SMC Wireless Problem

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hi. I am running Shaw Internet, through a SMC 2894WBR Router. In the past day, the router has decided to stop working. My computer can connect to it, it will register and give activity on the Shaw network, but it will not connect my computer to the internet through it (Wireless or wired). When I look through the preferences, under internet, it says "Disconnected". After resets, power offs, and switching cables/checking connections, it still does this. The computer connects to the internet when wire into the Shaw modem.

Any clue how to fix this? I'm kind of lost

(P.S. this is after I had upgraded to 10.4.9, about a week to two weeks afterwards)



  • Reply 1 of 1
    Gave up and bought a new router. Though I still ahve the old one if anyone can think of how to fix it, sometime in the next 30 days.....Best Buy will still take the return.
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