in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hi, I'm a PC... user.. who's curious about trying a Mac. Problem is they're expensive and I don't want to sink that much money just to try something that may not even do what I need. So I figured if Apple fans are so intent on converting everyone, let them prove it by donating and buying me a Mac to try. Check out for details.


  • Reply 1 of 25
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Everyone else has to pay for their own computers, we're certainly not going to be buying yours. You think we really give a shit if you continue to use a P.C. or not? We don't, not in the bloody slightest. Maybe you should get your finger out, and earn the money yourself. We work to earn money, so should you. I'm sick of people begging for things. If you want one buy it yourself.
  • Reply 2 of 25
    Well don't donate. As the site says.. I'm looking for people who DO constantly try to convert PC users to Mac users. If that's not you then I'm not looking for you to donate.
  • Reply 3 of 25
    Hi, I will donate by offering this advice: You need to change your poll to 13" MacBook not 15" MacBook.
  • Reply 4 of 25
    If you put on your site that you will somehow blow up your old PC, or resonably well recycle your old PC, I might consider giving you $1. It's the poor kids in Asia that will have to deal with your crappy PC if you get a Mac....
  • Reply 5 of 25
    I donated to this.

    Worth every penny.
  • Reply 6 of 25
    I will contribute US$1 to see you a WindowsVistaUltimate brand-new-shiny-unopened box.
  • Reply 7 of 25
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Hi, I will donate by offering this advice: You need to change your poll to 13" MacBook not 15" MacBook.

    Thanks for pointing that out. I updated it to 13".
  • Reply 8 of 25
    Tell us a bit more what you want to use your Mac for, what you do with your current PC, are you into games, etc? Do you have a Wii, PSP, PS3, XBox, etc..?
  • Reply 9 of 25
    Jeez, don't you people know a scam when you see one?

    The main question to ask is what do the Donators get out of this? NOTHING.

    Forget this douchebag.
  • Reply 10 of 25
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Tell us a bit more what you want to use your Mac for, what you do with your current PC, are you into games, etc? Do you have a Wii, PSP, PS3, XBox, etc..?

    Of course I use it for email, browsing, etc. I also use it a lot for web and graphics design which is one of the things I'm most interested about trying on a Mac. I've also heard good things about making movies on Macs and am curious about trying that out as well.
  • Reply 11 of 25
    Originally Posted by @_@ Artman View Post

    Jeez, don't you people know a scam when you see one?

    The main question to ask is what do the Donators get out of this? NOTHING.

    Forget this douchebag.

    If you could read then you'd know the answer to your question. This site is aimed at those Mac users who want to convert PC users (obviously not you). Those who feel that way can donate and if I switch then that's one more person on "their side" so to speak. One more person to spread the word, one more person bringing in revenue to Apple as I make future purchases, one less person giving money to Micro$oft, etc.

    If that's not you.. then don't donate, but that doesn't make me a douchebag
  • Reply 12 of 25
    Originally Posted by BuyMeAMac View Post

    If you could read then you'd know the answer to your question. This site is aimed at those Mac users who want to convert PC users (obviously not you). Those who feel that way can donate and if I switch then that's one more person on "their side" so to speak. One more person to spread the word, one more person bringing in revenue to Apple as I make future purchases, one less person giving money to Micro$oft, etc.

    If that's not you.. then don't donate, but that doesn't make me a douchebag

    No, it makes you a theiving, scamming ass. No one is going to give you a mac for free. You're probably just going to subscribe to every porn site on the net with this money anyway, then buy a Dell with anything left over.

    Mods, Ban him.
  • Reply 13 of 25
    Originally Posted by BuyMeAMac View Post

    If you could read then you'd know the answer to your question. This site is aimed at those Mac users who want to convert PC users (obviously not you). Those who feel that way can donate and if I switch then that's one more person on "their side" so to speak. One more person to spread the word, one more person bringing in revenue to Apple as I make future purchases, one less person giving money to Micro$oft, etc.

    If that's not you.. then don't donate, but that doesn't make me a douchebag

    And besides. If you are going to make everyone else pay for your mac, then there is no need for you "on our side"
  • Reply 14 of 25
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,365moderator
    Originally Posted by BuyMeAMac View Post

    This site is aimed at those Mac users who want to convert PC users (obviously not you).

    People often misunderstand this concept. If Tom Cruise turns up at your door trying to convert you to scientology, he's not going to buy you a gift so that you'll do it - well, maybe he would but I think scientology probably has most of his money anyway. He tells you what he believes as he thinks it will improve your quality of life.

    Mac users merely recommend the experience to others who may have similar frustrations with Windows. For all we know, you could buy a Mac, sell it and get a better PC than you have.

    Incidentally, I'd like like to use this thread to state that I'm trying to raise 1 million pounds to offer to jessica alba to sleep with me. There are a lot of ugly chicks round my way. Visit* to donate to a worthy cause.

    *note: URL may not work for people outside of my dreams
  • Reply 15 of 25
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by BuyMeAMac View Post

    Well don't donate. As the site says.. I'm looking for people who DO constantly try to convert PC users to Mac users. If that's not you then I'm not looking for you to donate.

    So now there's conditions? "If that's not you then I'm not looking for you to donate." Take your lazy ass off the couch and get a job.
  • Reply 16 of 25
    Originally Posted by BuyMeAMac View Post

    This site is aimed at those Mac users who want to convert PC users (obviously not you).

    Look, if you think you are taunting us/him or something, what the crap. Macs are for people who are non-conformists, and are willing to try something new, even at a cost (obviously not you). Your site is aimed at people who you think you can steal money from, because you think they will be dumb enough to give it to you.
  • Reply 17 of 25
    Originally Posted by BuyMeAMac View Post

    Of course I use it for email, browsing, etc. I also use it a lot for web and graphics design which is one of the things I'm most interested about trying on a Mac. I've also heard good things about making movies on Macs and am curious about trying that out as well.

    If you are not into gaming you are probably looking at Black MacBook 13" with 2gb RAM
  • Reply 18 of 25
    Originally Posted by JakeTheRock View Post

    Look, if you think you are taunting us/him or something, what the crap. Macs are for people who are non-conformists, and are willing to try something new, even at a cost (obviously not you). Your site is aimed at people who you think you can steal money from, because you think they will be dumb enough to give it to you.

    correct. i say we get him banned seeing as his goal is one of "bull shit" and will be the only thing he could possibly speak of anyways.
  • Reply 19 of 25
    Originally Posted by Rich-Myster View Post

    correct. i say we get him banned seeing as his goal is one of "bull shit" and will be the only thing he could possibly speak of anyways.

  • Reply 20 of 25
    Looks like he would sooner get banned then think; in fact, he did so.
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