Combined iPhone service and data plans to start at $60 per month



  • Reply 101 of 126
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by PBG4 Dude View Post

    ... privacy of their own home.

    Anyway, I did this once years ago with my Sprint phone. Talk about a nightmare. I'd rather spend the time in the store as I know the phone will be online before I leave the store. Still, this should keep the lines moving quickly this Friday.

    Try watching the video dude. It doesn't look any harder than installing iTunes the first time.
  • Reply 102 of 126
    Originally Posted by CosmoNut View Post

    Free nationwide long distance is pretty much a given for cell phones anymore.


    Whew. Sorry. But Rogers is $100 for 100MB of data. There are no unlimited data plans full stop, there doesn't seem to be unlimited voice plans either (or unlimited text plans)?I could be wrong, I didn't go hunting too hard. Long distance minutes are separate and expensive as well.

    I'm going to go off and cry at how hard Canadians get screwed by our telecoms.
  • Reply 103 of 126
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by CosmoNut View Post

    Free nationwide long distance is pretty much a given for cell phones anymore.

    What about Roaming? Is it free long-distance - Free Roaming? Do you have an AT&T plan now? Does Anyone? I was looking at another basic plan on AT&T's site, and it has long-distance, and Roaming costs both listed as $0.00

    I wasn't sure if that meant it didn't cost or it doesn't cost until you use it. KInd of Bait, and switch. I'm naturally paranoid.
  • Reply 104 of 126
    Originally Posted by tbehunin View Post

    Can someone define Unlimited Mobile to Mobile? I'm assuming it means both partiesmust be on Cingular/AT&T?

    You've got it. They claim 62 million AT&T users -
  • Reply 105 of 126
    Today, when I was at the Apple Store, a group of about 4 employees were gathered around looking at the website with the iPhone rate plans, etc. when one of them discovered that the phone would be locked - iPod included - if it was not activated with an AT&T plan. They were all visibly annoyed and continued to grumble about it for the duration of my visit - 10 minutes more or so...

    Me, I'm going to get the iPhone as a gift, but for myself, I'm waiting for the iPod with WiFi and multitouch. I don't need a phone that's bigger than my hand.
  • Reply 106 of 126
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    What about Roaming? Is it free long-distance - Free Roaming? Do you have an AT&T plan now? Does Anyone? I was looking at another basic plan on AT&T's site, and it has long-distance, and Roaming costs both listed as $0.00

    I wasn't sure if that meant it didn't cost or it doesn't cost until you use it. KInd of Bait, and switch. I'm naturally paranoid.

    I have ATT.

    These days the premium for a phone plan that eliminates any roaming and any long distance is pretty much nil. I'm sure these iPhone plans are national (AKA no roaming) plans and I don't know of any plans that charge long distance anymore. The bottom line is that the iPhone users who use plans listed today most certainly won't ever see a roaming or long distance charge on plans.

    Here's an unrelated observation.

    Why did the press today make such a big plan about how the cheapest plan for the iPhone would be $60, suggesting that it was high? I don't think I saw a single article emphasizing the fact that the comparison was to other voice+data plans, and that the iPhone plans were cheaper than anything on the market pretty much. What's the deal? iPhone went from media darling to devil once they announced the plans!
  • Reply 107 of 126
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Here in Finland we'd pay 30?, about $40, for a plan comparable to the low-end iPhone plan, with 500 minutes, 100 SMS and unlimited 3G/EDGE/GPRS data at 128kbps maximum. The $40 includes 22% VAT, dunno how much tax is in the US iPhone payment.

    On our scale, $60 for the aforementioned sounds quite steep, but judging from the iPhone contract cancellation fee and the two-year contract, there's about $7 worth of phone hardware in each monthly payment so the cost of the calling plan works out to $53. That's quite close.

    I don't pay a monthly fee, just a flat 7¢ a minute and 7¢ a SMS. I tend to have about 200 mins a month and a handful of SMS a week, which works out to slightly below the price of the minute package. I like this setup as it does not create an incentive to talk or SMS either more or less than how much I actually want.
  • Reply 108 of 126
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    My only gripes are these:

    PDF viewer support (not sure if it has it)

    At $99.99 a month, they could give you unlimited text messaging for crying out loud

    No java support at the time being (probably a good thing since AT&T's network is so slow.
  • Reply 109 of 126
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    I give up...

    Interesting: "Also of note is the apparent lack of SIM card slot; while this could be down to preproduction models being taken as gospel, the expected slot on top of the handset is missing."


    "Downsides noted by Walt and Katie: No SIM card (which means you can't use it on T-Mobile and can't buy cheap voice minutes or data when you're overseas"
  • Reply 110 of 126
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Interesting: "Also of note is the apparent lack of SIM card slot; while this could be down to preproduction models being taken as gospel, the expected slot on top of the handset is missing."


    "Downsides noted by Walt and Katie: No SIM card (which means you can't use it on T-Mobile and can't buy cheap voice minutes or data when you're overseas"


    Stop it. Really. I mean it.

    See that bit with the hole in one end ... on the top of the iPhone?

    That's the damned SIM slot.

    Walt & Katie were complaining that the phone wouldn't accept a T-Mobile SIM and not that it didn't have a slot for a SIM.
  • Reply 111 of 126
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by audiopollution View Post

    The iPhone has a freakin' 'SIM tray' ... the damned thing is removable.

    Despite saying that, I'm certain that the question will be asked countless additional times.

    Then there are 2 other questions:

    1) Can the SIM card from the iPhone be used in other AT&T phones? For example, if you are replacing your iPhone, can you take the card from the iPhone and stick it in the new phone without having to go through an activation process like Sprint and Verizon?

    2) Can the iPhone use a SIM card from another AT&T phone? If I am already an AT&T customer, can I just take the SIM card from my current phone, stick it in the iPhone and have it start working right away without having to give Apple my credit card number and sign up for an iTunes store account?
  • Reply 112 of 126
    mrpiddlymrpiddly Posts: 406member
    Ill be getting the "special" service plan. Its consists of a person with a wifi enabled backpack following me around to give me unlimited wifi internet.

    They will also have to have a portable cell tower they carry around with them, I was thinking around 15 feet high.
  • Reply 113 of 126
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Wow.. just realized that the data prices have really come down in Finland.

    You get 3G/GPRS/EDGE data, max 128kbps, at 10?/month. Combined with a contract with no monthly payment, that's a rather powerful dedicated data channel and it's 120?/year.

    If you did a limited amount of IMAP e-mail, instant messaging, web surfing and terminal work, that could possibly be done on a 25MB/month package which is 4?/month and 48?/year.

    For special projects such as a measuring station or security system that need to send a limited amount of data now and then, or just be reachable, you could go with zero monthly, 1.5?/1MB pure data pricing, potentially pay just a handful of euros a year and still have the luxury of 24/7 connection and availability.

    I thought my new Macbook was enough in every way for the next few years, but the lack of internal 3G modem and no expansion slot to add one is starting to look bad. It's starting to look like a no brainer to be connected 24/7.
  • Reply 114 of 126
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,583member
    Originally Posted by audiopollution View Post


    Stop it. Really. I mean it.

    See that bit with the hole in one end ... on the top of the iPhone?

    Walt & Katie were complaining that the phone wouldn't accept a T-Mobile SIM and not that it didn't have a slot for a SIM.

    Oh good! I was going to do that.

  • Reply 115 of 126
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,583member
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Then there are 2 other questions:

    1) Can the SIM card from the iPhone be used in other AT&T phones? For example, if you are replacing your iPhone, can you take the card from the iPhone and stick it in the new phone without having to go through an activation process like Sprint and Verizon?

    2) Can the iPhone use a SIM card from another AT&T phone? If I am already an AT&T customer, can I just take the SIM card from my current phone, stick it in the iPhone and have it start working right away without having to give Apple my credit card number and sign up for an iTunes store account?

    Probably not, but I haven't seen anything written about it yet.
  • Reply 116 of 126
    In one's home, away from all the noise and hype, a person could look at everything before deciding on anything.

    Guess I don't like salespeople who are trained to sell, sell, sell. It's not their fault they can't answer all questions.

    It is my fault if I goof at home.
  • Reply 117 of 126
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by audiopollution View Post

    AAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHH. Stop it. Really. I mean it. See that bit with the hole in one end ... on the top of the iPhone? That's the damned SIM slot. Walt & Katie were complaining that the phone wouldn't accept a T-Mobile SIM and not that it didn't have a slot for a SIM.

    FAKE!!!! FAKE!!!! FAKE!!!!

    You're Photoshop skills leave A_L_O_T to be desired...
  • Reply 118 of 126
    kavikkavik Posts: 37member
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Then there are 2 other questions:

    1) Can the SIM card from the iPhone be used in other AT&T phones? For example, if you are replacing your iPhone, can you take the card from the iPhone and stick it in the new phone without having to go through an activation process like Sprint and Verizon?

    2) Can the iPhone use a SIM card from another AT&T phone? If I am already an AT&T customer, can I just take the SIM card from my current phone, stick it in the iPhone and have it start working right away without having to give Apple my credit card number and sign up for an iTunes store account?

    1) at&t has already said that the iPhone SIM will be specially provisioned (set up and identified in at&t's system) so that it *will not* allow you to use the iPhone data plan on *any other* phone on the at&t network. Your voice plan, however, will work on another phone.

    2) You can put a T-Mobile SIM card (or any other SIM card for that matter) in the iPhone, however since the iPhone is *SIM-locked* (as most contract GSM phones from at&t and T-Mobile are), it can't *use* that card for service.
  • Reply 119 of 126
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    I give up...

    Why? You were right. I was wrong. My apologies to all.

    (Incidently, I now understand that the SIM card is in the middle at the top of the iPhone and can be removed using a paper clip. As well, I learned a lot about the SIM lock from
  • Reply 120 of 126
    m0rrem0rre Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by ecking

    Holy shit those are really impressive rates! I already pay close to that in Canada and get next to nothing. No wonder why rogers can't reach a deal with apple.

    Hmm, i do not agree with you that the rates are impressive. Here in Finland you can use the EDGE/3G-networks as much as you like for 10?/month. Unlimited surfing that is. Dunno how much you are prepared to pay, but that's like 6x the price we pay here. :P I hope the phone will be unlocked here in europe, because those prices aren't that good at least not here.

    My bills will stay @ something between 20-30?/month. The montly fee you have to pay is 0.66?. Calls are 0.69?/min and sms-messages, 0.69?/message.

    Finally I could add one more thing. :P It is possible here to use the old NMT-network for mobile broadband. (Smartphones) 2Mbps is 29.90?/month. Compare that to the prices you seem to have in the US and Canada.
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