Airport Express with 802.11n leaks on Apple's Swiss site



  • Reply 41 of 51
    halhikerhalhiker Posts: 111member
    I love my Airport Express. I will definitely buy a new one with N when I purchase a new laptop with N. I'm figuring summer after the next MPB update.

    I work in a hotel that does not have Wi-Fi in any of it's over 500 rooms. I know there are a lot of hotels with the same situation. Wi-Fi may be available in the public areas but there is only hard wiring in your guest room. (maybe it's easier to charge you that way). People get frustrated because they're used to Wi-Fi and they like to work in different areas in their room. If they have an Apple computer, I tell them they should get an Airport Express. If they have a PC, I tell them they should get a Mac and then get an Airport Express. (And, yes, I know it works with PC's, too).

    Apple should sell one of these to every single person who buys a MacBook Air and they should promote it to all the road warriors who don't want to be tied down to there desk while in their hotel room.

    If you have a laptop and travel and don't have a Airport Express, get one once this new update comes out. You'll love it. Oh, and AirTunes is cool, too.
  • Reply 42 of 51
    The throughput of my current airport express is pretty poor. After upgrading from 10/10 to 30/30, I basically get the same transfer speeds as before. It maxes out at around 1.5MB/s \.

    I'm really looking forward to getting a new airport express to speed it all up!
  • Reply 43 of 51
    I'd love for Apple to provide an API for the USB port. Why? I'd like a simple 'USB pause button' for Airtunes. Let's call it 'AirPause'.

    While I love AirTunes, I get tired of running across the house to skip a track. While I can power down the stereo or speakers, I can't pause it.

    Imagine a memory stick-sized device, but with a big-ass button on it. You stick it into the Airport Express. Press the button, and the music stops. Press it again and the music resumes. If you want to get really fancy, you double-click to skip a track.

    I pinged Griffin on this a few years back and of course heard nothing.

    On another note, can I do this network topology?

    Airport Extreme -- ethernet -- Airport Express ))) 802.11 ))) Mac

    Even with 802.11n I can't get across my house. I'd like to link my Airport Express in my living room via Cat6 to the Airport Extreme attached to the cable modem in my office. Same wireless network, same DHCP server, etc. I tried this back when I had a Linksys router and it never worked.

    (Note that I am *not* talking about attaching a Mac to the Airport Express ethernet port to access the 802.11 network it belongs to. Any references to bridging unfortunately seem to refer to this.)
  • Reply 44 of 51
    smokeonitsmokeonit Posts: 268member
    and don't forget that the first core duo can be easily converted to 802.11n.

    my macbook pro core duo 2.0 i converted using the broadcom 4321 802.11n, apple calls it the "mac pro upgrade kit". it sells for $49.95/?49,95. it can only be bought @ authorized dealers, not online!!!
  • Reply 45 of 51
    smokeonitsmokeonit Posts: 268member
    Originally Posted by trinzoid View Post

    The throughput of my current airport express is pretty poor. After upgrading from 10/10 to 30/30, I basically get the same transfer speeds as before. It maxes out at around 1.5MB/s \.

    I'm really looking forward to getting a new airport express to speed it all up!

    a well adjusted airport in 802.11g only mode, don't use mixed 802.11b/g mode!, achieves 1.8-2.0Mbyte/sec, that's around 28-36Mbit/sec!

    most people make the mistake not to check for neighbors that broadcast on the same channel. if 2 wifi stations use the same channels bandwidth is shared 50:50%, 3 stations 33:33:33%, and so on... and mixed mode 802.11b/g mode also makes the connections slower around 20-40%... if one client in the link uses 802.11b everyone is downgraded to 802.11b @ 11Mbit or less, depeneding on the signal quality...!!!
  • Reply 46 of 51
    billinbillin Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by johnny0 View Post

    I'd love for Apple to provide an API for the USB port. Why? I'd like a simple 'USB pause button' for Airtunes. Let's call it 'AirPause'.

    While I love AirTunes, I get tired of running across the house to skip a track. While I can power down the stereo or speakers, I can't pause it.

    Well, this may be a case where the solution is not necessarily better than no solution, but...

    It's expensive ($135) and people apparently aren't very happy with how it performs when you have lots and lots of playlists/songs, but it utilizes radio frequency (RF) and works with iTunes, which means it should allow you to do what you described above. Of course, if I were you, I would simply apply that $135 to buy an old, used MacBook and use that as a "remote". I do that with my MacBook Pro, connecting to my server's iTunes library and outputting to the Airport Express, and the combination works very well.
  • Reply 47 of 51
    It appears that Apple have updated the Airport Express and it is available on their online store. Don't buy from Amazon. The price is almost double at $189.

    The Express has been one of the "must pack" items in my road warrior travel bag. It is about time Apple gave this under-rated product some love!
  • Reply 48 of 51
    Originally Posted by billin View Post

    Well, this may be a case where the solution is not necessarily better than no solution, but...

    Yeah, I hear you. I was really hoping for something simpler. Looking for a remote (or cracking open an old MacBook), while technically feasible, isn't all that practical. I'm looking for less of a remote than a kill switch (though one that doesn't involve pulling a cable or a plug!) I'm sure there will be an iPhone remote coming out soon -- if Salling doesn't do Clicker on the iPhone I'll be disappointed.

    Better yet, of course, would be a giant button built onto the side of the AE...
  • Reply 49 of 51
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member
    Originally Posted by johnny0 View Post

    Yeah, I hear you. I was really hoping for something simpler. Looking for a remote (or cracking open an old MacBook), while technically feasible, isn't all that practical. I'm looking for less of a remote than a kill switch (though one that doesn't involve pulling a cable or a plug!) I'm sure there will be an iPhone remote coming out soon -- if Salling doesn't do Clicker on the iPhone I'll be disappointed.

    Better yet, of course, would be a giant button built onto the side of the AE...

    There is something simpler.

    There are lots of other kits that just provide remote volume control of any audio source. Google it.

    Salling Clicker relies on Bluetooth to control iTunes on your Mac/PC, not the Airport Express. The iPhone also doesn't have the Bluetooth capabilities needed to support Salling Clicker.

    It'd have to be done over wifi currently. It's possible to remotely control a Mac running iTunes from another Mac with remote AppleEvents and Applescript so I'd imagine it'd be possible with an iPhone if it could do the same (it can't currently - no Applescript). It would indeed be much nicer if there was an API exposed for controlling Airtunes on the Airport Express directly.
  • Reply 50 of 51
    Well aware of the remote controls available for it, but I disagree that it's simpler -- they fail my basic test, just one more remote to lose. I have enough as it is, I don't need more. A button won't get lost...

    Yup, Salling Clicker over WiFi was what I was referring to, not BlueTooth (though I've had Clicker on the Treo for years).In fact, I've used Clicker over WiFi on a Nokia e61i to control iTunes, PowerPoint, VLC, QuickTime, etc, and it works quite well (though the e61i was a generally frustrating UI and I sent it back...)

    Re your comment on Bluetooth capabilities -- do you mean lack of Bluetooth profiles on the iPhone? Or no Bluetooth on the iPhone Touch? If it's the former, hopefully that will change with 2.0.
  • Reply 51 of 51
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member
    Originally Posted by johnny0 View Post

    Well aware of the remote controls available for it, but I disagree that it's simpler -- they fail my basic test, just one more remote to lose. I have enough as it is, I don't need more. A button won't get lost...

    It's simpler, and cheaper, than the one with the screen on.

    Originally Posted by johnny0 View Post

    Yup, Salling Clicker over WiFi was what I was referring to, not BlueTooth (though I've had Clicker on the Treo for years).In fact, I've used Clicker over WiFi on a Nokia e61i to control iTunes, PowerPoint, VLC, QuickTime, etc, and it works quite well (though the e61i was a generally frustrating UI and I sent it back...)

    I wasn't aware they'd done a wifi version. I used it on my P910i for a while but IME it's not as handy as a remote as I was never in Salling Clicker on my phone when I needed to switch the audio off in a hurry.

    Originally Posted by johnny0 View Post

    Re your comment on Bluetooth capabilities -- do you mean lack of Bluetooth profiles on the iPhone? Or no Bluetooth on the iPhone Touch? If it's the former, hopefully that will change with 2.0.

    So far they've not added additional Bluetooth Profiles to iPhoneOS 2.0 at least not in this round of the betas, nor is there any IOBluetooth framework from what I gather. So that leaves wifi.
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