iPhone supply running low with AT&T, some Apple Stores



  • Reply 61 of 79
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    But if you're in doubt, you should probably return it, so that some deserving person with less doubt can enjoy it?

  • Reply 62 of 79
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I'd say that roughly one or two in every ten walked out with two. So, your guess of 500 in the store that I was at may not be such a bad estimate. But I was not at a 'big city' store such as in Boston or NYC. I wouldn't be surprised if they had double that number.

    So, if we say, an average of 600-700 per Apple store, we are talking about 110,000-125,000 in total? Add to that, perhaps, 25 handsets per ATT store times 1500 stores = 37,500. Thus, it is possible that Apple sold a total of ~150K - 160K handsets thru retail outlets on Day 1. Assuming equal parts 4GB and 8GB, that's $80 million - $90 million revenues.

    And, no one mentioned any supply constraints for either model -- indeed, I had the sense that the employees were told that the party line was, "we have no idea how many we have left, it is just on a first come, fist served basis; we'll keep going until we run out."

    Those numbers sound screwy.

    I would think that ATT would get the same number of phones Apple's own stores would get, in total.

    ATT has more than ten times as many stores in the US than Apple does, which is why each one might run out sooner, as the per store allocation would be less.

    But, my local ATT store had almost 75 people lined up at 6:30 Friday night, from my quick, not entirely accurate, count, plus those who already bought from 6:00 P.M.

    When I walked by again, about an hour later, there were still a couple of dozen outside.

    That would indicate that those people were getting their phones. The store must have had at least 100.
  • Reply 63 of 79
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    What kind of idiot parent lets their 8 or 12 year old get a $600 phone? Unbelievable. Some parents spoil their kids to the point of making them unbearable to deal with.

    Do you have kids?
  • Reply 64 of 79
    Originally Posted by gimmegimmemomo View Post

    For what it's worth . . . for those trying to estimate first weekend sales totals . . . I was told that every AT&T store received 60 iPhones (15 4gb and 45 8gb). I was led to believe that's the stock that EVERY one of their stores received, nationwide . . .

    But the information came from someone at a northern California store . . . so it's reasonable to speculate that those stores were sent more than, say, an AT&T store in Iowa . . . and what was meant was that all the stores IN HIS AREA go the same stock of 60 phones.

    Anyway . . . FYI

    I live in Columbia, MO. when I visited one of the AT&T locations Friday evening they said that both stores in this town had 30 and were already sold out. I wait.
  • Reply 65 of 79
    It's a shame that iPhone's Bluetooth implementation seems to be 'crippled' so as only to allow handsfree and none of the other cool stuff Bluetooth does on just about every other [non-Verizon] handset today - printing, stereo audio, file transfer &c.

    If you feel the same way, please sign the petition:

  • Reply 66 of 79
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I would think that ATT would get the same number of phones Apple's own stores would get, in total.

    Depsite the myriad of AT&T stores I believe that Jobs would arrange for the Apple Stores to get a greater number of units over all. By doing so Apple can draw the attention of non-Apple, non-technology, non-iPhone loving people to the vast number of people waiting outside their stores. Good and free PR. They can also garnish extra sales of iPods, Macs, software and accessories while the customers are in the store.

    Or maybe Mac and iPod sales have been hurt by this launch. Anyone see anything non-iPhone related leave an Apple Store?
  • Reply 67 of 79
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    If Apple did sell 500k then they will have grossed $300,000,000 this weekend alone. I know that not there is a 4GB model for $100 less but I balance that with the myriad of iPhone accessories sold alongside this device. I expect my stock to soar today. Plus, with of these customers being new to AT&T there may be a significant shift in their stock too.
    "iDay has passed and with a weekend of frantic iPhone selling under the belt, has the iPhone managed to live up to the hype?

    Whatever about the user experience, AT&T's network overload problems and generally decent reviews ? with reservations ? the sales figure predictions for Apple?s glossy combo are positive. According to analyst, Blackfriars, which has been monitoring stores, claimed that sales should top 500,000 for the first weekend. In it?s daily blog, it said:

    ?The bottom line: some analysts claimed that the iPhone launch would be a failure if Apple failed to sell 100,000 iPhones during the first weekend. Based upon the limited data we have, we believe that number was exceeded in just the first two to three hours. Blackfriars' prediction is that Apple will sell 500,000 iPhones this weekend, and based upon limited sales rates reported, that number now looks quite achievable. The only question is whether the demand and iPhone supply is great enough that they might push past the million unit mark this weekend.?

    Things are really only going to get interesting though if sales remain strong for the rest of this year and into 2008.-Martin Lynch

    PS: Will their be a new iPhone feature released this week to fuel interest in the iPhone? I think there will.
  • Reply 68 of 79
    spindriftspindrift Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    PS: Will their be a new iPhone feature released this week to fuel interest in the iPhone? I think there will.

    That's the beauty of the iPhone, features and apps can be added without hardware changes. The iPhone will update itself through iTunes, something every iPod user is used to doing. It's simplicity and it's beautiful.

    I'm gagging to get my hands on one. When they do come to the UK, you'll see me at the front of the line!
  • Reply 69 of 79
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Or maybe Mac and iPod sales have been hurt by this launch. Anyone see anything non-iPhone related leave an Apple Store?

    I saw iPod related stuff being bought. I also saw someone crazy enough to try and get Genius Bar laptop help on Friday evening. I overheard her say "My laptop broke today, what else can I do?" so at least she knew she was starting at the back of the line.
  • Reply 70 of 79
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    PS: Will their be a new iPhone feature released this week to fuel interest in the iPhone? I think there will.

    Yes and the AI article detailing all those forthcoming features has been removed.
  • Reply 71 of 79
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Those numbers sound screwy.

    I would think that ATT would get the same number of phones Apple's own stores would get, in total.

    ATT has more than ten times as many stores in the US than Apple does, which is why each one might run out sooner, as the per store allocation would be less.

    But, my local ATT store had almost 75 people lined up at 6:30 Friday night, from my quick, not entirely accurate, count, plus those who already bought from 6:00 P.M.

    When I walked by again, about an hour later, there were still a couple of dozen outside.

    That would indicate that those people were getting their phones. The store must have had at least 100.

    Maybe it is 100, or 75, or 25 -- I actually have no clue. I was simply using "25" from solipsism's original post.

    (Sent from my iPhone -- Day 3 and I am still in love.)

  • Reply 72 of 79
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    ...I expect my stock to soar today...

    I would be careful with that prediction. The market is going to have overall very light volume this week due to the July 4th holiday. Many traders are taking the whole week off. Price changes up or down in weeks like this historically are not true indicators of a stock's health. Finally, many institutional investors and traders have been waiting for today to automatically take profit in AAPL so its volume may be high in a light week. Bottom line, keep your eye on AAPL volume (average daily volume 36M) and don't over interpret price moves up or down.
  • Reply 73 of 79
    I was one of the people who was on the fence between a real smartphone and the iPhone. I just finished using a friends iPhone, and boy the videos and pics don't do the phone any justice. I'm off the fence and it's iPhone all the way.
  • Reply 74 of 79
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member
    Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight View Post

    I was one of the people who was on the fence between a real smartphone and the iPhone. I just finished using a friends iPhone, and boy the videos and pics don't do the phone any justice. I'm off the fence and it's iPhone all the way.

    Good decision.

    Now, go spread the news to your friends. Let's get the epidemic buying started now if it hasn't already.
  • Reply 75 of 79
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Originally Posted by mrjoec123 View Post

    Any information that you get from any retail employee of either Apple or ATT is either speculation or complete BS. I know several Apple store managers and not one of them has any clue about number of units sold or delivered to any store beyond their own. Apple keeps those numbers as "need to know" as any other information, and for good reason.

    There is a legion of reporters out there just dying to find any numbers to justify a claim that iPhone was overhyped. I suspect all these guesses are not very close to the truth. Only Steve knows for sure, and he won't be talking for a while.

    Calling around to ATT stores is a waste of time. They know nothing.

    The next Steve Jobs broadcast is when ? that's when we'll find out they are selling MUCH better then even he expected.

    "We were hoping to sell "X number" of units the first 30 days, but we ended up selling "XX Number of units" and we're on pace to sell "XXXXXX units by the end of the first year"! This is about 4 times what we expected ? the iPhone is a HIT!

    I'm guessing it will sound something like the above, when we do hear from him.

    Right now the stock price isn't going very good I don't know if it will go up much, until there are some numbers for folks to put their teeth into.

    NOW, when will they be some news about "New" COMPUTERS from Apple?

    Hell I'd be happy to hear something new and exciting in the iPod end of things.

    So ?

    - iPod

    - iMac

    - Monitors

    - Macbook Pro

    - G5 - Desktop units

  • Reply 76 of 79
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    This seems a little random. Who are you responding to? I can't find anyone else talking about system requirements in this thread or in the original article.

    Two posts prior to the one you are referring to:


    This is perhaps an obvious one, but still one, nonetheless, that Apple should have reiterated for the average buyer: You not only have to have the latest version of iTunes installed (7.3?), but you must also be online. O/w, the purchase is a bust when you get it home (unless, of course, you took it right away to an ATT store to get it activated).

  • Reply 77 of 79
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    All except two of the Apple retail stores are also sold out.

    Looks like people on Ebay might have a chance to make some money after all....
  • Reply 78 of 79
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member
    Originally Posted by meelash View Post

    All except two of the Apple retail stores are also sold out.

    Looks like people on Ebay might have a chance to make some money after all....

    I have just finished looking thru completed listings of the iPhone on ebay. I would estimate based on my random sampling that >90% of sales are to scanners and frauds from Nigeria, Russia and elsewhere. This info is fairly easy to deduce from the completed listing info about the buyer. Many of the Sellers of iPhones on eBay aka "The House of Fraud" will lose their phones and never see a dime.
  • Reply 79 of 79
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by lfe2211 View Post

    I have just finished looking thru completed listings of the iPhone on ebay. I would estimate based on my random sampling that >90% of sales are to scanners and frauds from Nigeria, Russia and elsewhere. This info is fairly easy to deduce from the completed listing info about the buyer. Many of the Sellers of iPhones on eBay aka "The House of Fraud" will lose their phones and never see a dime.

    Have you ever used Ebay? What are you talking about?

    How would you lose your phone and "never see a dime," when payment is received up front, usually through PayPal? It's much more difficult to commit fraud as a buyer on Ebay than as a seller.
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