Apple may extend multi-touch to computer mice



  • Reply 21 of 49
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Oh, for crying out loud, Apple. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel! You bought Fingerworks. Put the iGesture pads back into production and be done with it. They're a proven design. The only things I would change are the addition of strain relief for the USB cord and diagonal scrolling a la Mighty Mouse (should be easy enough since the iGesture doesn't recognize four-finger diagonal movements right now). I just can't see it being that easy to use MultiTouch gestures on a mouse shell without accidentally moving the mouse in the process.
  • Reply 22 of 49
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    I'd prefer a touch keyboard over a touch mouse as long as it had a changeable key panel. It wouldn't have to be a display but just have removable printed sheets and you could print your own if you wanted.

    I also don't see what's wrong with the current general mouse design that has actual buttons. I really don't like the pill design either as it's not very ergonomic. The finger tips sit lower down than the palm and yet Apple mice put them at nearly the same height.

    Why can't they just bundle a nice Logitech mouse with their machines? It wouldn't cost them any R&D so they'd save a whole heap of money and customers would be happier both with the price and the quality.

    A suppose a multi-touch mouse would be better than the mighty-mouse but how do you move it without activating the sensors?
  • Reply 23 of 49
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by nufase View Post

    Your second statement is simply not true. I do the exact same movement on my mighty mouse. I have the centre click set up to move all windows and revel the desktop (expose) and I can then click and drag with the left button to select files, click the centre again to get my windows back and then move files into those finder windows.

    No, you are not doing the exact same movement. I'm not referring to clicking a button once to show the desktop and then clicking it a second time to bring the windows back. I am referring to holding down the expose button to show the desktop, and while that button on the mouse is held down, you hold down the left click button to drag icons. So at this point, 2 buttons are being held down. Then release the expose button to bring back all the windows. Then release the left click button to drop the icon into the folder window.
  • Reply 24 of 49
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by meelash View Post

    Are you sure you've describe this correctly? It usually takes one click to toggle Expose. So, if what you are describing is true, that means that your Logitech has both pressing and releasing mapped to the same click event. That would be pretty frustrating if you wanted to just show the desktop and leave it shown.

    Try this: click on the Apple menu in the menu bar. The menu drops down and stays down until you click it again. Now try holding down the mouse button on the Apple menu. The menu stays down until you release the button.

    If you configure a mouse button to Expose and simply click the button, it activates Expose. Clicking the button again deactivates Expose. But if you hold down the button, it activates Expose and stays activated until the button is released.

    The mighty mouse can't recognize multiple buttons being pressed at the same time. So you can't hold down one button to activate Expose, and keep that button held down while doing a drag operation using another button. This limitation does not only affect Expose. This also affects other software such as games which use multiple mouse buttons simultaneously.
  • Reply 25 of 49
    I'm surprised the WoW players haven't been crying about the mighty mouse not being able to hold more than one button - if you only have one hand free for WoW for some reason (you all have dirty minds.), you can hold the left and right mouse button down at the same time and your character will run forwards and moving the mouse turns him/her.

  • Reply 26 of 49
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    My first thought exactly! I mean, is the world really in need of a revolution in mouse technology? Oh well, it will be interesting to see those $200 mice!

    When Apple launched the Mac in 1984, there as an onslaught of criticism surrounding the mouse. Unfortunately, we still see it today. Amazing, no matter what Apple applies a patent for, there is this band of asinine idiots that just can't say anything nice about it.

    No matter what Steve's position is on the mouse, it still holds true today that most don't use anywhere near the capable functionalities that many companies have designed them to do. In either event, if it weren't for Apple, it is highly doubtful that we would have the options that are available today and I would suggest that it will be Apple that once again provides the innovative impetus to expand further.

    I, as a Mac'r through and through am very pleased to leave the innovations to Apple. However, when it comes to getting a mouse, I endorse the likes of Logitech, Macally and even Microsoft to use Apples technology to manufacture and profit from it. Why? Because I look upon the mouse as I would look on a golf, baseball or ski glove(s). What may feel great on one, doesn't always fit or suit another.
  • Reply 27 of 49
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    When Apple launched the Mac in 1984, there as an onslaught of criticism surrounding the mouse. Unfortunately, we still see it today. Amazing, no matter what Apple applies a patent for, there is this band of asinine idiots that just can't say anything nice about it.

    No matter what Steve's position is on the mouse, it still holds true today that most don't use anywhere near the capable functionalities that many companies have designed them to do. In either event, if it weren't for Apple, it is highly doubtful that we would have the options that are available today and I would suggest that it will be Apple that once again provides the innovative impetus to expand further.

    But you miss the point. People aren't complaining about the "mouse" as an entity, they're specifically complaining about the mighty mouse. Two button mice have been around for ages. Yet it took apple 15 years to decide that they themselves should make one, and then they make a really crappy one.

    And why is this? Its because Apple decided to create a solution for a problem that didn't exist. I don't recall anyone ever complaining "Damn, I like the concept of a two-button mouse, but the whole idea of having this line right down the middle so I know where the left and where the right button are is really hideous! If only someone would make a one-button mouse that acted like a two button mouse!" Just because Apple does it, or its different, doesn't, by default, make it innovative.

    Its just another example of how Apple places style over substance, usability, user-friendliness. Like laptops that don't have easy-to-replace components. Or phones that require that don't have a user-replacable battery. Or a computer (the mini) that requires a putty knife to open (yes, only apple could get away with making such a device and not be blasted for it), and, even after that, is extremely difficult to service.
  • Reply 28 of 49
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    A multi-touch mouse (which I theorized months ago, btw ) could be very useful for navigating in 3D space, for the Z-axis...
  • Reply 29 of 49
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I think they should loose mouse all together and develop the technology from the Finger-works gesture pad that they bought. I think using multi-touch on a fat surface, and loosing the mouse all together is a better solution. Then again, what if they are planning on developing both mice, and the touch pad to give us options. That's what I would like to see now that Apple has some spending dough. Have a standard mouse that comes with all their computers, and have two upgrades. That would be sick!
  • Reply 30 of 49
    kareliakarelia Posts: 525member
    Originally Posted by meelash View Post

    Are you sure you've describe this correctly? It usually takes one click to toggle Expose. So, if what you are describing is true, that means that your Logitech has both pressing and releasing mapped to the same click event. That would be pretty frustrating if you wanted to just show the desktop and leave it shown.

    It's most likely that his mouse buttons only react to a release when the button is held down long enough, whereas a short tap will only act once, much like a left click on the Dock opens a program, whereas a held-down left click will bring up the contextual menus.
  • Reply 31 of 49
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
  • Reply 32 of 49
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    But you miss the point. People aren't complaining about the "mouse" as an entity, they're specifically complaining about the mighty mouse.

    Where in hell does this article or my comment refer to the mighty mouse?

    By the way, only 3 people made any specific comments against the Mighty Mouse and an equal number defended it. So what is your problem.
  • Reply 33 of 49
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    My first thought exactly! I mean, is the world really in need of a revolution in mouse technology? Oh well, it will be interesting to see those $200 mice!

    How about just a touch sensitive mouse pad with iPhone gestures. I think that would be cool.
  • Reply 34 of 49
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by meelash View Post

    Is there another mouse with 360º scrolling? Because I find that to be incredible.

    I admit I have only tried the Mighty Mouse for a little while, but scrolling horizontal and vertical at the same time didn't really seem seamless. It wasn't so far from the mice that have horizontal scrolling through sideways-tilting scroll wheel.
  • Reply 35 of 49
    catman4d2catman4d2 Posts: 174member
    hey cool....... with this technology they could get rid of the nipple on the mighty mouse! i want the sleekness of the old pro mouse with the optional scroll capability but without a physical nipple sticking out like on the mighty mouse,which gets in my way,which is why i am holding onto dearly to my blue tooth pro mouse!!!!!
  • Reply 36 of 49
    caliminiuscaliminius Posts: 944member
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    I admit I have only tried the Mighty Mouse for a little while, but scrolling horizontal and vertical at the same time didn't really seem seamless. It wasn't so far from the mice that have horizontal scrolling through sideways-tilting scroll wheel.

    I have a Mighty Mouse and I have never actually scrolled horizontally. Usually if I maximize/zoom the window, I no longer have any need (or even ability) to scroll horizontal. Hell, there have been times when I couldn't scroll down because the device is getting gunked up. I really miss my Microsoft Wireless Intellimouse Explorer with the two extra side buttons, not to mention that it was an actual ergonomic shape. I miss having that side button to use to activate the Back button while web browsing (sadly the last iteration of the Intellimouse moved the second button too far away for me to easily push). I suppose I could configure the scroll ball button function to activate Back, but it's so small I don't think about it being a button. The side buttons on the Mighty Mouse are useless; the mouse is so badly shaped I find impossible to easily push both buttons to get it to activate nor can they be programmed to work independently (I sort of remember reading that there's a 3rd-party app that will let you do that). And as someone else stated, getting the right button to work is problematic because you can't have a finger resting on the left side when you click on the right; I think I've trained myself now but it was a frustrating start.

    Anyone have any recommendations on a nice, multi-button Bluetooth mouse?
  • Reply 37 of 49
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    I admit I have only tried the Mighty Mouse for a little while, but scrolling horizontal and vertical at the same time didn't really seem seamless. It wasn't so far from the mice that have horizontal scrolling through sideways-tilting scroll wheel.

    If I recall correctly, by default, 360º scrolling is not turned on for some reason; You have to go to system preferences and turn it on. Otherwise you just have separate sideways and up and down scrolling. (I'll admit that I used mine for a few weeks without even knowing it was there :embarass

    It's very useful in column view in Finder, in Itunes browser, PDF documents, etc.
  • Reply 38 of 49
    nufasenufase Posts: 24member
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    No, you are not doing the exact same movement. I'm not referring to clicking a button once to show the desktop and then clicking it a second time to bring the windows back. I am referring to holding down the expose button to show the desktop, and while that button on the mouse is held down, you hold down the left click button to drag icons. So at this point, 2 buttons are being held down. Then release the expose button to bring back all the windows. Then release the left click button to drop the icon into the folder window.

    ok, im using a mighty mous right now

    i click AND HOLD centre button, all my windows are gone

    while holding centre button, i make a left click and drag to select files

    i then LET GO of centre button, all my windows are back.

    i then drag the selected files into a window

    you CAN press mroe than one button at a time.

    maybe your mouse is broken
  • Reply 39 of 49
    grifmxgrifmx Posts: 92member
    I'm happy with my current mouse. A medium small Logitech. I don't like Apple's mice, too big and cumbersome feeling. Smaller mouse just fitss my hands better and seems more nimble to move around.

    What I REALLY want is a Powermac WITH NO FANS! or an iMac WITH NO FANS!

    Apple needs to solve the HEAT and FAN issue once and for all. I'm so tired of my 747 jet plane (Powermac G5) taking off every time I open an application, surf the web, watch a QT movie or just breath!
  • Reply 40 of 49
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by grifmx View Post

    I'm happy with my current mouse. A medium small Logitech. I don't like Apple's mice, too big and cumbersome feeling. Smaller mouse just fitss my hands better and seems more nimble to move around.

    What I REALLY want is a Powermac WITH NO FANS! or an iMac WITH NO FANS!

    Apple needs to solve the HEAT and FAN issue once and for all. I'm so tired of my 747 jet plane (Powermac G5) taking off every time I open an application, surf the web, watch a QT movie or just breath!

    Do what the rest of us did and get a intel machine. No more noise! :-)
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