***The Official New Displays Thread***



  • Reply 21 of 41
    Originally Posted by chris v View Post

    What makes it higher-end and "professional?" They use the same panel, from what I understand. They do have a cheaper 600/1 contrast ratio model, but I got the 800/1 model refurbed for $289.00. It looks friggin great, aside from the Dell logo on the front.

    Apple uses a much more expensive backlight like NEC as well as a couple other upgrades. Consumers can't tell the differenced, but the pros can from what I'm told.
  • Reply 22 of 41
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    Apple uses a much more expensive backlight like NEC as well as a couple other upgrades. Consumers can't tell the differenced, but the pros can from what I'm told.

    Huh. guess I'd have to see them side by side. FWIW, I had the thing reccommended by 3 different professional photographers that I know & trust, & I'm a pre-press person, who spends about 1/4 of my working day in Photoshop, so you could call me a professional, I suppose -- just not a rich one.
  • Reply 23 of 41
    I'd just like to chime in here to say I don't think it is in Apple's strategy to produce cinema displays with built in iSights.

    I'd also like to ask why everyone is talking about larger screens in this thread without a mention of smaller displays. It occurs to me that with Apple's incorporation of a UI with resolution independence to accomodate varying screen sizes and pixel counts within these displays, they are setting themselves up for uitilizing screens of smaller sizes as well.

    Any comments? Could it be some sort of small accompanying screen with the constant display of widgets... maybe having unique functionalities such as remote control of Macs, iTVs and such? A sort of mobile monitor to your computer and your world of specific network functionalities that you frequent? Would it contain an iSight type of camera?
  • Reply 24 of 41
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    What I'd like to see:

    Apple Studio Display (consumer)

    19" Widescreen


    5MS Response Time

    700:1 Contrast Ratio

    Front Row and iSight $349

    Apple Cinema Display (Professional)

    20" Widescreen


    6ms Response Time

    1600:1 Contrast Ratio

    Front Row and iSight $699

    Apple Cinema Display (Professional)

    24" Widescreen


    6ms Response time

    1000:1 Contrast Ratio

    Front Row and iSight $999

    Apple Cinema Display (Professional)

    30" Widescreen


    8ms Response Time

    1000:1 Contrast Ratio

    Front Row and iSight $1999

    This would be pretty much an update of existing displays to the newest panels, adding iSight and Front Row Capability, and adding a consumer model based on the popular 19" panel.

    Agreed. Apple was thought to be working on a 17" model though. So maybe the 17" would be instead of, or as well as the 19".
  • Reply 25 of 41
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by Galley View Post


    Component is purely analog and HDCP is pure digital. thus there is no such thing as HDCP-Component and thank your stars for it: that means that component is the only way left for truly free HDTV connectivity.
  • Reply 26 of 41
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Agreed. Apple was thought to be working on a 17" model though. So maybe the 17" would be instead of, or as well as the 19".

    That would be ok too. Making a 19" display when you can make it 20" is illogical.
  • Reply 27 of 41
    Originally Posted by C.A.T.S. CEO View Post

    That would be ok too. Making a 19" display when you can make it 20" is illogical.

    Not if the consumer is on a budget and the extra $100 causes them to go somewhere else to buy their display elsewhere. Making a sale is logical, pricing yourself out of the intended market because of one extra, but totally unneeded feature is not.
  • Reply 28 of 41
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    Component is purely analog and HDCP is pure digital. thus there is no such thing as HDCP-Component and thank your stars for it: that means that component is the only way left for truly free HDTV connectivity.

    Dopey me! I meant 1080P component.
  • Reply 29 of 41
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    Component is purely analog and HDCP is pure digital. thus there is no such thing as HDCP-Component and thank your stars for it: that means that component is the only way left for truly free HDTV connectivity.

    Do you mean HDMI? High Definition Copyright Protection (HDCP) and Component are not even analogues of each other. HDMI is digital audio/video input and component is analog. I think you are confused.
  • Reply 30 of 41
    Would new Cinema Displays with HDMI Ports still work on Macs with DVI Ports?

    Will there be dual HDMI/DVI or would the HDMI be backward compat with DVI?

    Furthermore would HDMI Kit block or disable playback of regualr non HD content?

    Many quries I know but at some point Mr 22" cinema display will need to be upgraded..

    Lieutenant Dan got me invested in some kind of fruit company. So then I got a call from him, saying we don't have to worry about money no more...
  • Reply 31 of 41
    Well yea. HDMI is DVI plus digital audio. There are adapters that easilly convert HDMI to DVI for input into screens. Monitors that have HDMI inputs are only using the video part of the signal however.
  • Reply 32 of 41
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    I suspect that they would have both DVI and HDMI.
  • Reply 33 of 41
    Originally Posted by MacSuperiority View Post

    Well yea. HDMI is DVI plus digital audio. There are adapters that easilly convert HDMI to DVI for input into screens. Monitors that have HDMI inputs are only using the video part of the signal however.

    It would be nice if Apple could put some good quality speakers in the displays. Its been a while sense Apple had there own speakers.
  • Reply 34 of 41
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by C.A.T.S. CEO View Post

    It would be nice if Apple could put some good quality speakers in the displays. Its been a while sense Apple had there own speakers.

    Besides the Hi-Fi?
  • Reply 35 of 41
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    I checked out the Gateway FPD2485W today at Best Buy. Damn, that is one sweet monitor for $680! I sure hope that Apple can come up with something competitive. I'd really prefer to have an ACD, but I need component or HDMI for my HD DirecTV/TiVo. This will be my only monitor/TV.
  • Reply 36 of 41
    As mentioned: You are talking about new displays with new screen sizes and included iSight. I guess the screen sizes will stay the same. Unsure about the built in iSight. However the big thing to come should be higher resolution displays throught the whole line.

    Imagine the 20" display with a 1920x1200 instead of 1680x1050, a 23" display with 2560x1600 and a 30" with whatever higher resolution would be appropriate. Think about it: If Leopard goes the way of resolution indepence, this resolution increase of the screens would make perfect sense. You could have windows and buttons in the same physical size as today, but with a lot more detail. It would be perfect to show this new killer feature of Leopard with such displays. Old Vista and XP would look really clumsy in comparison.

    Such displays with higher resolutions would have the same Pixel per inch value as the MacBook Pros BTW.
  • Reply 37 of 41
    whoah does anyone make 1920x1200 20" displays?... that'd be great!
  • Reply 38 of 41
    Originally Posted by looksthatkill View Post

    whoah does anyone make 1920x1200 20" displays?... that'd be great!

    There are at least laptops with 15.4" screens with 1920x1200... 8)
  • Reply 39 of 41
    willrobwillrob Posts: 203member
    Is there any reason why new displays would not be glossy? It's been very successful in the MacBook/ MacBook Pro line. Why not also for desktop displays. I've seen other desktop glossy displays and for graphics they really shine (no pun intended).
  • Reply 40 of 41
    -df-df Posts: 136member
    I hate glossy displays. The vieving angle has to be too... direct (not sure how to word that). I like having the option of viewing my screens at a 45-degree angle without the colors being inverted.
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