Apple developing 3D gaming controller for Apple TV



  • Reply 21 of 68
    fraklincfraklinc Posts: 244member
    Games you can buy straight from Home without going to a retailer makes a lot of sense. Apple tv has a intel chip inside so am pretty sure it can do a lot move than served as a portal to rent movies

    & watch youtube videos. A year ago everyone Laugh on how it couldn't handle HD, and this year they solve that with a simple Update
  • Reply 22 of 68
    Originally Posted by HVMediaSolutions View Post

    Apple TV 3, the XBOX killer.

    3D graphics and rent your games online. Network your games online or LAN with other Apple TVs.



    It will need a HD and A DVD / Blue ray as good 3d games are too big to be download only.
  • Reply 23 of 68
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Apple TV doesn't have a very good 3d processor...

    Doesn't have to be. Imagine iPhone games can be played on AppleTV just the same way. That can be nice add on. Buying games on AppleTV using built in online GameStore sound good to me.

    I really love the idea of online Applications Store. I think we will see this method of buying software expand to computers.
  • Reply 24 of 68
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Imagine iPhone games can be played on AppleTV...

    Yeah, a game written for a 480x320 display will look AWESOME on that 1080p TV screen.

  • Reply 25 of 68
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    Yeah, a game written for a 480x320 display will look AWESOME on that 1080p TV screen.


    I didn't say games can be moved to from iPhone to AppleTV. I said the same games can be played on AppleTV the same way some games are being ported/developed for the iPhone. If a game was developed for the iPhone then it will be easily ported to AppleTV without redoing the whole thing. Go watched and listen to what was said on iPhone 2.0 event about iPhone games. iPhone games developed in just 2 weeks.

    Furthermore, some people still watch movies on TVs using their iPods!!
  • Reply 26 of 68
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by Leonard View Post

    I sadly think the patent info is being overblown into a gaming solution (more is being read into it than it really is). I think the patent is more targetted as a better on-screen remote for the Apple TV, than a controller for games. Then again, maybe I'm being too pessimistic.

    This is far more complex than would be needed for a controllor for the Atv.

    If you read it carefully, you would have read the references.


    Console also can have one or more connectors to which accessories can be coupled. Accessories can include cables and/or, game cartridges,

    Bolding mine.
  • Reply 27 of 68
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by Lukaz View Post

    Guys, I think there's no way Apple will use this patent in the current AppleTV! Look at Wii!!

    Wii may have an awesome controller, but the rest is a crap! Tell me what you like, folks, but I won't play a game only because the gameplay is good if my eyes burn every time time I look up to the screen. If Nintendo "saltied" the price of the Wii a bit more in exchange for a bit better graphics I would have bought one in the day it came out...

    Now Apple doesn't make things half way. They normally sell more "spicy" products, both in features and in price. Now, think about the true second generation Apple TV, the ultimate all-in-one for television entertainment. The standard Apple TV features, but with a redesigned interdace and a OS for its own. more powerful hardware, with a better 3-axis point-sensing controll like the Wii's but not a dirty copy, something different. Perhaps with a touch screen of some sort in a part of the remote or covering the whole thing. Also some kind of support to a add-on for Touches/iPhones to become like the remote itself if its controll are 100% touchscreen. (A piece of hardware connected through the dock connector) It's powerful hardware can make gaming experience something of a wii/ps3, but with something Apple in it.

    Even though Apple is now "Who needs physical discs to transfer data, wi-fi is the future, dude!!!", i think it would be wise also to include blu-ray, but as said before, Apple can survive well alone with Wi-fi, although one's DVD collection would turn useless and ATV would therefore not be the complete ultimate television entertainment all-in-one....

    Have you missed the fact that the Wii is the largest selling game console out there? By far?

    It cant be burning everyones eyes out.

    Perhaps you should see a doctor. My daughter and her friends use it all the time, from her older 20" Tv, to my new 61" LED DLP rear projection, and I have to say that it looks real good, despite only having 480p widescreen.
  • Reply 28 of 68
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    Yeah, a game written for a 480x320 display will look AWESOME on that 1080p TV screen.


    Ah, but it depends on how those games are written.

    Some of my older games for my original Palm IIIC, their first color PDA with 160 x 160, turned out to run at 320 x 320 on my Treo 700p when I moved them to that device.

    These games can be written the same way, when higher rez is required, they will run in that mode. It's done all the time.

    And the best the Wii can do is 480p widescreen, but it looks awesome on my big set.
  • Reply 29 of 68
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Doesn't have to be. Imagine iPhone games can be played on AppleTV just the same way. That can be nice add on.

    You want to rub against your TV?

    I think we will see this method of buying software expand to computers.

    Last.. four? software titles I have bought, I have bought off the net.
  • Reply 30 of 68
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Forget games; give us Safari already.
  • Reply 31 of 68
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    Yeah, a game written for a 480x320 display will look AWESOME on that 1080p TV screen.

    I've seen it the other way around, a PSP playing a PS3 game. I don't even know how they do that.
  • Reply 32 of 68
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I've seen it the other way around, a PSP playing a PS3 game. I don't even know how they do that.

    This I could comprehend...

    For 1080 -> ~270 (272 to be exact) Just tell the unit to render every 4th pixel of the 1080 image.

    Anyone know exactly how it's done, though? I'm curious.

  • Reply 33 of 68
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I've seen it the other way around, a PSP playing a PS3 game. I don't even know how they do that.

    Something's strange there. There isn't anything close to enough processing power for that, and they are even two different cpu technologies. Are you sure it's a PS3 game, and not that game, but written for the PSP?

    By the way the cpu in the iPhone/iTouch is more powerful than the one in the PSP.
  • Reply 34 of 68
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Forget games; give us Safari already.

    Hear! Hear!

    I think one or two versions of the new Cinema Displays will be the new iTV or AppleTv. You know... All-in-one box with the über-remote, which is iPhone 2

    The iTV/AppleTV should then have the full blown Leopard OS, in this new All-In-One box, and thus include Safari, iChat and Gaming among other good things! The mouse of cause... would be "iPhone 2" (remote) and as this this patent shows... the new game controller!!!

    I would really like my TV to be Apple branded! It would be stylish! No doubt! Yes... I know, this is not their marked - but anyways!

    If this Scenario where to happen... companies like DELL and Microsoft would shit their pants!
  • Reply 35 of 68
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    This I could comprehend...

    For 1080 -> ~270 (272 to be exact) Just tell the unit to render every 4th pixel of the 1080 image.

    Anyone know exactly how it's done, though? I'm curious.


    Probably the "Remote Play" feature. The PSP accepts input and shows the incoming video stream, the PS3 does all the work.
  • Reply 36 of 68
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Something's strange there. There isn't anything close to enough processing power for that, and they are even two different cpu technologies. Are you sure it's a PS3 game, and not that game, but written for the PSP?

    By the way the cpu in the iPhone/iTouch is more powerful than the one in the PSP.

    Gon got it right. Apparently the wireless link sends the input and brings in the video. So I guess it's just a fancy take on VNC or SlingBox.
  • Reply 37 of 68
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Gon got it right. Apparently the wireless link sends the input and brings in the video. So I guess it's just a fancy take on VNC or SlingBox.

    Yeah, that sounds more like it. A wireless remote control with the monitor built-in.

    Not a bad idea, actually.
  • Reply 38 of 68
    lukazlukaz Posts: 10member
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    You can't be serious, right? Before I start, I'd like to establish that I am a person who appreciates really good graphics.

    1) I have had no problems with the graphical quality of the Wii. Certainly, it's not a polygon cruncher, but the only issues I've seen are with games that blatently attempt to squeeze more out of the Wii than they should. For development teams who know better, they produce beautiful images with beautiful rendering... most notably, Super Mario Galaxy. The art in the game is amazing... and I'm using the composite cables!!!! Also, there's more to a game than its graphics. There's story, gameplay, music, etc... If I were to look at xbox 360 and PS3, I would see only a couple really good reasons to consider buying one... Halo 3, GTA IV, and... uh... Call of Duty? ...maybe? The Wii has a number of really great games... Super Mario Galaxy, as mentioned, is spectacular and received a near-perfect score from all game reviews. Legend of Zelda is close behind, followed by other popular titles: Super Smash Brothers, Super Paper Mario, Mario Kart Wii... And it even has some popular shared titles like Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Resident Evil, and Bully. So in summary, the Wii is nothing to sneeze at, even as a serious gamer.

    2) Admittedly, the Wii is aimed at a more general audience. It's long been said that graphics mean nothing unless the game is fun. The Wii has countless fun games with graphics which, to a gamer, would be considered poor. Yet the Wii has surpassed the 360 and PS3 in sales despite its technical drawbacks. Why? Because it's fun. That's what gaming is about... not amazing graphics. Sure they help, but they don't make the game.

    Actually, Macs are quite feature-limited... even the MacPro has the option of only two or three graphics cards. If you're so obsessed with graphics, I would think you'd care about that.

    I don't think Apple will completely avoid Blu-Ray... after all, their own operating system is becoming large enough to fit on multiple DVDs... I wouldn't want to download 9 GB of data just to install my OS... Nor would I want to switch two or three DVDs in the install process. I had to do that with Panther's CDs and it was annoying as hell. Internet isn't fast enough to handle every would-be software/media purchase as a download. There just isn't enough bandwidth. Flash is still too expensive, so sooner or later, Apple will have to resort to optical media sooner or later. Now whether they will break down and add it to appleTV is subject to a another debate.

    I will say this though. If they added it now before most people have purchased a Blu-Ray player, they could create the (as you say) "ultimate television entertainment all-in-one"


    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Have you missed the fact that the Wii is the largest selling game console out there? By far?

    It cant be burning everyones eyes out.

    Perhaps you should see a doctor. My daughter and her friends use it all the time, from her older 20" Tv, to my new 61" LED DLP rear projection, and I have to say that it looks real good, despite only having 480p widescreen.


    1- I didn't say Macs weren't limited in hardware in this point, after all no console can have its graphics crad or RAM replaced or increased. But compare a Mac's hardware with equivalent Dells and you see the diference is not that huge. Then compare Wii's 700Mhz processor, 128 MB of ram and some 30-50 MB of video to PS3's 3 GHZ processor, 256MB of XDR and its 256 card and things start to get more creepy.

    2- All of the game you've mentioned are developed by Nintendo, with more knowlogde about their own console and with developers more concentrated in producing a great game rather than just impress everyone with the controller as half of Wii's developers are doing (Rayman Raving Rabids sunk a great franchise)

    3- I've mentioned before I don't care about graphics alone, but.... they could have been a *bit* more generous with Wii's hardware.


    Have you missed the fact that a large bunch of people that bought the Wii are more casual games and many never had much contact with a console? Yeah, I may have exagerated with the burning stuff but the diference between Wii and PS3 in HUGE, my friend.
  • Reply 39 of 68
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    You want to rub against your TV? Last.. four? software titles I have bought, I have bought off the net.

    Well, I guess the article clearly talk about a game controlled \

    And the same way means using controller motion sensors. Use your brain a little, it never hurts

    And yes I know you can buy software using the net, I am living in 2008 too you know. My point is this method provide safe, affordable, and easy way to find and install software. For small developer this can reduce the cost of marketing, hosting, and distribution of software. For consumers it provide safer and lower price software. I don't feel safe giving my credit card number for just any website that sell software, I feel safer buying products online from Apple iTunes or similar.
  • Reply 40 of 68
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,606member
    Originally Posted by Lukaz View Post


    1- I didn't say Macs weren't limited in hardware in this point, after all no console can have its graphics crad or RAM replaced or increased. But compare a Mac's hardware with equivalent Dells and you see the diference is not that huge. Then compare Wii's 700Mhz processor, 128 MB of ram and some 30-50 MB of video to PS3's 3 GHZ processor, 256MB of XDR and its 256 card and things start to get more creepy.

    2- All of the game you've mentioned are developed by Nintendo, with more knowlogde about their own console and with developers more concentrated in producing a great game rather than just impress everyone with the controller as half of Wii's developers are doing (Rayman Raving Rabids sunk a great franchise)

    3- I've mentioned before I don't care about graphics alone, but.... they could have been a *bit* more generous with Wii's hardware.


    Have you missed the fact that a large bunch of people that bought the Wii are more casual games and many never had much contact with a console? Yeah, I may have exagerated with the burning stuff but the diference between Wii and PS3 in HUGE, my friend.

    To tell the truth, I have no idea what the term "casual games" means. this seems to be a definition that people apply for games they themselves don't play.

    My daughter and her friends play all sorts of games, at all levels, very few would fit into what I suspect is the causal games definition. they are very intense, and graphically excellent.

    You would be surprised at how well a good Tv can upconvert 480p widescreen. It looks pretty close to the 1080p my set does so very well.

    The PS3 looks even better, but the Wii is surprisingly good.

    The main difference is not the graphics themselves, because all game graphics are about the same, though the PS3's is higher resolution, with greater detail. The difference is in the motion, and smoothness of the play.

    It all looks artificial and fake, so it doesn't bother me either way.
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