iPhone interest in UK increases fourfold with advent of 3G model



  • Reply 21 of 42
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Mr Underhill View Post

    Of course interest needs to turn into sales, but it would also be nice to see what the breakdown of pay-as-you-go V contract. Certainly people who i have mentioned the 3G iPhone to only seem to get tuned in as soon as you mention pay-as-you-go.

    No Pay as you go plan for iPhone here either.
  • Reply 22 of 42
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    Like a lot of people I was put off the original iPhone by the O2 pricing plans. I'm really looking forward to the PAYG version and if they price it right this thing will fly off the shelves.

    I know it's not relevant but since we have some Aussie's online... that new Sydney store looks gorgeous!
  • Reply 23 of 42
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    I really hate how Apple rushed and made 5 year contract with ATT. Now Apple can't even sell unlocked iPhone to anyone.
  • Reply 24 of 42
    min_tmin_t Posts: 74member
    Originally Posted by iVlad View Post

    I really hate how Apple rushed and made 5 year contract with ATT. Now Apple can't even sell unlocked iPhone to anyone.

    Do you really think Apple had a choice. Remember, it had to work with the 2 axis of evil that are the telcos. It's quite plausible that in order for them to get the iPhones with unlimited data plans, they had to swallow a little taste of vomit ala AT&T 5-year deal.
  • Reply 25 of 42
    "Unlike in the US where 3G networks have only recently begun to take form, Europe is known for the widespread deployment of the speedier standard, and thus the original iPhone was often seen as running on yesteryear technology."

    "widespread deployment of the speedier standard"?? Has anybody seen the O2 3G Coverage for the UK? it is a joke, Orange or Vadafone have good 3G coverage in the UK, O2 is terrible. Only some of the larger cities have O2 3G

    Check out : http://www.webmap.o2.co.uk/map.asp you will see what I mean
  • Reply 26 of 42
    lantznlantzn Posts: 240member
    Originally Posted by min_t View Post

    Do you really think Apple had a choice. Remember, it had to work with the 2 axis of evil that are the telcos. It's quite plausible that in order for them to get the iPhones with unlimited data plans, they had to swallow a little taste of vomit ala AT&T 5-year deal.

    That's right and if you'll recall Verizon was approached as first choice and declined Apple's offer for the iPhone. Now I'm sure Verizon is going to feel the error of their ways. I say make it so because I've always hated how they treated us Mac users over the years and I can't stand how they cripple the phones they carry. I left them for a private carry years ago who backbone off of AT&T network. I moved over to AT&T last year in anticipation of the 3G iPhone and will be buying 2 of them next month.
  • Reply 27 of 42
    Originally Posted by joehoyle View Post

    "Unlike in the US where 3G networks have only recently begun to take form, Europe is known for the widespread deployment of the speedier standard, and thus the original iPhone was often seen as running on yesteryear technology."

    "widespread deployment of the speedier standard"?? Has anybody seen the O2 3G Coverage for the UK? it is a joke, Orange or Vadafone have good 3G coverage in the UK, O2 is terrible. Only some of the larger cities have O2 3G

    Check out : http://www.webmap.o2.co.uk/map.asp you will see what I mean

    Surprisingly, we have it. We're about 20 miles to Glasgow and 30 to Edinburgh so by all accounts I'm in the country...rather surprising.

    Like others I'm tempted by PAYG. However I won't be going near it if it's dearer than £300. I'm curious about the free wifi/data etc. What's going to happen there? No point in having it on PAYG if you have to pay O2's extortionate data rates.
  • Reply 28 of 42
    hutchohutcho Posts: 132member
    Apple would have NEVER gone with Verizon. This is all just speculation. Had they gone with them, they would have had to develop the phone to use the Verizons CDMA network, one that the rest of the world simply doesn't use.

    The iPhone will never come to Verizon, and was never going to be on Verizon.
  • Reply 29 of 42
    dimmokdimmok Posts: 359member
    Quite frankly...Im thinking this is getting crazy. I mean come on 10 bucks more...and I have no 3G coverage in Northern Wisconsin....forget about it.
  • Reply 30 of 42
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by DimMok View Post

    Quite frankly...Im thinking this is getting crazy. I mean come on 10 bucks more...and I have no 3G coverage in Northern Wisconsin....forget about it.

    There will be plenty of cheap 2G iPhones that are contractually free come Mid July that will have also the v2.0 firmware.
  • Reply 31 of 42
    Originally Posted by joehoyle View Post

    "Unlike in the US where 3G networks have only recently begun to take form, Europe is known for the widespread deployment of the speedier standard, and thus the original iPhone was often seen as running on yesteryear technology."

    "widespread deployment of the speedier standard"?? Has anybody seen the O2 3G Coverage for the UK? it is a joke, Orange or Vadafone have good 3G coverage in the UK, O2 is terrible. Only some of the larger cities have O2 3G

    Check out : http://www.webmap.o2.co.uk/map.asp you will see what I mean

    Great coverage for me too in PR5, so i'm happy.
  • Reply 32 of 42
    retroneoretroneo Posts: 240member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    But here's the reality: They're bloody awful. If you're lucky you get 3G in the cities, but outside of that only with Telstra (which is monstrously expensive) do you get anything but GPRS. That's right, 60Kbps at best. No EDGE. It's really awful and an embarrassment.

    Telstra is the monopoly phone company distorting pricing all over the place. Their pricing will make your eyes water.

    Well before the end of the year, two more carriers will have 95% (Vodafone) and 96% (Optus) population 3G coverage. The coverage footprints of each of these two 3G networks is larger than their GSM networks. By the end of next year, Optus will have expanded their network to 98% population coverage.

    The iPhone won't work with much of this expanded coverage as large areas are 900MHz.
  • Reply 33 of 42
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by retroneo View Post

    The iPhone won't work with much of this expanded coverage as large areas are 900MHz.

    The iPhone has 900MHz in it's quad-band GSM chip. Do these outskirts have the UTMS Operating Band VIII, 900MHz range for 3G?
  • Reply 34 of 42
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    I was speaking to the O2 guys at a recent recruitment fair here in London. They were hiring radio engineers, for a variety of their projects. He did reiterate the 100,000+ number for registered interest in the iPhone 3G. He was pretty psyched about it, not in a marketing way, but in a genuine tech/geeky kind of way.

    We had a bit of a good laugh about the naysayers that say the iPhone 3G is not going to do well in the UK, etc. etc. Let's hope history doesn't prove us wrong.
  • Reply 35 of 42
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by nothowie View Post

    I was reading yesterday that one of the carriers in Australia has stopped taking "reservations" for

    the iphone since the number of people have signed up already exceed the amount of the initial allocation to Australia.

    July 11th is turning out to be another day like 6/29/07, but only 10 times greater! Last year is

    turning out to be just good practice for the real thing this year!

    Yeah I think within the whole month of July, everywhere around the world would have maxed out however much Apple is able to ship in that month. Demand is going to be bloody intense for July and August.
  • Reply 36 of 42
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by maleficent View Post

    Surprisingly, we have it. We're about 20 miles to Glasgow and 30 to Edinburgh so by all accounts I'm in the country...rather surprising.

    Like others I'm tempted by PAYG. However I won't be going near it if it's dearer than £300. I'm curious about the free wifi/data etc. What's going to happen there? No point in having it on PAYG if you have to pay O2's extortionate data rates.

    I seriously doubt PAYG is going to be in excess of £199 for the 8GB model. However, as you mention, the data rates may be another story altogether.
  • Reply 37 of 42
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    We must all buy an iPhone here in the UK and her colonies around the world! For Queen and Country!!!
  • Reply 38 of 42
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    We had a bit of a good laugh about the naysayers that say the iPhone 3G is not going to do well in the UK, etc. etc. Let's hope history doesn't prove us wrong.

    There are naysayers still with the iPhone 3G here? Really? I was a pretty harsh critic of the original but they've fixed most of the criticisms I and most other people had with the original.
  • Reply 39 of 42
    Remember when everyone was speculating on the number of containers containing millions of electric devices that were reaching U.S. ports regularly since March? It was generally assumed that these were the new IPhones and they were being warehoused around the country. It was also agreed by many that this indicated an early distribution, perhaps on the very day that Steve announced the new 3G phone over a week ago. Then we were told that it wasn't going to happen until July. I have never seen anyone follow up on this disconnect. What were in these containers and if they were the iphones why the delay and if they were not, then what are they? Or were the pundits, with their manifest invoices and shipping dates, just blowing smoke at us.

    Lastly, why hasn't anyone discussed this before or have I missed it. Too many geeks and not enough Business people?
  • Reply 40 of 42
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by BusinessEd View Post

    Remember when everyone was speculating on the number of containers containing millions of electric devices that were reaching U.S. ports regularly since March? It was generally assumed that these were the new IPhones and they were being warehoused around the country. It was also agreed by many that this indicated an early distribution, perhaps on the very day that Steve announced the new 3G phone over a week ago. Then we were told that it wasn't going to happen until July. I have never seen anyone follow up on this disconnect. What were in these containers and if they were the iphones why the delay and if they were not, then what are they? Or were the pundits, with their manifest invoices and shipping dates, just blowing smoke at us.

    Lastly, why hasn't anyone discussed this before or have I missed it. Too many geeks and not enough Business people?

    Didn't you hear? Those were actually the 8.5" Mac Touch that will be given free to the first 10,000 purchasers of the iPhone 3G around the world.
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