MacBook, MacBook Pro owners suffer keyboard freezing with Leopard



  • Reply 41 of 90
    I have a 1.67 GHz Powerbook and have had a number of problems with Leopard, ranging from Safari freezing and crashing to Disk Utility no longer repairing permissions. Methinks Leopard was not quite ready for prime time. This is the buggiest upgrade I've had since 10.1.
  • Reply 42 of 90
    It must be the dreaded, "Cheap 3rd party RAM."

    The OS was not ready and 10.5.1 still isn't ready.
  • Reply 43 of 90
    I have a MBP that does NOT yet have leopard on it. It has Tiger 10.4.11. I bought it in March 07 and just recently in the last week or two this problem started happening to me too. It may still be a software problem somehow but it's not a leopard only issue.
  • Reply 44 of 90
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    I have also seen this on a Dual 2 GIG G5 running 10.5.1 (never done this before through several previous OS Xs). This is a wired keyboard. Force Quit Finder cures it.

    I also had an increasing number of applications that failed to quit and required a force quit. Two days ago I tried running disk repair having booted from an external disk with a clean Leopard install (upgraded to 10.5.1). I got a warning to back up my disk and initialize it. So I did.

    Related issue:

    I would like to extol the virtues of Time Machine in this matter. I was able to initialize my internal drive and then do a full restore using Time Machine. I was able to not only restore it to a working bootable drive but also select what moment in time to restore to. I had read many blogs stating TM could not do this so I was a very happy camper to discover how easy it is. Previously I had always used Super Duper or Carbon Copy Cloner in Tiger days but obviously a backup could be days out of date. My Time Machine restore was only minutes out of date.
  • Reply 45 of 90
    xgmanxgman Posts: 159member
    Originally Posted by Martimus View Post

    I have a MBP that does NOT yet have leopard on it. It has Tiger 10.4.11. I bought it in March 07 and just recently in the last week or two this problem started happening to me too. It may still be a software problem somehow but it's not a leopard only issue.

    Hmm . . did the OS run any updates in that period of time?
  • Reply 46 of 90
    I had the same issue, I found a few corrupt files (and the spotlight index was corrupt)

    after deleting them everything works fine now:

    The corrupt files were:

    /.Spotlight-V100/Store-V1/Stores/D0409D80-B5B4-4C4D-8C62-5BEFFB807F0B/.store.db: Input/output error

    /Library/Preferences/FLEXnet Publisher/FLEXnet/ Bad address

    /Library/Caches/Adobe/Color/ACECache7i: Bad address

    /Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Photoshop.plist: Bad address

    After I deleted those files and flushing out the spotlight index it fixed my keyboard freezing problem.

    Hope this helps.
  • Reply 47 of 90
    I used 3rd Party Crucial laptop RAM. No problems.
  • Reply 48 of 90
    I had this exact problem. I got a MacBook Pro last week that came with 10.4. I did an erase and install of Leopard and within a few hours the keyboard started not working - then working again 5 minutes or so later. The trackpad kept working the whole time. In the console, I was getting lots of errors like this:[1] ( Throttling respawn: Will start in x seconds

    I found an discussion at MacFixIt that had, in comments, the following suggestions. Open a terminal window and type the following:


    sudo update_prebinding -force -root /"

    hit enter, then, when the command has finished running (you'll get a prompt back) reboot.

    This cleared the problem for me and it has not reappeared. Hopefully this will work for others too.
  • Reply 49 of 90
    mfxmfx Posts: 1member
    In my experience (Tiger) this freezing is a purely hardware issue.

    After experiencing random freezes, I notice that it occasionally could occasionally be overcome by pressing on the battery. After removal of the battery one has access to the connector beneath the track-pad. I found that pressure on the connector cable at the right spot (with index finger!) always restored keyboard function. The time for which this 'fix' worked was quite variable - right now, it has been a few weeks since a freeze , but at its worst the fix would only last a few seconds!
  • Reply 50 of 90
    Well my MacBook Pro recently had a double case of the keyboard and the trackpad permanently being unresponsive and not being present in the System Profiler but that was just before I upgraded to Leopard from Tiger. Seems a bit similiar to me, but maybe not directly connected.

    What was weird was when I got it back the first time the keyboard and trackpad had broken again before I'd even left the Apple store.
  • Reply 51 of 90
    "Does it affect external keyboards?"

    Yes, it does. I use an IceKey by MacAlly on my MB Pro, and it started happening soon after installing Leopard.

    Many other things started happening as well - apps quitting, several kernel panics, general sluggishness. Good thing they included a really nice backup app - I think I'll need it.
  • Reply 52 of 90
    Originally Posted by nofear1az View Post

    You don't have to re-install Windows XP in Parallels.... just install Tiger and Parallels and copy over your Virtual Machine (VM) from within your Library. Really easy to do.

    Also, are you sure you're not talking about the iMac freezing problem that has plagued several people with the new Aluminum iMacs? That is the graphics card issue and Apple has put out a fix for that....Check your Software Updates or research it on Apple.

    I'll pass on the VM info to her. Definitely not the graphics card issue. The MacBook keyboard freeze descriptions are identical to what she's experienced. Apple's offered her a new keyboard as well, although this leads to repeated 15 minute holds that result in being disconnected.
  • Reply 53 of 90
    The lockup seems to happen with me when I'm using spaces quite a lot, flicking between xcode, browser and mail. The symptom that goes hand in hand with the keyboard lockup is the inability to change space using the menu bar and inability to load spaces system preferences. I think that the keyboard focus has fallen into gaps you see in the F8 view and it takes a little time to climb back from it.

    I use 9 spaces, don't know if that's normal or excessive.

    Keyboard lockup has only occurred for me since Leopard (upgrade) install, tiger was fine. 20 seconds delay and I'm usually back cooking with CH4

    It's a right pain and a tip of my hat in advance for the (hu)man who provides a fix.
  • Reply 54 of 90
    Oh no, this news comes at a bad time as I'm eagerly awaiting to switch away from Windows to a Macbook on the 30th of this month. \

    I've been a PC users since 2002 and I simply find the Mac more intuitive, stable and visually pleasing but more importantly, necessary for my online business. I wonder if I should wait to make the big switch Waiting is going to be hard as I really want to get a Macbook.
  • Reply 55 of 90
    Just to add myself to the group of people NOT having the issue... I'm running a MB CD 1.83 on Leopard since it was released and I have NOT had this issue -- but from what I'm reading, it sounds like I would have to let my MB go into deep sleep, which I never do...
  • Reply 56 of 90
    Originally Posted by internetworld7 View Post

    Oh no, this news comes at a bad time as I'm eagerly awaiting to switch away from Windows to a Macbook on the 30th of this month. \

    I've been a PC users since 2002 and I simply find the Mac more intuitive, stable and visually pleasing but more importantly, necessary for my online business. I wonder if I should wait to make the big switch Waiting is going to be hard as I really want to get a Macbook.

    (Count me in as a "Gater-hater", and...) I long to break the addiction come next year after the Xmas buying broohaha! However, now, I tremble to think how a MacOSx newbie would be forced to spend endless otherwise productive hours diddling with a simple () locked keyboard.
  • Reply 57 of 90
    Originally Posted by Shookster View Post

    This is not a Leopard-only issue. This has happened to me 5 or 6 times on Tiger, on my 1st gen black MacBook. It doesn't happen whilst using it, only when waking from sleep. Normally I put it to sleep and then re-awaken it but sometimes it requires a full restart.

    The Leopard problem happens while using the computer. The beta versions suffered the same problem, but it made it into release. 10.5.1 didn't fix it either...

    Sometimes putting it to sleep and waking it again works, but it usually doesn't. Usually you can 1-2 minutes and it comes back, only to stop working again in a few more minutes.

    A full restart fixes the problem until it recurs.
  • Reply 58 of 90
    I've got a 1 year-old Macbook with Core2Duo. I upgraded to Leopard 2 weeks ago. I haven't had the keyboard issue (yet?). I was curious that the only thing that I haven't done with Leopard is use Time Machine. For everyone that is having problems, are you using Time Machine.
  • Reply 59 of 90
    I've got a 1 year-old Macbook with Core2Duo. I upgraded to Leopard 2 weeks ago. I haven't had the keyboard issue (yet?). I was curious that the only thing that I haven't done with Leopard is use Time Machine. For everyone that is having problems, are you using Time Machine?
  • Reply 60 of 90
    I have experienced similar problems with a Matias Tactile Pro 2.0 black keyboard programmed for optimizer. If I unplug the keyboard and plug it back in, the device works again. I didn't have this problem with 10.4.X.
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