Rumour Roundup: Apple NAB new products and software April 15 Sunday..!



  • Reply 41 of 53
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by DoctorRobert View Post


    At me local Mac dealership and recently at a conference/exhibition I had quite a number of video/ad/music pros asking about moving onto MacIntels. The time is here. Final Cut Studio 2 [Final Cut Pro 6 + all these other goodies...]

    MacBookPro for SD/ HDV (1080i) (??) editing ... Move to 4 core MacPros with 4GB to 8GB RAM... alongside CS3.

    Frack the Leopard delay. This stuff is ready to go on secure, stable, Tiger platform.

    ....Da MacBookPro for HD 1080p to 4K editing with I/O HD breakout box thingy... Hmm...
  • Reply 42 of 53
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    In the country where I'm at now, looks like they might skip film and all that cost, and make movies straight from 1080 24-60p acquisition and FinalCutStudio the thing. Final print out to film for projection in theatres.

    Reviewing the "filming" onsite on a MacBookPro... with the I/O HD, better than waiting for the "dailies"... ? AFAIK...
  • Reply 43 of 53
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    12:16pm - With a Mac Pro 8-core with this sample it will take us 16:45 in Compressor 2. In Compressor 3 it's down almost 3x to 6:02. I've encoded a 10 minute clip in less than ten minutes. Compressor 3 demo time.

    12:20pm - Easy to use preset list that covers "pretty much any device on the planet you'd want to export to." Custom default presets, drag groups of batch preset encodes. Preview overlays and watermarks with a before and after slider. Integrated chapter markers.

    12:23pm - Easy to spread multiple threads across as many processor cores as you want -- demo shows octo-core encoding jump to 100% across all eight cores. Shows live bookmarks in video, publishing to iTunes. All done! server seems to be pounded right now.

    8 CORES AT 100% LOAD. OMFG
  • Reply 44 of 53
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    At me local Mac dealership and recently at a conference/exhibition I had quite a number of video/ad/music pros asking about moving onto MacIntels. The time is here. Final Cut Studio 2 [Final Cut Pro 6 + all these other goodies...]

    MacBookPro for SD/ HDV (1080i) (??) editing ... Move to 4 core MacPros with 4GB to 8GB RAM... alongside CS3.

    Frack the Leopard delay. This stuff is ready to go on secure, stable, Tiger platform.

    ....Da MacBookPro for HD 1080p to 4K editing with I/O HD breakout box thingy... Hmm...

    Yeah, I don't know much about video, but the whole presentation (and its implications) seems pretty breakthrough.
  • Reply 45 of 53
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    12:24pm - "Compressor rounds out the new Final Cut Studio 2. As you see, we've put our attention to the delivery side. All these products are included: still $1299. We've also made it really easy to upgrade, the move to FCS2 for $499. We've made it just $699 upgrade for any version of FCP from the beginning."

    12:25pm - Final Cut Studio is available next month. "Let's go back a ways to NAB 1999." Shows crappy old box... "I know, we MADE that box! It's weird. We learned. Pro quality editing workstations cost upwards of $100k back then -- we wanted to bring that power to everyone. A democratization of the editing process."
  • Reply 46 of 53
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member has stopped broadcasting.

    Redirects to

    Apple introduced a number of updates at the National Association of Broadcasters conference today:

    Final Cut Server

    - $999 for 10 concurrent users

    - $1999 for unlimited users

    Final Cut Studio 2

    - Final Cut Pro 6, Motion 3, Soundtrack Pro 2

    Apple ProRes 422 Format

    - Next-gen Post Production format

    - Uncompressed HD quality at SD file sizes

    - 10-bit, 4:2:2, full raster, VBR


    - Hardware box that provides realtime conversion into ProRes 422

    - Available in July

    - $3495
  • Reply 47 of 53
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    12:27pm - "We want to do for color grading what we've done for editing. We're introducing a new application today: Color. Real time application color grading. I want to turn our attention to FCP editors the Coen Brothers." Showing a colorization demo from the Coen. Stylized color in O Brother... brownificated.
  • Reply 48 of 53
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Ok. It's 3.30am now for me. I am dead tired. I'll catch up over the next few weeks on what is da happenings.

    Ongoing good coverage at Engadget

    Peace out.
  • Reply 49 of 53
    Here's the last bit for you guys not wanting to click on the link.

    12:30pm - "Color is revolutionary and helpful. It seems calculated to appeal to us, we make movies from beginning to end."

    12:31pm - "It's designed to be a natural extention of FCP. Same UI for 3-way color correction with RGB and luma curves, lift, gamma, gain, visualization of color in 3D space. Mattes from chroma, luma, saturation, custom vignettes, hue and saturation curves. Color effects -- string them together with a node tree. And Geometry. Bring all four of these things together and get what you want: a signature look."

    12:32pm - Demo from David Gross, FOX Australia.

    12:40pm - Showing gradients and multiple secondaries. Auto-balance tool for contrast, color, etc., and makes automated colorization adjustments. Drag and drop grades from clip to clip. #d scope, all the pixels representation of pixels in a frame. "It's like a lamp post, the lights at the top and the shadows at the bottom -- with a ring of color. Selects a 3D cage around the colorized pixels. Easily dragging the colors and changing whole portions of eyedropped video with keys and vignettes.

    12:48pm - Supports custom shapes for colorization effects, not just circular and square. Now color effects. All these effects / look presets are easily exportable and emailed between editors. "Definitely going to become the weapon of choice for all the editors I know."

    12:50pm - "Thank you. I hope David charges by the project, not by the hour. We wanted to do for color grading what FCP did for editing. First, you have to have a great product. There's only one answer: to include it in FCS2." Big applause.

    12:51pm - "I had a weird feeling you were going to like that part. But now everyone can use color as a powerful tool in the editorial process. Now FCS2 includes all the applications I talked about before, and now includes Color. Editing unleashed. Recap: we think we've done our job."

    12:52pm - Showing the final reel -- looks like we're almost done!

    12:53pm - Yup, that's it! They're even playing "Feel Good Inc." as everyone walks out. We're pretty sure that its performance is mandatory at Apple events.


    Well, even though We didn't see any New Displays, or iPods, or whatever you wanted, I feel as though it was a great confrence nonetheless. The software upgraded really needed it, and it's nice ot see Apple not focusing only on hardware.
  • Reply 50 of 53
    Originally Posted by Mr. Jeff View Post

    Here's the last bit for you guys not wanting to click on the link.

    12:30pm - "Color is revolutionary and helpful. It seems calculated to appeal to us, we make movies from beginning to end."

    12:31pm - "It's designed to be a natural extention of FCP. Same UI for 3-way color correction with RGB and luma curves, lift, gamma, gain, visualization of color in 3D space. Mattes from chroma, luma, saturation, custom vignettes, hue and saturation curves. Color effects -- string them together with a node tree. And Geometry. Bring all four of these things together and get what you want: a signature look."

    12:32pm - Demo from David Gross, FOX Australia.

    12:40pm - Showing gradients and multiple secondaries. Auto-balance tool for contrast, color, etc., and makes automated colorization adjustments. Drag and drop grades from clip to clip. #d scope, all the pixels representation of pixels in a frame. "It's like a lamp post, the lights at the top and the shadows at the bottom -- with a ring of color. Selects a 3D cage around the colorized pixels. Easily dragging the colors and changing whole portions of eyedropped video with keys and vignettes.

    12:48pm - Supports custom shapes for colorization effects, not just circular and square. Now color effects. All these effects / look presets are easily exportable and emailed between editors. "Definitely going to become the weapon of choice for all the editors I know."

    12:50pm - "Thank you. I hope David charges by the project, not by the hour. We wanted to do for color grading what FCP did for editing. First, you have to have a great product. There's only one answer: to include it in FCS2." Big applause.

    12:51pm - "I had a weird feeling you were going to like that part. But now everyone can use color as a powerful tool in the editorial process. Now FCS2 includes all the applications I talked about before, and now includes Color. Editing unleashed. Recap: we think we've done our job."

    12:52pm - Showing the final reel -- looks like we're almost done!

    12:53pm - Yup, that's it! They're even playing "Feel Good Inc." as everyone walks out. We're pretty sure that its performance is mandatory at Apple events.


    Well, even though We didn't see any New Displays, or iPods, or whatever you wanted, I feel as though it was a great confrence nonetheless. The software upgraded really needed it, and it's nice ot see Apple not focusing only on hardware.

    i was disappointed i wanted to see some new hardware updates.
  • Reply 51 of 53
    Damn, and last night I was talkng the wife into letting me upgrade to CS3--- now I have to talk her into letting me upgrade this, too! This is going to be a very expensive year...

    If memory serves me correctly, the 8-core MacPro was released in the not-so-distant past... that was the hardware update leading to this announcement. Today is about pros, and 8 cores obviously does a good job with FCP2 (undersatement).

    Some people will never be happy. As for me, I am beginning to tinker with the idea of getting back into some production areas I left when I retired from my old skuul...

    --- Not available in Japan, yet; link to the store page comes up to th top page. Again. Until the localisation has taken place. Why not offer the English version (most pro production people here seak English anyways) untl then? Apple Japan really need to get their act together.
  • Reply 52 of 53
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Damn, and last night I was talkng the wife into letting me upgrade to CS3--- now I have to talk her into letting me upgrade this, too! This is going to be a very expensive year...

    If memory serves me correctly, the 8-core MacPro was released in the not-so-distant past... that was the hardware update leading to this announcement. Today is about pros, and 8 cores obviously does a good job with FCP2 (undersatement).

    Some people will never be happy. As for me, I am beginning to tinker with the idea of getting back into some production areas I left when I retired from my old skuul...

    --- Not available in Japan, yet; link to the store page comes up to th top page. Again. Until the localisation has taken place. Why not offer the English version (most pro production people here seak English anyways) untl then? Apple Japan really need to get their act together.

    Heh. Yup it's time for the pro/prosumer/enthusiast to get on board with the MacIntels from their G5s, IMHO to iMac, MacBookPro for SD and AdobeCS3 mid-end,

    Mac Pro 2.66ghz with 4GB RAM to 8GB RAM, ATI Radeon X1900XT (them GPU-driven filtering and stuffs) for mid-to-higher-end production levels.

    Upgrades from FCP, FCPStudio1, CS2, academic pricing, we can make this work!

    Thank freakin gawd I am involved now in *selling* Apple stuff... otherwise I would be seriously pounding my credit cards and personal loans and sh1t just to play with all this extremely, extremely tantalising stuff... Ah, getting out of "being a designer" has been a blessing, truly.

    But, more power to teh people for what they need to do, do what ya gotta do. Some will have to walk the path I walked (maxing out credit cards etc buying Apple hardware and software, 3rd party creative production hardware and software)... to truly see what talent you can really unleash.

    I would recommend unleashing that talent in a more "raining" style rather than a huge thunderstorm or niagara-falls-waterfall.
  • Reply 53 of 53
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Mr. Jeff View Post

    ...Well, even though We didn't see any New Displays, or iPods, or whatever you wanted, I feel as though it was a great confrence nonetheless. The software upgraded really needed it, and it's nice ot see Apple not focusing only on hardware.

    Agreed. Except, the Cinema Displays have not been upgraded in a bloody long time. ...Nonetheless, the quality from what I see at the local Apple shop for 30" and 20" and previously (like 2+ years ago) in Sydney at ad agency, the 20"/23", for example, back then, it is pretty good.

    The latest MacBookPro displays (matte) seem to be much better now IMHO, from what I previously saw like 6 months+ ago.

    Serious pros for color grading, HD editing etc, I think they would be looking at CinemaDisplays or their own preferences with displays from other brands, and color calibration tools.

    Them color calibration workflow is no walk in the park.

    But I'm loving the new color grading stuff for digital. What used to be an intense film stock and developing-chemical-skillz stuff by cinematographers and color graders...... Which of course still takes place today for major big budget films.

    But Apple just took a big bite out of Avid/etc. today. ...with a bit of the latency in getting shipping FinalCutStudio2 software and AdobeCS3 AfterEffects... Apple would be looking for more serious Mac Pro, iMac, MacBookPro action around middle of the year through to Leopard launch.

    Final Cut Express HD? I've seen the complexity of FinalCutPro 5, I think that's a good start. Just like at this stage, Logic 7 is like, OMFG, I though AbletonLive-Rewire-Reason2.5 was pretty complex enough...

    Ah, drug(that's including alcohol and cigarettes) use to fuel/celebrate creativity. Doesn't work for everyone.
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