Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 1581 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    50GB isn't big enough for MGS4 and all languages??? WTF? If this is true, then that would squash all rumours of it going to 360, unless it is on 6 discs!

    well its to include MGS:online also, unless its "only" a 25GB disc, but that would still curtail it from being on a single 9Gb DVD disc.

    It WON'T be on the 360. thats a sure thing, FUD to the contrary has only been spread by what I believe are referred to as "xbots"
  • Reply 1582 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    well its to include MGS:online also, unless its "only" a 25GB disc, but that would still curtail it from being on a single 9Gb DVD disc.

    It WON'T be on the 360. thats a sure thing, FUD to the contrary has only been spread by what I believe are referred to as "xbots"

    boy, do you bite the hype or what. you could probably be sold sh/t on a stick with the proper hyperbole huh?

    lets wait and see what they filled (if they actually filled content rather than uncompressed bloated code) in there before running your supposedly "anti-fanboy" rants.

    and dont mistaken yourself, they are fanboy rants, mr sony bot because if you looked at this from other angles they could actually present you with some glaring issues.

    1. this could say more about the laziness of the dev team then how big and great MGS4 is gonna be.

    2. this could also mean we'll get endless hours of pointless dialogue in this game (have you played an MGS game before? hmm i wonder if you have)

    3. if the disk didn't fit enough for other things like voice work (which they made it a point to mention so i'm guessing its a big deal for some right?) why not provide a second disk with a limited edition copy? i mean that just reeks of creating hype.

    so, lets just wait and see if they truly did use the bluray space for the ACTUAL GAME, in a proper way, shall we?
  • Reply 1583 of 2639
    some people just cant take the truth
  • Reply 1584 of 2639
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    boy, do you bite the hype or what. you could probably be sold sh/t on a stick with the proper hyperbole huh?

    lets wait and see what they filled (if they actually filled content rather than uncompressed bloated code) in there before running your supposedly "anti-fanboy" rants.

    and dont mistaken yourself, they are fanboy rants, mr sony bot because if you looked at this from other angles they could actually present you with some glaring issues.

  • Reply 1585 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    1. this could say more about the laziness of the dev team then how big and great MGS4 is gonna be.

    Translation : your beloved M$ WON'T have the MGS franchise EVER, so you rubbish their work

    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    2. this could also mean we'll get endless hours of pointless dialogue in this game (have you played an MGS game before? hmm i wonder if you have)

    Again, you dis the work of artists, what was it steve jobs said about M$? no class, no respect for art?

    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    3. if the disk didn't fit enough for other things like voice work (which they made it a point to mention so i'm guessing its a big deal for some right?) why not provide a second disk with a limited edition copy? i mean that just reeks of creating hype.

    possibly, or making a profit, should a business not do that? or just your beloved M$? also from that interview, but admittedly i didn't quote it, was talk that they "MIGHT" be able to squeeze it in, but it was easier to localize instead, due to time limits of a world wide release.

    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    so, lets just wait and see if they truly did use the bluray space for the ACTUAL GAME, in a proper way, shall we?

    yes lets, but that might involve YOU not spreading FUD, so thats unlikely.

    of course you will likely imply that "actual game" should NOT have included the online game component

    Like I said to start with, i posted it at the risk of falling prey to your troll trap.
  • Reply 1586 of 2639
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending February 24th

    So are there numbers yet for Feb?
  • Reply 1587 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    What I do know, is that on June 12 I'l be wrecking it in MGS4, and all other with be in nothingness.
  • Reply 1588 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    So are there numbers yet for Feb?

    You mean overall for February?
  • Reply 1589 of 2639
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending February 24th

    WE: BD-77% HDD-23% YTD: BD-76% HDD-24% SI: BD-65% HDD-35%

    Actually those numbers look pretty decent for HD all things considered. It looks like a combination of a "must-have" disc, American Gangster, and people filling in their collection before HD disappears from the shelves.

    I had some time to kill this morning so stopped off at the Lynnwood Best Buy as I had a couple of coupons and thought I'd check out their BD offerings. Disappointing, to say the least. Nothing was on sale, even with the coupons, Amazon was quite a bit cheaper, plus there weren't any copies of Michael Clayton or Run Lola Run. I guess we all got spoiled with the BOGO offers around Christmas time.
  • Reply 1590 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Can anyone offer a definitive answer regarding Blu-Ray on current Macs?

    It seems that embedding the requisite DRM () deep into Mac OS X has taken longer than thought or Apple is trying to amend those terms.

    Cinema Displays haven't been updated in ages likely for this reason and MacBook Pros will also have to be modified to sport HDCP ports to allow BR drives to function.

    Where does this leave current Mac owners? If I buy a Mac Pro with a 30" display today, will I ever be able to add BR later? Or will the Blu-Ray drive be restricted to non-movie playing functions (i.e. backup) only.

    That's not a problem as I never watch movies on my desktop, but it would be nice to know where we stand before making Mac purchases this year.
  • Reply 1591 of 2639
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Where does this leave current Mac owners? If I buy a Mac Pro with a 30" display today, will I ever be able to add BR later? Or will the Blu-Ray drive be restricted to non-movie playing functions (i.e. backup) only.

    Current Cinema Displays do not list that they support HDCP. The rest of your questions should be answered by the link below.
  • Reply 1592 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I saw American Gangster unrated version, and I thought it was good, but not good enough to watch twice.
  • Reply 1593 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    possibly, or making a profit, should a business not do that? or just your beloved M$? also from that interview, but admittedly i didn't quote it, was talk that they "MIGHT" be able to squeeze it in, but it was easier to localize instead, due to time limits of a world wide release.

    yes lets, but that might involve YOU not spreading FUD, so thats unlikely.

    of course you will likely imply that "actual game" should NOT have included the online game component

    Like I said to start with, i posted it at the risk of falling prey to your troll trap.

    You're pretty ridiculous and the fact that this is an anti-MS board doesn't help to curtail your ridiculousness. The only microsoft product i own is the 360, enough with this "your beloved M$" k?

    fanboy: "should a buisiness not do that?" well they can, but to a certain point before people start getting annoyed with their bullcrap. Sony did this with the PS3 to a point where key members of their team were giving yellow slips or "promoted" to unheard of areas in the company. i almost bet my arm and leg you fell for the fake killzone 2 trailer didn't you?

    again, lets see if they use the space for the ACTUAL GAME, not a bunch of extra features or whatever that have nothing to do with the ACTUAL GAME. this was the argument in the first place-games in this gen needing all that space, not extra features or any other fluff.
  • Reply 1594 of 2639
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    You're pretty ridiculous and the fact that this is an anti-MS board doesn't help to curtail your ridiculousness. The only microsoft product i own is the 360, enough with this "your beloved M$" k?

    fanboy: "should a buisiness not do that?" well they can, but to a certain point before people start getting annoyed with their bullcrap. Sony did this with the PS3 to a point where key members of their team were giving yellow slips or "promoted" to unheard of areas in the company. i almost bet my arm and leg you fell for the fake killzone 2 trailer didn't you?

    again, lets see if they use the space for the ACTUAL GAME, not a bunch of extra features or whatever that have nothing to do with the ACTUAL GAME. this was the argument in the first place-games in this gen needing all that space, not extra features or any other fluff.

    I mean this in all seriousness:

    Do you have any friends? Like, people who will talk to you more than 5 minutes at a time before they find some excuse to leave? Neighboring cubicles and that one chick who propositioned you at the bar don't count.

    I only wonder because I've never read a post of yours that wasn't some sort of insipid troll-bait, and I was trying to figure out if it carries over into the real world, or if you just use your precious anonymity to channel your all prick urges onto the internets.
  • Reply 1595 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    You're pretty ridiculous and the fact that this is an anti-MS board doesn't help to curtail your ridiculousness. The only microsoft product i own is the 360, enough with this "your beloved M$" k?

    fanboy: "should a buisiness not do that?" well they can, but to a certain point before people start getting annoyed with their bullcrap. Sony did this with the PS3 to a point where key members of their team were giving yellow slips or "promoted" to unheard of areas in the company. i almost bet my arm and leg you fell for the fake killzone 2 trailer didn't you?

    again, lets see if they use the space for the ACTUAL GAME, not a bunch of extra features or whatever that have nothing to do with the ACTUAL GAME. this was the argument in the first place-games in this gen needing all that space, not extra features or any other fluff.

    What is funny is if MGS4 was coming out for the 360 you and the other 360 fanboys wouldn't be crying, "oh it must be bloated coding" or "too many cut scenes" or "to much talking (wtf?)". You would be quite excited for the game. I am sure your response will be that you hate MGS and you wouldn't get it anyways. You MS fanboys are a predictable bunch. Unless you have something to contribute to the BLU-RAY vs HD-DVD discussion, be gone. You don't like the PS3, we get that. Do we care? NO! I enjoy watching blu-ray movies and playing my PS3 games, can't wait for MLB The Show 08 with its 10GB of audio. I am also excited for future Blu-Ray drives being included in Macs.

    I would like to hear something about this soon, Apple usually isn't this slow at adopting or pushing a format.
  • Reply 1596 of 2639
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Can anyone offer a definitive answer regarding Blu-Ray on current Macs?

    It seems that embedding the requisite DRM () deep into Mac OS X has taken longer than thought or Apple is trying to amend those terms.

    Cinema Displays haven't been updated in ages likely for this reason and MacBook Pros will also have to be modified to sport HDCP ports to allow BR drives to function.

    Where does this leave current Mac owners? If I buy a Mac Pro with a 30" display today, will I ever be able to add BR later? Or will the Blu-Ray drive be restricted to non-movie playing functions (i.e. backup) only.

    That's not a problem as I never watch movies on my desktop, but it would be nice to know where we stand before making Mac purchases this year.

    The software isn't brain surgery. It's not that much code.

    The Business Politics is changing as the landscape is changing. Apple has a vested interest in seeing AppleTV take off.
  • Reply 1597 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    What is funny is if MGS4 was coming out for the 360 you and the other 360 fanboys wouldn't be crying, "oh it must be bloated coding" or "too many cut scenes" or "to much talking (wtf?)". You would be quite excited for the game. I am sure your response will be that you hate MGS and you wouldn't get it anyways. You MS fanboys are a predictable bunch. Unless you have something to contribute to the BLU-RAY vs HD-DVD discussion, be gone. You don't like the PS3, we get that. Do we care? NO! I enjoy watching blu-ray movies and playing my PS3 games, can't wait for MLB The Show 08 with its 10GB of audio. I am also excited for future Blu-Ray drives being included in Macs.

    I would like to hear something about this soon, Apple usually isn't this slow at adopting or pushing a format.

    i know its an uphill battle in here but damn you guys are pretty bad. look at what your saying, then go and look up what devs have been doing with the space of blurays for their games and then come back here and call me a fanboy, k?

    bloated code is a very big possibility why they filled the disk up. if they didn't compress audio that could have easily torn a crap load of space from the disk. another possibility that has been scene done over and over and over again with ps3 games is doubling code in order to reduce load times (please, if you dont know about the load times of the ps3 i'd say stop reading and go away).

    once again my argument (which was pointed out earlier) was that bluray space was not needed for todays game development. did i say anything about the quality of MGS4? no, its a big game for the PS3, maybe even their biggest.

    so, AGAIN, if the bluray disk is filled with special features like every single goddamn cut scene from every MGS game in existence does not mean the game REQUIRED bluray space- are we clear here????? lordy, the guy posts an article talking about how "elixir's fud" will be disproved and i respond to it with logical explanations and questions and i get blasted again.

  • Reply 1598 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    i know its an uphill battle in here but damn you guys are pretty bad. look at what your saying, then go and look up what devs have been doing with the space of blurays for their games and then come back here and call me a fanboy, k?

    bloated code is a very big possibility why they filled the disk up. if they didn't compress audio that could have easily torn a crap load of space from the disk. another possibility that has been scene done over and over and over again with ps3 games is doubling code in order to reduce load times (please, if you dont know about the load times of the ps3 i'd say stop reading and go away).

    once again my argument (which was pointed out earlier) was that bluray space was not needed for todays game development. did i say anything about the quality of MGS4? no, its a big game for the PS3, maybe even their biggest.

    so, AGAIN, if the bluray disk is filled with special features like every single goddamn cut scene from every MGS game in existence does not mean the game REQUIRED bluray space- are we clear here????? lordy, the guy posts an article talking about how "elixir's fud" will be disproved and i respond to it with logical explanations and questions and i get blasted again.


    I am pretty sure when you say the game has bloated code you are trashing the quality of the game. Also, uncompressed audio is a GOOD thing, sorry you won't see that anytime soon. Btw you get blasted because you come here and make this a ps3 vs 360 thread and carve the ps3 any chance you get with your FUD.
  • Reply 1599 of 2639
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    The software isn't brain surgery. It's not that much code.

    perhaps, though on the authoring side it's possibly far more difficult than brain surgery...
  • Reply 1600 of 2639
    Shouldn't this thread title be changed to the Blu-ray discussion thread? HD-DVD's dead and buried so not much VS. to discuss.

    All I want to know is when are Apple going to put re-writable Blu-ray drives in the iMac or Laptops?? I have 1TB of data to back up and several hours of HD video footage!! Please hurry up! i haven't been this desperate since I bought a digital video camera when the best back-up option was the Zip-disc!
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