Possible Bungie departure would open door to Mac games



  • Reply 61 of 111
    Originally Posted by freakboy View Post

    The game dev groups for the marathons were < 10 people tops. More like 5-8. How many people worked on Halo? 300? One pereson's input is going to be less.

    However much of the 'Haloverse' was there before the game was created. They supposedly have a Halo 'Bible' which has hundreds of pages of information on all sorts of things Halo, as well as brief (and sometimes in-depth) history over the years of the Haloverse. For example they released parts of it on many of the weapons and vehicles in the game. Much of this work was originally done early on and was later edited slightly as need be.

    Can you guys tell I'm a bit of a Bungie fan?
  • Reply 62 of 111
    thebeatthebeat Posts: 113member
    Originally Posted by Wakashizuma View Post

    Mac sucks @ Gaming; Microsoft wipes the floor with Mac when it comes to Gaming. It's kind a sad how the departure of Bungie is considered important news for Mac ROFL

    The rumor is not even confirmed and it wont be confirmed!

    Sorry Mac, No Halo 3 for you!

    And while you guys finish making "home movies" with your iMovie, me and other gamers around the world on PC platform (Funny eh? there are more PC gamers than mac users ROFL) will do some nice multi-player games! Oh wait....there is a chess game in Mac OSX !

    Sorry guys, but Wakashizuma is right.. Mac is not great at Gaming at all. I think MAC should just stay as a machine for designing Graphics and audio/film editing. They shouldn't be a machine to play games. You guys want to play games? Go buy a PC.
  • Reply 63 of 111
    Originally Posted by Wakashizuma View Post

    Mac sucks @ Gaming; Microsoft wipes the floor with Mac when it comes to Gaming. It's kind a sad how the departure of Bungie is considered important news for Mac ROFL

    The rumor is not even confirmed and it wont be confirmed!

    Sorry Mac, No Halo 3 for you!

    And while you guys finish making "home movies" with your iMovie, me and other gamers around the world on PC platform (Funny eh? there are more PC gamers than mac users ROFL) will do some nice multi-player games! Oh wait....there is a chess game in Mac OSX !

    Funny how for years PC users referred to Macs as "toys" but it looks like the only thing PCs are good for anymore is playing games.
  • Reply 64 of 111
    I haven't played a video game in years. Seriously people, move out of your parent's basement and grow up.
  • Reply 65 of 111
    It's hard to figure who is the bigger idiot(s).

    The original troll or those responding to him.
  • Reply 66 of 111
    Originally Posted by Wakashizuma View Post

    Mac sucks @ Gaming; Microsoft wipes the floor with Mac when it comes to Gaming. It's kind a sad how the departure of Bungie is considered important news for Mac ROFL

    The rumor is not even confirmed and it wont be confirmed!

    Sorry Mac, No Halo 3 for you!

    And while you guys finish making "home movies" with your iMovie, me and other gamers around the world on PC platform (Funny eh? there are more PC gamers than mac users ROFL) will do some nice multi-player games! Oh wait....there is a chess game in Mac OSX !

    To your credit, you did say the Mac only sucks at gaming.

    Game development: done on a Mac

    Blockbuster Films in HD, SD and CGI: done on a Mac

    Independent Movie Projects: done on a Mac

    Software Development: done on a Mac

    Console Game Development: done on a Mac

    Biotech Research: done on a Mac

    Website Design: done on a Mac

    TV Production: done on a Mac

    Audio Production: done on a Mac

    Stage Production: done on a Mac

    The Creation of the Earth: well, okay not necessarily done on a Mac

    The list is very, very long. Would I be wrong in pointing out that you consume the products produce by the Macintosh platform? I wonder if I would. I am sure you don't really care about the capabilities of the Mac or the PC. You just wanted to bait us Mac users right? Well done. Because if you cared about the art of electronic technology, computer technology and operating systems you wouldn't have said what you said in my view. But welcome anyway.

  • Reply 67 of 111
    Haha, last time I saw this same flame war was when the first halo finally came out for mac.

    Seriously, if you want to play games and have a mac, bootcamp works just fine. Maybe apple will be able to bring OSX back into the game scene if they can come up with something on the level of directX (maybe the latest version of OpenGL? dunno)

    Personally since i still have a powerpc I use a separate PC to do any gaming and or windows related things. But lets just face it, there really isnt much of a future in Windows, both as a gaming platform (see discussion of size of market vs console) or as an evolving and new operating system (see failure that is vista). Mac OS is just so much more stable and useable and is continuing to grow, maybe Apple will go back to interest in games.

    As far as Bungie is concerned, I think it would be great if they can expand some of their previous IP or make something new. Halo and Marathon are pretty much played out (unless they would finally tie them together). If they could do something with Oni, that would be amazing (one of the best game concepts of all time IMHO). However, seeing as they have not come up with anything new in about a decade, we will just have to wait and see.
  • Reply 68 of 111
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    The US console market was $4.8B in 2006. The US PC game market was $970M in 2006.

    Of course, that doesn't include things like subscription fees from MMORPGs.

    World of Warcraft, a computer game, clears $1 billion a year in continuing subscriptions all by itself. So the 4.8 billion vs 1 billion figure is a bit misleading... it isn't quite that one-sided. \

  • Reply 69 of 111
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    Original or not they work. Mods are fun and play as different games. I didn't even bother to list all the 3rd party mods but now that you bring that up it should be mentioned. All the 3rd party mods are a blast to play as well and Valve has always encouraged people to do 3rd party mods. And you can get them all on Steam with daily updates to code when needed. Sort of what Xbox360 is doing now with XBox Live. They copied Steam and that idea works beautifully. You cannot deny that Valve has done A LOT to push the envelope in PC gaming technology in many ways.

    Yeah, thats right, microsoft copied steam:

    "Steam's development began at an uncertain date prior to 2002. Prior to 'Steam', its codenames were 'Grid' and 'Gazelle'. It was revealed to the public on 22 March 2002 at the Game Developers Conference and was presented purely as a distribution network: no mention of purchases was made."

    Sure they did, when xbox live had already been around for 2 years, proviging online gaming, game and content updates/downloads. Oh, and game news on the xbox live window. How dare microsoft time travel and steal valve's steam.
  • Reply 70 of 111
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by Shadow Slayer 26 View Post

    I highly disagree with you. I believe Bungie's quality of game's has gone unmatched by Valve.

    The Halo storyline, all of the storyline, is simply amazing. What Bungie has that many other game companies lack is humor. I love grunts, I love killing grunts, I love listening to the "You killed my family!" in the high-pitched scream. While any game can awe with graphics or a completely serious storyline, no game has made me laugh as hard as Halo, have my adrenaline spike as much as it does when I'm playing Halo, or tense in anticipation from what may happen next in the Halo storyline.

    Piss poor graphics during cutscenes? Bungie specifically has said "Yes, the cutscenes could have been much better graphics, CGI, yet we are using the actual game engine and can render the cutscenes in real-time." Why? They want the transition from game to cutscene and back to game to be as seamless as they could make it. And i agree with them. I hate games where you think "Oh man, those graphics are so sweet in that cutscene! Look at the facial expressions and how realistic they look." only to then have a load time between cutscene and game and then see to your disappointment that the graphics aren't like that ALL the time.

    Gears of War and Bioshock never had the same effect on me as the HDR lighting and forested envirenments that Halo did. GoW's grey palette scheme just put a damper on the game. Was it good for the depressing scenario they were trying to set up? Yes. Did it make me feel like I was walking through a real city? No.

    What sells Halo is it's fun factor. It doesn't have the most realistic graphics, or actions, yet I've never had a better time playing a game than I have had while playing Halo with 11 other friends on System Link. And then watching the game again with everyone afterwards with the amazing saved-film feature.


    With Todd McFarlene, R.A. Salvatore and gobs of talent I hope 38 Studios produces the MOPGs there talent is capable of producing.
  • Reply 71 of 111
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by Shadow Slayer 26 View Post

    I highly disagree with you. I believe Bungie's quality of game's has gone unmatched by Valve.

    The Halo storyline, all of the storyline, is simply amazing. What Bungie has that many other game companies lack is humor. I love grunts, I love killing grunts, I love listening to the "You killed my family!" in the high-pitched scream. While any game can awe with graphics or a completely serious storyline, no game has made me laugh as hard as Halo, have my adrenaline spike as much as it does when I'm playing Halo, or tense in anticipation from what may happen next in the Halo storyline.

    Piss poor graphics during cutscenes? Bungie specifically has said "Yes, the cutscenes could have been much better graphics, CGI, yet we are using the actual game engine and can render the cutscenes in real-time." Why? They want the transition from game to cutscene and back to game to be as seamless as they could make it. And i agree with them. I hate games where you think "Oh man, those graphics are so sweet in that cutscene! Look at the facial expressions and how realistic they look." only to then have a load time between cutscene and game and then see to your disappointment that the graphics aren't like that ALL the time.

    Gears of War and Bioshock never had the same effect on me as the HDR lighting and forested envirenments that Halo did. GoW's grey palette scheme just put a damper on the game. Was it good for the depressing scenario they were trying to set up? Yes. Did it make me feel like I was walking through a real city? No.

    What sells Halo is it's fun factor. It doesn't have the most realistic graphics, or actions, yet I've never had a better time playing a game than I have had while playing Halo with 11 other friends on System Link. And then watching the game again with everyone afterwards with the amazing saved-film feature.

    I guess we'll agree to disagree. To each their own.

    I don't like my aliens to squeak and be funny. I like my aliens scary and dark like the Aliens movies. The Halo series is more akin to the last Star Wars prequel trilogy. I don't want Jar Jar Binks and that's what the Grunts in the Halo series remind me off. I also like my violence more realistic and prefer them to bleed red blood instead of blue goo.

    I don't buy any excuse they can dish out for the underwhelming graphics. None are good enough. They had the money and time but they came up short. Enough people feel this way that's it's become an issue. The lighting effects help but I still wanted more while playing the campaign.

    BUT I will agree with you on the multiplayer aspect. I do enjoy that online multi with 16 people. Reminds me of my Counter Strike or Day of Defeats days with about 32 people playing at the same time. (I love that nonstop action) I find it frustrating that Gears limits you to 8. You can never fit all your friends in at the same time. I also get a kick of the exagerrated physics of the game. Pretty damn funny to blow up your friend's warthog 50 feet in the air with him in it and then replay it later. Only thing that sucks is how long it takes to fast forward to a specific point in the saved videos. I gave up looking for that perfect scene so many times now.

    Do I think the Halo series is trash? No way. I play Halo3 but it's definitely not one of my favorite games at all mostly because of the "cuteness".
  • Reply 72 of 111
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by irnchriz View Post

    Yeah, thats right, microsoft copied steam:

    "Steam's development began at an uncertain date prior to 2002. Prior to 'Steam', its codenames were 'Grid' and 'Gazelle'. It was revealed to the public on 22 March 2002 at the Game Developers Conference and was presented purely as a distribution network: no mention of purchases was made."

    Sure they did, when xbox live had already been around for 2 years, proviging online gaming, game and content updates/downloads. Oh, and game news on the xbox live window. How dare microsoft time travel and steal valve's steam.

    No. Xbox Live started in November 2002. Look it up.
  • Reply 73 of 111
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by pomo View Post

    What I'm trying to say is this.

    want games-buy console

    simple as that.

    Personally, I rather play games on a console instead of playing on my PC because its a waste of HD. Imagine having 10+ games, that's like 100GB. Besides, you get a better gaming experience with a console anyways.

    I still don't get how anybody still says that consoles are better than PCs for gaming. There is really no comparison.

    EDIT: Nevermind I now understand why:

    Originally Posted by pomo View Post

    Okay I admit it, I have one game on a PC. The game is Final Fantasy XI . Frankly, I rather play this game with a controller that resembles the one that looks like the Playstation's controller. Based on personal experience, I think playing on the keyboard is so limiting and frustrating.

    FWIW, it takes time to get used to any controller but once you get used to the keyboard you will have many more options that can also be customizable. Took me quite a while to get used to the Xbox 360 controller coming from the PC but with a bit of time I got there. Although I have to say I still think aiming with my RAZER mouse will always be more accurate than the Xbox controller.
  • Reply 74 of 111
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by Shadow Slayer 26 View Post

    Can you guys tell I'm a bit of a Bungie fan?

    You don't say...
  • Reply 75 of 111
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by Shadow Slayer 26 View Post

    And Steam copied someone else who copied someone else....come on, you don't really think Steam invented modding do you?

    When did I say Valve invented modding?
  • Reply 76 of 111
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Several times bigger than 10M? If you include casual gaming that covers flash based web games for sure. Hard core gamers? Given that PC gaming has been on the decline since 1999 I dunno. 38M units sold in the US in 2005. Assuming every single sale was to a different individual sure. That ain't too likely though.

    To me, you're just trying to segregate gamers into different levels in an effort to shrink the market. Seems you're concept is that gamers = hard core gamers (whatever that really means). Gamers play games, simple as that. Whether it be what I suppose would be considered a "hard-core" game like Unreal Tournament or Elder Scrolls Oblivion or a "casual game" like The Sims or the thousand variants of Diner Dash, they are all gamers.


    The US console market was $4.8B in 2006. The US PC game market was $970M in 2006.

    The market disagrees that PC games are better than console games.

    If you consider that the PC is another gaming platform, then PC games did just as well (if not better) than any other plaform. Against the Xbox 360, Sony PS2, Sony PS3, Sony PSP, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, and whatever remains of the Xbox, PS1, Gamecube and Gameboy markets, the PC platform managed revenue equal to 20% of those combined sales. Sounds like games on the PC platform sell pretty darned well.

    Doesn't really appear to me that the market agrees that console games are better.


    Certainly games are an afterthought on the Mac.

    Actually, it's pretty clear that games don't even rank as an afterthought to Apple. For example, sure there's a link on the Apple homepage about EA's new "Mac" games. Going to the page you'll find this funny quote: "For best game performance, Apple recommends Intel-based Macs."

    Considering that the page is dedicated to the new EA games, and none of those will run on non-Intel Macs, doesn't it seem like Apple should point that out right there?


    On the other hand, every time I visit the local Game Stop it seems the PC games are stuffed into an ever smaller space. Currently it looks how the old Mac Games section looked (one freestanding bookshelf). That is not what I call an over promising sign.

    Which is kinda sad because I like mods. On the other hand XNA for the 360 scratches that itch.

    And when I visit my local Best Buy, Circuit City, and even Walmart, I see equal shelf space given to PC games as I do any other platform. Again, if you combine the consoles as one big mass, PC games are dwarfed when it comes to shelf space. But that also is pretty disingenuous. Gamestop is pretty focused on console games (since it's a lot easier to sell a console than a computer).
  • Reply 77 of 111
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    A very unusual crowd came out for this story.

    Let me get this right, buy an expensive computer AND an expensive console is a better solution than an a properly spec'd expensive computer that can do both. The dual system setup had better be much better because it's a lot more expensive overall.

    There are still some games that I would like to play on the PC that are not available on consoles and macs. If WoW was PC only, I would have to get a PC.

    You really might need to own everything (PC, Mac, ps3, ps2 if your ps3 is the one without hardware ps2 support, wii, xbox - since 360 emulation sucks, and xbox360), depending on what your tastes are.

    I can see the PC gamer boy's point, since if you can't (or don't want to) get everything, then you either drop the Mac (if PC games are really important to you) or the PC (if using windows makes you puke). I dropped the PC, he dropped the Mac - just a different set of priorities.
  • Reply 78 of 111
    rokerroker Posts: 4member
    Console Gaming:

    -more variety, no settings or specifications to mess with, RTS and FPS aren't as good without mouse and keyboard

    PC Gaming:

    -best graphics, the BEST way to play FPS and RTS, lack of variety, especially by Japanese software developers

    Personally, I prefer console gaming because I never have to worry about system specifications (put disc in, play game) and software comes from a variety of genres from a lot of companies that either:

    A.) don't do PC gaming


    B.) take long to port over said games (sometimes the ports are sloppy, see Capcom games)

    Good thing I'm just a casual fan of FPS or I'd be inclined to ditch the controller for a superior mouse and keyboard setup on a high end PC
  • Reply 79 of 111
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Of course, that doesn't include things like subscription fees from MMORPGs.

    World of Warcraft, a computer game, clears $1 billion a year in continuing subscriptions all by itself. So the 4.8 billion vs 1 billion figure is a bit misleading... it isn't quite that one-sided. \


    Sure, they are only talking about box sales and not recurring income. Dunno how much Live brings in to MS but it's not likely all that.

    MMORPGs and high end FPS, RTS are the bastions of PC gaming. MMORPGs tend to play fine on a Mac. That leaves high end FPS and RTS. With DX10 still locked to Vista and Vista not exactly roaring off the shelves...

    While it is very unlikely that the hard code PC gaming market is several times the size the Mac market it is obvious for the console market. 117M units worldwide for the PS2 alone. Compared to the 22M (according to the March AI article) Apple installed base.

    With only 32M US box sales in 2005 I now doubt that the PC gamer market is larger than the Mac market given that most of that 22M Apple base is in the US as well. With the PS3 and Wii also on the market I suspect that while revenues might have grown in 2006 the total unit sales didn't grow much.

    I've rambled long enough. The point is that PC box sales indicate that PC gaming is not all that and of the major strengths on that platform the big moneymaker (WoW) runs on the Mac. Others will run in Bootcamp.

    So if you aren't a hardcore FPS or RTS gamer the PC game advantage is largely illusory if you happen to also be a console owner.

  • Reply 80 of 111
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    MMORPGs tend to play fine on a Mac.

    WoW plays on the mac, Tolkien online does not. What other MMORPGs run on the mac?
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