iChat Wishlist

in Mac Software edited January 2014
I was just thinking...

*I have a lot of quality buddy icons that I made myself and think that an automated buddy icon changing feature would be cool. Sort of like how Jaguar automates the changing of desktop pictures. I know that I could make an animated .gif of a few icons, but file size limitations exist. Plus, animated .gif's just are not as robust as the feature I want.

*Voice Chat via AIM for OS 9 of years ago was decent but not even available for OS X. How about videoconferencing, baby? Everyone expects this will come.

*That's my wishful thinking. How about yours? Yeah, I know it's not even out yet, but that's irrelevant. Wishful thinking doesn't depend on time.


  • Reply 1 of 23
    I heard something about the videoconferencing. Apparently, when AOL and Time Warner merged, they had to agree to never pursue videoconferencing due to anti-trust laws. So I guess we won't be seeing it (as long as iChat is on the AIM network).

  • Reply 2 of 23
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member
    All I need on it is MSN and Yahoo support. Video confrencing would rock.
  • Reply 3 of 23
    animaniacanimaniac Posts: 122member
    After playing around with iChat (in 6C115) those are a LONG way off. A more down to earth wishlist would be the following:

    *Ability to edit one's own profile

    *Ability to change your font the way _other_ people see it

    *Icon differentiation between away, idle, and away AND idle

    *Buddy Groups

    *Ability to underline text

    *Ability to send line breaks in messages

    *Ability to have away messages sent to those who IM you

    *Ability to have away messages titled and formated (with implementation of %n, %d, and%t etc), instead of making the title the actual away message

    *Accurate display of away messages in profile (a la AOL's execution of "Buddy Info")

    *Bigger Profile pane in user info (or at least user adjustable)

    *And plenty others

    These are just basic things that we've taken for granted in previous IM clients that are unusually missing in iChat. Overall I am very disappointed with iChat. A version of Adium with file transfer would easily eliminate iChat as competition without a question. I hope that iChat will undergo more development from 6C115 to shipping. I actually *want* to use iChat (an Apple-branded app) but it just doesn't have the flexibility and features of the competition. It seems like a dumbed down IM client that seems to be following Apple's new mantra of "Appearance is more important that functionality."

    [ 08-06-2002: Message edited by: Animaniac ]

    [ 08-06-2002: Message edited by: Animaniac ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 23
    frawgzfrawgz Posts: 547member
    [quote]Originally posted by MGossett:

    <strong>I heard something about the videoconferencing. Apparently, when AOL and Time Warner merged, they had to agree to never pursue videoconferencing due to anti-trust laws. So I guess we won't be seeing it (as long as iChat is on the AIM network).


    Close.. they agreed that once they add videoconferencing, they have to incorporate interoperability with other IM networks.
  • Reply 5 of 23
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Do you know if the "Talk" feature is in iChat? AIM had it in the OS 9 version, but OS X version lacks this feature. I'd like to see it return.
  • Reply 6 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Do you know if the "Talk" feature is in iChat? AIM had it in the OS 9 version, but OS X version lacks this feature. I'd like to see it return.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    There is no 'talk' feature in iChat... I don't even have a microphone though, it would be nice if Apple shipped microphones again
  • Reply 7 of 23
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I installed 6c115 but didn'tn get a chance to check out that version of iChat but the icons don't seem to animate...reading users profiles is harder because of the way it is set up and the window can't expand...i was having problems with multiple windows of peopel popping up when i already had a message box of their name up and i LIKED having my and the person i'm talking to messages on the left side of the box...taht should be an option!
  • Reply 8 of 23
    Talk would be cool.
  • Reply 9 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by ast3r3x:

    <strong>I installed 6c115 but didn'tn get a chance to check out that version of iChat but the icons don't seem to animate...reading users profiles is harder because of the way it is set up and the window can't expand...i was having problems with multiple windows of peopel popping up when i already had a message box of their name up and i LIKED having my and the person i'm talking to messages on the left side of the box...taht should be an option!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yup add those to the list. There aren't timestamps either. And the random (every 5 min) printing of the time isn't that useful. -_-; An file transfer capable Adium would be awesome. I would *pay* for something like that...
  • Reply 10 of 23
    How about Aqua instead of brushed metal? It's fine for a single window app, but I don't want 20 metal windows on my screen... and I thought they were only using brushed metal for "real world" apps?
  • Reply 11 of 23
    I can't believe iChat lacks every feature Animaniac mentioned. Why would Apple ever ship a lackluster iApp as unfinished as iChat? I can fully understand iPhoto's intentional dumbed-downess in order not to step on Adobe's toes- but IM clients don't have those worries!
  • Reply 12 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce:

    <strong>Topic: iChat Wishlist </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Wish list:

    1) Cease development

    2) Cease development

    3) Cease development

    Really, Apple has no business at all writing an IM app. I'm ****ing pissed at Apple for doing this because it upset the Adium developer, Adam Iser. I guess I wouldn't be so upset if Apple had done a good job with the app, but it sucks. Hardcore. In my opinion, it's a pretty big insult to Mr. Iser. Adam, if you're out there, keep on going with Adium. You can figuratively skull**** Steve Jobs (a guy who could use a good skull****ing if you ask me) by keeping your wonderful app and shoulders above the rest as it is now.

    Edit: Formatting

    [ 08-07-2002: Message edited by: DisgruntledQS733Owner ]</p>
  • Reply 13 of 23
    And since when is "skull****" considered foul language? Someone ought to set the boards straight. It should be censoring things like "Schiller," not the stuff my above post.
  • Reply 14 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by DisgruntledQS733Owner:

    <strong>I'm ****ing pissed at Apple for doing this because it upset the Adium developer, Adam Iser. I guess I wouldn't be so upset if Apple had done a good job with the app, but it sucks. Hardcore. In my opinion, it's a pretty big insult to Mr. Iser.</strong><hr></blockquote>What the heck are you talking about? :confused:

    If you prefer Adium (or Fire or Proteus or the official AIM client, for that matter) there's nothing stopping you from using it. If you don't like iChat and think Adium has a better feature set, then USE ADIUM!

    Besides, Adium is freeware. It's not like Adam is loosing a huge wad of money over this.

    [ 08-07-2002: Message edited by: Brad ]</p>
  • Reply 15 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by Brad:

    <strong>What the heck are you talking about? :confused:

    If you prefer Adium (or Fire or Proteus or the official AIM client, for that matter) there's nothing stopping you from using it. If you don't like iChat and think Adium has a better feature set, then USE ADIUM!

    Besides, Adium is freeware. It's not like Adam is loosing a huge wad of money over this.

    [ 08-07-2002: Message edited by: Brad ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Adium isn't feature-complete. However, although it lacks file transfer, is far ahead of the pitiful iChat. I do hope that the build in 6c115 is incomplete. I really do.
  • Reply 16 of 23
    Remember, Animaniac, that software released as 1.0 will still probably have some updates later down the road. The iChat build included in 10.2 is not forever feature-frozen.
  • Reply 17 of 23
    [quote]Originally posted by Brad:

    <strong>What the heck are you talking about? :confused:

    If you prefer Adium (or Fire or Proteus or the official AIM client, for that matter) there's nothing stopping you from using it. If you don't like iChat and think Adium has a better feature set, then USE ADIUM!

    Besides, Adium is freeware. It's not like Adam is loosing a huge wad of money over this.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I plan to continue using Adium. If you read my post, you'd see that the reason I'm upset is because Apple's iChat announcement affected Mr. Iser. As you can see, we were close to getting an OSCAR-capable version of Adium:

    [quote]Originally posted by Adam Iser

    What about OSCAR (the official AIM protocol) ?

    I had origionally planned to add OSCAR support to Adium, and currently have code that successfully connects to AIM with Oscar (nothing works, it just connects and stays connected).Â* Unfortunately in order to get on OSCAR, Adium must pretend to be an older version of Windows AIM.Â* Since older versions of AIM cannot see @mac.com users, this doesn't help at all.<hr></blockquote>

    We were also going to get file transfer:

    [quote]Originally posted by Adam Iser:

    So will Adium ever get File Transfer?

    At this point, probably not.Â* I had full intention to add file transfer support prior to the iChat announcement, but now I have no plans for file transfer at this time.Â* I'm very sorry for promising file transfer (or casting the impression that it would be done), but unfortunately I did not foresee the announcement of iChat or @mac.com screen names at all.Â* So no file transfer, image connections, buddy icons, or away messages at this point.<hr></blockquote>

    Mr. Iser also goes on to say that instead of adding missing features to Adium, he wishes to add unique features and break support on AOL as he thinks that they will continue to allow companies to use their protocol with @something.com names. Now maybe this is a good thing, maybe it isn't, but honestly I'd rather he just update Adium to support file transfer and away message viewing. Whatever. Thanks, Apple.

    Quotes taken from: <a href="http://www.arborwood.com/awforums/show-topic-1.php?start=1&fid=2014&taid=1&topid=95&ut=10276163 55" target="_blank">http://www.arborwood.com/awforums/show-topic-1.php?start=1&fid=2014&taid=1&topid=95&ut=10276163 55</a>
  • Reply 18 of 23
    animaniacanimaniac Posts: 122member
    Yeah, iChat blows in comparison to Adium, especially in stability. It's kinda sad that one guy can make a better program than an entire development team.
  • Reply 19 of 23
    I find it odd that you say that, Animaniac, because iChat is probably one of THE most stable apps on my Mac. Its stability ranks up there with far simpler programs like TextEdit and Terminal.
  • Reply 20 of 23
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    [quote]Originally posted by Brad:

    <strong>I find it odd that you say that, Animaniac, because iChat is probably one of THE most stable apps on my Mac. Its stability ranks up there with far simpler programs like TextEdit and Terminal.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ditto that here. Compared to Proteus and Adium, I have found iChat to be v.stable.

    J :cool:
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