New iMacs plagued by interface freezing issues



  • Reply 101 of 138
    I found something that seems to have improved my lockup issues while running Windows XP through Bootcamp. You might have different issues than mine, but here's something you can try.

    1) Download the ATI Catalyst Display Driver 7.9, and also its Control Center from here:

    I know there is a newer version 7.10 available but this mod doesn't work with that version yet. None of these ATI drivers will work with the iMac but the following steps will modify the drivers so that they will work with the iMac.

    2) Run the display driver only so that it automatically extracts its files to c: \\ATI\\Support\\7-9_xp32_dd_52443 but after its done extracting and it opens the installation, cancel the installation, because the install won't work on an iMac yet. Do the same thing with the Control Center software into its own directory.

    3) Download and fully install MSXML 4.0 from Microsoft:

    4) This next step is for VISTA ONLY

    Make sure UAC control in Vista is turned off. If you don't know how to do this then read this guide (method 4 is the easiest) or click the "disable UAC" in Mobility - please note you MUST reboot after disabling UAC. If you don't want it disabled permanently, you can turn it back on after our mobility tool has finished, but it won't mod the drivers correctly with UAC ON.

    5) Download Mobility Modder from here: and extract all of the files out of its Zip folder.

    6) Run MobilityDotNET.exe , click Browse, and point it to the location of the ATI drivers, such as: c: \\ati\\support\\7-9_xp32_dd_52443\\Driver then click the Modify button.

    7) Close and run MobilityDotNET.exe again to do the same thing to the Control Center folder, such as c: \\ati\\support\\7-9_xp32-64_ccc_lang1_52444

    8) Close all, go to the ATI driver folder and run setup to install, then install the Control Center software as well.

    9) Thank the guys over at, there is a link at the bottom of their page to donate to the cause if their mod works for you.

    10) Now I need to figure out why the Apple S-Video Out adaptor only works from the OSX side and not from the WindowsXP side, I only get out-of-sync lines at any resolution or refresh rate, even with the new ATI drivers. Anyone's help with a fix for that would be appreciated!

    Thank you,

  • Reply 102 of 138
    My Imac 2.4 20", 1GB Ram has given me the black crash several times in the first week of operation. No sound, no mouse just a black screen. I reboot and continue to work. My machine is running with very little new software. (I just switched over from PC.) I haven't even installed the 2gb stick of OWC I ordered. Lets hope a fix is released.
  • Reply 103 of 138
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    24", 2.4, 2gb ram, no issues at all. superb machine.
  • Reply 104 of 138
    I was going to buy tomorrow but after reading this I'm going to wait
  • Reply 105 of 138
    Originally Posted by gr8five View Post

    I was going to buy tomorrow but after reading this I'm going to wait

    For what its worth one poster mentioned that Leopard eliminates the freeze issues:
  • Reply 106 of 138
    Originally Posted by Foxxy View Post

    Weird graphic issues may have many origins on "low end" machines but it would make sense to try the following.

    1)Hard format of the internal drive from the CD. Build your partitions there etc.

    2)Reinstall OS X including Dev Tools (Yes Software update can use gcc to recompile stuff on your system).

    3)Run the whole updates set.


    5)Zap Pram and Nvram.


    Work up from there .

    Loads of problem actually emerge from operating on a preloaded installation of mac os X and/or parameter being out of whack in Pram and or Nvram. The first thing i do out of the box for new machines is reinstall from scratch . Keeps systems clean of trouble so far (20 assorted machines so far and counting).

    ...and whilst you are at it burn down the house, neuter the cat and dump your car in the nearest swamp.

    If nothing else it will keep you busy whilst Apple stays in denial.

    There definitely was a strong citrus smell about these latest iMacs.
  • Reply 107 of 138
    Yesterday while using Safari I was on a Google search results page and I hit a link and the screen went black. I had to restart, went back to the same Google results page hit the same link.........and dark as night again. Restarted went to same Google results page hit a different link, no problem......I just don't get it.
  • Reply 108 of 138
    is there any instances of this happening on the standard 128mb graphics card with the 20inch?
  • Reply 109 of 138
    Leopard didn't fix the freezing issue on my new iMac Then again, if it's video drivers, they probably haven't changed them significantly if at all over the course of two months.
  • Reply 110 of 138
    Originally Posted by eeff View Post

    i doubt that this is a wide spread issue. havent seen that many posts and users complaining...

    Three pages later.
  • Reply 111 of 138
    has anybody thought of putting a pettition together so apple can fix this issue \. It seems (from reading) that this issues affect a lot of users.
  • Reply 112 of 138
    > It seems (from reading) that this issues affect a lot of users.

    It also affects those who were ready to take the leap, then found out about the problem and stopped dead in their tracks! How many? More than a few, I would think. Will this issue slow the steady trickle from the PC crowd? I hope not, but it certainly has been a letdown. PC Magazine is helping Apple by ranking the MacBookPro the fastest PC for VISTA. This is called "damning with faint praise". "Don't worry, folks, buy it anyway, in the meantime you can run Vista!" Thank you, it DOES seem to show confidence in the hardware. But by implication does it highlight the stability of Vista vs its feline rivals? Or simply that Microsoft has a more "fault tolerant user base" for whom a reset from time to time is taken in stride?

    At this stage I will keep my utterly reliable installed base and keep waiting till Apple fixes the issue.

    There is a certain whiff of "omerta" surrounding Cupertino. Officially they keep celebrating high returns and record sales, but not a peep about the stability of their star desktop consumer market machines. You can't be too thin or too powerful. Well, perhaps, but how about "too stable"? Scratch yet another bunch of 24 inch iMac sales with all the trimmings just a few weeks before Christmas. If I owned the shop I would be a little worried.

    It sounds cavalier on their part, and a little sinister. When I worked as an IT systems integrator I paced the booths of chummy beta testers of certain products at various international computer shows such as CeBit in Germany. There was always grapevine info to be whispered about the status of the beast, warts and all. Not now. Silence. Everywhere.

    A wall of silence.

    In the meantime I'll postpone computer renewal by a couple of quarters.
  • Reply 113 of 138
    I found out how to reproduce a interface freeze on my 20" 2.4GHz iMac 100% of the time or at least in my case. Maybe some of you could try it and see if you have the same results. I went to and clicked on video trailers and started to watch the first Intro movie and before the video was over my imac completely froze. It happens 100% of the time for me. Guess I won't have trobule proving this to a apple genuis anymore. Let me know how it goes for you all
  • Reply 114 of 138
    Originally Posted by jmillar View Post

    > It seems (from reading) that this issues affect a lot of users.

    It also affects those who were ready to take the leap, then found out about the problem and stopped dead in their tracks! How many? More than a few, I would think. Will this issue slow the steady trickle from the PC crowd? I hope not, but it certainly has been a letdown. PC Magazine is helping Apple by ranking the MacBookPro the fastest PC for VISTA. This is called "damning with faint praise". "Don't worry, folks, buy it anyway, in the meantime you can run Vista!" Thank you, it DOES seem to show confidence in the hardware. But by implication does it highlight the stability of Vista vs its feline rivals? Or simply that Microsoft has a more "fault tolerant user base" for whom a reset from time to time is taken in stride?

    At this stage I will keep my utterly reliable installed base and keep waiting till Apple fixes the issue.

    There is a certain whiff of "omerta" surrounding Cupertino. Officially they keep celebrating high returns and record sales, but not a peep about the stability of their star desktop consumer market machines. You can't be too thin or too powerful. Well, perhaps, but how about "too stable"? Scratch yet another bunch of 24 inch iMac sales with all the trimmings just a few weeks before Christmas. If I owned the shop I would be a little worried.

    It sounds cavalier on their part, and a little sinister. When I worked as an IT systems integrator I paced the booths of chummy beta testers of certain products at various international computer shows such as CeBit in Germany. There was always grapevine info to be whispered about the status of the beast, warts and all. Not now. Silence. Everywhere.

    A wall of silence.

    In the meantime I'll postpone computer renewal by a couple of quarters.

    My sentiments exactly. Except the whiff I get is not of "omerta", but lemons.

    After waiting all this time for the iMac and Leopard, Apple has put me off both. Ah well the money I set aside for both is growing nicely, when I finally succumb it will be even cheaper!
  • Reply 115 of 138
    Originally Posted by cabranoia View Post

    My new iMac 20" 4GB ram and 2.4 GHZ c2d runs nice. NO problem at all.

    I just purchased the same machine on Sunday and had the freeze up problem the second day. Cannot restart or reboot. Returning today after reading all the problems and go back to my "PC" machine.
  • Reply 116 of 138
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by AustinJim View Post

    I just purchased the same machine on Sunday and had the freeze up problem the second day. Cannot restart or reboot. Returning today after reading all the problems and go back to my "PC" machine.

    I wouldn't be put off by this, Apple has always been helpful to me. No doubt I'd be pissed off, but I'd just get a replacement unit from Apple myself.
  • Reply 117 of 138
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Zephyr View Post

    I found out how to reproduce a interface freeze on my 20" 2.4GHz iMac 100% of the time or at least in my case. Maybe some of you could try it and see if you have the same results. I went to and clicked on video trailers and started to watch the first Intro movie and before the video was over my imac completely froze. It happens 100% of the time for me. Guess I won't have trobule proving this to a apple genuis anymore. Let me know how it goes for you all

    By the looks of it its a Quicktime problem then, no doubt Apple's scrambling fix. Thank God it's a software issue, I need this machine to run smoothly for me when it comes next week.
  • Reply 118 of 138
    Apple promised a fix sometime this month and here we are at the end October with no solution. Looks like for halloween we got the trick instead of the treat. I wonder if Steve Jobs trolls these forums. If your reading this Steve I want to thank you for the Apple with the razor blade in it.
  • Reply 119 of 138
    jwdawsojwdawso Posts: 394member
    Originally Posted by AustinJim View Post

    I just purchased the same machine on Sunday and had the freeze up problem the second day. Cannot restart or reboot. Returning today after reading all the problems and go back to my "PC" machine.

    Troll alert!
  • Reply 120 of 138
    I was looking forward to a new 24" iMac sometime this week. This can't be serious.... I don't expect a flawless machine, but from what I've heard "It just works."....

    I really want to switch, and I have no will power. I will probably end up impulse buying this machine and I really don't want to be upset.
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