Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 1561 of 2639
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes. But to get the 5 free movies you need to buy it before the end of the February, and mail it in before the end of March.

    Beware circuit city - it looks like the employees have been cutting open the boxes and taking the remotes for their xbox360s. Pick up in store is best, and look at both ends of the box to make sure it hasn't been opened.

    I am never shopping at Circuit City again - the first one was in bad shape for a used one (marks on unit, missing remote, missing software disk, box taped shut).I took it back and exchanged it, but I only looked at one end of the 2nd box (the other end was cut open, and everything was carefully put back together to make it look like it was new - everything is there, though, except for the booklet inside the king kong dvd, so it is not worth a 3rd trip back to the store).

    I don't think King Kong comes with insert/booklet, but I can check when I get home. I do notice that many HD-DVD's/blu-ray titles do not come with inserts like with most of the SD-DVD's. Most HDM's usually get the studio ads or firmware upgrade notice instead.

    BTW, only thing I like about Circuit City is their return policy. I can order stuff online and return to the local retails. Anyway, I see BB and other online stores offering $50 deals on the xbox306 add-on, so circuit city many not be the only place to scavenge on this deal.

    Well, enjoy your new HD-DVD player and all the firesales to come!..
  • Reply 1562 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    I don't think King Kong comes with insert/booklet, but I can check when I get home. I do notice that many HD-DVD's/blu-ray titles do not come with inserts like with most of the SD-DVD's. Most HDM's usually get the studio ads or firmware upgrade notice instead.

    BTW, only thing I like about Circuit City is their return policy. I can order stuff online and return to the local retails. Anyway, I see BB and other online stores offering $50 deals on the xbox306 add-on, so circuit city many not be the only place to scavenge on this deal.

    Most of ths SD DVD's I've bought in the last couple years were the same way with the notable exceptions being special/limited editions.

    On another note, the Circuit City near me is a complete craphole. It's a really morbid place to even consider shopping. I await its demise as I waited for the demise of CompUSA.
  • Reply 1563 of 2639
    Originally Posted by jimmac View Post

    Still no word on Star Trek Remastered on BR from Paramount yet ( of course )!

    This format war has been all for the good of the companies and not the consumer.

    Not being a Tekkie that doesn't really bother me.

    If you're talking about hardware, I'm not sure Toshiba would agree that the format war has been good for the companies.

    Only a few misguided HD fans have been saying that the format fiasco has been good for consumers. Most people realized that for HDM to progress to mainstream or at least large scale niche status there had to be one format only.

    Right now my biggest frustration is the anemic BD movie release announced through June. Of course, when Paramount and Universal come on line that could change. Also, now that we have one format maybe BD studios will be upping their output. I guess we're a society that "wants it now".
  • Reply 1564 of 2639
    So Walter, what do you think of the PS3 to PSP Blu-ray copy function?
  • Reply 1565 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    DreamWorks waiting for cue from Toshiba on Blu-ray

    I remember a certain someone stating how I was spreading FUD with countless Wall Street Jounal articles and New York Times articles about this subject. Well, here you have it, straight from the CEO.

    No, you were spreading FUD by saying Microsoft was writing hundred million dollar cheques from their personal warchest to promote HD-DVD. Everyone knows that both sides have been freely giving out shares of royalties, and Sony has given much, much more than Toshiba has ever contemplated.

    Link 1

    Link 2
  • Reply 1566 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Not being a Tekkie that doesn't really bother me.

    If you're talking about hardware, I'm not sure Toshiba would agree that the format war has been good for the companies.

    Only a few misguided HD fans have been saying that the format fiasco has been good for consumers. Most people realized that for HDM to progress to mainstream or at least large scale niche status there had to be one format only.

    Right now my biggest frustration is the anemic BD movie release announced through June. Of course, when Paramount and Universal come on line that could change. Also, now that we have one format maybe BD studios will be upping their output. I guess we're a society that "wants it now".

    " Not being a Tekkie that doesn't really bother me. "

    Well that's you. Otherwise there are a lot of people concerned about this as I reported from the mail " The Digital Bits' is getting about it!

    Let me post that quote again incase you missed it :

    " quick word of advice to Paramount (and CBS): You guys REALLY need to say something about what you plan to do with Star Trek: The Original Series - Remastered on Blu-ray, and soon. We're getting TONS of e-mails from frustrated Trekkies, some of whom spent a lot of money on the HD-DVD Combo version of Season One, and who are now trying to figure out what they're going to do. "

    And that's Trekkie.

    And yes Toshiba is the big loser here. The other companies involved ( especially the studios ) cleaned up. Now if those same people buy a BR player they get to buy all those titles again. It's a win win situation.

    Also has Universal said anything about Battlestar Galactica yet?

    OC you may not like SciFi but there are a great many of us who do and these are big titles for the consumer. Both Paramount and Universal knew this when they were exclusive to HD DVD and it was a big part of the decision making process when people bought their machines. And now those same titles which should be getting ready to release season 2 are in limbo for god knows how long.
  • Reply 1567 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I just wanted to make a post from my iPhone, while getting a table dance, from seamless, in Vegas Yo!
  • Reply 1568 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Fear can be a powerful force for good.

    WOW where did you pick that gem up from? dick cheney?
  • Reply 1569 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    So Walter, what do you think of the PS3 to PSP Blu-ray copy function?

    have been V.busy and away from machine.

    haven't went for the PSP yet, might just grab my DS and games and do that trade in today, but I don't want to actually be "out" any money

    to be honest I'd be happier with more info on "would it work with an iPhone?" as thats more likely what I'm going to have with me in the future.

    The idea of NOT having to rip and transcode and then import into iTunes would be a HUGE plus IMO. but I somehow get the impression that "if its the PS3 doing the "ripping" then it will be copy protected"

    HOWEVER, I'll wait and see.

    meanwhile theres PLAY TV due out in the UK soon, records digital TV broadcasts in its native mpeg2 format and stores it on the PS3s HDD can be moved to external storage or a computer or the PSP.

    PlayTV is NOT going to add copy protection Linkymajigg

    thats basically been my main source of films for the last year, except my current recorder uses a rather crippled version of USB2 so its as slow as can be with transfer times and "currently" I have to re-encode to MP4 which takes a while on my core NOT 2 machine but reduces size. IF the PSP can play mpeg2 without re-encoding or the iPhone gets mpeg2 decode capability, then perhaps i might be persuaded to get this add-on for the speedy FULL rate usb2 transfer times.

    however, thats a LOT of ifs and buts

    I'm all for using some of the space on BD for "downloadable" movies, lets face it there IS the extra space available.
  • Reply 1570 of 2639
    Originally Posted by jimmac View Post

    Both Paramount and Universal knew this when they were exclusive to HD DVD and it was a big part of the decision making process when people bought their machines. And now those same titles which should be getting ready to release season 2 are in limbo for god knows how long.

    FFS CALM DOWN mannn.

    how do I convince you to calm down?? mm.. let me think.

    Answer me this question.

    what video format has paramount NOT released trek in?

    given time BD will come, in the mean time, CHILL OUT! otherwise = heart attack = trek on BD not see by you

  • Reply 1571 of 2639
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    I just wanted to make a post from my iPhone, while getting a table dance, from seamless, in Vegas Yo!



  • Reply 1572 of 2639
    Originally Posted by jimmac View Post

    " Not being a Tekkie that doesn't really bother me. "


    " quick word of advice to Paramount (and CBS): You guys REALLY need to say something about what you plan to do with Star Trek: The Original Series - Remastered on Blu-ray, and soon. We're getting TONS of e-mails from frustrated Trekkies, some of whom spent a lot of money on the HD-DVD Combo version of Season One, and who are now trying to figure out what they're going to do. "


    And yes Toshiba is the big loser here. The other companies involved ( especially the studios ) cleaned up. Now if those same people buy a BR player they get to buy all those titles again. It's a win win situation.

    Also has Universal said anything about Battlestar Galactica yet?

    OC you may not like SciFi but there are a great many of us who do and these are big titles for the consumer. Both Paramount and Universal knew this when they were exclusive to HD DVD and it was a big part of the decision making process when people bought their machines. And now those same titles which should be getting ready to release season 2 are in limbo for god knows how long.

    Jim, I am a science fiction and fantasy fan but somehow never got hooked on the Star Trek series.

    From what I read here and on AVSforum most HD fans aren't planning on replacing their HD title for the corresponding BD ones. The Toshiba machines should be trouble free and last a long time as Microsoft didn't build them.
  • Reply 1573 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Jim, I am a science fiction and fantasy fan but somehow never got hooked on the Star Trek series.


    You can always tell how good a Star Trek episode is going to be when the space/time continuum starts getting messed with before you even enter the theatre.
  • Reply 1574 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Jim, I am a science fiction and fantasy fan but somehow never got hooked on the Star Trek series.

    From what I read here and on AVSforum most HD fans aren't planning on replacing their HD title for the corresponding BD ones. The Toshiba machines should be trouble free and last a long time as Microsoft didn't build them.

    Yes my machine still works flawlessly so I don't see any reason to replace season 1 anytime soon. However I did read this from " The Digital Bits ", a thing about " Dreamworks ", " Paramount ", and the possible reason why :


    " But now, just yesterday, Katzenberg has reportedly said that his company is still locked into its deal to distribute movies on HD-DVD: "We have a partnership with Toshiba and have an obligation to see this through. As you know, we have been well-compensated for our support. It really is in their court at this point to really declare what the next step will be. We're poised either way to jump into the marketplace when the conditions are right to do so." Either Katzenberg is COMPLETELY out of touch with reality... and DreamWorks Animation has the worst contract lawyers in Hollywood... or he's posturing for some reason. So what's really going on here?

    Here's our take: He's posturing. Take this as VERY Rumor Mill-worthy, but here's what our industry sources are suggesting is happening behind-the-scenes. Very reliable sources are telling us that DreamWorks Animation is currently authoring and replicating multiple new titles on the Blu-ray format for release in the coming months, including Bee Movie. They're also working on an official announcement of Blu-ray support. So why the new comments from Katzenberg? Well, our sources are hinting that as of the day Toshiba threw in the towel, DreamWorks Animation and Paramount hadn't yet been paid the full $150 million they were promised for abandoning Blu-ray and supporting HD-DVD exclusively (it's generally standard practice in a deal like this for payments to be made in installments over the life of the deal, as various contractual milestones are reached). Both studios are reportedly negotiating with Toshiba as to just how much of the still unpaid amount they'll receive for having remained loyal to the end. That's why neither studio has officially announced new Blu-ray titles yet, and that's why Katzenberg is still talking about loyalty to Toshiba. Having taken a big PR hit with Blu-ray fans for abandoning the format last year, DreamWorks Animation and Paramount want to at least get as much of the promised payment from Toshiba too. As soon as this issue is sorted out however - and our sources say all parties are close to agreeing on a final amount - you'll see both Paramount and DreamWorks Animation start announcing new Blu-ray titles.

    Anyway, with a little luck, all this confusion will be cleared up in the next few weeks. So just be patient in the meantime. Hey, we've been saying all along that this format war was all about the benjamins. It's perhaps only fitting that the end of it is all about 'em too. "


    If true this will affect other titles as well.
  • Reply 1575 of 2639
    Oh the irony, apparently it seems that the last HD-DVD title from Paramount will be Things We Lost In The Fire (sale)

    Difficult NOT to find that funny.

    Rather abruptly ending support of the beleaguered format on march 4th, on top of which, it would seem, for the moment at least, that Warner, who the Pro HD-DVDers derided when they went BD exclusive, will be the studio providing the LAST HD-DVD movies.

    Round-a-bouts, but no swings!
  • Reply 1576 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending February 24th

    WE: BD-77% HDD-23% YTD: BD-76% HDD-24% SI: BD-65% HDD-35%

  • Reply 1577 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Yikes. Seems the MacBook revolution may have to wait a few months.

    Apparently, Blu-ray allows laptop users to watch only half an HD movie.

    It still looks like Apple with include them in 2008. However, I don't understand why Apple would want slot-loads in the MBP before offering even the option of installing regular ones in the Mac Pro.
  • Reply 1578 of 2639
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    I'm just popping in to say that No Country for Old Men is coming out on Blu-ray on March 11th. Be there, guys. I just saw it tonight and I'm having trouble thinking of a finer example of recent filmmaking.
  • Reply 1579 of 2639
    I know I'm most likely just falling into a troll trap, but I thought the following quote about info coming from Kojima Productions, was at least a small proof against the FUD facts from Elixir recently RE : who needs that much disc space?


    According to the latest reports out of the Kojima Productions camp, the Blu-ray disc isn't big enough to hold all of Metal Gear Solid 4 in its entirety. Apparently if you're a fan of the original Japanese voice overs and you live in America, you're going to have to import your game to hear them. Metal Gear Solid 4 will not be releasing worldwide with all voice over tracks included. What this means is, if you're in Europe or North America, expect to only be able to listen to the English track, where as if you live in Japan, expect to hear the standard Japanese voices exclusively.

    The latest podcast from the camp released with this quote, "Unfortunately because of disc space, we don't have the space to include other languages, other voice over files for the respective versions. So the Japanese version's not gonna have English VO, and the North American and European versions won't have Japanese VO."

    SEE, theres at LEAST 1 game that needs the space AND MORE thats available on BD.
  • Reply 1580 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I know I'm most likely just falling into a troll trap, but I thought the following quote about info coming from Kojima Productions, was at least a small proof against the FUD facts from Elixir recently RE : who needs that much disc space?

    SEE, theres at LEAST 1 game that needs the space AND MORE thats available on BD.

    50GB isn't big enough for MGS4 and all languages??? WTF? If this is true, then that would squash all rumours of it going to 360, unless it is on 6 discs!
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