Extremes enroute to Apple stores; Apple TV to follow



  • Reply 61 of 71
    I lucked out and found one today at an Apple store in Tigard, Oregon. Check out a small review and some pictures here.

    Might be worth calling some stores tomorrow morning first thing to see if they got some in today.
  • Reply 62 of 71
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    It's a sedimentary rock like sandstone but with bigger harder particles in it.

    The industrial revolution happened around here partly because of the local geology and partly because of the weather. We've big gritstone hills with lots of water flowing down them because it rains a lot. Where I am in the Pennines is just about the wettest place in the country. The high rainfall level off the hills can turn water wheels. The hard gritstone just happens to be perfect for milling. Add the two together and you've the start of the industrial revolution.

    My house is built from gritstone. It's about 180 years old and the walls are between 30 and 45cm thick solid stone. It makes sighting wireless networking hardware fun and you go through drill bits a lot if you've got to put cables in.

    See http://www.stonemason.co.uk/html/body_detail.html

    My fireplace is not too dissimilar to that although that's finished to a higher standard. Much of my house is much coarser stonework. I've a church arch in my kitchen for instance that's about 300 year old since the builders reused bits from other buildings.

    Interesting. It's not a term I learned in Geology. It's also not a term from my building stone books. Another British difference in description.
  • Reply 63 of 71
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by canadianmacguy View Post

    I lucked out and found one today at an Apple store in Tigard, Oregon. Check out a small review and some pictures here.

    Might be worth calling some stores tomorrow morning first thing to see if they got some in today.

    Your reviews and pictures are very excellent. This is the first real information we're starting to get. Since you are setting it up as 802.11N-only at 5ghz, you should be able to get throughput between two computers of around 200-300megabit/sec? Can you test this for us? Like a file transfer into the USB hard disk or file transfer between two connected Macs say 10-20 feet apart? And measure the speed using Activity Monitor or something else?
  • Reply 64 of 71
    Originally Posted by canadianmacguy View Post

    I lucked out and found one today at an Apple store in Tigard, Oregon. Check out a small review and some pictures here.

    Might be worth calling some stores tomorrow morning first thing to see if they got some in today.

    Congrats on getting one, I'm happy for you. Glad to hear it works well.

    I am, however, bummed at Apple. I ordered one directly from Apple on the day it was announced and even though they are shipping earlier than promised, I have to wait longer than someone who can just go buy one.

    EDIT: Got shipment notification. Should be here Tuesday.
  • Reply 65 of 71
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    All I know is at high school in Singapore and Australia whenever I started a sentence with And or But in an English essay or assignment, I'd get marks taken off

    Still I was pretty much Straight As on English almost all the way through high school....!!! Yeeeeaahhhh biaaatch.....! So much has changed. I used to be a well-mannered, goody-goody kid. Now look at me.

    Here's an example of the "---- are", I was talking about. Right here in our little AI world!

    Read the last paragraph, and also see where he is from. You'll see more than one instance, with the other being "have", rather than "has".

  • Reply 66 of 71
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Here's an example of the "---- are", I was talking about. Right here in our little AI world!

    -Read the last paragraph, and also see where he is from. You'll see more than one instance, with the other being "have", rather than "has".


    Hmm.. Yeah I don't think the two posters talking there have good grammar skills in general.

    (Yeaaahhhh I think I used "have" above correctly )
  • Reply 67 of 71
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    Hmm.. Yeah I don't think the two posters talking there have good grammar skills in general.

    (Yeaaahhhh I think I used "have" above correctly )

    Except that, for over there, it is correct.
  • Reply 68 of 71
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    All I know is at high school in Singapore and Australia whenever I started a sentence with And or But in an English essay or assignment, I'd get marks taken off

    Still I was pretty much Straight As on English almost all the way through high school....!!! Yeeeeaahhhh biaaatch.....! So much has changed. I used to be a well-mannered, goody-goody kid. Now look at me.

    Melgross, I don't think starting sentences with And and But is good grammer here in the States. I was taught like Sunil, you try not to do that. At least in English class.
  • Reply 69 of 71
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    I expect Apple to have a higher than usual number of returns on these once people realize that a lot of video from outside the iTunes Store won't play on it, or that it won't hook up to their TV, etc. It was a great idea, but Apple really fell through on the specs.

    The funny thing about statements like this. Is that the only way I could say something like this is if I truly believed Apple were run by a bunch of complete idiots.


    According to this, Elgato already have a means of enabling the AppleTV to access EyeTV content.

    Yes I've mention this in other threads where people were bemoaning the lack of a DVR. People ignored it and continued with their complaining.
  • Reply 70 of 71
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    And, yes, I start sentences with "But". It's considered to be proper.

    But, I also start sentences with "And", which is also considered to be proper.

    Starting with a conjunction is fine...as long as you don't end up with a fragment.

  • Reply 71 of 71
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    Melgross, I don't think starting sentences with And and But is good grammer here in the States. I was taught like Sunil, you try not to do that. At least in English class.

    It's considered to be alright. It's colloquial, informal writing.

    It can be difficult.

    "At least in English class." is not a sentence, for example.
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