid piece of hardware, a lot lighter and smaller than the Macbook, and great if you happened to want to run Linux. The Thinkpad owner here loves the thing and wouldn't trade it for anything. He particularly likes the size, build, quality, feel of keyboard, and says that he prefers the builtin pointer nub even to an external mouse because he doesn't have to move his hands from the keyboard at all to use the mouse. He is a typing heavy user though.

    Generally speaking, get the Macbook. Much better for general use, larger screen, features, etc. And of course OS X. The only people I know who have actually tried both Windows and OS X, and who have preferred Windows, are either power users (software developers), or want to play games. That is not to say OS X is bad for power users, it's just that they can manage with Windows better so it isn't so much of a handicap... and at times find the necessary tinkering fun. Seriously, if you do not belong in those groups do not go with Windows.

    Don't be worried about weight, the Macbook is still a light laptop. Anyway, I carry my iBook in a backpack for protection and comfort. I would do the same with a lighter Thinkpad if I had one. Carrying in backpack made the iBook's 2.1kg and Powerbook's 2.5kg indistinguishable, so it would also make Macbook vs Thinkpad indistinguishable.

    I'm a developer/student myself, was fully in command of Windows (had used it for ten years, wrote Windows apps, didn't need to run a virus scanner, didn't need to scan for malware, didn't need reinstalls to stay in shape) but still became more efficient and had more fun just two months from switching to OS X. For me it almost completely combines the good sides of both Windows and Unixy operating systems.
  • Reply 65 of 83
    hey guys - resident n00b here!

    I cannot understand why *anyone* would debate the advantage of a Thinkpad over a MacBook. Thinkpads are made to last and to withstand rough usage (within reason!) but as regards aesthetics, they are as plain looking and unappealing as you could hope for. Nasa take Thinkpads on missions, and I can assure you that there ain't much life up in space, to be impressed by good looks and a beautiful glowing Apple. I am a fan of *both* machines, but then again I prefer Mac OS 10.4 over *any* version of Windows or Linux, any day of the week, due to sheer compatibility and ease of use/fun/stability.

    Thinkpad mouse buttons seem really odd too... or is that just me??

    The question being asked at the top of the thread is akin to asking "should I buy a tank or a cadillac" - this needs no answer!. As has been explained, the MacBook has almost everything the Thinkpad has (except cardbus slots - so what?!) and a lot more - it has the appeal of being created by a manufacturer who actually *knows* what they are doing as regards the wow factor of both form *and* function, software and hardware wise. The thinkpad on the other hand, has disadvantages that it cannot account for when compared to a macBook:

    It cannot look nice, in bog standard rubberised black colour... EVER! (or even if it WASNT black!)

    It cannot run Mac OS X

    The model you are thinking of has *no* optical drive (WHAT?!? )

    It has no allure or lustre - who wants to proudly gaze lovingly at boring black laptops?

    It has no "Mac elite" appeal - not that I think that Macs SHOULD be "exclusive" but they are far nicer than the IBMs, and have more going for them in all departments. The Thinkpad fell out of the ugly tree, hit every branch on the way down, and then it turned round, went back to the ugly tree and headbutted it continuously!!.

    The Apple however, fell out of the Apple tree, and landed straight in the arms of a careful and appreciative owner. Plus, Apples are tastier and juicier than any corporate machine.

    In a nutshell, the MacBook wins, hand over fist, no contest, on virtually EVERY score. Just google "MacBook review" and do the same on YouTube, and the rest - the results will speak volumes.

    There really is *no* contest guys - as they say, and as is so true:

    "Just Get a Mac!" - you will NEVER look back!.

    Oh and PS:

    2.36KG is SO SO light for a laptop... where is the problem?

    Should you feel completely bemused by all the smooth shiny intuitive interface features, and day to day usefulness of the fabulous bundled applications, you can always ruin your Mac and install windoze on it, and pretend that it will be better just because it's sitting inside a smoother sexier machine!!.

    PPS: Thanks for the entertainment guys; it's hilarious watching members of a Mac forum, defending XP and pretending that it is "really not all THAT bad", when we all know the truth!. No, I am not exhibiting fanboyism as much as I'd like to (I *am* a Mac fanboy -- why'd ya think I'm here??) but for goodness sake, call a spade a spade - XP is truthfully about as much use as a sponge mug or a chocolate kettle, rubber lips on a woodpecker or a paper ladder.

    I could quite easily install the hacked version of OS X Tiger on this PC, and use that, but as an ethical guy, I am begrudgingly resorting to using same said XP to post this, until I finally get my MacBook in a few days time. Yeah it totally sucks having to use an OS that crashes, and when ya CTRL+ALT+DEL to resolve it, the task manager that you summoned up to fix it, crashes ITSELF... but what choice do I have?. I would rather not use Pirated Mac software, thanks!. This is the lesser (only Jusssst!!) of 2 evils!.

    Sorry, but sometimes you got to bite the bullet and say it how it *really* is!
  • Reply 66 of 83
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Kinda surprised this wasn't mentioned before -

    The best thing about Mac OS is once you have a stable install of OS, apps, third party plugin et al - you can clone it off to an external disc. Any problems with an update or botched install of something and you've got it to fall back on.8)

    Up and running within minutes, not hours as with Windows.

    Question: if you install XP on a Mac can you boot off an external or does it have to be resident on"C" drive ? Just wondered ....
  • Reply 67 of 83
    Originally Posted by RobM View Post

    Up and running within minutes, not hours as with Windows.

    What? And I can't do this with XP? Please. Im so tired of this. Both OS's have their ups and downs. Don't even get me started.

    FYI we are ending our 3 year hardware migration of over 2000 + desktops all running XP. No problems besides the normal hardware glitches. 3 Years on the same RIS build!!!!! please.

    If its done properly no problems. rookies
  • Reply 68 of 83
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Originally Posted by trailmaster308 View Post

    What? And I can't do this with XP? Please. Im so tired of this. Both OS's have their ups and downs. Don't even get me started.

    FYI we are ending our 3 year hardware migration of over 2000 + desktops all running XP. No problems besides the normal hardware glitches. 3 Years on the same RIS build!!!!! please.

    If its done properly no problems. rookies

    No offense intended - but it is my understanding that you can't boot from an external clone on Windows. If that's not the case, then I most humbly apologise.

    If you can then is it a licence thing - you need a different build of Windows or a server version ? Interested.

    As always i stand to be corrected - and yes I quite admit to be a Windows rookie.

    I have used Windows off and on - it's ok, just prefer Macs.
  • Reply 69 of 83
    Everything about windows is just complication and fuss. What with Vista coming up, there are more than 15 versions the logic as to why, is completely unknown!. Mac has two versions: Tiger and server. How is it possible for MS to make so many mistakes, time after time over the years, and not learn from them, EVER!.

    Windows has a registry

    Sure fire way to mess up your PC, when software doesn't restore said "registry" to the settings that it found *before* it installed itself/modified the PC.

    PC has BIOS - again I have to laugh what an antique system!. Mac now have EFI (google it)

    I am reluctantly using Windows XP as I type, as I am currently waiting to buy my MacBook in the next few days ... woot woot yesss!!!

    I cannot understand why anyone would ever use XP by *choice* - crazy!!
  • Reply 70 of 83
    mrsinmrsin Posts: 163member
    For a moment, I thought I had accidentally navigated to "WindowsInsider" - what a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) cold sweat experience those few seconds were ! Then I realized I didn't have any such site bookmarked . Though I refuse to bash PC's and their Operating Systems, I'm thinking "AppleInsider" may not be the proper venue to sing PC or Windows praises \? I'm also thinking those that do just want to "stir the pot," or just tick off those of us that prefer an alternate platform and Operating System for their own amusement ?
  • Reply 71 of 83
    The only available amusement, is watching some frustrated windows fanboy, having to reboot his PC over 5 times, during an XP install, then another 5 times during driver config, and then five *more* times when the old beige box throws a hissy fit and crashes, without reason!







    More amusement below, taken from a recent copy of the UK PC publication "Micro Mart"

    PS: Keep up the pointless, futile arguments guys - this thread is positively hilarious... and by the way.... Macs are in a completely different league to PCs, so hey just get one, and save yourself the stress and lack of productivity!.

  • Reply 72 of 83

    Not sure some people know exactly what they are posting, but whatever.

    And for the record, I have both Mac's and PC's. Dont have any problems with either device, but if it helps everyone sleep better at goes:

    PC's are the sux! "like my 5 year old sister doesn't beez for the win, s(0_xor, registry, BSOD, SP2, beige blows!"

    there i feel better now bring on that kicks a$$ finder!
  • Reply 73 of 83
    I dont own a mac, yet. I built my last(current) computer about 3 years ago.

    I run AdAware every few times I turn it on. Dont open emails from anyone I dont know (and they are virus scanned through gmail). Run norton? virus scan (I got through Texas A&M).

    I get a virus about once a month. Bad spyware about once every 2 days and tracking cookies every day. ( I use firefox too..)

    Have you ever had a problem like a virus that you cannot delete? I have. Or those others that you have to restart your machine to get rid of? not to mention the difficulties configuring (you have to go through MSDOS to change startup programs and stuff)

    I have spent lots of hours, no.. days looking for programs to: burn dvd's, edit photos, play video files, fun files.

    I use a USB wireless adaptor and I have had to install the drivers 7 times in the last week because they randomly dissapear when I shut it down.

    You dont need to do constant work on your computer to keep it running. It you dont, chances are it will run, just like crap.

    I am fed up with windows. If you think it is so superior why dont you look at all the news reports of vunerabilities of windows and their programs. There was something in the newspaper today about a big bug in Vista allowing people to take over your computer.. not something I hear abount Macs, EVER.

    Windows is like the computers you buy for it. If you want it cheap, you get ONLY the bare minimum. No software, no nothing!! If you want something nice you have to spend lots for it just like you have to spend $$$ for software so you can do things on windows.

    Everything I want to do is supported my apple. You can download tonns of neat free easily accessable programs without worrying what kids of crap there is "bundled" with it.

    I cant really understand why people are complaining about a few pounds, unless you are like a 100 lb girl or something. Notebooks are light enough.

    I plan on getting an apple for these reasons.

    1)All software and drivers I need are included.

    2)fun little things (web cam, garage band, widgets)

    3)I dont have to uninstall 1000s of crap programs (and aol or msn free interner trials) from my new computer

    4)because the only benefit to windows that I can see are some programs, autocad, inventor, ect. I down own these VERY expensive programs so its not like I can use them on my computers anyways. So for me, all it includes is games. I dont have time for those anymore anyways.!!
  • Reply 74 of 83
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    heh - well I just had to take IE 7 off my wife's lappy because she couldn't work with it.

    We're running a Citrix shell within IE and the bloody thing is just too flaky. Dropping wireless connxn at random - DON"T freak'n tell me it's driver issue and don't say it's because of Citrix - that would almost take the cake. It drops any connxn, even ethernet at random without Citrix running. IE 7 - another piece of ill timed and poorly implemented software.

    Bodes really well for Vista - phhhsst. Vista sp 2, 3 4 5.

    On the up-side the uninstall was actually painless ... guess M$ finally got someone to write a good uninstaller package for them.

    And trailmaster - well, can you run the worlds' most prevalent OS from an external or internal clone ?

    No, really - I want to know - anybody, please - Lord knows I've hunted and searched.

    How do you get Bill's wunderOS safe guarded ?

    So that you can be operational again quickly ?
  • Reply 75 of 83
    Mac is the best appplication out there for your personal computing needs - it is an application within itself - the *perfect* application of computing. Apple combine the very best hardware, hand picked and specified, with the smoothest sleekest most efficient OS you could dream of.

    If the world needs solutions and the Mac *is* that solution, then windows is the virus we must steer away from.
  • Reply 76 of 83
    Originally Posted by RobM View Post

    And trailmaster - well, can you run the worlds' most prevalent OS from an external or internal clone ?

    No, really - I want to know - anybody, please - Lord knows I've hunted and searched.

    How do you get Bill's wunderOS safe guarded ?

    So that you can be operational again quickly ?

    Explain what you want to do and maybe I can help. Are u just wanting to create a backup to do a restore fast should something happen?

    wunderOS safe guarded? Which OS, what is the problem.

    As far as Citrix goes, are you running the ICA webclient. IE 7 and Citrix have absolutely nothing to do with your wireless ethernet connection. Since the corporate version of Vista has just been release, we have only begun to test the ICA webclient on IE7.

    We are a very very large Citrix shop, as that is how we deploy our applications to remote sites that are not part of our domain.

    Anywho.....explain what you are looking for and we can chat. I have tons of tools at my disposal to help.
  • Reply 77 of 83
    Originally Posted by unlokia View Post

    Mac is the best appplication out there for your personal computing needs - it is an application within itself - the *perfect* application of computing. Apple combine the very best hardware, hand picked and specified, with the smoothest sleekest most efficient OS you could dream of.

    If the world needs solutions and the Mac *is* that solution, then windows is the virus we must steer away from.

    You know you are absoutely right! So lets get started with this, but I need some help first:

    1) Explain to me how on the Mac platform I am going to rollout a new OS to 2000+ machines in different locations?

    2) How do I create at the domain login level policies that prevent users from accessing certain things for security reasons and how do I manage all that in a nice neat location?

    3) How do I create a generic applicaton build and push said build to thousands of machines, report back any problems, and do all this withing certain policies at the domain level?

    4) How do I load and application on a server, and share that application (securely) to remote sites that are not part of my domain?

    I like those answered first before we get into the difficult stuff.
  • Reply 78 of 83
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Originally Posted by trailmaster308 View Post

    Explain what you want to do and maybe I can help. Are u just wanting to create a backup to do a restore fast should something happen?

    wunderOS safe guarded? Which OS, what is the problem.

    As far as Citrix goes, are you running the ICA webclient. IE 7 and Citrix have absolutely nothing to do with your wireless ethernet connection. Since the corporate version of Vista has just been release, we have only begun to test the ICA webclient on IE7.

    We are a very very large Citrix shop, as that is how we deploy our applications to remote sites that are not part of our domain.

    Anywho.....explain what you are looking for and we can chat. I have tons of tools at my disposal to help.

    Thanks trailmaster - I appreciate it.

    What I want to be able to do is what I do on a Mac. Use the windows equivalent of Carbon Copy Cloner and clone off to an external drive. If the OS (XP sp2) on my wife's lappy falls over I'd like to be able to boot off the external using a fw pcmcia card.

    If that's not possible then yes, to be able to restore Windows back to operational condition as fast as possible. A couple or so years ago I had to reinstall the OS, it took hours - by the time I had it running again and downloaded sp2 and the updates. Reinstalled all the apps it was the best part of a day - and I'm thinking, "Why can't this be as easy as a Mac ?" Hook up fw, choose your boot disc and go.

    Part of this is because the laptop is getting for 5 years old now and it's only a question of time before the hd fails. She has been getting the odd bsod lately which I've managed by defragging and it seems to have cleared that up.

    The lappy is really only used for Internet running Citrix and of course printing. No great demands being made anywhere.

    I take your point about the relationship between wireless and IE - all I can say is that well, it became unworkable running IE7, hanging, stalls, dropping connxn. Once back on IE6 it was stable again. The proof of the pudding to me was that I was still able to print wirelessly when IE7 was acting the goat. So the connxn is good .... IE7 bad.

    fwiw - my wife runs the client from inside IE. I have been trying to get her to use the client only - but old habits die hard. She wants to launch the browser, go to the logon page and go from there. I'm working on it .... this is a big job in itself :-)

    She's out of town on work at the moment so I can't tell you what v of the client runs after logon.

    cheers and thanks in advance !
  • Reply 79 of 83
    Let me give you a perspective from a current X60s user and former Powerbook user (15" Al 1.67 G4).

    The purpose of the X60s is for MOBILITY: 12" LCD, around 3-4 lbs, no optical drive, etc. When I need to travel light, it's hard to beat an ultralight portable. When I'm on extended trips, I bring along my dock which attaches to the base of the unit. It adds a bunch of connections, more USB ports, and an optical drive. Attached, I think the unit still weighs about 5 lbs.

    I usually get around 5-6 hours battery life with the eight-cell battery. There are options for an extended base battery as well.

    My model has Bluetooth, 100GB 5400 RPM HD, 1 GB RAM, Wifi a/b/g, and a Verizon Sierra WAN modem for Verizon's WAN service.

    I can't complain as the 1.66 DC chip is speedy, the HD is quick, the screen is bright, and the keyboard is second to NONE.

    I do light photoshop, DVD editing, photo/image categorizing, email, and word processing and it handles everything with aplomb. IMHO, the Thinkpad is the best PC notebook money can buy. Of course, Macs are the best non-PC notebook you can buy.

    If you need mostly windows or if most of your work will be in windows, you just can't go wrong with the X60s - this is what happened to me. If not, I would get the Macbook. Simple as that.

    Good luck! It's a nice time to be in the market for a nice notebook.


    Originally Posted by RobM View Post

    Thanks trailmaster - I appreciate it.

    What I want to be able to do is what I do on a Mac. Use the windows equivalent of Carbon Copy Cloner and clone off to an external drive. If the OS (XP sp2) on my wife's lappy falls over I'd like to be able to boot off the external using a fw pcmcia card.

    If that's not possible then yes, to be able to restore Windows back to operational condition as fast as possible. A couple or so years ago I had to reinstall the OS, it took hours - by the time I had it running again and downloaded sp2 and the updates. Reinstalled all the apps it was the best part of a day - and I'm thinking, "Why can't this be as easy as a Mac ?" Hook up fw, choose your boot disc and go.

    Part of this is because the laptop is getting for 5 years old now and it's only a question of time before the hd fails. She has been getting the odd bsod lately which I've managed by defragging and it seems to have cleared that up.

    The lappy is really only used for Internet running Citrix and of course printing. No great demands being made anywhere.

    I take your point about the relationship between wireless and IE - all I can say is that well, it became unworkable running IE7, hanging, stalls, dropping connxn. Once back on IE6 it was stable again. The proof of the pudding to me was that I was still able to print wirelessly when IE7 was acting the goat. So the connxn is good .... IE7 bad.

    fwiw - my wife runs the client from inside IE. I have been trying to get her to use the client only - but old habits die hard. She wants to launch the browser, go to the logon page and go from there. I'm working on it .... this is a big job in itself :-)

    She's out of town on work at the moment so I can't tell you what v of the client runs after logon.

    cheers and thanks in advance !

  • Reply 80 of 83
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Originally Posted by cj3209 View Post

    Let me give you a perspective from a current X60s user and former Powerbook user (15" Al 1.67 G4).

    The purpose of the X60s is for MOBILITY: 12" LCD, around 3-4 lbs, no optical drive, etc. When I need to travel light, it's hard to beat an ultralight portable. When I'm on extended trips, I bring along my dock which attaches to the base of the unit. It adds a bunch of connections, more USB ports, and an optical drive. Attached, I think the unit still weighs about 5 lbs.

    I usually get around 5-6 hours battery life with the eight-cell battery. There are options for an extended base battery as well.

    My model has Bluetooth, 100GB 5400 RPM HD, 1 GB RAM, Wifi a/b/g, and a Verizon Sierra WAN modem for Verizon's WAN service.

    I can't complain as the 1.66 DC chip is speedy, the HD is quick, the screen is bright, and the keyboard is second to NONE.

    I do light photoshop, DVD editing, photo/image categorizing, email, and word processing and it handles everything with aplomb. IMHO, the Thinkpad is the best PC notebook money can buy. Of course, Macs are the best non-PC notebook you can buy.

    If you need mostly windows or if most of your work will be in windows, you just can't go wrong with the X60s - this is what happened to me. If not, I would get the Macbook. Simple as that.

    Good luck! It's a nice time to be in the market for a nice notebook.


    Yup - thanks for that.

    Doesn't help me with my current concern, although I do appreciate the time spent in response.

    cheers, r
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