I am very confused by StrangeDogs.Com

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Is it a Mac site or a puppy breeding site or both or just a parody or what


It looks like an abomination of nature.

Okay I get it they breed dogs and they like Macs

My brain is melting.


  • Reply 1 of 37
    ROFLMAO at one of the posts: "New pups? A funny post at Apple DIscussions had somebody get referred here. They posted back at Apple that they probably wouldn't bother with Card Flashing but may be getting a "Mystical Chinese Crested". Was funny to read."
  • Reply 2 of 37
    I don't know what to say...

    I don't think anyone can.
  • Reply 3 of 37
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    I had the same reaction. I was looking for a forum about flashing PC graphics cards for Macs and that site was linked to and I was like, but this is about shaved poodles, this can't be right. Certainly the strangest mix of interests I've ever seen.
  • Reply 4 of 37
    I think it's a terrorist site...

    Yep. Definitely a terrorist site. There's a link to it on aljazeera.net
  • Reply 5 of 37
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    "For the love of God, won't someone please kill me and end my suffering?"

    Puts me in mind of the botched Ripley clones in Aliens 4.
  • Reply 6 of 37
    Originally Posted by addabox

    "For the love of God, won't someone please kill me and end my suffering?"

    Puts me in mind of the botched Ripley clones in Aliens 4.

    A dog is just a dog until he looks you in the eye, and then he is OMG what the hell is THAT!?!? Well thanks guys. Looks like it's back to therapy for me.
  • Reply 7 of 37
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by [alloc init]

    A dog is just a dog until he looks you in the eye, and then he is OMG what the hell is THAT!?!? Well thanks guys. Looks like it's back to therapy for me.

    Forgot about my sig.
  • Reply 8 of 37
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    I think it's a terrorist site...Yep. Definitely a terrorist site. There's a link to it on aljazeera.net

    Yeah anything that has arabic weird squiggles on it must be a terrorist thing.

    (Yeah I know (assume?) you were joking)

    In Malaysia you can get AlJazeera (It's a news channel for those that don't know) alongside CNN, BBC, StarNews (Rupert Murdoch's Asia News), and DW-TV (German International news) on Satellite.
  • Reply 9 of 37
    Originally Posted by addabox

    Puts me in mind of the botched Ripley clones in Aliens 4.

    Yes. Glad I'm not the only one that was like WTF????????
  • Reply 10 of 37
    Originally Posted by [alloc init]

    A dog is just a dog until he looks you in the eye, and then he is OMG what the hell is THAT!?!? Well thanks guys. Looks like it's back to therapy for me.

  • Reply 11 of 37
    Originally Posted by addabox

    "For the love of God, won't someone please kill me and end my suffering?"

    While the PC-Mac Graphics Card Flashing stuff is good, someone needs to get the SPCA/ ASPCA (USA)/ RSPCA (UK/Aus) on the case.
  • Reply 12 of 37
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    I think it's a terrorist site... Yep. Definitely a terrorist site. There's a link to it on aljazeera.net

    Looks like this week it's a Flash tutorial on how to hide explosives in a regular-looking yummy pie and detonate it by mobile phone... Possibly to assasinate those two guys in front, whoever the frig they are. The secret-service-type-dude in the back looks kinda scary though. He looks like he could put you in a headlock and break your ribs before you can even say "I'm not a terror...." *UGGHH* ... Can you tell I've been watching a lot of 24 lately? Jack Bauer is the McGuyver of the new millenium...! Heh.

  • Reply 13 of 37
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    In Malaysia you can get AlJazeera (It's a news channel for those that don't know) alongside CNN, BBC, StarNews (Rupert Murdoch's Asia News), and DW-TV (German International news) on Satellite.

    I'm still waiting on Dish Network to offer the same programming here in the states. Hopefully in a year or so they may offer it in high def...
  • Reply 14 of 37
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    I'm still waiting on Dish Network to offer the same programming here in the states. Hopefully in a year or so they may offer it in high def...

    If you get AlJazeera it's all in Arabic though. In Malaysia when they have say 6 hours of AlJazeera programming they show it with a translated voiceover from Arabic to Malaysian.

    AlJazeera is a pretty big news network though so maybe they sell their programming with an option of supplied English translation voice over the Arabic.
  • Reply 15 of 37
    I was kidding.
  • Reply 16 of 37
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    Is it a Mac site or a puppy breeding site or both or just a parody or what


    It looks like an abomination of nature.

    Okay I get it they breed dogs and they like Macs

    My brain is melting.

    It might not be a site about dogs or terrorism, but it's certainly a site about fraud. It looks like people have lost thousands of dollars buying video cards from one of their moderators, this guy (or girl) named Rubytuesday.

    There's a whole list of complaints on their website under "People Stolen by Ruby" and it's also on Arstechnica and MacLife. And it looks like the Strangedogs website has banned all the people who got ripped off even! Every time someone posts a complaint about this, they disappear. Now that really sux. This site is definitely the year's winner of the Discredit to the Mac Community Award if there ever was such an award. I think I'd trust Aljazeera more! lol
  • Reply 17 of 37
    Well, how the hell do you think the "terrists" get their funding?
  • Reply 18 of 37
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    Well, how the hell do you think the "terrists" get their funding?

    Somebody's gettin funding alright, the owner or moderators at www.strangedogs.com, and probably a few other websites they must be paying off to keep quiet about this below. I first saw this at MacLife where somebody posted a link to Strangedogs, but Strangedogs immediately blocked all direct links to their website. Apparently they are in hiding, maybe from the police. I dunno. These people below have posted their complaints about Strangedogs on a bunch of websites ( MacLife and Arstechnica ), but most forums are deleting their complaints because the Strangedogs website must have alot of influence in these forums or there is some kinda money deal goin on. So, if you think this is a bad deal below, make sure you let them know at the websites that promote Strangedogs.com and cover up this fraud.

    Cubeowner.com website and forums (wholeheartedly recommends Strangedogs.com in their FAQ, all negative posts about strangedogs.com are deleted, and positive ones are left ok, even allows strangedogs posts that advertise graphics cards not unlike the ones below to this day!)

    Insidemacgames.com forums (deletes/bans any negative Strangedogs posts, allowed a strangedogs moderator to specifically promote a 5 thousand dollar+ fraud below and here's this guy's InsideMacGames approved sales pitch!)

    Barefeats.com website (does strangedogs reviews and wholeheartedly recommends Strangedogs.com and specifically the person below who committed this fraud as well as another Strangedogs suspended Ebay seller with a suspiciously similar name)

    MacNN.com forums (bans anyone who posts anything negative about strangedogs.com while allowing promotional and advertising plugs in their forums for strangedogs.com on a regular basis)

    It appears all of these websites either purposefully or accidently contributed to the people below losing nearly 5 THOUSAND dollars and the list is incomplete because most of the complaints are being deleted at Strangedogs.com and also, of course, at the above websites on a daily basis. Who knows how many people got ripped off because all of those websites are covering it up! What a disservice to the Mac community!

    If you don't believe the above, below is directly from Strangedogs itself (it's probably been deleted there by now I'm sure) ....

    Topic: People stolen by "Ruby", uncomplete list... (Read 376 times)


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    \tPeople stolen by "Ruby", uncomplete list...

    « Thread Started on Nov 15, 2006, 9:48pm »\t[Quote]

    This tentative list was posted at different locations,

    under other very private forums and the like.

    But due to the actual buzz, could anybody

    still waiting a card from RT post here

    succinctly, as of Nov 16th:

    Name, order date, ref, price,

    and preferred contact.

    Thanks in advance.

    « Last Edit: Nov 15, 2006, 9:52pm by gerard »\tLink to Post - Back to Top IP: Logged


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    \tRe: People stolen by "Ruby", uncomplete list...

    « Reply #1 on Nov 16, 2006, 6:22am »\t[Quote]


    28 juli 2006

    7800 GTX 512

    $775 (inc shipping)

    contact: PM

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    \tRe: People stolen by "Ruby", uncomplete list...

    « Reply #2 on Nov 16, 2006, 6:33am »\t[Quote]


    june 2006

    7800 GTX 256 QCooler

    $600 (inc shipping)

    contact: PM

    « Last Edit: Nov 16, 2006, 6:34am by gerard »\tLink to Post - Back to Top IP: Logged


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    \tRe: People stolen by "Ruby", uncomplete list...

    « Reply #3 on Nov 16, 2006, 1:43pm »\t[Quote]


    June 23/06

    7800 GTX 512

    $765 US (incl. shipping)


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    \tRe: People stolen by "Ruby", uncomplete list...

    « Reply #4 on Nov 16, 2006, 6:26pm »\t[Quote]

    Wired Him the cash for a 7800 GTX 512

    July 27/06

    $795 US ( incl. shipping) (this transfer to his account cost me over 1100.00 Canadian)


    7900 GTX 256

    Late Oct/06

    Requested Replacement or Refund my money.

    I just want what I paid for.

    Never heard from him again after many many attempts.


    « Last Edit: Nov 16, 2006, 6:29pm by phdave »\tLink to Post - Back to Top IP: Logged


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    \tRe: People stolen by "Ruby", uncomplete list...

    « Reply #5 on Nov 17, 2006, 7:11am »\t[Quote]

    Hello all,

    I am C. Diepenheim Duursma from Holland

    I ordered a 7800GTX for 575 $

    Paid in july 2006

    I had contact twice after the payment.

    I want a refund.

    A lot mails to him but no answer.

    I go to the FBI (internet fraud) and like todo more but in Europe......


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    \tRe: People stolen by "Ruby", uncomplete list...

    « Reply #6 on Nov 17, 2006, 1:32pm »\t[Quote]


    Payment received 6/26.

    RT email confirmation of payment received on 7/2



    PM or email

    Prefer refund

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  • Reply 19 of 37
    hardeeharharhardeeharhar Posts: 4,841member
    Hello, Mitch?

    Have you thought to contact your local Attorney General and better business bureau?

    If you have evidence of fraud, you shouldn't be vetting it on apple forums, because it makes you look like a weasel instead of someone with a legitimate fraud complaint.
  • Reply 20 of 37
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Wow. Weird.
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