Should I wait for Leopard?

in macOS edited January 2014
Hey there,

I really really want to buy the new iMac (it would be my first Mac). However, since Leopard is no more than 10.5 weeks away, I'm considering waiting for it and saving the $129.

Tell me - Isn't there some time period before Apple launches new OSes, when people that buy new Macs get a coupon with a discount on purchasing the upcoming OS upgrade? If positive - when should it happen? And how big is the discount?

What do you think? Would you wait?


  • Reply 1 of 21
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by lirand View Post

    Hey there,

    I really really want to buy the new iMac (it would be my first Mac). However, since Leopard is no more than 10.5 weeks away, I'm considering waiting for it and saving the $129.

    Tell me - Isn't there some time period before Apple launches new OSes, when people that buy new Macs get a coupon with a discount on purchasing the upcoming OS upgrade? If positive - when should it happen? And how big is the discount?

    What do you think? Would you wait?

    There's no discount, I'd definitely wait if I was you. I'm getting a new iMac myself (I have a white one now) and I'm waiting until Leopard ships before I buy. Definitely wait.
  • Reply 2 of 21
    lirandlirand Posts: 174member
    Pretty silly of Apple.... I guess there will be many "waiters"
  • Reply 3 of 21
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by lirand View Post

    Pretty silly of Apple.... I guess there will be many "waiters"

    For the record, if there was a discount I'd still recommend waiting until October.
  • Reply 4 of 21
    Welcome to the Mac (soon)!

    You sit on a precipice. It would be easy to buy now (the new iMac is sweet!), but October is not that far away. However, Apple has a way of waiting until the last possible moment of its announced timeframe to release new products. So expect Leopard to be a Halloween treat.

    That said, other than wanting the latest and greatest, there is no reason not to get a machine with Tiger.
  • Reply 5 of 21
    imickimick Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by lirand View Post

    Hey there,

    I really really want to buy the new iMac (it would be my first Mac). However, since Leopard is no more than 10.5 weeks away, I'm considering waiting for it and saving the $129.

    Tell me - Isn't there some time period before Apple launches new OSes, when people that buy new Macs get a coupon with a discount on purchasing the upcoming OS upgrade? If positive - when should it happen? And how big is the discount?

    What do you think? Would you wait?

    If you're a college student, and if you're in the market for a new iPod, just buy your new iMac now, and get the free iPod. Then you could sell the iPod on eBay to pay for Leopard.

    If you're not a college student, well, then that won't work - which is exactly why I'm waiting for Leopard to buy my new iMac.
  • Reply 6 of 21
    Originally Posted by lirand View Post

    Pretty silly of Apple.... I guess there will be many "waiters"

    Not really. There are a lot of people that want or need new hardware but can't or don't want to upgrade to Leopard so now they can get new hardware and continue to use the same OS.
  • Reply 7 of 21
    lirandlirand Posts: 174member
    Originally Posted by troberts View Post

    Not really. There are a lot of people that want or need new hardware but can't or don't want to upgrade to Leopard so now they can get new hardware and continue to use the same OS.

    All these people you are talking about would have bought the new hardware anyway, but if they offered some compelling upgrade method, I and the likes of me would also purchase the new iMac today.
  • Reply 8 of 21
    flinch13flinch13 Posts: 228member
    Definitely wait. You'll be glad you did, I think.
  • Reply 9 of 21
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Let's see...

    Assuming a $1500 iMac, and a use life of three years, that's $500 a year or ~$42 per month for owning the thing.

    The two months extra you'll get by buying right now and upgrading when 10.5 comes out cost $129. $129-$84=$45. Essentially, $45 is what you'd pay for getting in on the action right now. I know I would if that was my first Mac... and I'm cheap.
  • Reply 10 of 21
    flinch13flinch13 Posts: 228member
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    Let's see...

    Assuming a $1500 iMac, and a use life of three years, that's $500 a year or ~$42 per month for owning the thing.

    The two months extra you'll get by buying right now and upgrading when 10.5 comes out cost $129. $129-$84=$45. Essentially, $45 is what you'd pay for getting in on the action right now. I know I would if that was my first Mac... and I'm cheap.

    That's pure silliness! It's not like it'll poof out of existance at the end of three years. Sure, it'll be more obselete by two months, but your statement is ridiculous. Saving $129 is saving $129.
  • Reply 11 of 21
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by flinch13 View Post

    That's pure silliness! It's not like it'll poof out of existance at the end of three years.

    Do you notice how I didn't just pull 36 months out of thin air, but $1500 as well? Feel free to use your own numbers.

    Sure, it'll be more obselete by two months, but your statement is ridiculous. Saving $129 is saving $129.

    Now that's silly. The two months have no relation to obsolescence, because as far as I'm concerned, the iMac is dead certain to stay at this spec and price for two months.

    Whether you start owning it from today or from two months from now, you'll still get the same three years (or whatever) out of it from Leopard release day onwards. The only question is if you want to buy the use of the machine in the meantime for $129. I think the premium of $45 I arrived at is worth paying especially for someone who doesn't have a Mac. Use your own numbers, come up with your own premium and consider if that is worth it to you.
  • Reply 12 of 21
    Here's my plan.

    I'm a student so I'm going for the iPod deal.

    Purchase a mac and the iPod by Sept 16th and get $CND 230 back from Apple.

    With my last iMac, a G4, it came with Panther pre-installed. However, I purchased it within 30 days of Tiger being released so all I had to do was mail in my mac receipt and pay for shipping and I got Tiger for FREE.

    If this 30 day term still holds for Leopard then as long as Leopard comes out by October 16 I'm okay. If not, I just get it for the student price... most likely 5% off retail.
  • Reply 13 of 21
    royboyroyboy Posts: 458member
    Originally Posted by edwinjong View Post

    Here's my plan.

    I'm a student so I'm going for the iPod deal.

    Purchase a mac and the iPod by Sept 16th and get $CND 230 back from Apple.

    With my last iMac, a G4, it came with Panther pre-installed. However, I purchased it within 30 days of Tiger being released so all I had to do was mail in my mac receipt and pay for shipping and I got Tiger for FREE.

    If this 30 day term still holds for Leopard then as long as Leopard comes out by October 16 I'm okay. If not, I just get it for the student price... most likely 5% off retail.

    Hopefully you are not going into math. Tiger is $129. Student price is $69. Maybe you left off one of the "5's" in the above "5 percent off retail".
  • Reply 14 of 21
    rezwitsrezwits Posts: 895member
    I like Tiger (10.4) more than leopard (10.5), I think the machine would run faster with 10.4 seriously. I would get it now, sucks cause I wanna get a Mac Pro 2.66 that runs 10.4 cause after leopard, here come the bogs, that's my opinion. 10.4 is like the gold standard to me, runs so sweet with no problems...

    Think about it, kinda like how some windows user say they are sticking with XP instead of Vista, well if you wait you'll have no option.
  • Reply 15 of 21
    Well consider this:

    Apple generally includes a free copy of Leopard after it's release for any new machines that still have Tiger pre-installed...

    I would wait until it comes pre-installed (and includes Leopard software restore discs) because it makes restoring your Mac if you ever need to erase and install easier since all the bundled software comes on the restore disc (it's possible to install this software separately but is more hassle).
  • Reply 16 of 21
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by s.metcalf View Post

    Well consider this:

    Apple generally includes a free copy of Leopard after it's release for any new machines that still have Tiger pre-installed...

    I would wait until it comes pre-installed (and includes Leopard software restore discs) because it makes restoring your Mac if you ever need to erase and install easier since all the bundled software comes on the restore disc (it's possible to install this software separately but is more hassle).

    Separate DVD is more versatile. If you buy another machine with 10.5 preinstalled, you could resell your 10.5 retail or use it on an older 10.4 machine you, your neighbors, friends or relatives have around.

    Erase and install is not a big hassle, and how often do you do it anyway? My toll is zero across three different Macs and a couple years.
  • Reply 17 of 21
    sunilsunil Posts: 4member
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    Whether you start owning it from today or from two months from now, you'll still get the same three years (or whatever) out of it from Leopard release day onwards. The only question is if you want to buy the use of the machine in the meantime for $129. I think the premium of $45 I arrived at is worth paying especially for someone who doesn't have a Mac. Use your own numbers, come up with your own premium and consider if that is worth it to you.

    Actually, the previous revision of the iMac sells for as low as $899.99-1,749.95 CDN now because the next revision will superseed it. But under a Quid Pro Quo, the old entry 20" iMac now sells for $1,399.95 in addition to buying Leopard for $12, the tally is $1,528.95 divided by 36 months, that's about $42.47 for the monthly cost. For those who will keep their Macs for over 5 years, which should be the average lifespan of a Computer, $25.48 is the monthly cost. The new entry 20" iMac cost $1,299.99 CDN at Future Shop, so the ownership cost is $36.11 for 36 months and $21.67 for 60 months.

    but in my honest opinion, I think the new Mac would offer better value for your money, you save $100.00, you get a 20" if you intended to get an entry level Mac instead of a 17", plus you have more value on your hardware since you'll get more bus, more up to date hardware, the latest software and so on. Buying the old Mac would be taking a step back and holding you back from the future advances in computers and software. The only downfall is you lose 0.16 GHZ in processing speed. If you get the high end 20" mac for $1,599.99 which is $71.04 more than what you would have paid had you bought an old mac with Leopard, you get a 2.4 GHZ processor, a bigger drive and a better video card.

    But all in all, it's really up to what you can afford, if your looking for low cost, get the old revision, it be a heck better than getting the mini and you'd be paying nearly the same price.
  • Reply 18 of 21
    sunilsunil Posts: 4member
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    Whether you start owning it from today or from two months from now, you'll still get the same three years (or whatever) out of it from Leopard release day onwards. The only question is if you want to buy the use of the machine in the meantime for $129. I think the premium of $45 I arrived at is worth paying especially for someone who doesn't have a Mac. Use your own numbers, come up with your own premium and consider if that is worth it to you.

    Actually, the previous revision of the iMac sells for as low as $899.99-1,749.95 CDN now because the next revision will superseed it. But under a Quid Pro Quo, the old entry 20" iMac now sells for $1,399.95 in addition to buying Leopard for $129, the tally is $1,528.95 divided by 36 months, that's about $42.47 for the monthly cost. For those who will keep their Macs for over 5 years, which should be the average lifespan of a Computer, $25.48 is the monthly cost. The new entry 20" iMac cost $1,299.99 CDN at Future Shop, so the ownership cost is $36.11 for 36 months and $21.67 for 60 months.

    but in my honest opinion, I think the new Mac would offer better value for your money, you save $100.00, you get a 20" if you intended to get an entry level Mac instead of a 17", plus you have more value on your hardware since you'll get more bus, more up to date hardware, the latest software and so on. Buying the old Mac would be taking a step back and holding you back from the future advances in computers and software. The only downfall is you lose 0.16 GHZ in processing speed. If you get the high end 20" mac for $1,599.99 which is $71.04 more than what you would have paid had you bought an old mac with Leopard, you get a 2.4 GHZ processor, a bigger drive and a better video card.

    But all in all, it's really up to what you can afford, if your looking for low cost, get the old revision, it be a heck better than getting the mini and you'd be paying nearly the same price. If you have patience which I recommend, the wait will be worth it and the lifespan of the device in terms of support and so on will be longer.
  • Reply 19 of 21
    kadkad Posts: 5member
    Originally Posted by lirand View Post

    Hey there,

    I really really want to buy the new iMac (it would be my first Mac). However, since Leopard is no more than 10.5 weeks away, I'm considering waiting for it and saving the $129.

    Tell me - Isn't there some time period before Apple launches new OSes, when people that buy new Macs get a coupon with a discount on purchasing the upcoming OS upgrade? If positive - when should it happen? And how big is the discount?

    What do you think? Would you wait?

    I had the exact same problem. Then I researched Leopard and watched some videos on it and decided to wait until Oct.
  • Reply 20 of 21
    rezwitsrezwits Posts: 895member
    I'd buy one now that still can run 10.4 incase you don't like 10.5. The way operating systems go the thinner the release the better. And 10.5 looks to be just silly and feature ridden to a bloated status. I love 10.4 I feel it's going to be one of the best OSes Apple will have ever released. It's plain smooth and gets the job done. I would like to run 10.3 but I like the latest Safari in 10.4. That's just how I feel but if I wanted a computer the only thing I would wait for is the case design change but seeing how that time has passed for the iMac, there is nothing wrong with purchasing.
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