A True Desktop Class Mac, or another Cube?



  • Reply 521 of 649
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by mjteix View Post

    Keep your engines down a little bit, will you..........[/I]

    Unfortunately I still don't think Apple could get away with another computer that looks like a little box design. They seriously need something fresh and inspiring to make the computer world go Ooooh, and Ahhhhh.. again. At this point in time the iron is hot and ready to strike for them. If they confined another system it could, and probably would seal the deal that Apple is not serving their customers. The iPhone was hit and a miss in that respect. It showed they could make an inspiring product but the stink it caused has hit back at their persona.
  • Reply 522 of 649
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Originally Posted by mjteix View Post

    To rickag: I didn't settle of an iMac (I have a MB for general tasks, and still use the old G4 for audio). No way I'll ever buy an iMac - in it's current form - for audio work, an used MP yes, but no iMac.

    Fortunately for me, my needs are not as extensive are yours so I could "settle" and just live with the cable clutter and only wait for the day technology makes my computer legacy forcing me to prematurely upgrade to another computer(re: maybe a used Mac Pro)
  • Reply 523 of 649

    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon.

    ...and the quad 2.4 gig Intel chip is now less than £200 on Micro Direct. Ram and HDs are dirt cheap.

    It's a perfect mid-tower chip. Stick a Geforce 8700 GT (or whatever it'll be called...) with it and you have a perfect £1000 'Cube' replacement.

    Lemon Bon Bon.

    Screw the cube. As you can see it's been defeated in this thread already. Get over it.

    Users would adopt a true desktop, not another confined system that has strict limitations.

    Half a Mac Pro makes a ideal 'Cube/Mid-Tower/Inbetween Mac Mini/Mac Pro desktop'.

    The only thing that defeated the 'prosumer' Cube was Jobs and Apple's high pricing pitched directly against the 'Power Mac' at the time which offered more for the same money.

    It was a disaster in a very t-sexy shell.

    If it has been a more convential size for conventional desktop components and priced to go? It would have cleared the decks. We'll never know. It wasn't priced to go. Wasn't bigger and got, surprise, put 'on ice'. Game over.

    The consumer voted with minds and not their hearts.

    If you don't do something right. The consumers won't buy it. That doesn't mean the market isn't there. eg iPod market. Apple did it right and cleared the floor.


    Penryn is here. Great. Another excuse for high-priced towers for serious people. Ok.

    But what about a tower that doesn't have sli, doesn't have 8 ram slots, doesn't have 4 HD bays, that doesn't have a Quadro GPU that...isn't 8 core.

    Seriously, anybody seriously debating that there isn't a market for half of that? Half of that gets you a discrete gpu slot, 2 hd slots and 4 core. More than enough for most consumers/gamers/prosumers. And it can, as illustrated, be done for a jaw droppingly realistic and 'I want one of those prices'.

    Just get Ives to put some 'sex' on the case?

    I'm sold. Plus, I and others stop whining about it.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 524 of 649
    No, I guess the Cube wasn't quite a 'true' desktop. Nearly but no cigar...

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 525 of 649
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Unfortunately I still don't think Apple could get away with another computer that looks like a little box design. They seriously need something fresh and inspiring to make the computer world go Ooooh, and Ahhhhh.. again. At this point in time the iron is hot and ready to strike for them. If they confined another system it could, and probably would seal the deal that Apple is not serving their customers. The iPhone was hit and a miss in that respect. It showed they could make an inspiring product but the stink it caused has hit back at their persona.

    how on earth would a tower contribute to ohh and ahhh?

    A cube, that was priced correctly and updated for 2007 styles is more likely to produce ohhs and ahhs if it met a specific consumer need (media center PC/NAS). A small cube-like iNAS that was easy to setup, served as an iTunes gateway for aTV, with a Blu-Ray drive and that just happened to have a PCIe slot...

    iNAS is a crappy name...maybe iHome or iMedia or something without an i.
  • Reply 526 of 649
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    how on earth would a tower contribute to ohh and ahhh?

    Ooohh.. It's different (*and thank god for that), and Aaahhh... How refreshing?

    *serious prayer.
  • Reply 527 of 649
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    how on earth would a tower contribute to ohh and ahhh?.

    Better graphics, immediate use of all the newest tech, and the knowledge that you have a machine that does exactly what you want it to do. No matter who aesthetically pleasing a computer is designed, it starts looking real ugly, real fast if it isn't up to the task.

    This may be impossible, but try to accept others may have different priorities than your own and that doesn't make them somehow inferior or unworthy of the benefits of Mac OS X.
  • Reply 528 of 649
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    Better graphics,

    Which if they added cards would be on the Mac Pro.


    immediate use of all the newest tech,

    Which they are doing by going Penryn on the Pro as early as intel can supply chips.


    and the knowledge that you have a machine that does exactly what you want it to do.

    Oddly, my Mac Pro and MBP does exactly what I want them to do. The only thing you're quibbling about is price.


    This may be impossible, but try to accept others may have different priorities than your own and that doesn't make them somehow inferior or unworthy of the benefits of Mac OS X.

    Riiight. Perhaps you should try to accept that Apple has different priorities than you? You denigrate the Mac Pro as a sucky machine. Its not. Period. It may be impossible but get over yourself.

    I do understand the desire for an xMac. I'd like one too but I'm not so arrogant to demand that a company change its entire desktop product line because I want something. If I want a desktop tower Mac so damn much I'll wait an extra year until I can afford a Mac Pro. My QuickSilver has lasted me since 2002 and was around $1600ish and was a single CPU unit. So while the $800 bump is somewhat painful I get a more capable machine than I did in 2002 (dual vs single) and if I had saved $1600 toward a new tower by 2007 I would have to save an extra $70 a month to get a Penryn Mac Pro in 2008. $70 might or might not be a lot. Same with $800 but heck Apple's towers have never been cheap since Jobs returned.

    The primary difference 5 years later is that the bottom end Mac Pro is a dual CPU unit that is no more expensive than the middle option Quicksilver (single CPU 933Mhz). If they had a single 2.0Ghz Xeon Mac Pro for $1600ish we'd have the same tower lineup as we did half a decade ago.

    Frankly it's kinda a wash...I also have a $800 3-4 year old P4 machine that was my old gaming rig. A Mac Pro can work well enough in Bootcamp mode as a gaming rig. If you were so inclined you can get an 8800 and run it in your Mac Pro.

  • Reply 529 of 649
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Oddly, my Mac Pro and MBP does exactly what I want them to do.

    Key word YOU. you are not the only person on this planet.


    Riiight. Perhaps you should try to accept that Apple has different priorities than you?

    Makin' money and bringing new users to the Mac. Sounds like we're on the same page. You, however, who want to turn the Mac into some snobby members only club...


    You denigrate the Mac Pro as a sucky machine. Its not. Period. It may be impossible but get over yourself.

    When did I say the Mac Pro was a sucky machine, it's an excellent machine for the high end professionals it's designed for. It's just over kill for anyone who isn't making a movie. The idea of a single xeon machine, however just for the "I have xeon, I'm sooo cool" effect creates nothing but a machine that is needlessly slower and more expensive than it has to be. Higher end desktops/ low end single CPU workstations is the reason intel created the x38 chipset.


    I do understand the desire for an xMac. I'd like one too but I'm not so arrogant to demand that a company change its entire desktop product line because I want something.

    No, You want their entire lineup to cater to you and others like you exclusively.


    If I want a desktop tower Mac so damn much I'll wait an extra year until I can afford a Mac Pro.

    Or you could be like a lot of potential Mac desktop users and either kept a Mac laptop with a PC desktop or skip the Mac all together. Either way, Apple is screwing themselves out of money. But then again, why have 15-20% and even more money when you can have 8.1%.


    My QuickSilver has lasted me since 2002 and was around $1600ish and was a single CPU unit.

    Yes, that is exactly what we want, what we used to be able to buy before Apple decided we should be buying iMacs.


    So while the $800 bump is somewhat painful I get a more capable machine than I did in 2002 (dual vs single) and if I had saved $1600 toward a new tower by 2007 I would have to save an extra $70 a month to get a Penryn Mac Pro in 2008. $70 might or might not be a lot. Same with $800 but heck Apple's towers have never been cheap since Jobs returned.

    Apple towers got really affordable during his reign to the point of getting down to the very competitive price of $1299.

    [/quote]The primary difference 5 years later is that the bottom end Mac Pro is a dual CPU unit that is no more expensive than the middle option Quicksilver (single CPU 933Mhz). If they had a single 2.0Ghz Xeon Mac Pro for $1600ish we'd have the same tower lineup as we did half a decade ago.[/QUOTE]

    If you mean not very competitive on features, I'd agree. For that price, you can get a 2.4ghz x38 chipset quad core workstation. A $1600 machine with comparable features to the low end iMac is insulting.
  • Reply 530 of 649
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    .............Riiight. Perhaps you should try to accept that Apple has different priorities than you? You denigrate the Mac Pro as a sucky machine. Its not. Period. It may be impossible but get over yourself. ..............


    I don't think he's saying the Mac Pro sucks. (Although it does lately) Maybe you think Apples priorities are exactly what every one on earth should live by, but there are those people living in the real world that maybe don't want to have a monstrosity on their desk that has an extra processor they don't feel they need, or need to pay for, and other extra features that they feel are excessive for their needs. Actually, it's the majority of Mac users that think this AFAICT.

    So what exactly is your problem with these people? Is it that they can think for them selves? Is it that they are not brainwashed into being a sucker?
  • Reply 531 of 649

    I don't think he's saying the Mac Pro sucks.

    1 gig of ram sucks.

    The gpu/7300 sucks.

    The HD sucks.

    Has no 'mere mortal' line of Conroe based mid-tower range.

    Apart from that, it's fine.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 532 of 649
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    Key word YOU. you are not the only person on this planet.

    Nope. So what? Your objection is a subjective one.

    I'm addressing that an xMac tower wouldn't generate any ohhs or ahhhs. The first two objections are semi-objective and you had no response to the fact that new graphics cards also applies to the Mac Pro and its getting the latest and greatest tech from Intel.


    Makin' money and bringing new users to the Mac. Sounds like we're on the same page. You, however, who want to turn the Mac into some snobby members only club...

    Riiight. No, I'm pointed out that Apple's pricing already MAKES it a snobby members only club. The cheapest computer is nearly double the cost entry level PC and is arguably no more powerful.

    The other point is that Apple BRANDING also points to an luxury brand that...gee...automagically puts itself into some snobby members only club.


    When did I say the Mac Pro was a sucky machine, it's an excellent machine for the high end professionals it's designed for.

    Every time you whine about FB-DIMMS being such a performance hit that an iMac is probably faster. Do I NEED to go hunting for those posts? Heck, once you even commented that except for graphics the Mini was comparable.


    It's just over kill for anyone who isn't making a movie. The idea of a single xeon machine, however just for the "I have xeon, I'm sooo cool" effect creates nothing but a machine that is needlessly slower and more expensive than it has to be. Higher end desktops/ low end single CPU workstations is the reason intel created the x38 chipset.

    More than movie makers use workstations. The "needlessly slower" is in reality not much of a performance hit. And the ONLY reason I suggest a single Xeon CPU Mac Pro is because IT'S A VERY EASY THING FOR APPLE TO DO IF THEY WANTED TO.

    Get it? It's a BTO they could do TOMORROW by changing their website and modifying their instructions on assembly. Yeah, yeah, there's more lead time required to actually do this, contracts, whatever but you get the idea finally? No new MB, no engineering costs, no need to any regulatory testing.


    No, You want their entire lineup to cater to you and others like you exclusively.

    No, I'm pointing out reality as to WHY you don't have an xMac. The conversation gets heated because you folks attack the messenger and I don't roll over.


    Or you could be like a lot of potential Mac desktop users and either kept a Mac laptop with a PC desktop or skip the Mac all together. Either way, Apple is screwing themselves out of money. But then again, why have 15-20% and even more money when you can have 8.1%.

    And to date no one has shown that there is significant money being left on the table. If so you should bring it up at the next stockholder meeting complete with charts and maybe a class action lawsuit as to how if Jobs got off his AIO kick the stock price would be $170.

    Oh wait.


    Yes, that is exactly what we want, what we used to be able to buy before Apple decided we should be buying iMacs.

    Which is a power mac with a single vs dual CPUs. Which today would be...a Mac Pro with a single vs dual CPUs.


    Apple towers got really affordable during his reign to the point of getting down to the very competitive price of $1299.

    Once. For a very short period in 2003. For a single 1.25Ghz G4 Power Mac when the top end was a dual 2.0Ghz G5. Dead end CPU on a dead end tower line. That would like offering a $1299 1.6Ghz Woodcrest Mac Pro in the current case...assuming we get a sexy new case update...when the Penryns come out.


    If you mean not very competitive on features, I'd agree. For that price, you can get a 2.4ghz x38 chipset quad core workstation. A $1600 machine with comparable features to the low end iMac is insulting.

    See...you're saying the Mac Pro sucks again because, hey, if most things don't use 4 cores then the $2200 2.0 Ghz Dual Mac Pro almost equally sucks. And for $1600 you get a single 2.0 Ghz Xeon 5130 Precision 490 workstation from Dell. Offering the SAME option to Mac Pro buyers hurts how?

    Hurts nothing except you want to keep whining. At least whining about GPUs has a higher probability of getting addressed.

    With the Penryns you have a HOPE that Apple offers a $1599-$1699 Mac Pro of some kind with dual dual or a single quad.

    Bottom end quad...lower, middle and upper are octos.

    Also on the plus side, a number of woodcrest Mac Pros should hit eBay.
  • Reply 533 of 649
    mjteixmjteix Posts: 563member

    You fail to understand that:

    - using only one CPU in a motherboard DESIGNED for dual-cpus, will restrict performance a lot.

    - given Apple's price policy on the Mac Pro, they will never release a single processor version for under $1999 or people will get the single CPU version and upgrade it to dual-cpu elsewhere for cheaper than what Apple can offer. Making the motherboard not-upgradable may add additional costs making the single-CPU version even more expensive

    - whatever the costs of R&D/Testing, manufacturing a desktop motherboard will cost 1/4 (or so) of a server/workstation one,

    - There is no "ohh and ahhh" making this today or tomorrow with the woodcrest (dual-core) cpus.

    However, (see I am not always against you).

    It could be more easily done and appropriate with the upcoming penryn chips/chipset. Why?

    - New chipset, new motherboard: can be design from the groundup to use ONE or TWO cpus (without compromising performances).

    - Most of the chips that will be available in November are Quads starting at $209 (quad 2.0GHz/1333) which is the current price of DC 2.0GHz mobile chip! (Today, a dual-core tower desktop for $1499-1999 is ridiculous, but a well made/spec'd quad in the same price range would be nice).

    - So we could be talking 2/3 models of single-cpu quads and 2/3 models of dual-cpus (octo-core) Mac Pros.

    Now let's suppose that at the top we'll get a dual-quad 3.2/1600 for $3999. and at the bottom a single-quad for $1499. how can it work, with the prices we know:

    $1499 single-quad 2.50GHz/1333 Xeon $316 -- almost as fast as the current quad 2.66 MP for $1000 less, and maybe faster than a quad 2.40GHz/1066 Kentsfield-based computer

    $1999 single-quad 2.80GHz/1600 Xeon $797 (+$481)

    $2499 single-quad 3.20GHz/1600 Xeon $1,172 (+$375)

    $2999 dual-quad 2.80GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$797 (+$422)

    $3499 dual-quad 3.00GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$958 (+$322)

    $3999 dual-quad 3.20GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$1,172 (+$428)

    And that with just 4 new chips and a redesigned motherboard. Of course, we all hope that Apple will make 2GB of RAM standard, and have a trio of new video cards to offer.
  • Reply 534 of 649
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    1 gig of ram sucks.

    The gpu/7300 sucks.

    The HD sucks.

    Has no 'mere mortal' line of Conroe based mid-tower range.

    Apart from that, it's fine.

    Lemon Bon Bon.

    Yes the GPU sucks, I don't understand why a HD can suck but OK, But the Processors for a workstation do not suck. It may suck that there is not a regular desktop with a single CPU, but that's another argument all together. This (Mac Pro) is supposed to be Apples flagship High-end workstation. There is no skimping on power in such a machine. But your definitely right about the GPU. It sucks. And the lack of GPU options suck too. Or maybe what you meant is it sucks for you?
  • Reply 535 of 649
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,434moderator
    Originally Posted by mjteix View Post

    Now let's suppose that at the top we'll get a dual-quad 3.2/1600 for $3999. and at the bottom a single-quad for $1499. how can it work, with the prices we know:

    $1499 single-quad 2.50GHz/1333 Xeon $316 -- almost as fast as the current quad 2.66 MP for $1000 less, and maybe faster than a quad 2.40GHz/1066 Kentsfield-based computer

    $1999 single-quad 2.80GHz/1600 Xeon $797 (+$481)

    $2499 single-quad 3.20GHz/1600 Xeon $1,172 (+$375)

    $2999 dual-quad 2.80GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$797 (+$422)

    $3499 dual-quad 3.00GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$958 (+$322)

    $3999 dual-quad 3.20GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$1,172 (+$428)

    And that with just 4 new chips and a redesigned motherboard. Of course, we all hope that Apple will make 2GB of RAM standard, and have a trio of new video cards to offer.

    That looks like a pretty nice lineup to me. Ideally, I'd have liked a smaller form factor but since a small form factor machine at iMac prices would likely put people off the iMac, I'd settle for a bulkier Mac Pro size with that range of CPUs.
  • Reply 536 of 649
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by mjteix View Post

    $1499 single-quad 2.50GHz/1333 Xeon $316 -- almost as fast as the current quad 2.66 MP for $1000 less, and maybe faster than a quad 2.40GHz/1066 Kentsfield-based computer

    $1999 single-quad 2.80GHz/1600 Xeon $797 (+$481)

    $2499 single-quad 3.20GHz/1600 Xeon $1,172 (+$375)

    $2999 dual-quad 2.80GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$797 (+$422)

    $3499 dual-quad 3.00GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$958 (+$322)

    $3999 dual-quad 3.20GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$1,172 (+$428)

    When all is said and done... I could settle for that line up. I'd be a little bummed they didn't use desktop CPUs... but I can live with ECC ram if I have to. All in all... I just want a desktop between a 1500 and 2k price range... like they used to offer.
  • Reply 537 of 649
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by mjteix View Post


    You fail to understand that:

    - using only one CPU in a motherboard DESIGNED for dual-cpus, will restrict performance a lot.

    The Anandtech benchmark of the Mac Pro compared a C2D machine vs a Mac Pro with one processor disabled.


    Single 3.0Ghz Xeon performed about as well (5% slower) as a 2.93 C2EE X6800.

    even for rendering.


    Gaming benches sucked of course. But not much worse than the quad 3.0 and sometimes better.

    If you have benchmarks to show that a Mac Pro with a single CPU enabled takes a huge hit that would be good to see. But frankly that window of opportunity is passing so it hardly matters. I say that Apple could do this tomorrow but the actual probability approaches Zero.

    Now I don't know how AnandTech disabled the second processor so that could be a factor.


    - given Apple's price policy on the Mac Pro, they will never release a single processor version for under $1999 or people will get the single CPU version and upgrade it to dual-cpu elsewhere for cheaper than what Apple can offer. Making the motherboard not-upgradable may add additional costs making the single-CPU version even more expensive

    The only model it could cannibalize is the dual 2.0 model. Dell's single 2.0Ghz CPU Precision costs $1549 price. Adding a 2nd 2.0Ghz CPU at Dell costs $429. Takes you to $1978...cheaper than the Mac Pro dual 2.0Ghz by $200 with slightly different configuration.

    So worst case is you either

    a) decrease the $2200 2.0 Ghz dual dual by $500 to $1700 for a single dual and folks that want to buy a $375 Xeon 5130 with stock heatsink can save a whopping $130 to invalidate AppleCare/Warranty and potentially brick their Mac Pro and have to buy a new MB out of pocket. If you've seen the teardown sites for the Mac Pro, Apple did NOT make the CPUs easy to get to. $1700 (or $1699) is $100 more than I said but far below your $1999 assertion.

    The 2.66Ghz model is safe because to get dual dual is $700 ea. retail. $1700+$1400-ebay value of a 2.0Ghz doesn't sound awesome. $1700+1700 for 3Ghz is also more expensive. Dunno that anyone is selling the 3.0Ghz Clovertons.

    I guess you could save a couple hundred bucks by using 2.66Ghz Clovertons. Meh.

    b) not be nice and epoxy the terminator (dummy) CPU into the socket. Good luck getting that out without wrecking the MB and on a complexity scale that's a lot lower than doing a new MB for C2D and having a whole set of new SKUs.


    - whatever the costs of R&D/Testing, manufacturing a desktop motherboard will cost 1/4 (or so) of a server/workstation one,

    Except there are likely no (significant) R&D/Testing, Manufacturing, etc costs of offering a single Woodcrest Mac Pro. You don't have to spin a new board.


    - There is no "ohh and ahhh" making this today or tomorrow with the woodcrest (dual-core) cpus.

    So? The oohs and ahhs come from the top end 3.2Ghz Penryn Mac Pros. This is just a nice, and easy thing to do in order to offer a lower cost of entry for a Mac Tower.


    However, (see I am not always against you).

    It could be more easily done and appropriate with the upcoming penryn chips/chipset. Why?

    - New chipset, new motherboard: can be design from the groundup to use ONE or TWO cpus (without compromising performances).

    Well given that folks expect the Penryns Mac Pros to come out in the next couple months there's no way Apple is going to offer a single CPU Woodcrest anytime soon unless Intel gives Apple a bigger price break on the 2.66Ghz Woodcrests. But presumably they have better things to do with their 65nm fabs than churn out more Woodcrests but maybe not.


    - Most of the chips that will be available in November are Quads starting at $209 (quad 2.0GHz/1333) which is the current price of DC 2.0GHz mobile chip! (Today, a dual-core tower desktop for $1499-1999 is ridiculous, but a well made/spec'd quad in the same price range would be nice).

    They still quote $316 or something for the 2.0Ghz Woodcrests. Sure, it would be silly to use a Woodcrest, kinda like it was silly to use the Yonah in the Mini for as long as Apple did from Intel's published prices. They could use a Wolfdale but its kinda like why?

    So yes, I agree that a single 2.5Ghz Harpertown would be a nice CPU to use in the $1499-$1699 range.

    The other alternative is Intel has a fire sale on some 65nm parts and Apple does that for a year instead.


    - So we could be talking 2/3 models of single-cpu quads and 2/3 models of dual-cpus (octo-core) Mac Pros.

    Now let's suppose that at the top we'll get a dual-quad 3.2/1600 for $3999. and at the bottom a single-quad for $1499. how can it work, with the prices we know:

    $1499 single-quad 2.50GHz/1333 Xeon $316 -- almost as fast as the current quad 2.66 MP for $1000 less, and maybe faster than a quad 2.40GHz/1066 Kentsfield-based computer

    $1999 single-quad 2.80GHz/1600 Xeon $797 (+$481)

    $2499 single-quad 3.20GHz/1600 Xeon $1,172 (+$375)

    $2999 dual-quad 2.80GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$797 (+$422)

    $3499 dual-quad 3.00GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$958 (+$322)

    $3999 dual-quad 3.20GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$1,172 (+$428)

    That's perfect. From your lips to Job's ears. If they could meet the $1499 price point that gives folks a Mac Tower that doesn't cost $2200.

    Preferably without doing something to eliminate the option to upgrade to dual CPUs as Apple has done in the past.


    And that with just 4 new chips and a redesigned motherboard. Of course, we all hope that Apple will make 2GB of RAM standard, and have a trio of new video cards to offer.

    Sure thing. No disagreement.
  • Reply 538 of 649
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    When all is said and done... I could settle for that line up. I'd be a little bummed they didn't use desktop CPUs... but I can live with ECC ram if I have to. All in all... I just want a desktop between a 1500 and 2k price range... like they used to offer.

    Don't get me wrong. FB-DIMMs are expensive AND dead tech. But eh...it ain't THAT bad and a $1500 Mac Pro is better than nothing which is what we have today.
  • Reply 539 of 649
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by mjteix View Post


    You fail to understand that:

    - using only one CPU in a motherboard DESIGNED for dual-cpus, will restrict performance a lot.

    - given Apple's price policy on the Mac Pro, they will never release a single processor version for under $1999 or people will get the single CPU version and upgrade it to dual-cpu elsewhere for cheaper than what Apple can offer. Making the motherboard not-upgradable may add additional costs making the single-CPU version even more expensive

    - whatever the costs of R&D/Testing, manufacturing a desktop motherboard will cost 1/4 (or so) of a server/workstation one,

    - There is no "ohh and ahhh" making this today or tomorrow with the woodcrest (dual-core) cpus.

    However, (see I am not always against you).

    It could be more easily done and appropriate with the upcoming penryn chips/chipset. Why?

    - New chipset, new motherboard: can be design from the groundup to use ONE or TWO cpus (without compromising performances).

    - Most of the chips that will be available in November are Quads starting at $209 (quad 2.0GHz/1333) which is the current price of DC 2.0GHz mobile chip! (Today, a dual-core tower desktop for $1499-1999 is ridiculous, but a well made/spec'd quad in the same price range would be nice).

    - So we could be talking 2/3 models of single-cpu quads and 2/3 models of dual-cpus (octo-core) Mac Pros.

    Now let's suppose that at the top we'll get a dual-quad 3.2/1600 for $3999. and at the bottom a single-quad for $1499. how can it work, with the prices we know:

    $1499 single-quad 2.50GHz/1333 Xeon $316 -- almost as fast as the current quad 2.66 MP for $1000 less, and maybe faster than a quad 2.40GHz/1066 Kentsfield-based computer

    $1999 single-quad 2.80GHz/1600 Xeon $797 (+$481)

    $2499 single-quad 3.20GHz/1600 Xeon $1,172 (+$375)

    $2999 dual-quad 2.80GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$797 (+$422)

    $3499 dual-quad 3.00GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$958 (+$322)

    $3999 dual-quad 3.20GHz/1600 Xeon 2x$1,172 (+$428)

    And that with just 4 new chips and a redesigned motherboard. Of course, we all hope that Apple will make 2GB of RAM standard, and have a trio of new video cards to offer.

    I could definitely deal with that lineup. Price points and performance wouldn't be that different than a high end desktop.
  • Reply 540 of 649
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    I could definitely deal with that lineup. Price points and performance wouldn't be that different than a high end desktop.

    Heh...Wolfdale and Yorkfields should still be cheaper...but hey, we finally have agreement.

    Single Xeon (Harpertown) Mac Pro FTW.
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