The xMac (Pictures and Concept) Mid-Tower: for Enthusiast, Mid-Enterprise Markets



  • Reply 21 of 42
    Originally Posted by mjteix View Post

    Happy new year to everyone (poopers included).

    Happy New Year all ! Just over a week to MacWorld Madness.!!!11!!
  • Reply 22 of 42
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I agee. It's too disjointed looking.

    I really don't think there's a viable product between the mini and the iMac. Apple's never been sold

    on people actualy upgrading their Macs beyond a hard drive and RAM.

    And unless you own the MacPro it isn't really practical to do either of those. Apple's current desktop lineup is entirely aimed at family consumers.
  • Reply 23 of 42
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    How about just an updated Cube?

    In any case I think desktops are kinda passe. I'd rather have a notebook or tablet with a solid docking station that had a couple slots and maybe a bay or two.

    Why not just have a 11" tablet that docked into that Wii-like base station? You could have a full sized monitor next to it if you needed more space. With its own vid card the base could support dual 30" plus your 11" display. Perhaps in some kind of base that let you position it for pen input.

  • Reply 24 of 42
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    I'm all for the sideways tower behind the display...

    Reminds me of my Half-Depth™ towers and desktops thread.
  • Reply 25 of 42
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    Like the iMac 24"?

    Um, no. The iMacs use mobile CPUs and mobile GPUs. While the MMX socket is theoretically upgradable, try finding me a graphics card on NewEgg that'll work.

    I want a genuine Mac desktop for the mid-range consumer market.
  • Reply 26 of 42
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    I'm all for the sideways tower behind the display...

    What I see as a shortcoming of this design is the depth of the tower. If it were placed next to the display, it would extend too far beyond the display, necessitating a deeper desk space than needed with my design. When it is placed behind the display as shown, the user must reach in back of the display to insert and remove an optical disc. Likely both designs, mine and the one pictured, are thin and would need a good foot piece to keep them from tipping sideways, when used as a tower.

    The way I prefer to position my design is lying flat, under the display. It is about the right size to hold any LCD display, the top being 14 inches wide and 11 inches deep. In this position, it is only 3.25 inches high, and might be called a half depth pizza box design.

    I think the design shown has more volume than necessary, and could be much less deep.

  • Reply 27 of 42
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    So are we suggesting a theme somewhat like the Dell desktops with the tower mounted directly behind the monitor? These systems don't use mobile cpus and gpus though.
  • Reply 28 of 42
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    I want a genuine Mac desktop for the mid-range consumer market.

    If you want genuine, I suggest visiting: The Apple Store

    Now if you want a mid range upgradeable tower... prepare to be amongst the annually disappointed.
  • Reply 29 of 42
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by rageous View Post

    If you want genuine, I suggest visiting: The Apple Store

    Now if you want a mid range upgradeable tower... prepare to be amongst the annually disappointed.

    Oh, I already am. I'm happy as a lark with my Macbook, and eyeing a Mac Pro, but it's just out of my price range. I may end up having to build my own Core 2 Quatro PC later this year if Apple doesn't produce something geared a little more toward my market (the disillusioned early-20s PC gamer). I guess I'd rather my dollars go to Apple than various OEM parts manufacturers, you know?
  • Reply 30 of 42
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    How about just an updated Cube?

    That would be better than nothing, but I would prefer something with 4 DIMM slots.


    In any case I think desktops are kinda passe. I'd rather have a notebook or tablet with a solid docking station that had a couple slots and maybe a bay or two.

    Why not just have a 11" tablet that docked into that Wii-like base station? You could have a full sized monitor next to it if you needed more space. With its own vid card the base could support dual 30" plus your 11" display. Perhaps in some kind of base that let you position it for pen input.


    Because that would be about three times more expensive than just having a desktop. I can't for speak for anyone here, but to me the computer is a tool, not some kind of fashion accessory.
  • Reply 31 of 42
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    That would be better than nothing, but I would prefer something with 4 DIMM slots.

    Because that would be about three times more expensive than just having a desktop. I can't for speak for anyone here, but to me the computer is a tool, not some kind of fashion accessory.

    How valuable to the average person is a tool that needlessly weighs 50 pounds?

    Not very.

    Desktops are for businesses.
  • Reply 32 of 42
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    . . . I can't for speak for anyone here, but to me the computer is a tool, not some kind of fashion accessory.

    So that is the problem with the small tower and pizza box designs. Not classy enough?

    Well, I still have space next to may desk where I can put my next used Mac tower from eBay. In about two or three years I suspect I'll want to replace my aging Quicksilver. If Apple has a nice mid-range desktop before then, I will be very tempted.

    For games, the G5 with an ATI 9800 graphics card may need replacing first, I don't know. I would guess that a small tower with a fast, dual or quad core chip would be good for games, with a good graphics card installed. If Apple doesn't have it, one of today's Mac Pros would be fine, and priced right in a couple years. My son has room in his desk too. He gets the good computers, for games and his computer science homework.

  • Reply 33 of 42
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    Originally Posted by snoopy View Post

    My son has room in his desk too. He gets the good computers, for games and his computer science homework

    Ah, the good old days of Computer Science. "C'mon Dad, I'm in Computer Science class. I need an amazing computer!" The funny part is that Computer Science requires very little power.
  • Reply 34 of 42
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by jvb View Post

    The funny part is that Computer Science requires very little power.

    I know. I occasionally run Xcode on this 733 MHz Quicksilver, single processor, and it does fine. No doubt it takes longer to compile on my computer than the G5.

  • Reply 35 of 42
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    How valuable to the average person is a tool that needlessly weighs 50 pounds?

    Not very.

    Desktops are for businesses.

    Who ever said anything about the average user? We're talking about the above average user here.
  • Reply 36 of 42
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by snoopy View Post

    So that is the problem with the small tower and pizza box designs. Not classy enough?

    I think that's one of their two arguments. The other one is that they'd take sales away from the Mac Pro and iMac.
  • Reply 37 of 42
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member

    I am getting a little optimistic about MWSF with Apple's new home page: ?The first 30 years were just the beginning.? It could be one or two new computer products, hopefully one is a new desktop. Almost any alternative to the iMac would be welcome to plug the hole between the Mac Mini and Mac Pro.

    With that slogan on Apple's home page, they had better have something very special to wow us. Apple has just raised the expectation bar quite a bit. It has got to be something that is not currently expected. Please let it be a new desktop Mac.

  • Reply 38 of 42

    So that is the problem with the small tower and pizza box designs. Not classy enough?

    I think that's one of their two arguments. The other one is that they'd take sales away from the Mac Pro and iMac.

    I think the first point is fair. Shuttle and Pizza design in the main, like phones, hasn't been cracked yet.

    I'd bet on Apple to change that.

    I'd still like to see an x Mac or Mac Maxi to fit in between the mini and tower markets. Or merely a Mac Pro with Conroe priced more aggressively.

    It would of course cannibalize the iMac and Pro to a degree. I hope Apple addresses this area in their line up.

    Selling 2 million computers. It's getting to the point that maybe some people need a little more choice from Apple if they're going on to sell 2.5-3 million computers per quarter.

    The new approach to configuring the Mac Pro shows they could easily add in options for the Conroe and price lower accordingly. I'd expect this approach.

    But a sexy conroe slim line tower? Not out of the question...

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 39 of 42
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    Or merely a Mac Pro with Conroe priced more aggressively.

    That's what I want to see.
  • Reply 40 of 42
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    That's what I want to see.

    I think we all agree that a high end Core 2 Extreme based Mac Pro around that $1600 price point is possible, perhaps even probable.

    However the SFF Cube and Tablet markets are potential areas for Apple to create a growth market. Yes, merely potential but if you don't swing for the fence you never get a home run. Perhaps UMPC via the iPod line is more likely...

    Kinda a shame that Apple tried the Newton and Cube a bit before their time. They could make killer ones today at reasonable prices.

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