Boycot iPhone



  • Reply 21 of 34
    Originally Posted by KG4MXV View Post

    Not quite, there is a possibility of bricking the phone and that is not an option for me. after all I can't return it bricked. and expect a refund.

    My logic is that apple is being too greedy and expects you to pay and pay for features that most smart phones already have. The so called upgrades caused a bug in safari that I can't load my companies quickbase WWW page to get my work orders, Before 1.1.1 I could surf the entire page now it only shows 1/3 of the page.

    Instead of locking out 3rd party dev, they need to learn from them and incorporate these innovations, they have done it before on the older OSes on their computers.

    I.E an old system extension called window shade that added the ability to double click the top header of an window and the body of the window would disappear.

    Apple, a year or so later included this into their system update.

    No, your logic is if I want it they should give it to me. Apple doesn't 'expect' you to pay they 'ask' you to pay. Don't want it, don't buy it. Again, they have let you know exactly what you are buying now. They offer other features that other smart phone don't have either like multi-touch, like a UI that actually helps you, like safari, like an iPod, etc. etc. etc. I would bet that you're not on Nokia's boards demanding they add these features to your Nokia phone (please substitute appropriate vendor as required) or you will return it. Any product offers some features and not others. There are NO standards for phone features - only 'usual'.

    As to learning from 3rd party devs I agree totally - it has nothing to do with Apples greed, only their business approach. I would also bet they have learn a tremendous amount from what the hacks already did, and I personally thing they will add a number of these feature in a much more controlled, and much more complete fashion. Everyone here that is complaining about the current Apple offerings fit and finish would scream bloody murder if Apple offered the third-party apps in their (the third party apps that is ) current condition. They only reason the current offerings are accepted, and even praised (and yes I used most of them) are because they are free.
  • Reply 22 of 34
    You sound like a disgruntled little kid.
  • Reply 23 of 34
    Originally Posted by physguy View Post

    No, your logic is if I want it they should give it to me. Apple doesn't 'expect' you to pay they 'ask' you to pay. Don't want it, don't buy it. Again, they have let you know exactly what you are buying now. They offer other features that other smart phone don't have either like multi-touch, like a UI that actually helps you, like safari, like an iPod, etc. etc. etc. I would bet that you're not on Nokia's boards demanding they add these features to your Nokia phone (please substitute appropriate vendor as required) or you will return it. Any product offers some features and not others. There are NO standards for phone features - only 'usual'.

    As to learning from 3rd party devs I agree totally - it has nothing to do with Apples greed, only their business approach. I would also bet they have learn a tremendous amount from what the hacks already did, and I personally thing they will add a number of these feature in a much more controlled, and much more complete fashion. Everyone here that is complaining about the current Apple offerings fit and finish would scream bloody murder if Apple offered the third-party apps in their (the third party apps that is ) current condition. They only reason the current offerings are accepted, and even praised (and yes I used most of them) are because they are free.

    I disagree, I pad for the phone (full price) {My choice} I paid for all the music {again my choice},

    Correct me if I am wrong but all the music I currently own (bought the CD or via Itunes store)

    Apple makes me buy the same song I already own and pay another fee to make a clip of it a ring tone. {not my choice if I want a custom ringtone from any song.}

  • Reply 24 of 34
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    You sound like a disgruntled little kid.

    I am ticked that in one fail swoop my productive tool turned into a expensive toy,

    That 100% of its design now is to make money for Apple, AT&T, Record companies.

    Come on people the biggest change is the addition is a whittled down version of Itunes.

    Just so you can spend more money on Apple and if you are in a starbucks I am sure that if you buy a track using their new system they will get a kickback.

    IF that is not greed then what is it,

    I have tried to use the TV out with my Icuti viewer and with the A/V cable connected to a TV I know the cable works because it works with my 30GB video iPod.
  • Reply 25 of 34
    Originally Posted by KG4MXV View Post

    Sounds like you work for apple.

    And yes they did beta test to kill the apps. And no I did not expect them to kill the productive apps however I did expect them to kill the apps that unlock the phone for use with other carriers.

    They even killed iToner from ambrosia.

    if apple thinks I am going to pay 1.98 per ring tone for a song I already own on a CD they are sorrily mistaken.

    I have been a loyal apple user since 1988 and pay for every new OS that comes out for each of my computers. I pay for quicktime pro for all of my computers.

    They get enough of my money already.

    APPLE IS GETTING TOO GREEDY they are turning into another microsoft.

    I also want to be able to configure the UI, I don't need u frigging tube and itunes, I have it on my laptop that is enough.

    i just love it when people buy products after doing no reasearch whatsoever, you deserve to have your iPhone bricked after it was clear that apple would not go out of their way to allow 3d party apps. Maybe you shouldnt have bought the phone to begin with, i didnt buy one just because of the lack of any sdk.

    They most likly did not attempt to kill the apps but they didnt try not to.

    Ringtones are just because of licensing by the music companies.

  • Reply 26 of 34
    Originally Posted by KG4MXV View Post

    Sounds like you work for apple.

    and like you work for M$, or at the very least are a troll, please do go away.
  • Reply 27 of 34
    Originally Posted by KG4MXV View Post

    I disagree, I pad for the phone (full price) {My choice} I paid for all the music {again my choice},

    Correct me if I am wrong but all the music I currently own (bought the CD or via Itunes store)

    Apple makes me buy the same song I already own and pay another fee to make a clip of it a ring tone. {not my choice if I want a custom ringtone from any song.}

    OK, I'll correct you because you are wrong.

    For content purchased on iTunes you can read this, which you in effect signed by purchasing content from ITS

    Term of Service

    I believe this is similar for CD's in that you don't own' the music you have permission to use it is certain ways (playing for personal listening etc.). I did not want to take the time to find references. If you 'owned' the software you could do with it what you liked, such as play it at the Super Bowl, etc. You don't own it.

    This, of course, is extremely similar to software. You do not own the software you buy - read the EULA. Msft has gone out of its way in the past to enforce this in that they have actively prevented re-sale of older licenses of Office and Windows. That's the only specific example of enforcement of which I'm aware.

    Use of previously licensed music for ringtone, to me, is arguably under the original personal use license but currently Apple is one of the less egregious examples of providing ringtones. I believe on verizon the only way to do this is pay $2- $3 for JUST the ringtone.

    Please stop being a pure winer here and go file a reasoned argument at iphone feedback. Apple does listen to these if enough people are asking the same thing.

    I have done this vis-a-vis an SDK. I have just downgraded by iPhone back to 1.0.2 because the 3rd party apps are more valuable to me than what Apple provided in the upgrade. I know far more people who could care less about the 3rd party stuff (as currently done) than what Apple provided in the upgrade, so from a market perspective Apple is probably following the right path, for the moment.
  • Reply 28 of 34
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    What am I missing here?!?!

    This is not simply directed to the OP but people bitching about the price drop in general...

    In the US:

    Nov - 2004 - the RAZR was introduced at a price point of $600 with a $100 rebate

    Sept - 2007 - You can get pretty much find the phone free with a box of cereal

    So basically the RAZRs availability spanned the full years of 2005, 2006 and by 2007 the RAZR was easily available for $99 or sometimes free with a new contract. The RAZR lost apx 85% of it's 'value' in just over/under 2 years time. Where are the MILLIONS of people complaining about that?!?! Since you gotta know that most of the RAZR owners paid quite a bit more than the 'free' and/or $99 it's priced at now.

  • Reply 29 of 34
    If the iPhone is not living up to the hype or the promise of it or what ever else you think it should do I guess you're right to be mad. However, if they phone keeps on selling well, and the bulk of their users are happy, and they keep making money for their investors what you think is irrelevant. Perhaps Apple should not be using such draconian methods to keep it locked and they may be forced to at least allow third party apps on it. But the market will decide how well the iPhone and Apple does not your "boycot". Apple might be greedy, but all good companies are greedy, and if they go too far they get thumped on the head.
  • Reply 30 of 34
    Originally Posted by imacFP View Post

    If the iPhone is not living up to the hype or the promise of it or what ever else you think it should do I guess you're right to be mad. However, if they phone keeps on selling well, and the bulk of their users are happy, and they keep making money for their investors what you think is irrelevant. Perhaps Apple should not be using such draconian methods to keep it locked and they may be forced to at least allow third party apps on it. But the market will decide how well the iPhone and Apple does not your "boycot". Apple might be greedy, but all good companies are greedy, and if they go too far they get thumped on the head.

    very well said.
  • Reply 31 of 34
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Wouldn't you take a much bigger hit returning it than you would if you paid for the ring tones? Do you really need special ring tones of music you like mutilated by being played through a very crappy speaker?

    Apple never promised to make unlocking easy, and never promised third party apps.

    I know there's the principle of it, but this is silly. I'm happy not being an early adopter though.
  • Reply 32 of 34
    bg_nycbg_nyc Posts: 189member
    I agree that Apple is being greedy here. But there are instances when they are offering products at competitive pricing. Look at iTMS. 9.99 is hardly greedy for an album. And sticking to 1.99 for tv show downloads when they could have easily succumbed to the pressure from NBC is very cool. Also, look at their iMac pricing. They dropped prices AND updated the specs too. I think thats great.

    If you are pissed about the deal you got with the iPhone, take it back. But there are lots of Apple fans who showed restraint and resisted the urge to purchase because it was VERY CLEAR that the iPhone was going to be closed and not 3rd party app friendly. If you can be patient and wait a couple years, the ATT deal will end, and the iphone will be open to all GSM carriers across the world, and at that point, we'll have a 64GB iphone and 3G and about a million iphone widgets that can easily be downloaded without fear of Apple killing them.

    So yes, its your impatience that is causing your headaches now. Shut up and bring your phone back to the store, plead your case for a refund, but most importantly stop complaining about things you already knew.
  • Reply 33 of 34
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    hey stop the b--t--ing grow up,my experience with apple has been well much better than most consumer electronics companies and certainly better than motorola, or at&t....people in canada and chinca are paying $1000 (at least befoe the last updae) for this amazing thing and it will only get better....why don't you have a poll of best buys, M$, dell customer service..because people just expect junk from them...

    stop this whining and get a grip

    signed: non-blinded....mind fanboy waiting to buy this amazing thing once it has voice dialing
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