Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 1501 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    dear me, whats wrong with that post?

    sour wine?

    as I posted above FROM PARAMOUNT BD is "now the SINGLE optical format", M'kay? if YOU care so much about Hi-Def as you say you do, then you have ONLY ONE choice. If you are to be so blinded by the "tone" of one poster in one forum in the WHOLE internet, and the WHOLE world. then heaven help you.

    by all means watch the market and chose some OTHER optical media format if you must, but let us know when that comes along, ok.

    if $199 is your buy-in to BD, may I ask what your buy in to HD-DVD was?

    If you want some degree of future proofing your investment, you could consider a PS3, it will double as a games machine, but likely that won't suit you either, so don't buy it.

    If Star Trek is the ONLY thing you are worried about, then the william Shatner spoof quote comes to mind "get a life". Irony there posting that on THIS thread.

    Maybe its not ME setting myself up for disappointment, but infact YOU setting yourself up for disappointment.

    hey, by your account/wishes/numbers DVD was a failure to, so don't pick that either.(and then you talk about credibility) oops too late, I bet you did, but did you get a $199 DVD player ? after how many years it was on the market did you buy into DVD?

    If thats what you want to judge "success" by then why not just use that and quit banging on about YOUR doubts, the F-ear from FUD is apparent.

    I am not the one that has to convince you (unless you are secretly Murch) really, your a grown up arnt you? make whatever decision you need to, to feel secure and stick with that, or has buying into HD-DVD for the sake of Star Trek and watching the ship sink really rattled you that much?


    Please note, my comments about Star Trek have no intent to deride anyone who loves ST. I have been waiting on Paramount to comeback to making BD discs again, and will buy once the initial "stupidly high priced Paramount sees $$ signs because it has "STAR TREK" on it Tax" has fallen away. This is the LAST time I plan on buying the series.

    Oh yeah, and I can't wait for May 2009 well, I can, I've no desire to wish my life away, but its something I'm looking forward to.

    You have no opposition to contend with now so lets make peace Walter. This war stupid and unnecessary to begin with.

    And $199.00 was the price I paid for my HD DVD player. At that price alot of people will adopt BR so they better get to it. I don't really want a PS3 for games as I like to play them on the computer as god intended ( just a joke but I really do prefer a computer for that ). I have no love for MS's involvement in this whole thing as well. Just to make that clear. I really am in the camp that I don't think MS wants HD physical media to succeed as they would rather have you download and pay again and again.

    As for ST I think it still is a major item for the consumer and the remastered version is the best thing to happen to it in many years. I'm hoping also that this is the last time I buy the original series but you never know when something better will come along. It looks absolutely fantastic in HD so I hope BR picks this up soon. Once again the new FX make a big difference.

    And yes May 2009 can't come soon enough!
  • Reply 1502 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    So owning a PS3 makes someone a loser? You have lost any credibility you had. You sound very bitter right now, why so much hate and ignorance?

    i'd say if you bought a PS3 right from the get-go you weren't exactly a wise consumer. the system had no decent games for the first year, barely any bluray titles, and is now only getting a few AAA titles in their catalogue, and by few i mean like 5.
  • Reply 1503 of 2639
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    i'd say if you bought a PS3 right from the get-go you weren't exactly a wise consumer. the system had no decent games for the first year, barely any bluray titles, and is now only getting a few AAA titles in their catalogue, and by few i mean like 5.

    If you got a PS3 from the get go (I bought mine after the first price drop), then you ended up with better hardware before they cost reduced it - the first generation 60 gig PS3 has hardware PS2 game support.
  • Reply 1504 of 2639
    Originally Posted by jimmac View Post

    You have no opposition to contend with now so lets make peace Walter. This war stupid and unnecessary to begin with.

    And $199.00 was the price I paid for my HD DVD player. At that price alot of people will adopt BR so they better get to it. I don't really want a PS3 for games as I like to play them on the computer as god intended ( just a joke but I really do prefer a computer for that ). I have no love for MS's involvement in this whole thing as well. Just to make that clear. I really am in the camp that I don't think MS wants HD physical media to succeed as they would rather have you download and pay again and again.

    As for ST I think it still is a major item for the consumer and the remastered version is the best thing to happen to it in many years. I'm hoping also that this is the last time I buy the original series but you never know when something better will come along. It looks absolutely fantastic in HD so I hope BR picks this up soon. Once again the new FX make a big difference.

    And yes May 2009 can't come soon enough!

    If $199 is your buy in price then so be it

    I must point out however "and lo, god created Pong, and it was good, and it came to pass on an arcade machine" ie NOT a computer. but whatever floats your boat this isnt the "why oh why do you play video games on XXX system that system is WRONG everybody knows it except you, I hate everything you stand for, original gameboy for the win" thread is it? [deadpan off ]

    M$ are evil ["fanboy" rant etc.] but while every "sane" person was trying to exorcize M$ from the game by choosing BD in the belief that M$ is only after the pay again download market, Apple of course has pounced on the slumber party, with its own implementation of downloads, very cool move, very interesting to see how that pans out.

    On the one hand (with my "as accused fanboy" hat on) I'm happy for Apple downloads NOT to go global any time soon to give BD more breathing space, but on the other my own self interest as an aTV owner wants to experience at least 2 or 3 Apple downloads so I can make up my mind. I've not bought ANY DVDs or BDs since Jan 1st and don't plan to till June/July in an experiment of self control and a "necessary" re-direction of funds, I'm re-evaluating my watching/buying habits. So I'm assessing the effects of aTV downloads and I tend to agree with both pluses of optical and download, I would RATHER have the physical disc in my hand, but the rental is faster cheaper and takes up no space.

    its the impulse "faster" that I have a problem with believe it or not, and part of the abstinence . Do I REALLY need to watch as many movies as I currently do? and If I stop/reduce, will it save me a "noticeable" amount of cash?

    I find myself with a large library of movies and TV shows that I havent seen and a REALLY large selection of stuff rip for a rewatch.

    I'm also giving DEEP consideration to moving the 50" to a larger room, but that will require so much effort on my part (not moving the TV, moving everything in two rooms around) then theres the lure of a bigger screen, but I dare not even contemplate that for a year or two, lest I go mad Sorry , rambled off slightly.

    ST I was initially impressed with the efx shots, but recent shots of the big E looks like they are using a less polygonal rich model, which misses the point IMO. I've yet to see the video in person, so will reserve judgement, but I can't say Im overly eager. The good thing is, the longer I wait the longer it will have been between purchasing the last iteration

    The real treat is, I guess the restoration work done on the live action scenes, but I fear "seeing the joins" on a 45 year old TV show. Still, I like watching old episodes of Dr Who. which is even older, and had an even smaller budget.. so.. one should just accept these things, right?

    If ST XI is as good as Cloverfield then I shall be impressed indeed.

    Quinto I'm not excited about ATM, wanna give Pine every chance, but Urban, will be the real deal breaker I think, and he's a good actor IMO so, I'm hopeful, the Effects should be mind blowing (in comparison to either the original or the older movies)

  • Reply 1505 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    i'd say if you bought a PS3 right from the get-go you weren't exactly a wise consumer. the system had no decent games for the first year, barely any bluray titles, and is now only getting a few AAA titles in their catalogue, and by few i mean like 5.

    Didnt you END this fan-jerking about 20 pages ago?

    no need to be a M$ apologist.

    why has the sales of the 360 dropped 33% year over year then? all those "good" games
  • Reply 1506 of 2639
    julesjules Posts: 149member
    Dont mention the failure rate of 840% either.
  • Reply 1507 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Jules View Post

    Dont mention the failure rate of 840% either.

    No need, I think he's already on his second or 3rd
  • Reply 1508 of 2639
    julesjules Posts: 149member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    No need, I think he's already on his second or 3rd

    I hear the latest game for the 360 is to make a working one out of all the broken bits you have.
  • Reply 1509 of 2639
    the idiots that do the "smash my XXXX" new console/iPod/iPhone websites should do well then.
  • Reply 1510 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Didnt you END this fan-jerking about 20 pages ago?

    no need to be a M$ apologist.

    why has the sales of the 360 dropped 33% year over year then? all those "good" games

    if you're sitting there talking about good games and lack there of on the 360 vs ps3 you have absolutely 0 credibility in regards to this subject.

    please, stick with blurays and what not cuz you dont have a damn clue about games. look at the attach rates, sales, top rated titles, for the last year genius.
  • Reply 1511 of 2639
    julesjules Posts: 149member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    if you're sitting there talking about good games and lack there of on the 360 vs ps3 you have absolutely 0 credibility in regards to this subject.

    please, stick with blurays and what not cuz you dont have a damn clue about games. look at the attach rates, sales, top rated titles, for the last year genius.

    And if you're looking for a credible product, maybe you should start looking at blurays too.

    Not that the 360 is an incredible product or anything. In fact its almost the total opposite.
  • Reply 1512 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Jules View Post

    And if you're looking for a credible product, maybe you should start looking at blurays too.

    Not that the 360 is an incredible product or anything. In fact its almost the total opposite.

    the 360 had manufacturing issues for its first year consoles, i agree. it is very disappointing that some one at micrsoft let that happen.

    however, the design, implementation, and content of the console is spot on. it has an amazing controller, a superb online and great hardware specs to create amazing AAA games that are not found on the ps3.

    the ps3's design choices were to 1.push bluray and 2. push the cell

    games weren't sony's main focus this time around and that is why it lacks as a gaming machine. yes, its a nice piece of hardware, i dont disagree with that. it would just suck to think that developers would want to create ps3 games first. why?

    the cell is a b/tch, and the cost developing for the ps3 is a lot more than the 360 at this point. why would any consumer for games want that? it traps developers into creating really short games in length and pushes them away from more innovative risk taking ventures.

    i look at this strictly from the gaming point of view. \
  • Reply 1513 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    if you're sitting there talking about good games and lack there of on the 360 vs ps3 you have absolutely 0 credibility in regards to this subject.

    please, stick with blurays and what not cuz you dont have a damn clue about games. look at the attach rates, sales, top rated titles, for the last year genius.

    I'm looking at sales since you asked, they are DOWN 33% year over year. why would that be "genius" ?? its hardly the "good games" is it? I thought "good games" sold consoles, if so, why are sales down 33%?

    you don't have much credibility yourself. gosh, the credibility wars now..
  • Reply 1514 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    the 360 had manufacturing issues for its first year consoles, i agree. it is very disappointing that some one at micrsoft let that happen.

    however, the design, implementation, and content of the console is spot on. it has an amazing controller, a superb online and great hardware specs to create amazing AAA games that are not found on the ps3.

    the ps3's design choices were to 1.push bluray and 2. push the cell

    games weren't sony's main focus this time around and that is why it lacks as a gaming machine. yes, its a nice piece of hardware, i dont disagree with that. it would just suck to think that developers would want to create ps3 games first. why?

    the cell is a b/tch, and the cost developing for the ps3 is a lot more than the 360 at this point. why would any consumer for games want that? it traps developers into creating really short games in length and pushes them away from more innovative risk taking ventures.

    i look at this strictly from the gaming point of view. \

    Oh so why the limitation on discs sizes 9Gb on the 360? oh you cry they dont need all that space, ok. i'll buy that.. but then they ALSO restricted the downloadable arcade games as well.. no discs there, but it's limited too.

    The PS2 was a bitch to code for as well, I read SO many comments to that effect back then, yet it managed to sell a few consoles, so don't let difficulty in learning a new console fool you in regard to its future success.

    You might not remember, but I do, the apparent ease coding on the original xbox was heralded yet the PS2 burned it up.

    I dont think the 360 is spot on AT ALL.. least ways not in comparison to the Wii.. or have you a counter to that as well? face it M$ own you, you pay them a monthly fee FFS they have your loyalty, don't make any apologies about it, not that we would expect YOU to, but why after you shell out every month to swell their coffers the way they love all good teat lovers to, do you feel the need to then come here and do their PR work for them, like you OWE them or something.

    It really was well executed the way they backed HD-DVD and lost, they way they pushed out a failure of a design that keeps melting, and THEN have the audacity to implement a repair program that means you can buy a "NEW" console, that is just as likely to be one of the faulty ones patched up in a new case and packaging.

    Its really well executed the way they are STILL in the Red to the tune of BILLIONS.

    You got to hand it to them, they REALLY know how to execute a financial failure.

    but you know all this, you just wont admit it.
  • Reply 1515 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    If $199 is your buy in price then so be it

    I must point out however "and lo, god created Pong, and it was good, and it came to pass on an arcade machine" ie NOT a computer. but whatever floats your boat this isnt the "why oh why do you play video games on XXX system that system is WRONG everybody knows it except you, I hate everything you stand for, original gameboy for the win" thread is it? [deadpan off ]

    M$ are evil ["fanboy" rant etc.] but while every "sane" person was trying to exorcize M$ from the game by choosing BD in the belief that M$ is only after the pay again download market, Apple of course has pounced on the slumber party, with its own implementation of downloads, very cool move, very interesting to see how that pans out.

    On the one hand (with my "as accused fanboy" hat on) I'm happy for Apple downloads NOT to go global any time soon to give BD more breathing space, but on the other my own self interest as an aTV owner wants to experience at least 2 or 3 Apple downloads so I can make up my mind. I've not bought ANY DVDs or BDs since Jan 1st and don't plan to till June/July in an experiment of self control and a "necessary" re-direction of funds, I'm re-evaluating my watching/buying habits. So I'm assessing the effects of aTV downloads and I tend to agree with both pluses of optical and download, I would RATHER have the physical disc in my hand, but the rental is faster cheaper and takes up no space.

    its the impulse "faster" that I have a problem with believe it or not, and part of the abstinence . Do I REALLY need to watch as many movies as I currently do? and If I stop/reduce, will it save me a "noticeable" amount of cash?

    I find myself with a large library of movies and TV shows that I havent seen and a REALLY large selection of stuff rip for a rewatch.

    I'm also giving DEEP consideration to moving the 50" to a larger room, but that will require so much effort on my part (not moving the TV, moving everything in two rooms around) then theres the lure of a bigger screen, but I dare not even contemplate that for a year or two, lest I go mad Sorry , rambled off slightly.

    ST I was initially impressed with the efx shots, but recent shots of the big E looks like they are using a less polygonal rich model, which misses the point IMO. I've yet to see the video in person, so will reserve judgement, but I can't say Im overly eager. The good thing is, the longer I wait the longer it will have been between purchasing the last iteration

    The real treat is, I guess the restoration work done on the live action scenes, but I fear "seeing the joins" on a 45 year old TV show. Still, I like watching old episodes of Dr Who. which is even older, and had an even smaller budget.. so.. one should just accept these things, right?

    If ST XI is as good as Cloverfield then I shall be impressed indeed.

    Quinto I'm not excited about ATM, wanna give Pine every chance, but Urban, will be the real deal breaker I think, and he's a good actor IMO so, I'm hopeful, the Effects should be mind blowing (in comparison to either the original or the older movies)


    Well one thing about downloads and Apple TV or the MS version. Comcast just implimented " On Demand " in my area which is nice ( and similer ) but as my friends pointed out they get movie titles cheaper at the local video store which is 5 min. away. So I'm not saying this renting from home isn't cool but I don't know how much of an impact it'll make.

    And yeah I really liked " Cloverfield " so that's a good sign.
  • Reply 1516 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I'm looking at sales since you asked, they are DOWN 33% year over year. why would that be "genius" ?? its hardly the "good games" is it? I thought "good games" sold consoles, if so, why are sales down 33%?

    you don't have much credibility yourself. gosh, the credibility wars now..

    ok? failure rates hurt obviously and so does having 0 presence in japan. the console still boasts the highest attach rates in history, garnishes some of the highest grossing games this gen, and makes other companies millionaires.

    hmm, the ps3 can barely get a game to break a few million copies (besides packing motorstorm in with each system), loses tons of cash on each ps3 because they wanted to force gamers to buy a 600 dollar bluray player and then continuously poops on their loyal fan base by taking out features they boasted about (backwards compatibility) and then re-introducing others they deemed not necessary (rumble). the ps3 ended up on Times magazines top 10 tech blunders but now since bluray won they are getting a slight boost in sales and all of a sudden they are "smart again".

    the PS3 is NOT the PS2, all you Sony boys need to get that through your freaking skull. it hasn't performed like the PS2 and it may never. a little game called Grand Theft Auto and a movie called The Matrix should be credited for a lot of that consoles success and guess what? there is no matrix this time and grand theft auto has exclusive content deals with microsoft lol.

    also, if Sony decides not to drop the price of stand alone bluray players i would love to see how long it takes them to really get bluray out of this niche group and into the masses because taking too long could have someone like apple, amazon, or some other downloadable service run away with the glory.
  • Reply 1517 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Great reading in this week's Home Media Magazine...Blu Skies...

    ...great piece in there by Bill Hunt that is absolutely right on target.
  • Reply 1518 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    ... loses tons of cash on each ps3 ...

    Sony hasn't been losing money on PS3's for a couple months now. There's a link in another thread mentioning their cost to produce has dropped to ~$400.
  • Reply 1519 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    AppleTV is a non-factor outside the US, so I wouldn't worry about it affecting Blu-Ray anytime soon. Nor do I ever intend (unless forced to) go download primarily. I, like you, prefer having the disc.

    Blu-ray will eventually go the way of the Dodo, like floppy disks, etc...

    AppleTV on the other hand will have stuck around and become quite popular by then.

    You will see. Check back with me in 2012

    Blu-ray is old school. Why carry around a big goofy disk with one movie when my iPod in 2010 will be able to hold 50 BD quality movies in something the size of a deck of cards. Also: no BD player? no problem! ... just hook up my handy-dandy AV cables and presto! Instant entertainment!
  • Reply 1520 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by mdotdubz View Post

    ... my iPod in 2010 will be able to hold 50 BD quality movies in something the size of a deck of cards. ...

    2010 really isn't that far off. You may be eating those words especially with regard to the rest of the world.
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