2007 HD-DVD and/or Blue-Ray Buying Plans



  • Reply 21 of 29
    I recently bought a 37" Dell LCD TV and the few Blu-ray movies I have are brilliant on it! It's also easier to find selections of Blu-ray movies in my city compared to HD-DVD. Unfortunately, neither format has any movies that I want that I don't already own on DVD, so for the time being I'm mostly re-buying movies. In fact, no movie I really want will be on Blu-ray until June. Oh well, things are no better on the HD-DVD side.

    A friend of mine bought the $200 HD-DVD add-on for his XBOX 360 and he isn't too happy with it. He doesn't like the sloppiness of having a separate drive for HD movies and is ticked that no HD-DVD games will be released. He is considering dumping the XBOX and getting a PS3 instead.

    Like I said earlier in the topic, the second Apple has a Blu-ray MacBook Pro I'm buying it. I have a feeling that the iMacs and Mac Pros will see Blu-ray long before the portables though.
  • Reply 22 of 29
    I voted for not buying in 2007, BUT, LG and at least one other manufacturer have already announced a player that will read both formats. It's just a player though. So, really, who cares who wins?

  • Reply 23 of 29
    I am anti-HD-DVD because I'm anti-Microsoft :-)
  • Reply 24 of 29
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I think this poll should be reset. With the new direction that Blu-Ray has taken in Price, availability, and the considerable lead they have taken I think this poll could be looking a bit different now.
  • Reply 25 of 29
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by CharlesP2009 View Post

    I am anti-HD-DVD because I'm anti-Microsoft :-)

    HD DVD isn't Microsoft. They make an Xbox HD DVD add on and they develop VC-1 but other than their support of HD DVD they haven't invested much more than they have in Blu-ray.
  • Reply 26 of 29
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by CharlesP2009 View Post

    A friend of mine bought the $200 HD-DVD add-on for his XBOX 360 and he isn't too happy with it. He doesn't like the sloppiness of having a separate drive for HD movies and is ticked that no HD-DVD games will be released. He is considering dumping the XBOX and getting a PS3 instead.


    Your friend is employing and idiots logic. What exactly does he think games on HD DVD would do? They won't look or sound or play better. So he's now considering dumping the best gaming console for a PS3 which has fewer games and a cobbled together online system. When are you going to smack some sense into this guy? The PS3 is not ready to match the Xbox 360 in many areas.
  • Reply 27 of 29
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Your friend is employing and idiots logic. What exactly does he think games on HD DVD would do? They won't look or sound or play better.

    Unless, of course, they took advantage of the extra space for larger, more varied textures; or higher quality, surround sound. In which case they'd look and sound better.


    So he's now considering dumping the best gaming console for a PS3 which has fewer games and a cobbled together online system. When are you going to smack some sense into this guy? The PS3 is not ready to match the Xbox 360 in many areas.

    My Intellivision also has more games than the PS3. Are you implying that that makes it a superior system? Also, I'm really sure that his friend is going to be really upset about not being able to post his game scores online.

    Anyway, who was employing idiot's logic here?
  • Reply 28 of 29
    Well considering the XBOX has a one year jump on the PS3 I'm not making any judgments. Sony could really build up the online abilities and people already know of the great games in the pipeline.

    As for the 360 and HD-DVD, he assumed that the HD-DVD add on would eventually mean Microsoft could develop HD-DVD games which could make use of the extra storage.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Your friend is employing and idiots logic. What exactly does he think games on HD DVD would do? They won't look or sound or play better. So he's now considering dumping the best gaming console for a PS3 which has fewer games and a cobbled together online system. When are you going to smack some sense into this guy? The PS3 is not ready to match the Xbox 360 in many areas.

  • Reply 29 of 29
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    Unless, of course, they took advantage of the extra space for larger, more varied textures; or higher quality, surround sound. In which case they'd look and sound better.

    My Intellivision also has more games than the PS3. Are you implying that that makes it a superior system? Also, I'm really sure that his friend is going to be really upset about not being able to post his game scores online.

    Anyway, who was employing idiot's logic here?

    Certainly not me. Resistance of Man is the PS3 Raison D'etre. It's nice but one game isn't going to suffice for most gamers. With the Xbox 360 I have

    Halo 2 and soon 3

    Gears of War

    Lost Planet

    and upcoming you have Mass Efffect and Alan Wake in addition to updates to Forza and other racing games. The Xbox marketplace handles everything from new games to movie purchases in 720p HD and is far more slick than the PS3. Sony won't hit 4 million PS3 until Summer at best. By then they'll be behind the Xbox 360 by an odd 10 million units in the US.

    The idea was that the Cell processor was going to deliver games beyond reproach and frankly if you compare Call of Duty on both platforms the Xbox version probably looks and plays better. I'm not saying that the PS3 won't show it's power advantage in the future but clearly it is a more difficult console to develop for.

    I don't have an affinity for Microsoft despite being a Washingtonian and having friends that work there. I have to admit ...Microsoft is leveraging their skills much better. It sucks to have a external box for clutter but that same drive can hook up to a HTPC or computer with PowerDVD and playback movies there as well. It's far more flexible

    I'd recommend this guy keep his Xbox 360 and wait for a kickass deal for a PS3. There he has excellent game support and access to all HD movies. I'm not calling the guy and idiot but questioning whether his logical reasoning here isn't a bit idiotic. I'm sure he could defend himself fine if he was here. He may not like any of the Xbox games coming. We don't know.
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