Why don't PC users buy Macs?



  • Reply 81 of 86
    Originally Posted by garyganu

    I hate macs because:

    1. OS X annoys me

    2. The hardware is not superior...I've seen more than one mac come into our schools DOA

    3. MacFanTards say stupid things like "Macs do most of the work for you" and other such nonsense and lose all credibility.

    4 Lack of software

    5. Too many instances of "I can't open this file..."

    6. The crappy iMacs and eMacs are barely upgradable. Hell, just opening one up is a chore.

    7. I need a part in a hurry....what state can I find an Apple store in?

    The list goes on and on. Will this post stay on here? Probably not....

    You're just like Yutaka. Only with unhealthier obsessions.
  • Reply 82 of 86
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member

    2. Can't buy a mac laptop that is built in USA or Japan.

    What's it matter where it was built? If my Macbook was built in Iraq I'd still love it.
  • Reply 83 of 86
    I have a few reasons that i've heard

    1) when I was visiting MIT this spring (for college admissions) the tour guide said macs suck b/c they use UNIX. he said "you can get it off the internet for free, it's stupid to pay a 'jamillion' bucks to buy something like that" (yes he really said that, exactly like that)

    2) My friends who use PC's are horrifically ignorant

    3)price, though nearly everyone at my school would never have been caught dead with a dell

    4)they don't want to even give macs a chance, my PC friends don't care about trying something new or "evolutionary"

    5)they have no clue how to use a mac b/c there are somethings that are really diff't on macs and pcs (i.e. my school got new imacs last year, and my PC friends had no clue at all how to use it or where the CD slot was (i just laughed when they said that))

    o ,and this is my first post... woo!
  • Reply 84 of 86
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member

    1) when I was visiting MIT this spring (for college admissions) the tour guide said macs suck b/c they use UNIX. he said "you can get it off the internet for free, it's stupid to pay a 'jamillion' bucks to buy something like that" (yes he really said that, exactly like that)

    Technically you can get any Software you want for free off the internet, and Mac OS X uses proprietor tech on top of a UNIX Foundation.... -_-

    For an MIT Tour Guide, he severely lacks knowledge on the ways of the Mac... which could be a problem... for him
  • Reply 85 of 86
    Yeah, I know, I actually get software for free off the internet "sometimes"

    The guide was a little zany...but that's ok
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