Apple slashes 8GB iPhone price to $399, 4GB model to fade



  • Reply 121 of 408
    Originally Posted by octane View Post

    Apologies to everyone for my rants. I've been a member of this board a long time and I rarely post. The sting will go away. I'm satisified to leave it at that. \

    No need to apologize. I am sure you were speaking for a whole lot of silent iPhone buyers! (You should post more).
  • Reply 122 of 408
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Okay.. you got me, point taken...

    So in this case do you feel Apple shouldn't **EVER** drop it's prices?! After all, **someone** will always will have just purchased (whatever) a month or two ago... and will risk upsetting them.

    Or should Apple just not do their price drops when it happens to effects you?!


    Dave you miss the point. Everyone knows the price will drop. It's like a duh statement.

    What people are upset about is how soon the price dropped. It's like buying a brand new 2008 lexus for $40,000 and two months later, it drops to $30,000. When you buy high end products, you expect it to remain high end a bit longer. If it had risen 6 months after intro, i think people would have been fine with it.. they would have said, well.. at least that's 6 months value (even for those who bought 2 months before price drop, they would have said, well, it was out for a while so i kinda knew it would drop).. I defy anyone to claim they knew apple would drop the price this fast (and by that much).. 200 is a lot dude. I don't care how you slice and dice it.. that a big drop. No way in hell can drop in component price account for that. Component cost reducing may account for it partly but the entire 200?. No way!
  • Reply 123 of 408
    Originally Posted by lepton View Post

    I'm a first day buyer, and I'm a little freaked, but you know what, I'll get over it. A $100 drop would not have surprised me, a $200 drop so soon definitely did. I wouldn't mind getting a year of .mac or a bunch of free ringtones to make up for it, heh! But listen, you know what is going to happen? In early Jan we will see a $500, 16GB 3G iPhone on sale worldwide, and resale value on my old phone just went way, way down. But I'm getting that 3G phone!

    You know, I WANT Apple to kick ass. The current product lineup is stellar, absolutely stellar. Where did they even stick the batteries in those new pods? And they are pretty much the only ones out there that are on the right track, both with product design and with the way they sell content. They deserve rewards. Go get 'em Apple!

    I'm thankful that the owner of the company where I work gave me $300 toward my iPhone, so I'm not feeling the pain as much as a lot of you are. It is a big price drop, though, and awfully soon after the initial launch.

    That said, I've been a Windows user for many years and I definitely want one of the new iMacs! I wish my boss would spring for half of that!
  • Reply 124 of 408
    a friend of mine took his 4 gig phone back to the store (he has had it for 3 days shy of a month) and was offered an 8 gig phone as well as a refund for the difference in price.
  • Reply 125 of 408
    Originally Posted by GreggWSmith View Post

    Well I am pretty pissed off. My $599 phone just dropped in price and the one my boss bought last week (at my urging no less) did too! I look like a total schmuck. Just when I was working on getting the company to buy some MacBooks too! LOL Oh, and my MacBook keeps randomly shutting down this week as well. Aargh! One month out of warranty.

    I see the Apple Support Discussions are down. I wonder if it's due to people raging about the price drop too?

    Geez it's gonna get ugly I fear.

    Did you just buy an 8GB iPhone and paid full price? And are you feeling upset over the $200 dollar price drop that Apple (AAPL) just announced? Well there is a way you can help yourself and get $200 back. Apple?s store return policy states:

    Should Apple reduce its price on any Apple-branded product within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of purchase, you may request a refund of the difference between the price paid and the current selling price. An original purchase receipt is required, and you must request your refund within fourteen (14) calendar days of the price reduction.

    Just to clarify, if you bought the phone from Apple store, then you can get the refund from Apple. Otherwise visit the AT&T Store to request a refund.
  • Reply 126 of 408
    pevepeve Posts: 518member
    people, stop whining around!

    its embarrassing!

    that's the way the cookie crumbles.

    Originally Posted by octane View Post

    ...after today Apple will get far less of my money than they have in the past.

    steve is gonna be real sad about that
  • Reply 127 of 408
    I say if you are unhappy you should go to the Apple website and share "your story." If you believe it is unfair or overdone (which I do think the price cut is a little steep too soon) then you should voice it and remind Apple who the customer is. Who knows, only good can come from it.

    Actions speak louder.
  • Reply 128 of 408
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Well early buyers often pay a much higher price for anything, its the price for being the first which i never felt the need. I think the price cut is going to be huge but I also think it will cut into ipod touch sales.

    Apple said that someone was going to cannibalize their sales, and they would rather it be them.

    I agree. As writers in the industry have said about this, all companies should be so lucky as to worry about that!

    Apple may be making more profit on the iPhone, even with the price drop, if ATT is giving them that sales booty.

    Also Apple has now paid off some (most?) of the R&D associated with the iPhone's development.

    If Apple assigned $100 of that R&D to each iPhone of the first million, that would be a good reason why the price could drop so fast, in addition to the Flash price drops this month.
  • Reply 129 of 408
    Face it guys, if you got one at 600, we got the Bubba special.

    They should, at least give us a BT headset. A 50% drop after 60 days, that is a 3/day stupid tax.
  • Reply 130 of 408
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Apple said that someone was going to cannibalize their sales, and they would rather it be them.

    I agree. As writers in the industry have said about this, all companies should be so lucky as to worry about that!

    Apple may be making more profit on the iPhone, even with the price drop, if ATT is giving them that sales booty.

    Also Apple has now paid off some (most?) of the R&D associated with the iPhone's development.

    If Apple assigned $100 of that R&D to each iPhone of the first million, that would be a good reason why the price could drop so fast, in addition to the Flash price drops this month.

    Mel, apple is so lucky to have you as a customer. They can rest comfortably in the knowledge that if they released iphone 2.0 and priced it at $1000.. you'd be first in line to get one. They can recoup their entire R&D cost on you (maybe charge you 1 million for the phone?).

    Don't question apple pricing Mel... keep being the loyal sheep you are. Steve will be thinking of you while taking his private jet to his private island where his yacht is.

    Perhaps he should inscribe your name in the hull (something along the lines of "thanks mel, we love you").
  • Reply 131 of 408
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by macbear01 View Post

    I don't believe I asked for your opinion of me, but since we're sharing personal opinions of each other... You're an asshole. I guess you are just one of those special people who is so much better than me, that you see it as your duty to impose your view upon me by judging me publicly. I hope it made you feel big and powerful. Seriously, who are you to judge? Stick to commenting on the issues that are posted rather than using your internet anonymity/proximity to take cheap shots at someone personally. Did you buy an iPhone? If you did, does this news not sting a little? If you didn't, again I ask, who are you to judge?

    Simply feeling like I've been taken by a company that hyped a product to produce imaginary demand for which very little supply constraints ever existed, only to cut the price by 33% just 2 months after release, and expressing my feelings about it, does not make me a whiner. If Apple could sell the phone I purchased at $600 for $400 only 2 months later, and still make a profit that makes the corporate strategy and bottom-line look good to the street, then they were over-charging to the extreme. It's almost like I gave $200 to Apple for nothing in return when they are able, this quickly, to sell the same iPhone to everyone else for only $400. Did something make them realize that at the higher price, the features, and Apple's "cool" quotient, aren't compelling enough to sustain the product beyond initial launch?

    It's been just over two months, there have been two bug-fix releases, and I still can't surf reliably with Safari on the iPhone because it crashes nearly every time I use it -- the majority of the crashes being on Apple's own pages. I haven't seen any indication that any of the problems I've noticed have been addressed by the bug-fix releases. I suspect that the second release was simply to add the Web Gallery option to help sell iLife and maybe to support new iWork document formats. I wanted the iTunes Store on my iPhone too, but that's not nearly as important as being able to sync with additional email accounts, such as Outlook/Exchange. Also, features that simply give you easier access to part with your money by putting it in Apple's pockets, such as the Wi-Fi iTS and Ringtone creation in iTunes for an additional fee (you pay twice for the song so you can have an additional 30-second clip of it), are no-brainers for Apple. That just makes sense for them, and thank god, someone has finally brought the price down for ringtones. Phone companies have been ridiculous with their ringtone pricing.

    Primarily, what I'd like to see is compatibility with Exchange email servers and improved password security for the locking mechanism, but those are business-related. For consumers, I'd like to see usability features and bug fixes, like:
    • system-wide [text] select, copy/cut, and paste

    • multiple photo attachments in emails

    • ability to mark an email as junk

    • ability to select multiple items, such as email or notes, and delete the selected items all at once.

    • disk mode

    • Flash support

    Almost all of the above features were expected within 2 to 3 weeks of launch based on rumor articles AND analyst comments (analysts that are typically fairly reliable).

    But even before any of these new features, I'd like to see more stability and reliability in existing features, such as:
    • a magnifying glass in text fields that is smart enough not to go off-screen, is more responsive, and doesn't have the bug that causes the cursor to disappear inside the glass so that I'll actually know where the cursor is going to land in the text

    • more reliable spell-checking/auto-completion (it doesn't quite seem to function fully in all locations in the same manner)

    • a Safari client that doesn't crash constantly

    • Bluetooth that doesn't pop and crack when I put my phone in my left pocket while the Apple Bluetooth headset is in my right ear (A distance of maybe 3 feet causes a problem when Bluetooth is supposed to work at a distance up to 30 feet? Sometimes at a distance of only 1.5 to 2 feet, just holding it in my hand seems to cause interference.)

    And I paid $200 more just weeks ago to have this? If I'd had any idea at all that the price would come down in less than 6 months and more than $50 to $100, I would have waited. That's not whining -- it simply hasn't been on the market long enough to justify this kind of price decrease without making it painfully obvious that they were seriously over-charging for the device. I'd just like to have gotten the same great deal that everyone else is going to get now -- for the same exact product -- no changes at all. I'm not saying I didn't expect an eventual price-drop -- It happens with all products, but usually only after a reasonable amount of time has passed in the product's lifecycle and, historically, Apple lowers prices with new generations of a product. This was just a complete shock.

    No body particularly cares if you asked for an opinion. You may have noticed that plenty have given the same opinion I have of others. Complain about all of us if you like.

    If you don't like it, leave. No one will care.

    The opinion stands. I'm not the only one, you may have noticed that think you guys are whiners. You may as well call that majority of us here assholes. We don't care, because you are what you are.

    The phone was worth what you paid, or you wouldn't have paid it. At least, that would be the intelligent thing to have done.

    If you thought it cost too much, then you shouldn't have bought it in the first place. Nothing will change that.

    I just bought an expensive camera that I know will be upgraded within 6 months, and will likely be cheaper as well. I bought it because it's what I need now, and so it is worth it. It doesn't matter how long it's been out. If the product was out for a year, and Apple dropped the price by the same amount, people who bought it two months before the drop would whine about it as well. They always do. we go through that here all the time. We always tell them not to buy something a month before Apple makes announcements, but they do, and then they complain.

    It's tiring.

    This is more of the same.

    If you had said something along the lines of: "Darn, I just bought the thing. Oh well.". then I wouldn't have said anything.

    Unless you were planning to sell the phone shortly, the price drop is meaningless. It's not as though they came out with an entirely new phone for $399. The phones out now are exactly the same.

    don't go by what rumors sites say. no one makes major upgrades two weeks after a product comes out. It takes months for any new features to appear. You should know that. In fact, jobs said that they would be updtaing the software over time. He didn't say they would be doing it all at once immediately.

    If you bought the phone because of what the rumors sites said, then blame them for getting you all hyped up, and rushing into it.
  • Reply 132 of 408
    Originally Posted by mclarenf1 View Post

    I say if you are unhappy you should go to the Apple website and share "your story." If you believe it is unfair or overdone (which I do think the price cut is a little steep too soon) then you should voice it and remind Apple who the customer is. Who knows, only good can come from it.

    Actions speak louder.

    No, I think bitching on a website forum is a far better way to get action.
  • Reply 133 of 408
    Once again I'd like to thank my American colleagues across the ocean in the colonies. You're doing well at sorting out all the niggles before they launch in Europe.

    Cross off another one today - "Price too high".
  • Reply 134 of 408
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    Dave you miss the point. Everyone knows the price will drop. It's like a duh statement.

    What people are upset about is how soon the price dropped. It's like buying a brand new 2008 lexus for $40,000 and two months later, it drops to $30,000. When you buy high end products, you expect it to remain high end a bit longer. If it had risen 6 months after intro, i think people would have been fine with it.. they would have said, well.. at least that's 6 months value (even for those who bought 2 months before price drop, they would have said, well, it was out for a while so i kinda knew it would drop).. I defy anyone to claim they knew apple would drop the price this fast (and by that much).. 200 is a lot dude. I don't care how you slice and dice it.. that a big drop. No way in hell can drop in component price account for that. Component cost reducing may account for it partly but the entire 200?. No way!

    I think companies should drop prices as soon as they can.

    If they don't then they are just making prifits off those who should be getting it cheaper.

    A big part of the argument here is that a few people who paid the higher price are not happy that others are able to get a better deal so soon.

    The caché of owning one just went down as well, though I doubt that many will admit that is a reason why they are mad, but it is.
  • Reply 135 of 408
    I'm not sure whether I'm missing the point, or other people are. The cost of any cell phone is primarily the (high) monthly charges, rather than the initial cost of the phone. Hence the numerous "free" phone available (with contract).

    Let's look at the iPhone. It was $600, with a mandatory 2 year contract at $60/month = $2040 for two years. Now it is $400, with the same contract making it $1840 for two years, i.e. a modest 9.8% drop in price.

    (Note, I've not added all the taxes and fees, which would make this number slightly different).

    Any thoughts?
  • Reply 136 of 408
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    No body particularly cares if you asked for an opinion. You may have noticed that plenty have given the same opinion I have of others. Complain about all of us if you like.

    If you don't like it, leave. No one will care.

    The opinion stands. I'm not the only one, you may have noticed that think you guys are whiners. You may as well call that majority of us here assholes. We don't care, because you are what you are.

    The phone was worth what you paid, or you wouldn't have paid it. At least, that would be the intelligent thing to have done.

    If you thought it cost too much, then you shouldn't have bought it in the first place. Nothing will change that.

    I just bought an expensive camera that I know will be upgraded within 6 months, and will likely be cheaper as well. I bought it because it's what I need now, and so it is worth it. It doesn't matter how long it's been out. If the product was out for a year, and Apple dropped the price by the same amount, people who bought it two months before the drop would whine about it as well. They always do. we go through that here all the time. We always tell them not to buy something a month before Apple makes announcements, but they do, and then they complain.

    It's tiring.

    This is more of the same.

    If you had said something along the lines of: "Darn, I just bought the thing. Oh well.". then I wouldn't have said anything.

    Unless you were planning to sell the phone shortly, the price drop is meaningless. It's not as though they came out with an entirely new phone for $399. The phones out now are exactly the same.

    don't go by what rumors sites say. no one makes major upgrades two weeks after a product comes out. It takes months for any new features to appear. You should know that. In fact, jobs said that they would be updtaing the software over time. He didn't say they would be doing it all at once immediately.

    If you bought the phone because of what the rumors sites said, then blame them for getting you all hyped up, and rushing into it.

    I think you missed the point. He was not addressing everyone on this board who made a comment. He was addressing you, and your personal attack, specifically. You were sort of being a pointed jackass. Let him vent. I purchased the iPhone the day it came out, and sat in line for hours at my local AT&T store (in the Florida heat). Frankly, that part was ridiculous. Regardless, I'm very happy with my iPhone and I am not at all upset about the $200 price drop today. I got the phone I wanted, when I wanted it (not for show, because I couldn't care any less about that), and I never want another phone (maybe a later iPhone upgrade). However, many Apple customers are extremely upset (such as MacBear and Octane), and that's not good for Apple in the long run. Short run, this move might help Apple, but in the long run, it will only serve to upset Apple's loyal, or previously loyal, customer base.

    Again, I'm not upset and will still buy Apple products, even brand new ones, if I think it is worth it for me. But, the entire point that should be taken away from this discourse is that many Apple faithful are quite upset and feel somewhat betrayed (whether this feeling is rational or irrational, in your mind, is largely irrelevant), and THAT is not good for Apple in the long run.
  • Reply 137 of 408
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    Mel, apple is so lucky to have you as a customer. They can rest comfortably in the knowledge that if they released iphone 2.0 and priced it at $1000.. you'd be first in line to get one. They can recoup their entire R&D cost on you (maybe charge you 1 million for the phone?).

    Don't question apple pricing Mel... keep being the loyal sheep you are. Steve will be thinking of you while taking his private jet to his private island where his yacht is.

    Perhaps he should inscribe your name in the hull (something along the lines of "thanks mel, we love you").

    You know better than that.

    Companies do this all the time with R&D. They pick a sales number they think they will reach within a certain time period, and assign most of the R&D up front. That's one of the main reasons why product prices can drop so much after time. If the product has a short lifetime, the R&D costs will have to be averaged out over the entire product cycle. That's just the way it works. I was a manufacturer, we did this with normal industry guidlines. everyone does it. That's why game consoles drop so much in price over time. The problem with the current generation is that they were so expensive to get out, that both Sony and MS are taking a bath. In addition, the old XBox was MS's first product, so high R&D again.

    Nintendo, with its wimpy model, required relatively little in the way of R&D, or manufacturing costs, as it's so simple, so the price is lower to begin with.

    Apple has has a good deal of R&D associated with this. It's the first in a new product line. That's where the really big bucks always go. The second model will have much less R&D associated with it. so the price will be less from the starting gate.

    So your statement was just silly. I look at the price of a product the same way everyone else does. Is it worth it to me? If so, then I buy it. If not, then I don't.

    I haven't bought an iPhone yet, as is well known here, because, for me, without the features I need, the phone is not worth it yet.
  • Reply 138 of 408
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by rrightm View Post

    I think you missed the point. He was not addressing everyone on this board who made a comment. He was addressing you, and your personal attack, specifically. You were sort of being a pointed jackass. Let him vent. I purchased the iPhone the day it came out, and sat in line for hours at my local AT&T store (in the Florida heat). Frankly, that part was ridiculous. Regardless, I'm very happy with my iPhone and I am not at all upset about the $200 price drop today. I got the phone I wanted, when I wanted it (not for show, because I couldn't care any less about that), and I never want another phone (maybe a later iPhone upgrade). However, many Apple customers are extremely upset (such as MacBear and Octane), and that's not good for Apple in the long run. Short run, this move might help Apple, but in the long run, it will only serve to upset Apple's loyal, or previously loyal, customer base.

    Again, I'm not upset and will still buy Apple products, even brand new ones, if I think it is worth it for me. But, the entire point that should be taken away from this discourse is that many Apple faithful are quite upset and feel somewhat betrayed (whether this feeling is rational or irrational, in your mind, is largely irrelevant), and THAT is not good for Apple in the long run.

    I know he was addressing me. And I was addressing him. Not you. You don't have to defend him, or attack me, though I don't care if you do.

    What I was pointing out to him was that many others have addressed others with his position, in the same way I addressed him. The others didn't react the way he did.

    When on a public forum such as this, which is after all, a fan site. You have to expect that when you make statements like that, you will be called to the carpet, directly.

    Some are always going to be unhappy whenever a price drops greatly shortly after they bought a product. It doesn't matter when it came out.

    You may think I'm a "pointed jackass" because I tell it like it is. Fine. Possibly you are as well for getting involved in this at all, when I didn't even address you.
  • Reply 139 of 408
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    The caché of owning one just went down as well

    The what? Zut Alors! Try 'cachet'.

    Although perhaps hiding might be a good idea if you bought an iPhone at $599 whilst the Nelson-esque "Ha Ha"'s die down.
  • Reply 140 of 408
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by paulgreen View Post

    I'm not sure whether I'm missing the point, or other people are. The cost of any cell phone is primarily the (high) monthly charges, rather than the initial cost of the phone. Hence the numerous "free" phone available (with contract).

    Let's look at the iPhone. It was $600, with a mandatory 2 year contract at $60/month = $2040 for two years. Now it is $400, with the same contract making it $1840 for two years, i.e. a modest 9.8% drop in price.

    (Note, I've not added all the taxes and fees, which would make this number slightly different).

    Any thoughts?

    Yeah, there are lies, damn lies and then statistics.
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