Why don't PC users buy Macs?



  • Reply 61 of 86
    I guess my other thing is this...people often want Apple's innovation, design, etc. But they want Dell prices. If Apple was charging Dell prices, they'd have Dell margins. If they had Dell margins, they'd have NO R&D (as Dell does right now).

    If cheap is what you want. Get cheap.

    The other thing is this. People think Apple is expensive, just wait until Microsoft completes their plans.

    And one more thing about cost...most people evaluate ONLY the up front purchase price. I cannot tell you how much time, energy and frustration I have saved by using OS X vs. Windows.

    [ Oh and I have used both VERY extensively. ]

    [ 12-15-2002: Message edited by: Chris Cuilla ]</p>
  • Reply 62 of 86
    Dell spends more on R&D than Apple does,
  • Reply 63 of 86
    god, if that is true they better start firing some people at dell...their computers are butt ugly and have absolutely no innovation involved in form nor function...sad....really hoped they truely spent not money on R&D, cos if they do, it is money wasted....g
  • Reply 64 of 86
    [quote]Originally posted by Stagflation Steve:

    <strong>Dell spends more on R&D than Apple does,</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Actually not by much (a handful of millions)...about 4-5 million. And CERTAINLY not as a percentage as sales (which is the generally accepted measure of commitment to R&D), finally, those R&D dollars are likely spread across a MUCH larger product line, effectively diluting the value of that R&D. I would GUESS you would not find the amount to be the same if you broke it out by product line.
  • Reply 65 of 86
    People have strange ways of forming opinions.

    At work, in an effort to save money, they decided to use a different printer to do our business cards.

    Now we have to provide them with the type already set.

    So I set up a template in Quark Express for one of the secretaries to input the names and titles as needed.

    Mind you, first of all, I think Quark sucks, but we have her doing it on a 300 mhz 9600, OS 9.1, because we need the faster machines for our own production, and she only needs to do this maybe once or twice a month.

    So the other day, based solely on her "experience" with this process, she proclaims "Macs suck".

    I asked her how many PCs are still around as old as that Mac that can still be used productively. I also explained that Quark Xpress was not a good way to judge the Mac, but I think my explanations went in one ear and out the other.

    One other thing that's frustrating from my standpoint, is that our IT group makes excuses for not doing much to help with supporting our Macs. "Nobody is familiar with Macs". "Macs are harder to figure out". These are things they actually say. I'm an artist, not a computer tech, and I can figure things out, so I pretty much chalk it up to PC users just not wanting to make an effort. It's easier just to propogate the old myths.

    So, I've become a Mac tech of sorts, just out of necessity.

    I truly believe MOST PC users have never used a Mac and have no basis for their opinions, but for those that have and still prefer PCs, that's cool. Use what you like.
  • Reply 66 of 86
    [quote]Originally posted by Chris Cuilla:

    <strong>I guess my other thing is this...people often want Apple's innovation, design, etc. But they want Dell prices. If Apple was charging Dell prices, they'd have Dell margins. If they had Dell margins, they'd have NO R&D (as Dell does right now).

    If cheap is what you want. Get cheap.

    The other thing is this. People think Apple is expensive, just wait until Microsoft completes their plans.

    And one more thing about cost...most people evaluate ONLY the up front purchase price. I cannot tell you how much time, energy and frustration I have saved by using OS X vs. Windows.

    [ Oh and I have used both VERY extensively. ]

    [ 12-15-2002: Message edited by: Chris Cuilla ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think it would be appropriate to say that you are in fact preaching to the choir...

    But people don't want bargain bin flea market cheap... they would just like macs to be a bit more competitive with what they could get on the Windows side. We're not trying to compare a Dual 1.25GHz G4 with a PC some guy built himself buying bargain parts from five different places. Let's compare Apple to Alienware.

    In regards to only evaluating up front purchase prices, well, that is sort of the harsh reality as to why, and to quote the title of this thread, PC users don't buy macs. All the more reason Apple should attempt to address the issue...
  • Reply 67 of 86
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    People buy what they use at work too. Don't forget that.
  • Reply 68 of 86
    [quote]Originally posted by MacLuv:

    <strong>I need you help. Whatever you know, think, hear, or feel about why PC users don't buy Apple products, please post your comments on this thread. It could be anything. Duplicate opinions are welcome.

    Thanks in advance.

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Unfamiliarness with the OS is the first concern, things are only better if they do exactly what you want them to do, a user shouldn't have to bend... cause they won't. (most aren't smart enought to use what they already have to begin with, so for them a switch could be natural)

    Personally, I am currently a PC User... I went a 3 year stint with Linux, which hasn't stopped, and that Unix feel is part of the reason I am switching to a Mac...

    That, and the fact that I've had many semesters to play with $3,000+ Macs at my school; Now I am buying a digital Camera and just have to have a Mac for iDVD, plus Unix-ness.

    I currently have a 1.8ghz Athlon XP, 512MB PC-333 Cas-2 memory, a Geforce 4 Ti-4200, DVD, CD-RW, and pretty much whatever is left to name. Thus, I won't switch to a Mac officially until I can either sell my system or it gets outdated... Until then, I'm shooting video Footage of College, and soon Disney and Australia...

    I'll soon be able to buy a Super-drive equiped eMac for nearer 1,200 (by my predictions), but it's not going with me to Australia... so I'll wait until Fall or Christmas 2003... Maybe putting in more money for PPC 970...

    Would a Mac be slower? that depends. Would it be faster for $1,000... not really.

    But I am switching? Really, I am... Adventually, but I don't really need any power increases anytime soon.
  • Reply 69 of 86
    [quote]Originally posted by Stagflation Steve:


    I am telling you it is price, 100%

    When a PC user comes into the store to have a look at a mac, they are all ready to switch, moaning about how they hate windows, how they want to get a mac, and how they are ready to buy one today.

    As one woman said on Thursday;

    "If that $1699 doesn't include a monitor, lets talk about that Compaq, I don't hate Windows that much"</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Price does matter, PC users are now expecting entry options as low as $499. $1000 with Monitor and Microsoft Office is high for some other these people, and more people have less money...

    For Apple to Compete, they'd need a 700 G4 near the $500 price tag... which is kind of rediculous, since you can only go down to $799, and even then you are only buying a 600mhz G3 128mb ram.

    The Theory goes that you can get alot better for $800 in the Windows World, since there are near $500 entries, and you're paying a $300 premium.

    (Only $10 extra for a Dude You're getting a Dell T-Shirt)

    And, a $1000 PC would come with a Geforce 4 MX standard, not a Geforce 2 MX... (Expect Apple to follow in MWSF 2003)
  • Reply 70 of 86
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Why would it matter how much company spends on R&D as a percentage? Dell spends more, simple. That they spend "less as a percentage" is no small praise to their ability to move machines out the door. If Apple sold 2X as many machines they'd also spend "less as a percentage." Such an argument is in no way an indictment of Dell -- they spend more in total and lessen the burden of development over more total unit sales -- those are all good things.

    You can only argue that perhaps they do not spend their development dollars particularly well. That is up for discussion, but in this case (unlike the market-share argument) low percentages indicate a good state, not a bad one. So why don't we look at the fruits of that R&D then?

    Dell isn't an innovator, right? Maybe that's a hasty conclusion given that they have an enviable position of being able to shoulder a higher development burden while spending less per machine. As other's have mentioned before, Dell innovates things like how to build a laptop in fewer steps, o ho to make a case for $10 that's as strong as one you might buy for $30. Dell innovates in streamlined manufacturing, and they're good at it, because they've practiced it to a greater extent than anyone else. After looking at their meteoric rise, you can only conclude that their development dollars were very well spent, while at the same time you must question some of Apple's spending. Newton? Cost a ton and then abandoned on the cusp of greatness. Patterned plastics? How many OSX pretenders?

    And yet Apple innovation has shone too. A long history of notebook leadership (though they are not soo dominant as they once were), OSX, easy airport integration well ahead of the competition...

    The key difference I think is Apple's innovations wow you but always cost a premium while Dell's innovations are designed specifically to reduce the premium as quickly as possible.
  • Reply 71 of 86
    There is only 1 real reson.... "User Error".

    Oh and my reason, I liked OS X lots ( I had the beta, and the first release on my iMac DV400). but without the "web apps" dreamweaver, photoshop etc. I purchased a PC.

    All along I still tell people "buy a mac". And when they ask me why I got a PC then, I tell them I am a computer expert and i can fix it WHEN (not if) it goes wrong. I know about crappy windows "features" and how to avoid them.

    Now I am into games... and my 2 alltime faves Counter-Strike and Tribes 2, are not available and prolly never will be available for the Mac.

    All that said tho, I have my windblows machine now, and my next computer WILL be a mac. Sure I could run linux on my p4 2.2, but it wont be as nice.

    [ 12-18-2002: Message edited by: Gargoyle ]</p>
  • Reply 72 of 86
    Macs make me want to puke. OS X is annoying. Mac lovers make asinine statements like "Macs do most of the work for you". I work in a school system that has both Windows and Mac machines. In my 6 yrs there, I have only seen a Mac get shipped DOA....just wouldn't start up. Great hardware. They freeze every bit as often as PCs. They have hardware failures just like PCs. They don't type your letters for you or work by voice commands. As much as mac people claim that you won't have problems opening documents from the 95% PC world on a mac, well, it happens. Damn iMacs are VERY limited in upgradability. Just getting one of those gumballs open is a hassle. Bill Gates should have let Apple go bankrupt. Then my life would be less painful right now...
  • Reply 73 of 86
    I haven't read all of the posts in this thread but in my opinion more PC users don't buy Macs mainly because of the price but also that when you get used to building a PC that performs as good or better than a Mac costing 4 times the price it just puts them off to idea of shelling out that kind of cash. I've noticed that the posts I read in this thread that you seem of PC users as being the bad guys but Mac users aren't all perfect. I think that many PC users see Mac users as being kind of stuck up. I've noticed that some Mac users have that kind of mentality that if you aren't a Mac user then you're the enemy. I personally am a die hard Windows user, both by force and by choice, but I'm interested in Macs and the OS. My problem is that I'm cheap because I'm poor so choosing a Mac that is within a reasonable price range for just wanting to experiment with an unfamiliar OS is really hard. And yes, $600 is expensive to me for a machine to experiment with...
  • Reply 74 of 86
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by garyganu

    Macs make me want to puke. OS X is annoying. Mac lovers make asinine statements like "Macs do most of the work for you". I work in a school system that has both Windows and Mac machines. In my 6 yrs there, I have only seen a Mac get shipped DOA....just wouldn't start up. Great hardware. They freeze every bit as often as PCs. They have hardware failures just like PCs. They don't type your letters for you or work by voice commands. As much as mac people claim that you won't have problems opening documents from the 95% PC world on a mac, well, it happens. Damn iMacs are VERY limited in upgradability. Just getting one of those gumballs open is a hassle. Bill Gates should have let Apple go bankrupt. Then my life would be less painful right now...

    You do realize this is a thread from 2002 right?

    I don't get what the hell you are talking about though. AutoFill and VoiceOver, simple as that :P

    All Computer systems are subject to Hardware failures, most of them Human Error, and Macs are no different. But the Hardware is still much better in design, and it's the simple most obvious things that really get your attention when you first use one, namely the iSight in my Macbook's Bezel.

    If you are going to sign up for an Apple Forum and complain though, please just start a new thread instead of reviving one from 2002 though.
  • Reply 75 of 86
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    This is the second thread I've seen recently that has gotten resuscitated from years ago by an inarticulate belligerent person who apparently is actually going out of their way to find a bone of contention somewhere on the internets. (The other was the crazy guy who wanted to set everybody straight about the wrong things they had said about the Confederate flag two and a half years ago.)

    But, I mean, a four year old thread? How do you even find this? Do you do a google search for "smug Mac people talkin' all smug about their Macs" and just work your way down the list?

    And, more importantly, doesn't that mean that you are fucking bat shit crazy?
  • Reply 76 of 86
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
  • Reply 77 of 86
    I hate macs because:

    1. OS X annoys me

    2. The hardware is not superior...I've seen more than one mac come into our schools DOA

    3. MacFanTards say stupid things like "Macs do most of the work for you" and other such nonsense and lose all credibility.

    4 Lack of software

    5. Too many instances of "I can't open this file..."

    6. The crappy iMacs and eMacs are barely upgradable. Hell, just opening one up is a chore.

    7. I need a part in a hurry....what state can I find an Apple store in?

    The list goes on and on. Will this post stay on here? Probably not....
  • Reply 78 of 86
    Originally Posted by garyganu

    1. OS X annoys me

    2. The hardware is not superior...I've seen more than one mac come into our schools DOA

    3. MacFanTards say stupid things like "Macs do most of the work for you" and other such nonsense and lose all credibility.

    4 Lack of software

    5. Too many instances of "I can't open this file..."

    6. The crappy iMacs and eMacs are barely upgradable. Hell, just opening one up is a chore.

    7. I need a part in a hurry....what state can I find an Apple store in?

    I'll play your troll game for a round...

    I hate PC's because:

    1. Win annoys me

    2. We don't claim the hardware is superior, just design and software. Lord knows a PC has never shown up DOA.

    3. WinFanTards say stupid things like "I get eleventy bi11!!!11ion FPS in FEAR" and other such nonsense and lose all credibility.

    4. Too much software; spyware, adware, virus's, trojans, etc.

    5. About the only file types I hear of anymore that a "Mac" won't open (not counting Macs running some form of winulation) are .exe files and some weird codec encoded porn movie.

    6. Do you own an iMac/eMac? Didn't think so. Then why do you care about this point? You can't upgrade laptops very much either, why don't you whine about that too?

    7. I can get a part (be it upgrade or repair) for my Mac(s) just as fast as any pc user can. I don't have an Apple store in my state...
  • Reply 79 of 86
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Yes, it's irritating that iMacs aren't easier to upgrade, although I've seen study after study that show that the vast majority of owners never crack the case of their PC, no matter who the


    The rest of your list is no more sensible than when you posted it the first time.

    OS X "irritates" you? Fine, not really a huge failing on Apple's part though, is it? You sound like a kinda irritable person.

    DOA hardware is a lapse in quality control. When Mac users talk about quality of hardware we are generally talking about quality of components, design, and fit and finish.

    I have never heard a Mac user claim that "Macs do most of the work for you". I don't even know what that could mean. Use of the term "MacFanTards" suggests some pretty dire things about where you're coming from.

    "Lack of software" is an old mac basher caveat that doesn't mean much, especially these days. Which software, specifically? Is there something you want to do on a Mac that can't be done due to "lack of software"? Most switchers discover that they have a few favorite apps that have no Mac version and they may find no satisfactory Mac analogue, but the same could be said for going from a Mac to a PC.

    What file can you not open? Modern Macs can handle pretty much anything out there.

    What "part" for a Mac do you need that requires a visit to the Apple Store? Macs use standard industry parts across the board, these days. If you're talking about repairs, there are independent Mac shops aside from the Apple Store, particularly where Apple Stores are few and far between.

    You actually sound like someone who has not used a Mac since OS 9, if ever, and is just regurgitating the standard "why Macs suck" talking points that have been around forever.

    Which deepens the mystery of why you would seek out an ancient thread on a Mac enthusiast site as the platform to make your deeply ignorant posts. I'm sticking with bat shit crazy, but I'm open to other theories.
  • Reply 80 of 86
    For me, a personal Mac is out for two main reasons:

    1. Can't build a desktop myself.

    2. Can't buy a mac laptop that is built in USA or Japan.

    There are other reasons, but these are the main ones.
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