iMac rumored for next week; new iPhone SDK; Apple updates



  • Reply 81 of 128
    jasenj1jasenj1 Posts: 923member
    (I'm not going to bother to go back and quote the relevant messages, but here's some more thoughts.)

    BD is too soon for the CONSUMER machines = iMac & MacBook. And I don't think there are thin & low power enough drives for the MacBook Pros. But, as I think Melgross is also saying, Apple needs a BD solution in/on the Mac Pro. Apple is heavily used by the content creation people and they should be able to have BD support NOW so that they can master all the BD movies. Not being able to do that hurts Apple in a key market.

    If Apple wants to get ahead of the curve a bit, maybe they could have BD in consumer machines as an option in a refresh at MacWorld in September. Or, whenever they refresh before the college buying season. Now that sounds like a seller: Blu-Ray in iMacs for dorm rooms. Yum.

    - Jasen.
  • Reply 82 of 128
    Okay, here it is. This is all you're gonna see

    2.4 ghz, 2.6ghz, 2.8 extreme

    320 400 500 gb hard drive

    1 gig 2gigs 2gigs ram

    choice of matte or glossy

    maybe possibly new gpu w/512 on the higher end models

    all price points unchanged.

    Anything more than this would be a real surprise.
  • Reply 83 of 128
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Apple will put the cheapest gpu they think will meet the minimum specs they think they can get away with.


    That sums it up nicely. Its a shame because the 3800 series from ATI isn't that much more expensive than the 2600 series.

    But for gaming there would be a noticeable difference from what I can tell.
  • Reply 84 of 128
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Stageron View Post

    Okay, here it is. This is all you're gonna see

    2.4 ghz, 2.6ghz, 2.8 extreme

    320 400 500 gb hard drive

    1 gig 2gigs 2gigs ram

    choice of matte or glossy

    maybe possibly new gpu w/512 on the higher end models

    all price points unchanged.

    Anything more than this would be a real surprise.

    Your post sounds quite definitive, not speculative. But I see some pricing, marketing and logistics issues.

    First, the current processor speeds are 2.0(T7300), 2.4(7700), and 2.8(X7900). The next generation chip from Intel that keeps the same pricepoint is the 2.4(T8300), 2.5(T9300) and 2.8(X9000), with respective prices between each model remaining at $241, $316 and $851.

    This would keep the iMacs at the same pricepoint but marketing wise people still look at only the clockspeed to determine performance making the low-end 20" iMac only 100Mhz away from the high-end 20" iMac even though the L2 is down from 4MB to 3MB. If I were Apple I'd pop the $209 2.1GHz(T8100) Penryn in there to create a clockspeed variance of 400Mhz and 300MHz, respectively between the iMac models. It's not like people buying the 20" low-end iMac are needing the extra speed and Apple can compensate the $31 elsewhere.

    The HDD defaults are currently 250GB, 320GB and 320GB. With all iMacs having an option for 500GB and 750GB and the 24" having a 1TB option. I think the default will now be 320GB for the low-end iMac, and 500GB default for the other iMacs, with options in both for 750GB and 1TB.

    As for RAM, I think even the low-end will get 2GB as standard.



  • Reply 85 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Blockbuster listed less than 550 available a couple of months ago.

    Check out Blu-ray site. They list them all. Note that if you select on of the genres, (the current number of movies are in parenthesis), you'll get the list. In many cases, most of the movies are slotted in 3 or more genres. Lots of dupes. Do the math.

    Quick note on the backup to disk. Data (massive) management is my business. Very seldom anybody uses CDs or DVDs for backups. In addition, check out your local stores. My main wholesale supplier has stopped. Our local Best Buys and Staples told us that very few blank sales these days.

    Still very expensive. And if you have been in the loop, the Blu-ray association owns the rights and for whatever reason, manufacturing in China is not allowed. And most experts have said that until such time, prices are not expected to drop.

    Apple probably spends more on market research than any other in the business. You'll just never know how much.

    If you look around on the net, including Amazon, etc. You will find BD movies fro $15 and up, with a few even lower.

    I have no problem getting them. I don't actually use them yet, but I have them in the catalogs, and their online.

    Less expensive than Cd or DVD when they first came out, as I keep pointing out.

    Everything you say about prices was said before about VD and DVD. Its of no importance in the long run. BD just won the war, it needs a year to settle in.

    Forget China, it;s not important now.

    You may assume what you like. but you have no idea what Apple may spend. I'm more inclined to believe that they do little.
  • Reply 86 of 128
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Where has Apple's leadership gone?

    To the front of the industry - that's where! They didn't get there by chasing every new technology, but by picking and choosing technologies and enhancing them with laser focus. The iPod wasn't the first MP3 player out there and it's success wasn't an accident.

    Blue Ray is so far down - WAY DOWN - on most people's radar, there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for them to even focus on it at this time.

    And for people whining that PC people have Blue Ray - what the PC users really have is an incredible mess. Just do some googling and read around - there are all kinds of hardware and software compatibility issues - some disks play fine, others won't play at all or are glitchy as all get out... the technology is way too immature for Apple.

    And as others have tried to point out (but it continually gets glossed over by BR supporters) is BR imposes MANDATORY requirements for copy protection that are way more complicated and invasive then DVD. Want to really piss off your customers? Tell them yeah, first you need a new computer to play a movie and oh, by the way, while you are at it, you probably need a new HDCP compliant monitor too.

    You think people are pissy that the non-pro Mac desktop bundles a monitor now (i.e. the iMac)? Are you people for real? You really want Apple to tell them they have to junk their iMac just to play movies?

    If I was someone like Apple, that right there would turn me off - let people play their movies on a dedicated player or game console if they want 'em that bad, but me personally I would rather see Apple focus on Mac OSX, the iPhone and portable computing (there is a ton of untapped potential in the iPod touch) then waste their time of, all things, a screwed up and overly DRM encumbered movie format on media this is probably going to be supplanted by downloadable content anyway!


    I think it's gone to web delivery, to the loss of its customers best interests.

    I truly hate saying that, but it seems to be the case here.

    Oh the humanity! Somehow I think they have a handle on their customers best interests then a minority of tech geeks on a web forum - who probably don't even own any BR content in the first place!

    I haven't seen this many people with sand in their vagina's since I was on Slashdot earlier this morning
  • Reply 87 of 128
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I would love for Apple to finally offer an eSATA port. Like it or not, FW is on the way out for external drives. They have to start somewhere, and this would be a good place.


    Ever unplug an eSATA drive from a computer while it's on and mounted?

    Ever unplug a firewire or USB drive from a computer while it's on and mounted?

    eSATA is not designed for removable drives. It does not fail gracefully, and it's certainly not suitable for the "typical end user".

    Firewire and USB (USB 3 anyone?) are not going anywhere for external drives.

    Doesn't mean I still won't use eSATA - I just have realistic expectations, and I don't think it's realistic to expect Apple to put eSATA on an iMac.
  • Reply 88 of 128
    zinfellazinfella Posts: 877member
    I have no idea what new iMac models will have inside. I'd like to see an LED display, an eSATA port, more RAM capacity, a faster processor, and the choice of matte or glossy screen. I think those are realistic choices, we'll have to see what Apple thinks the choices should be.

    I'd like to see all of the displays go for LED lighting, for all Mac models. The current non LED displays are not ready for prime time.
  • Reply 89 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    To the front of the industry - that's where! They didn't get there by chasing every new technology, but by picking and choosing technologies and enhancing them with laser focus. The iPod wasn't the first MP3 player out there and it's success wasn't an accident.

    Blue Ray is so far down - WAY DOWN - on most people's radar, there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for them to even focus on it at this time.

    And for people whining that PC people have Blue Ray - what the PC users really have is an incredible mess. Just do some googling and read around - there are all kinds of hardware and software compatibility issues - some disks play fine, others won't play at all or are glitchy as all get out... the technology is way too immature for Apple.

    And as others have tried to point out (but it continually gets glossed over by BR supporters) is BR imposes MANDATORY requirements for copy protection that are way more complicated and invasive then DVD. Want to really piss off your customers? Tell them yeah, first you need a new computer to play a movie and oh, by the way, while you are at it, you probably need a new HDCP compliant monitor too.

    You think people are pissy that the non-pro Mac desktop bundles a monitor now (i.e. the iMac)? Are you people for real? You really want Apple to tell them they have to junk their iMac just to play movies?

    If I was someone like Apple, that right there would turn me off - let people play their movies on a dedicated player or game console if they want 'em that bad, but me personally I would rather see Apple focus on Mac OSX, the iPhone and portable computing (there is a ton of untapped potential in the iPod touch) then waste their time of, all things, a screwed up and overly DRM encumbered movie format on media this is probably going to be supplanted by downloadable content anyway!

    Oh the humanity! Somehow I think they have a handle on their customers best interests then a minority of tech geeks on a web forum - who probably don't even own any BR content in the first place!

    I haven't seen this many people with sand in their vagina's since I was on Slashdot earlier this morning

    Oh please! Don't be such a sycophant!

    Apple screws up all the time. They aren't that special. They make good products, but they're just another company. We don't have to agree with everything they do, just because they do it.
  • Reply 90 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member


    Ever unplug an eSATA drive from a computer while it's on and mounted?

    Ever unplug a firewire or USB drive from a computer while it's on and mounted?

    eSATA is not designed for removable drives. It does not fail gracefully, and it's certainly not suitable for the "typical end user".

    Firewire and USB (USB 3 anyone?) are not going anywhere for external drives.

    Doesn't mean I still won't use eSATA - I just have realistic expectations, and I don't think it's realistic to expect Apple to put eSATA on an iMac.

    Firewire is often worse. Don't use that as an example.
  • Reply 91 of 128
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Oh please! Don't be such a sycophant!

    Apple screws up all the time. They aren't that special. They make good products, but they're just another company. We don't have to agree with everything they do, just because they do it.

    Any self-respecting* fanboy has to agree with everything they are fanatical about.

    * Self-respecting because no one else will
  • Reply 92 of 128
    zinfellazinfella Posts: 877member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Firewire is often worse. Don't use that as an example.

    I have never had any issues using a Firewire connected external HD. OTOH, I never connect, or disconnect, any FW devices while the computer is up and running. That's a good way to fry a FW port.

    If some have the patience to use USB 2, they are indeed "special" people.
  • Reply 93 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    I have never had any issues using a Firewire connected external HD. OTOH, I never connect, or disconnect, any FW devices while the computer is up and running. That's a good way to fry a FW port.

    If some have the patience to use USB 2, they are indeed "special" people.

    I'm not exactly a novice at this, but I've got a draw of Firewire drives that "failed gracefully".
  • Reply 94 of 128
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Oh please! Don't be such a sycophant!

    I'm hardly a sycophant because I think that this thread is more then a little dramatic. I'm also not so self important to think that Apple is going to go out of business just because they don't do everything I want them too


    Apple screws up all the time.

    Wow, what a revelation. Name me one company that doesn't screw up?


    They aren't that special. They make good products, but they're just another company.

    Actually, they are special and they aren't just another company. Microsoft is just another company, so we have products like the zune. Apple marches to the beat of their own drum and we have the iPod.


    We don't have to agree with everything they do, just because they do it.

    I don't recall telling anyone that you did have to agree with anything they did. I certainly don't (xMac anyone?).

    What I am trying to do is bring some levity to the "OMG apple is going to go out of business if they don't release BR" frenzy that is occurring here.

    Reality check - BR is a niche technology. Most people could care less about it, and that won't change any time soon. I would rather see Apple focus their limited resources on technology that has a greater benefit. If you really want to watch a BR movie, pick up a PS3....
  • Reply 95 of 128
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    I have never had any issues using a Firewire connected external HD. OTOH, I never connect, or disconnect, any FW devices while the computer is up and running. That's a good way to fry a FW port.

    I've never had a problem plugging in and unplugging FW devices from scanners to hard drives to camcorders. It is part of the spec. Sure, there were some cheap enclosures a few years back - but I never do understand why people buy cheap crap then bitch and complain when it doesn't work right

    Heck, I have a Seagate FreeAgent Pro external drive with my powerbook - I hook and unhook it at least once a day - often twice a day - it's smart enough to power up when I plug it in and power down on it's own when I unplug it.

    Don't try that with eSATA - and which is why I fairly confident you will never see eSATA on an iMac...
  • Reply 96 of 128
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I'm not exactly a novice at this, but I've got a draw of Firewire drives that "failed gracefully".

    By failing gracefully I mean when you unplug it while powered up and mounted, not dying completely.
  • Reply 97 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    I'm hardly a sycophant because I think that this thread is more then a little dramatic. I'm also not so self important to think that Apple is going to go out of business just because they don't do everything I want them too

    Who here said they would go out of business if they didn't do everything you wanted? Or even so much as hinted at it?


    Wow, what a revelation. Name me one company that doesn't screw up?

    Uh, that was the point. I guess you missed it.


    Actually, they are special and they aren't just another company. Microsoft is just another company, so we have products like the zune. Apple marches to the beat of their own drum and we have the iPod.

    I said they make good products. That's not unique either. But, Apple is just as controlling in its own way as MS is, and just as disdainful of its partners.


    I don't recall telling anyone that you did have to agree with anything they did. I certainly don't (xMac anyone?).

    You were certainly leading that way.


    What I am trying to do is bring some levity to the "OMG apple is going to go out of business if they don't release BR" frenzy that is occurring here.

    Levity is always welcome. I didn't read anything funny though.


    Reality check - BR is a niche technology. Most people could care less about it, and that won't change any time soon. I would rather see Apple focus their limited resources on technology that has a greater benefit. If you really want to watch a BR movie, pick up a PS3....

    Happy you feel that way. Come back in a year or so, and we'll discuss it again.
  • Reply 98 of 128
    zinfellazinfella Posts: 877member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I'm not exactly a novice at this, but I've got a draw of Firewire drives that "failed gracefully".

    How do we know that Firewire was the issue, and not the drives themselves? I've never seen any evidence that FW caused drive failure.

    Good luck making an external cloned backup drive not using FW on PPCs. Or don't those count? The absolute fastest CF card reader (SanDisk Extreme IV, with SanDisk Extreme IV, or Extreme Ducati CF card) is, guess what, FW! And it's not a little faster, it's obscenely faster, than ANY USB offering

    I wish Apple would get off the stick, and give us FW 1600 ports, on separate busses, while they're at it.
  • Reply 99 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    By failing gracefully I mean when you unplug it while powered up and mounted, not dying completely.

    Maybe you don't remember all of the Firewire failures Apple had for years. Even now, there's a problem. Firewire ports blow out easily. Drives get corrupted easily. They are also much slower than eSATA drives, that includes 800. Even 3200, if it ever sees the light of day, will be slower, because of the protocol switching chips required. And, as you know, there have been lots of problems with them as well.

    I'm happy you have not had a problem, but many people have.
  • Reply 100 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    How do we know that Firewire was the issue, and not the drives themselves? I've never seen any evidence that FW caused drive failure.

    Good luck making an external cloned backup drive not using FW on PPCs. Or don't those count? The absolute fastest CF card reader (SanDisk Extreme IV, with SanDisk Extreme IV, or Extreme Ducati CF card) is, guess what, FW! And it's not a little faster, it's obscenely faster, than ANY USB offering

    I wish Apple would get off the stick, and give us FW 1600 ports, on separate busses, while they're at it.

    Trust me, it was the Firewire.

    I have the SanDisk cards and reader. It is fast. But it's not a valid comparison. The cards themselves are much slower than HDDs are.
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