Another Imac or Macbook split between the two.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I know there is a another thread similar to this one but I have different needs.

First of all Im looking at either the new Imac or the basic Macbook.

I will be using it for a few things. First for Music, and this is the number one thing. Downloading music, Recording and mixing/editing music and using Garage band. I will need to take the computer to my church once or twice a week but due to the Imac's awesome design that will be easy.

The second thing I MIGHT be using it for is video/photo editing in the near future but this is only a possibility and not for sure.

And third I will be using a word processor. Oh and of course browsing the web.

Im not sure if the Imac comes ready to receive wireless internet which is something I really depend on, weather it be at my church or home both places only option is wireless. I don't currently attend college, but may be in the future probably majoring in some type of visual stuff, such as video, photography, or drafting.

I also do like the ability to take the notebook wherever I may go away from a power source and still have a word processor. Or browser for the few times Im in a coffee shop. And both of these do not come often.

I can buy either one later on when the time comes, but for right now which would be my best bet to go with first?


  • Reply 1 of 23
  • Reply 2 of 23
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by SpencerFitch View Post

    I know there is a another thread similar to this one but I have different needs.

    First of all Im looking at either the new Imac or the basic Macbook.

    I will be using it for a few things. First for Music, and this is the number one thing. Downloading music, Recording and mixing/editing music and using Garage band. I will need to take the computer to my church once or twice a week but due to the Imac's awesome design that will be easy.

    iMac. The MacBook has powerful enough stuff to do what you want, but for a music person you'll need the full screen real estate when composing, mixing, recording etc. Since you are clear about the "gigs" you are going to do (Church), then the iMac is pretty damn thin and light for the power it packs.

    Originally Posted by SpencerFitch View Post

    The second thing I MIGHT be using it for is video/photo editing in the near future but this is only a possibility and not for sure.

    See above.

    Originally Posted by SpencerFitch View Post

    And third I will be using a word processor. Oh and of course browsing the web.

    iMac or MacBook is fine here. Please try NOT to buy Microsoft Office for Mac and instead use iWork '08. It has everything you need now. Seriously. Especially if you are doing reports, Church newsletters/brochures, and stuff like even presentations. Excuse the blasphemy, but think of Keynote in iWork'08 as the all-powerful's answer to the hideous beast that is MS PowerPoint...

    Originally Posted by SpencerFitch View Post

    Im not sure if the Imac comes ready to receive wireless internet which is something I really depend on, weather it be at my church or home both places only option is wireless.

    iMac supports all those wonderful buzzwords such as Wi Fi, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11 "n"". So far the new iMacs I have tried have no problems with wireless.

    Originally Posted by SpencerFitch View Post

    I don't currently attend college, but may be in the future probably majoring in some type of visual stuff, such as video, photography, or drafting.I also do like the ability to take the notebook wherever I may go away from a power source and still have a word processor. Or browser for the few times Im in a coffee shop. And both of these do not come often. I can buy either one later on when the time comes, but for right now which would be my best bet to go with first?

    The answer here is from now until the end of the year, rate the likelyhood that you will be typing in a coffee shop, by how many times a week. Then rate the likelyhood that you will be making music at home or playing/performing it somewhere, how many times a week.

    If the former is more, then MacBook, if the latter is more, then iMac.

    I think you might go with iMac 20" first, then get a MacBook as well later. Sync it up using .Mac if you like or some other syncing thingy.

    My 2 cents, good luck.
  • Reply 3 of 23
  • Reply 4 of 23
    so does Imac COME with wireless internet ? As in I don't have to buy a wireless card ect..
  • Reply 5 of 23
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member

  • Reply 6 of 23
    drnatdrnat Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by SpencerFitch View Post

    so does Imac COME with wireless internet ? As in I don't have to buy a wireless card ect..

    Both come with Wi-Fi 'n' out of the box....
  • Reply 7 of 23
    SF, this is the same decision Im about to make. Im leaning towards the Pro laptop in terms of convience & power, but the iMac is alot cheaper.

    Ill probably end up getting at iMac now & whatever Mac laptop in a year er so. sounds like a good plan if money's an issue
  • Reply 8 of 23
    Even though you guys really did help, its still hard to make a decision, Im leaning towards the laptop because right now im not SERIOUS about photo editing and don't have all the equtment to record multiple tracks sepratly at the same time useing firewire to my computer. Also when I do I might want to do some music editing when Im not at home, thought I know I would need to be home to do the final mix since headphones aren't the best sound quality.

    On the other hand I might get a Imac because by the time I get the macbook there could be a newer model out then, possibly.. I know I will be getting either one before they release leopard because im going to get the student discount + free I pod [well 50$ since im getting the 30G] I get a 100$ discount off of the macbook, but for the base Imac I only get 50$ off so thats also a deciding factor.

    One more thing, does a better graphics card affect still images? I always thought it was only for moving grapics but now im not sure.
  • Reply 9 of 23
    One more thing well two...

    I probably won't be useing it for games, but if I get the Imac there is a slight chance I might play medal of honor online and a slighter chance I might use it for flight simulator, however I think I will just leave that to my PC.

    Anyways if I get the Macbook I will be upgrading the RAM to 2 or 3 GBs and might only get the 80GB hard drive, I can store most music on the Ipod and if I need more room I will get an external harddrive..

    Well I might want the DVD burner, and if so I guess It will have 120GB. eh...
  • Reply 10 of 23
    Wow... the iMac is quite portable when compared to a tower (PowerMac or PC) but is not at all portable compared to a MacBook (size, weight, BATTERY)...

    If I were in your situation, I think I'd pick the laptop.... just my 2 cents.

    RAM = Speed with OSX ... get as much as you can afford.

    VideoCard.... it won't make any difference viewing still images, or even viewing video. It will DEFINITELY make a HUGE difference with games and flight sims. If you want to do any sort of flight sim or 3D gaming, go with the iMac (assuming you don't want to spend the $$ for a MacBookPro ) The MacBook WILL PLAY those things, but with it's less powerfull graphics, you just don't get to see X-Plane in all it's glory!!
  • Reply 11 of 23
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    If the MacBook had a GMA X3100 I'd say MacBook. Since it doesn't...its a tough choice since the iMac is mobile enough for what you need to do and is more capable. I still wouldn't want to lug it around twice a week...its going to be somewhat more fragile.

    Since you have a PC, I'd wait for Leopard anyway and then decide.
  • Reply 12 of 23
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Frankly, since you KNOW you'll need to take your computer with you once or twice a week, I don't understand why you even consider a desktop machine. You should get a portable and an external monitor. The only decision should be MB vs MBP. The iMac can be transported but it's not something I'd do on a regular basis. It's not designed to withstand the constant jostling of moving about. I think you'd be asking for trouble and then blame Apple if you had hardware problems when it's not designed for that use.
  • Reply 13 of 23
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    Frankly, since you KNOW you'll need to take your computer with you once or twice a week, I don't understand why you even consider a desktop machine. You should get a portable and an external monitor. The only decision should be MB vs MBP. The iMac can be transported but it's not something I'd do on a regular basis. It's not designed to withstand the constant jostling of moving about. I think you'd be asking for trouble and then blame Apple if you had hardware problems when it's not designed for that use.

    First of all No..

    Second of all I have seen it done before..

    Third I would buy some type of padded something for it..

    Fouth it would go out my door and straight into my truck, on the passenger seat, then out of my truck straight into the church, 2 hours before any service starts.

    I know how to take care of stuff and If I broke it why would I blame it on apple?

    Im getting the laptop first then the Imac later on.. And hopefully I could get the leopard from my Imac later on and put it on my macbook saving me 120? NO?
  • Reply 14 of 23
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by SpencerFitch View Post

    First of all No..

    Second of all I have seen it done before..

    Third I would buy some type of padded something for it..

    Fouth it would go out my door and straight into my truck, on the passenger seat, then out of my truck straight into the church, 2 hours before any service starts.

    I know how to take care of stuff and If I broke it why would I blame it on apple?

    Im getting the laptop first then the Imac later on.. And hopefully I could get the leopard from my Imac later on and put it on my macbook saving me 120? NO?

    No? I don't understand what you're responding to.

    Actually you're exactly the type of person that would be upset if the purchased an iMac and took it around like a laptop and had a hardware problem. You state that "I know how to take care of stuff" and I'm sure that you do. But the iMac was not made to be moved around the way that laptops are. The jostling of the machine can cause connections to come loose. Why do you think Apple solders the CPU to the motherboard on the laptops? I'm not sure they do that with the iMac. That's only one example I'm sure there is more.

    Sure it can be done but that doesn't mean it should be done. I would really think twice about buying an iMac and moving it around to that extent. Again that's really laptop type use. If you did that 4-5 time a year then you're probably ok but you mention doing this once or twice a week.

    I'm not trying to give you grief. You posed the question and I'm just passing on some advice. I'm sure others will chime in as well and you can take it all in before coming to a decision.
  • Reply 15 of 23
    Its cool I understand,

    Anyways, looks like im getting the laptop. I can go with 2Gb of ram from apple but for the same price I can get 3GB of ram from an apple store online 2GB+1GB, is there anything bad about running it with more GB in one slot than the other?
  • Reply 16 of 23
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by SpencerFitch View Post

    Its cool I understand,

    Anyways, looks like im getting the laptop. I can go with 2Gb of ram from apple but for the same price I can get 3GB of ram from an apple store online 2GB+1GB, is there anything bad about running it with more GB in one slot than the other?

    There isn't any problem with using ram the way you've described . Get 2 gbs first and use your machine for a while. Download a free widget called iStat Pro. It's at the Apple website. Use iStat Pro and monitor your memory usage. You may not need 3 gbs of ram and may be able to save some coin there. You can use activity monitor to check memory use as well but I use the iStat widget.
  • Reply 17 of 23
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    There isn't any problem with using ram the way you've described . Get 2 gbs first and use your machine for a while. Download a free widget called iStat Pro. It's at the Apple website. Use iStat Pro and monitor your memory usage. You may not need 3 gbs of ram and may be able to save some coin there. You can use activity monitor to check memory use as well but I use the iStat widget.

    I don't know much about computers, however more is usually better. And they really are similar in price 179$ for 3gb v.s. 150$ for 2gb and they give you a rebate if you send in your old cards so the price is pretty equal..

    IF they are the same price would it be ok it do this? Sure I wouldn't need it but I guess it couldn't hurt..
  • Reply 18 of 23
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by SpencerFitch View Post

    I don't know much about computers, however more is usually better. And they really are similar in price 179$ for 3gb v.s. 150$ for 2gb and they give you a rebate if you send in your old cards so the price is pretty equal..

    IF they are the same price would it be ok it do this? Sure I wouldn't need it but I guess it couldn't hurt..

    I went to Apple's website and checked. They say the MB only supports 2 gbs of RAM. We'll need someone else to comment on this. I was pretty sure the MBs supported a max of 3 gbs of RAM but I may be wrong.
  • Reply 19 of 23
    Since im at work I cannot give you the direct link but if you go to

    hit memory

    select macbook

    Select model

    then scroll down and 3rd from the bottom is this

    3.0GB (1GB + 2GB Module Set) Upgrade kit for all Apple 'Core 2 Duo' 1.83GHz, 2.0GHz, 2.16GHz, 2.33GHz MacBook, MacBook Pro, and iMac Models. - PC5300 DDR2 667MHz 200 Pin. New, Lifetime Advance Replacement Warranty. (OWC53IM2DDR3GBK)

    for 179.00 then you can also get a rebate

    OWC 3GB PC5300 DDR2 667MHz DIMM Upgrade Kit

    Size: 3072MB (3GB) (1 1GB / 1 2GB Module)

    200-pin DIMMs

    Data Rate = 667MHz

    CAS: 5.0

    Low Noise 8-Layer PCB

    Exceeds Apple/Intel Specifications

    Fully complaint with JEDEC specifications

    Lifetime Advance Replacement Warranty

    If this works then wouldn't 2 2gb of ram work also? Not that I would do that...

    But its made for the mac book so im sure it works. I just want to know if its ok to run more GB on one side than the other..
  • Reply 20 of 23
    someone has to know if its fine to run diffrent abouts of ram on either port?
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