Adding an audio track to a video

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have a couple videos that I need to add a separate audio file to and synchronize so I can save them as one video or burn them to a DVD. I would go through iMovie, but one of the videos is an AVI file and also iMovie files take up to much space. Anyone know a way, or a program to do this.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    santasanta Posts: 67member

    Anything you use will take up the same amount of space as iMovie, so just give in & use it. \

    iMovie will import AVI files. Import them to iPhoto first, then import to iMovie from there, or Drag n' Drop straight into the iMovie Clip line.

    Use something like Audacity to record any voiceover track and suitably amplify it, before importing it into iMovie.

    iMovie, iPhoto & iTunes are so well integrated that it's a waste of time for anyone to use another program, IMHO.


  • Reply 2 of 2
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,410moderator
    Originally Posted by Santa View Post

    Anything you use will take up the same amount of space as iMovie, so just give in & use it. \

    Not quite. imovie converts everything - by default to DV, which is one of the formats that takes up the most space. This is completely unnecessary for adding audio to an AVI. Any conversion will lose quality.

    The program D-Vision has a tools section that lets you do exactly this.
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