iPhone Review Series: iPhone vs. BlackBerry 8700



  • Reply 61 of 90
    The BlackBerry's browser is easier to use than Safari.

    The BlackBerry is way ahead of the iPhone.

    You were comparing an old BlackBerry.

    If you want a fair, unbiased[towards Apple, something very common], then compare the crappy iPhone with a Pearl or a Curve.

    In your post, you also fan Mac a lot, the iPhone will not be familiar to users who use Windows or Linux.

    Also, the iPhone is not very friendly with Windows or Linux.


    Unlike iPhone, the BlackBerry does not feature any digital media player functions. You cannot upload your song collection for listening pleasure, and, similarly, watching full length movies is not an option.

    Ever heard of the BlackBerry Pearl or Curve.

    Got to http://forums.crackberry.com and you will know how much BlackBerry users use the BlackBerry's for multimedia.

    AS I said, the Pearl and Curve are eons ahead of the iPhone.

    they have WiFi, and a better Camera, that takes Video, has a flash, and a self-portrait mirror.
  • Reply 62 of 90
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by rsrikanth05 View Post

    The BlackBerry's browser is easier to use than Safari.

    The BlackBerry is way ahead of the iPhone.

    You were comparing an old BlackBerry.

    If you want a fair, unbiased[towards Apple, something very common], then compare the crappy iPhone with a Pearl or a Curve.

    Maybe fair enough on the Curve, it was released a couple months before iPhone. The charge is definitely not realistic the Pearl. This article was written in July. Pearl was introduced in September.

    But a micro trackball? Are you kidding? How is that going to help something be easier?


    In your post, you also fan Mac a lot, the iPhone will not be familiar to users who use Windows or Linux.

    iPhone doesn't use the Mac UI. The Blackberries aren't like the Windows UI either. These aren't mystery devices.


    Also, the iPhone is not very friendly with Windows or Linux.

    Windows? That's not true. Linux desktop users aren't Apple's target market. Looking up the sync tutirials, it doesn't look like Blackberries are Linux-friendly either.
  • Reply 63 of 90
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by rsrikanth05 View Post

    The BlackBerry's browser is easier to use than Safari.

    The BlackBerry is way ahead of the iPhone.

    You were comparing an old BlackBerry.

    If you want a fair, unbiased[towards Apple, something very common], then compare the crappy iPhone with a Pearl or a Curve.

    In your post, you also fan Mac a lot, the iPhone will not be familiar to users who use Windows or Linux.

    Also, the iPhone is not very friendly with Windows or Linux.

    Ever heard of the BlackBerry Pearl or Curve.

    Got to http://forums.crackberry.com and you will know how much BlackBerry users use the BlackBerry's for multimedia.

    AS I said, the Pearl and Curve are eons ahead of the iPhone.

    they have WiFi, and a better Camera, that takes Video, has a flash, and a self-portrait mirror.

    I happen to think that both the Pearl and the curve are terrible phones. Both break the purpose of a Blackberry, that is, making typing very easy, and quick. RIM went for easy sales with these, figuring that the general population would want a more normally shaped phone. But, they then found that they had to give up the very essence of a Blackberry to produce them. They are hardly worth buying, if what you really want is a great e-mail experience both ways. The new screens don't help either.

    Oh yeah, who cares about Linux?
  • Reply 64 of 90
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I happen to think that both the Pearl and the curve are terrible phones. Both break the purpose of a Blackberry, that is, making typing very easy, and quick. RIM went for easy sales with these, figuring that the general population would want a more normally shaped phone. But, they then found that they had to give up the very essence of a Blackberry to produce them. They are hardly worth buying, if what you really want is a great e-mail experience both ways. The new screens don't help either.

    Oh yeah, who cares about Linux?

    I care about Linux.

    Have you ever heard of the 7100 series?

    The Pearl series?

    All of them are the same width as the iPhone.

    And you can scroll in all four directions

    I agree, I am not as comfortable with the trackball, s I was with the earlier trackwheel, but I still find it better than the iPhone.

    What kind of Smartphone/Multimedia phone released in the second half of 2007, comes with a 2MP camera, without flash, or video recording?

    In short, the iPhone has more cons than pros.
  • Reply 65 of 90
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    What would prevent an OS upgrade in v.1?

    That would never happen. Its a chance to bring out a new phone so why would any phone company update the OS on an existing model. And before you say you had it with SE, SE have neverupdated the UIQ version on an exisiting phone.
  • Reply 66 of 90
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by bavlondon2 View Post

    That would never happen. Its a chance to bring out a new phone so why would any phone company update the OS on an existing model. And before you say you had it with SE, SE have neverupdated the UIQ version on an exisiting phone.

    Why would any phone company give a rebate back when we all went into it knowing the price up front?

    I think traditionally you are correct but with the iPhone I would like to think we get an upgrade in software up until the hardware can't accommodate.
  • Reply 67 of 90
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by rsrikanth05 View Post

    I care about Linux.

    Have you ever heard of the 7100 series?

    The Pearl series?

    All of them are the same width as the iPhone.

    And you can scroll in all four directions

    I agree, I am not as comfortable with the trackball, s I was with the earlier trackwheel, but I still find it better than the iPhone.

    What kind of Smartphone/Multimedia phone released in the second half of 2007, comes with a 2MP camera, without flash, or video recording?

    In short, the iPhone has more cons than pros.

    When I said, "Who cares about Linux?", I meant from a marketshare concern. Linux is at 0.57% marketshare, and I'm not sure if that's domestic, where currently that's the highest usage, or worldwide.

    Sure, I know all of their models. There's no secret about them. For those I've not tried, I've seen on Phone Scoop, a site I visit regularly:


    But, I was commenting on the particular models you mentioned as examples.

    I think even less of the 7100 series. It doesn't even have an alphanumeric keyboard. That's two steps backwards, it's like the Pearls. The curve looks as though it's a clone of my Treo 700p which is not necessarily a bad thing in itself, but both the Curve and the Treo are bitches to type on, and the 320 x 240 is noticeably worse than the 320 x 320 screen of my Treo.

    There's no question that the iPhone is a better phone, even though it currently lacks some features. The reason is because while the features will be added, and can be added, in many cases, by software, while others will require hardware upgraded models, the form factor, the OS, and much else is much superior from the start, and RIM doesn't even come close. They would have to redesign from scratch.

    By the time they do, from what I'm seeing reported from business publications, Apple will have much of their market.
  • Reply 68 of 90
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by bavlondon2 View Post

    That would never happen. Its a chance to bring out a new phone so why would any phone company update the OS on an existing model. And before you say you had it with SE, SE have neverupdated the UIQ version on an exisiting phone.

    That's been true in the Past. The iPhone changes everything. I've never been able to update any of my Palm phones with anything other than point updates.

    But, of course, the iPhone is totally different. It's built around the OS. As long as the hardware supports the features, I feel confident that Apple will update the OS further than it has already, possibly even with a full v. 2.
  • Reply 69 of 90
    The iPhone still will not capture the market share that the BlackBerry has captured.

    Also, melgrross is wrong, there are more Linux users in this world than Mac users.

    You say tat the Pearl and Curve suck, I say the iphone sucks.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
  • Reply 70 of 90
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by rsrikanth05 View Post

    Also, melgrross is wrong, there are more Linux users in this world than Mac users.

  • Reply 71 of 90
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by rsrikanth05 View Post

    The iPhone still will not capture the market share that the BlackBerry has captured.

    Also, melgrross is wrong, there are more Linux users in this world than Mac users.

    You say tat the Pearl and Curve suck, I say the iphone sucks.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    There is absolutely no way that the number of Linux users even APPROACHES the number of Mac users. no way at all. The percentage wasn't my number.

    Somehow, Linux users have a very inflated idea of how well Linux has been doing over the years. Every year for the past five or six years has been called The Year When Linux Use On The Desktop Would Break Out. But it hasn't happened yet, and it may never happen. In fact, I've seen more Linux users at the Linux convention here in NYC every year using MacBooks and MBP's then ever before.

    And while at first, most (but not all) were running Linux on them, and the earlier iBooks and Powerbooks, most, these days, are running OS X from the terminal.

    All of these sales of Linux machines we read about in the Far East, or other developing countries has been proven to be false. What happens is that computers are sold with Linux, so the stores, and manufacturers can't be sued by MS for selling unlicensed copies of Windows.

    But, right outside of the store, people selling disks with both Windows and Office for a buck or two are doing a great business. The Linux machines are taken to home or office, the drives are reformatted, and then Windows and Office are installed, unlicensed, of course.

    All we actually do know of, are a few installs of Linux here and there . These number in the thousands, or tens of thousands, hardly a landslide. And most of those installations have been delayed due to problems.

    Even IBM, one of the stronger Linux supporters, ended their much publicized push a few years ago to replace all of their Windows desktops with Linux because of both deployment problems, and user resistance.

    Why don't you come up with some estimates of Linux desktop numbers not written by a Linux fan site, but some independent authority?

    Because, right now, this is one of the better indicators of usage:


    And this article, partly using those numbers, is interesting as well:


    The other thing one would do well to realize, is that in the server area, esp Linux's stronghold, with Apache, MS is killing Linux.

    If anything, long-term, Linux may cease to be of any consequence.


    While not all of Apache servers are run from Linux, the vast majority are.

    By the way, an opinion is based on facts. What you have is a "feeling", and a "desire". They don't have to be based on facts.
  • Reply 72 of 90
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    I believe the poster to be a troll.
  • Reply 73 of 90
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by rsrikanth05 View Post

    Also, melgrross is wrong, there are more Linux users in this world than Mac users.

    Right now, that's true only if you're counting servers and networked appliances. I'm a Linux user if you count my router, but Windows and Mac are my desktops. Linux on the corporate or home desktop is exceedingly small. If you go by what hits the Internet with a web browser like Firefox and such, Linux is about 1%. Worldwide, even Macs have at least three times that. In developed countries, the Mac numbers are higher.
  • Reply 74 of 90
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Right now, that's true only if you're counting servers and networked appliances. I'm a Linux user if you count my router, but Windows and Mac are my desktops. Linux on the corporate or home desktop is exceedingly small. If you go by what hits the Internet with a web browser like Firefox and such, Linux is about 1%. Worldwide, even Macs have at least three times that. In developed countries, the Mac numbers are higher.

    Going by the Netcraft numbers, Mac use there is over 6%, and linux is at 0.57%. That's only six times the numbers for web use posted by iPhone users! And at least half of the iPhones weren't sold yet when that was put up.
  • Reply 75 of 90

    Why don't you come up with some estimates of Linux desktop numbers not written by a Linux fan site, but some independent authority?

    Same way, why is it that all the sites that boast taht apple products are better than their claims are aplle fansites?

    I made a big mistake by posting here.

    I tyhought this wsas a decent reveiw site, now I know it is just another crappy Apple fanboy forum.
  • Reply 76 of 90
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by rsrikanth05 View Post

    I tyhought this wsas a decent reveiw site, now I know it is just another crappy Apple fanboy forum.

    I'm pretty sure you thought it was an Apple "cool-aid" fanboy site before you made your first post.
  • Reply 77 of 90
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by rsrikanth05 View Post

    Also, melgrross is wrong, there are more Linux users in this world than Mac users.

    Nope. Often claimed, never been true.

  • Reply 78 of 90
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I'm pretty sure you thought it was an Apple "cool-aid" fanboy site before you made your first post.

    I thought it was a decent site, now I know that it is an Apple only site.
  • Reply 79 of 90
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    I thought it was a decent site, now I know that it is an Apple only site.

    In your opinion would this have been a decent site if every one admitted there are more Linux users than Mac users, even if that isn't true?

    If it helps every one here does agree that there are more Windows users than Mac users.
  • Reply 80 of 90
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by rsrikanth05 View Post

    I thought it was a decent site, now I know that it is an Apple only site.

    Are single-brand or single OS sites bad then? I don't understand why having a focus is bad in itself. I'm not sure what you'd expect if you log onto a site with "Apple" in the name. I certainly wouldn't expect to find anything pro-Apple or pro-MS on a site with "Linux" in the name, and similar is true for sites with "Windows" in the name. They all have their own focus and their own audience, and their own preferences biases.

    It's fine to have your opinion. You think that Blackberries are better, that's fine. No product is for everyone. RIM has a different focus, and I think that's good. I don't like it when all the major companies try to do the exact same thing, and it's not necessarily in anyone's best interest if they do.

    Saying things that aren't true is a different matter. You said Linux is used more than Macs, and it's not been true for a few years, if ever.
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