Apple's new MacBook Air dubbed world?s thinnest notebook



  • Reply 241 of 399
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    So you're just here to troll? Allrighty then.

    Yeah, i spend twelve, sometimes eighteen hours a day on here. It's why I got an iPhone. I've bought almost every latest Mac machine for a the last five or six years, i don't actually use them for video editing, graphic design or audio, all i do is hit refresh on Apple Insider all day. I make sure that I pre-order the new gear as soon as it comes out. So the MacBookAir is perfect for me: one USB port for a mouse so i don't get RSI scrolling around the posts all day.

    I hope I get a prize when i hit 12,000 posts. That'd be al(l)righty.
  • Reply 242 of 399
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by rosstheboss View Post

    I hope I get a prize when i hit 12,000 posts. That'd be al(l)righty.

    I'll give you mine.
  • Reply 243 of 399
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by NYCMacFan View Post

    My question exactly. I love Apple and may buy this, but for the record, look at what Panasonic and Toshiba have done with less weight:



    Personally, I could not care less about an optical drive, but am curious to note the Toshiba is also thin, and comes in at just 2.4lbs (albeit with a 12inch screen, but it also has a DVD burner and lots of ports). I thought the SSD version is like 1.75lbs (again 12inch but with DVD and lots of ports). Why is the Apple so heavy?

    And those have a 1.06 or 1.2GHz CPUs. Apple's are 1.6 and 1.8GHz. It looks like Apple went with LV rather than ULV chips, and that's where the difference lies.
  • Reply 244 of 399
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Originally Posted by NYCMacFan View Post

    My question exactly. I love Apple and may buy this, but for the record, look at what Panasonic and Toshiba have done with less weight:



    Personally, I could not care less about an optical drive, but am curious to note the Toshiba is also thin, and comes in at just 2.4lbs (albeit with a 12inch screen, but it also has a DVD burner and lots of ports). I thought the SSD version is like 1.75lbs (again 12inch but with DVD and lots of ports). Why is the Apple so heavy?

    And those have a 1.06 or 1.2GHz CPUs. Apple's are 1.6 and 1.8GHz. It looks like Apple went with LV rather than ULV chips, and that's where the difference lies.

    Right, but my question is about the weight. That might explain the battery life.

    By the way, with LED screens, a 1.6 processor (and certainly with an SSD), the Apple should have a long battery life. If it doesn't that should be due to a smaller batttery and so it should be lighter. I just don't follow the weight issue here. Panasonic also has a 14.4 with a DVD drive for 3.4 and so why is the Apple 3.0? Can't understand...
  • Reply 245 of 399
    Originally Posted by NYCMacFan View Post

    My question exactly. I love Apple and may buy this, but for the record, look at what Panasonic and Toshiba have done with less weight:



    Personally, I could not care less about an optical drive, but am curious to note the Toshiba is also thin, and comes in at just 2.4lbs (albeit with a 12inch screen, but it also has a DVD burner and lots of ports). I thought the SSD version is like 1.75lbs (again 12inch but with DVD and lots of ports). Why is the Apple so heavy?

    The Toshiba R500 you linked has an 11" Screen, which is why it weighs 2.4 Lbs.

    According to Panasonic's website the W7 doesn't weigh less, its 3.0Lbs (2.8 if you buy an extra smaller-capacity battery). I dunno why Dynamism says its less.

    The W7 with 160Gb HD and 1.2 Ghz processor is $3,100.

    The R500 (120Gb / 1.2Ghz) is $2,150.

    The more I lookup these other compacts the more affordable the MBA seems. Hmm...
  • Reply 246 of 399
    Originally Posted by witheredmind View Post

    The Toshiba R500 you linked has an 11" Screen, which is why it weighs 2.4 Lbs.

    According to Panasonic's website the W7 doesn't weigh less, its 3.0Lbs (2.8 if you buy an extra smaller-capacity battery). I dunno why Dynamism says its less.

    The W7 with 160Gb HD and 1.2 Ghz processor is $3,100.

    The R500 (120Gb / 1.2Ghz) is $2,150.

    The more I lookup these other compacts the more affordable the MBA seems. Hmm...

    Price is not my concern. Weight is. By the way, an R500 with an SSD is 1.75lbs with an OPTICAL drive. And its a 12inch widescreen isn't it? But again, I want to know why it is not lighter given the dearth of ports and optical drive.

    From a pricing standpoint, Apple also has a better processor and presumably better build quality.
  • Reply 247 of 399
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by NYCMacFan View Post

    Right, but my question is about the weight. That might explain the battery life.

    By the way, with LED screens, a 1.6 processor (and certainly with an SSD), the Apple should have a long battery life. If it doesn't that should be due to a smaller batttery and so it should be lighter. I just don't follow the weight issue here. Panasonic also has a 14.4 with a DVD drive for 3.4 and so why is the Apple 3.0? Can't understand...

    The chosen processors has everything to do with the battery life. A ULV system can be lighter and still last longer on power because the CPU consumes a lot less power, But it's slower too. You can't have everything. Apple's MBAir is probably the lightest LV-based notebook there is.

    SSD vs. 1.8" HD is probably very negligible. The power efficiency of SSD is overhyped, I think the faster flash used in SSD might consume just as much power.
  • Reply 248 of 399
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    The chosen processors has everything to do with the battery life. A ULV system can be lighter and still last longer on power because the CPU consumes a lot less power, But it's slower too. You can't have everything. Apple's MBAir is probably the lightest LV-based notebook there is.

    SSD vs. 1.8" HD is probably very negligible. The power efficiency of SSD is overhyped, I think the faster flash used in SSD might consume just as much power.

    Should still be pure weight savings with SSD to compensate for larger battery. Also has LED that saves some weight and power. A Toshiba R500 with an SSD is 1.75 lbs. That is with a 12inch screen and a ULV. But also with an internal optical drive, relatively thin and lots of ports.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm an Apple person, but am a touch surprised on weight and width (lots of space to left and right of keyboard and screen).
  • Reply 249 of 399
    Originally Posted by palegolas View Post

    It's really neat, and slim.. and light weight.. but unnecessarily wide and deep It must have been possible to shrink away the phat borders on the side of the screen.

    Visualize a series of distributed force vectors around the arcs. If you have an equidistant arc radius the force is distributed equally. If you cut that arc on the sides it weakens the entire structure.

    Sorry, but that would be an insult to engineering and a massive lawsuit, especially when it starts damaging the screen because someone thought artistically it could have cut corners.

    They've cut enough corners.
  • Reply 250 of 399
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Good thing Apple is not letting any of you clowns run their company.
  • Reply 251 of 399
    Originally Posted by NYCMacFan View Post

    Should still be pure weight savings with SSD to compensate for larger battery. Also has LED that saves some weight and power. A Toshiba R500 with an SSD is 1.75 lbs. That is with a 12inch screen and a ULV. But also with an internal optical drive, relatively thin and lots of ports.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm an Apple person, but am a touch surprised on weight and width (lots of space to left and right of keyboard and screen).

    The 1.75Lbs R500 has an SSD and no optical drive.

    The R500 with an optical drive and standard hard drive though starts at 2.4 Lbs.

    It is still much lighter though... so its a good question as to why.

    The R500 does have a smaller screen (albiet only 12" verses 13"). Perhaps its not built/reinforced as much as the MBA? That's pure speculation though. Perhaps the ULV verses LV processor/mainboard make the difference.
  • Reply 252 of 399
    Originally Posted by witheredmind View Post

    That is a good question. The R500 has an optical drive and more connectivity, but weighs less. With a standard hard drive though, an R500 starts at 2.4 Lbs.

    It does have a smaller screen (albiet only 12" verses 13"). Perhaps its not built/reinforced as much as the MBA? That's pure speculation though. Perhaps the ULV verses LV processor/mainboard make the difference.

    Okay lets assume that the LV uses more energy (and so needs a bigger battery). Isn't this offset but a lack of an optical drive and the great LED. LED should be both lighter and consumer less energy. I too hope it is better reinforcement.

    You have a panasonic with a 14inch screen and an optical drive for 3.4 by the way... And its narrower than the Apple 13inch. What's up with that!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Reply 253 of 399
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member
    Originally Posted by oilburner View Post

    For the record, the current model of my Panasonic, the Y7 has the 1.8 core2duo, 2gb ram, 160gb HDD, 8 hour stated (probably 5 hour real, mine is) battery life, 14.1" screen, and 3.3 lbs. Again - I am not bashing the Air, just pointing out that others are meeting similar benchmarks with more features for same/less money..

    From what I can tell the Panasonic something like $800 more with only 512MB of RAM and a 60 gig drive. Apple really did price the MacBook Air aggressively.

    The most important aspect of the Air is the 3 pound weight. However they wanted to be the "worst _____est" something, so they are trumpeting the thinness. The thinness is cool, but's it's the lightness that I'll appreciate.

    I suspect that the engineers were told "make it the thinnest" and keep it to 3.0 lbs. It must have been a tough call not to budge on those constraints to allow a 160gig option for an extra $100 (like the 2 versions of the iPod Classic). 80 gig is barely adequate I'd say. Whoever suggested a 32 gig SSD option would have been good hasn't really thought it through. You'd be hard pressed to install the OS and a set of basic apps on 32 gig and then where is your VM swap space that OS X is addicted to?

    Oh I forgot the link for the Panasonic:
  • Reply 254 of 399
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    No. Apple will never revise this. Apple NEVER revises any of their machines. We're just imagining all of this. Actually, Apple still makes the Mac 128, the rest is just Job's RDF. We THINK Apple has had new, and revised machines.

    So, this machine will be here 'till the end of time (esp considering that it's really a Mac 128 with a portable gasoline generator that we can't see).

    I knew it, at least someone else sees it too. I knew I wasn't crazy.
  • Reply 255 of 399
    user23user23 Posts: 199member
    it is totally elegant & simple.

    I don't know about most people who work in offices/at home/in the field...but for me an important consideration to keep my "flow" going is having simplicity around me. I like my office clean, I prefer my workspace neat & tidy...I don't want a lot of junk & clutter around me..something about the space around me being a reflection of my mind's state.

    The MBA is so utterly clean & elegant that it's look at. When I look at the competition, like that Panasonic CF-W7 (even the name is untidy!), I just can't get over how ugly it is. It's so ugly, and inelegant & non-linear & clunky that it would give me minor panic-attacks to work on it. I like Apple's consistently elegant form factor in their products because it contributes to an over-all, "I just know this product is going to work & continue to work in an I-don't-have-to-think-about-it" way. Windows machines never look pretty, always look like clunky robot-hybrid Ed Wood Jr. B-film nightmares and guess what? As most of us know, they often perform about as well in day-to-day ease of use.

    When I look at the market Apple is competing in, I think they've once-again nailed it. What is there on the market to compare it to? Nothing, because it's a Mac running OS X. If you want a windows machine with your 20 i/o ports, DVD-burner, 10x the features & dog-ugly case...then go get one already! But, joke's on you, you will still be running Windows

    Some of the detractors of this machine (those who want to compare it to Panasonic this, or Sony that) aren't understanding who this machine is potentially marketed at. Perhaps I am not understanding Apple's Market, but I see this machine geared towards that already-Apple savvy traveling exec. who wants to keep his/her work-flow Apple from beginning to end. For that person, this machine makes much sense. If you need more power, there is certainly the MBP. Not everyone who travels works with video/graphics/games/high CPU intensive apps. A lot of people just want spreadsheet, e-mail, word processing, etc. Also, for the average (non-business) person, the light weight of this machine makes a lot of sense. A student, for example, often doesn't need more than WP, Spreadsheet, E-mail, music...every pound you can remove from the back-pack makes a lot of sense..that book bag is pretty heavy by the end of a long day at school.

    btw: what's up with the tension here in this thread & elsewhere on AI today?
  • Reply 256 of 399
    it's thin i'll give it that. and not overly expensive either. i have to say i've never felt the need to put a notebook in an envelope but i'm sure there's a person or two out there who have... good luck to their screens.

    seriously though its an impressive piece of technology but does anyone else think that apple have taken this thin thing a little too seriously. it is still bigger than an A4 piece of paper in all dimensions which makes it slightly bigger than most things i run around with. i've always found thickness to be the least important factor/dimension in a portable notebook. that sony thing they talked about is slightly smaller in the other 2 dimensions and frankly my world works in 3d. from what i see the air is 2 thirds battery. i see an area for large amounts of (further) research expenditure. just my 2 cents.
  • Reply 257 of 399
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member
    Originally Posted by NYCMacFan View Post

    Personally, I could not care less about an optical drive, but am curious to note the Toshiba is also thin, and comes in at just 2.4lbs (albeit with a 12inch screen, but it also has a DVD burner and lots of ports). I thought the SSD version is like 1.75lbs (again 12inch but with DVD and lots of ports). Why is the Apple so heavy?

    That's a good question. I assume the answer is battery life.
  • Reply 258 of 399
    Impressive. I really like the idea of this machine, and there aren't too many areas where one could say that Apple skimped too much... except... has anyone else noticed the lack of any way to use any sort of mobile broadband such as the Sprint cards in the Sony TZ or any of the solutions from Verizon or ATT/Cingular? Seems to me that the person most inclined to purchase this system is also the one most apt to miss this feature?
  • Reply 259 of 399
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Anklosaur View Post

    Impressive. I really like the idea of this machine, and there aren't too many areas where one could say that Apple skimped too much... except... has anyone else noticed the lack of any way to use any sort of mobile broadband such as the Sprint cards in the Sony TZ or any of the solutions from Verizon or ATT/Cingular? Seems to me that the person most inclined to purchase this system is also the one most apt to miss this feature?

    That is one thing i thought this would have. We are expecting a 4G iPhone sometime this year which mean AT&T would haev to beef up their network considerably, which i hear they are doing, so putting in an HSDPA card would have been good for me.
  • Reply 260 of 399
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    Originally Posted by oilburner View Post

    HD size - not everyone needs 160 gb, but many of us do. You have a drive that size, let me have an option to put it in, and I'll accept the loss of 15 minutes of battery life.

    160GB 1.8" HDDs have two platters and are therefore too thick to fit. I expect the first speedbump will include the option of a single-platter HDD with more than 80GB. I suppose the first speedbump will come when Montevina is released.
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