New Mac Pro 8-core Clovertown will be come out...?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Until now I'm still waiting for it....

it really....will coming out...?

is true...?


  • Reply 1 of 25
    Dont you worry sir !

    It shouldnt even be 2 more months.

    Im 97.5% sure it will happen in the next month, and am 99.5% sure it will happen within next 2 months.

    Not too much longer (I hope !)
  • Reply 2 of 25
    Great to hear that news...

    and thanks...

    ......I'm already stanby by for this 8-core...and I hope it true..

    ....and order from apple.
  • Reply 3 of 25
    The Quad core Mac Pro's were anounced aproximatly a month after Intel anounced the chips...a good bet would be mid February. Also Adobe is prepping a release of CS 3 which will be UB and run naively on the new Intel chips. Adobe seems to have a bit of a renewed interest in the Mac platform, and they might be willing to do a joint press release on the release of CS3/Mac Pro's. Last, an anouncement of the shipping time of Leopard would go over well with the release of the Mac Pro's. It seams logical to me that Mac Pro's will be released at a press conference in Feb, possibly with Adobe on stage, along with updated monitors and a shipping date for Leopard.
  • Reply 4 of 25
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    This is a perfect example of one of those threads you want to stop before it starts getting out of hand.

    No one knows for sure when the next Mac Pro revision is coming out, and/or if Apple is even going to use the quad core processors. If Apple can get better performance with a higher speed dual core processor setup I would much rather have one of those.

    Rumor (as in what I've glanced at in here) is that these 4 core processors are not showing that great of performance gains over the current dual core processors, and in some cases lesser performance. Although I do think Apple will revamp with dual socket quad core processor configurations I can not tell which, if any, software developers have made attempts at coding for these processors. If there are no apps taking advantage of this feature there really isn't much of a point in upgrading is there? Although I'd bet leopard will destroy Vista with optimizations for multi-cores. Apple has been coding for multi core, and multi processors forever, and I have no doubt they are squeezing every gain they can out of an eight core system.
  • Reply 5 of 25
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    This is a perfect example of one of those threads you want to stop before it starts getting out of hand.

    No one knows for sure when the next Mac Pro revision is coming out, and/or if Apple is even going to use the quad core processors. If Apple can get better performance with a higher speed dual core processor setup I would much rather have one of those.

    Rumor (as in what I've glanced at in here) is that these 4 core processors are not showing that great of performance gains over the current dual core processors, and in some cases lesser performance. Although I do think Apple will revamp with dual socket quad core processor configurations I can not tell which, if any, software developers have made attempts at coding for these processors. If there are no apps taking advantage of this feature there really isn't much of a point in upgrading is there? Although I'd bet leopard will destroy Vista with optimizations for multi-cores. Apple has been coding for multi core, and multi processors forever, and I have no doubt they are squeezing every gain they can out of an eight core system.

    I agree Onlooker,

    I am itching to buy the octo-core now, But I think Apple will wait until WWDC and have the MacPro redesign and new displays. a whole new system with the Octo-core.

    On top of that Leopard will be here and Adobe probably will have CS3 out. So it makes more sense to have this new MacPro machine taking 100% advatage of native power with Leopard and CS3.
  • Reply 6 of 25
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by gugy View Post

    I agree Onlooker,

    I am itching to buy the octo-core now, But I think Apple will wait until WWDC and have the MacPro redesign and new displays. a whole new system with the Octo-core.

    On top of that Leopard will be here and Adobe probably will have CS3 out. So it makes more sense to have this new MacPro machine taking 100% advatage of native power with Leopard and CS3.

    I am thinking that Leopard will be no latter than late April, and I would expect to want a brand new set of Macs more so than just the Mac Pro by then. But what Apple does is sometimes pretty hard to predict. Especailly with so many new things happening, like the Phone, and TV, and maybe new products that we have no idea about yet. (wishful thinking)
  • Reply 7 of 25
    leonardleonard Posts: 528member
    Your not the only one itchin' to buy a new Mac Pro... so am I... and for some strange reason I seem to have somehow saved up almost enough money for it too. That's a new one, usually I only have half the money ready. I might even splurge for an Apple Display if they lower the prices a little.

    Hopefully we'll see new Mac Pro's by the end of February.
  • Reply 8 of 25
    Originally Posted by @homenow View Post

    The Quad core Mac Pro's

    There are no Quad-core Mac Pros only 2 x dual-core Xeons. There's a huge difference between a true quad-core and 2 dual-cores. Btw, Intels quad-core is not a true quad-core just 2 dual-cores taped together. AMD's Barcelona is a true quad-core chip.
  • Reply 9 of 25
    after reading a magazine about a 16 processor chip, octo core isn't really much... but it cost something around 10grand with a 16processor chip with something crazy like 30gb of ram... super computers are crazy...
  • Reply 10 of 25
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Originally Posted by DVD_Junkie View Post

    There are no Quad-core Mac Pros only 2 x dual-core Xeons. There's a huge difference between a true quad-core and 2 dual-cores. Btw, Intels quad-core is not a true quad-core just 2 dual-cores taped together. AMD's Barcelona is a true quad-core chip.

    zomfg ! Has anyone told this to Apple ? What will they do ?

    Better switch to AMD, I guess.
  • Reply 11 of 25
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,825member
    Originally Posted by ryderpat06 View Post

    Great to hear that news...

    This is a news site after all.

    Originally Posted by @homenow View Post

    ... and run naively on the new Intel chips.

    It does that now!

    Originally Posted by Leonard View Post

    Hopefully we'll see new Mac Pro's by the end of February.

    Amen to that!
  • Reply 12 of 25
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by ryderpat06 View Post

    Until now I'm still waiting for it....

    it really....will coming out...?

    is true...?

    Unfortunately it will come out when Apple is good and ready. I was hoping the move to intel would lead to more timely updates. It looks like Apple is playing the same old game and this time we can't blame motorola and IBM for not having the CPUs ready.
  • Reply 13 of 25
    bevosbevos Posts: 59member
    I think Apple will go a timed professional software combo announcement with a 8 core. E.g. Adobe CS 3, Final Cut Pro Studio 6.0, or Aperture 2.0. And new high resolution LCDs with iSight's.
  • Reply 14 of 25
    Originally Posted by Leonard View Post

    Your not the only one itchin' to buy a new Mac Pro... so am I... and for some strange reason I seem to have somehow saved up almost enough money for it too. That's a new one, usually I only have half the money ready. I might even splurge for an Apple Display if they lower the prices a little.

    Hopefully we'll see new Mac Pro's by the end of February.

    He said coming in Ealier 2007 ...May be come out in Spring


    Quarters are often like this:

    Jan-Mar - Winter

    April-Jun - Spring

    Jul-Sept - Summer

    Oct-Dec - Fall
  • Reply 15 of 25
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    If those quarters are indeed correct then it looks like Leopard will be announced in WWDC ><

    ( in my little mind i always think Jun is already summer )
  • Reply 16 of 25
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Well, I couldn't wait any longer and pick my beast up tomorrow.

    I have a feeling Apple may delay the release of the Octo's - I hope not for those of you who are waiting.

    I really think the big hoohaa at NAB (mid April) will all be about Mac Pro Octo and 4k from RedOne -

    phhsst 2k ? whassdat ? That's some old film resolution ain't it ? LOL

    The age of Digital Cinema looms - can't help but feel Apple are going to do a big marketing push around then. Of course they may be waiting for existing inventory to drop or stock of the octo's to build. I don't know.

    Just seems too big of an opportunity to pass on - Red camera at 4k, Octo monster handling it with ease, hell, maybe that's when they'll lift the lid on new displays (PureSpec™).

    Good luck waiting ....

    edit: oh yeah - FCP 6 is a gimme at NAB as well.

    Add that into the PureSpec™ mix and the whole ball of wax err, could start to stick.
  • Reply 17 of 25
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,825member
    Originally Posted by RobM View Post

    Well, I couldn't wait any longer and pick my beast up tomorrow.

    I have a feeling Apple may delay the release of the Octo's - I hope not for those of you who are waiting.

    I really think the big hoohaa at NAB (mid April) will all be about Mac Pro Octo and 4k from RedOne -

    phhsst 2k ? whassdat ? That's some old film resolution ain't it ? LOL

    The age of Digital Cinema looms - can't help but feel Apple are going to do a big marketing push around then. Of course they may be waiting for existing inventory to drop or stock of the octo's to build. I don't know.

    Just seems too big of an opportunity to pass on - Red camera at 4k, Octo monster handling it with ease, hell, maybe that's when they'll lift the lid on new displays (PureSpec?).

    Good luck waiting ....

    edit: oh yeah - FCP 6 is a gimme at NAB as well.

    Add that into the PureSpec? mix and the whole ball of wax err, could start to stick.

    I might wait for the Octo-Octo core Mac Pro Pro, that way I won't be disappointed at buying just too soon.

    Enjoy the beast! (I mean - get some serious work done!)
  • Reply 18 of 25
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    I might wait for the Octo-Octo core Mac Pro Pro, that way I won't be disappointed at buying just too soon.

    Enjoy the beast! (I mean - get some serious work done!)

    heh - yup. That's exactly why I HAD to buy.

    I posted lasted week that I would buy last week - in the vain hope that a couple of planets would collide in Steve's brain and he'd announce them.

    I would be ready to swoop !

    hmm - that didn't work ...

    Guess he must be smarter than me :-)

    Well. now I've bought - it's GOTTA be any day.

    Although I still think PureSpec™ has some merit. If only for speculation ... we will see.

    edit : I've been here before and on the other side of announcements.

    No biggie - I need now.

    If for some compelling reason there was an immediate reason to upgrade to an Octo then what the hey - flog off the month and half old beast and replace it.

    Might lose a few $$$ changing over - done that before as well :-)

    It's a funny old game ....
  • Reply 19 of 25
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,825member
    Originally Posted by RobM View Post

    heh - yup. That's exactly why I HAD to buy.

    I posted lasted week that I would buy last week - in the vain hope that a couple of planets would collide in Steve's brain and he'd announce them.

    I would be ready to swoop !

    hmm - that didn't work ...

    Guess he must be smarter than me :-)

    Well. now I've bought - it's GOTTA be any day.

    Although I still think PureSpec? has some merit. If only for speculation ... we will see.

    Should be great! Your machine will be productive and relevant for years.
  • Reply 20 of 25
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    Should be great! Your machine will be productive and relevant for years.

    hell, yes!

    Not worried at all really - absolutely looking forward to it !

    I've been without a tower for the last 2 years, didn't buy into the G5 at all. Running my business off a G4 pb - but the time is NOW.

    I need expansion - and to throw in an AJA Kona card.

    Huge job coming up. Can't afford to screw around - might be driver incompatibilities with the Octo's who knows ?

    Shoot there's all sorts of things that sometimes you have to wait for. Support from third party devs is one of them.
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