Is there a science behind the ability to visualize peoples faces?



  • Reply 21 of 41
    hardeeharharhardeeharhar Posts: 4,841member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    None of you have a real-world opinion of me, because none of you have met me in person. That's what I meant.

    This doesn't make sense -- semantically this construction indicates that you believe that your interactions with people online are not real.


    It just blows my mind how you guys can talk about me the way you do, with no grounding or evidence that anything that you're saying about me is true.

    No evidence? How about the years of posts by macgeek and all your aliases? Contrary to the immature opinion you currently harbor, your posts and their content/construction speak volumes about who you are. If you respond to things like a control freak, you probably are a control freak... if you act like a douche, you probably are a douche. As you could probably guess, I am a bit of an asshole in real life because I expect people to be better than they are, like I expect you to someday flourish into a "real" human being.


    Assuming that people are feeling pity for me in real life, or not telling me how screwed up I am because they don't want to shatter my fragile ego, or whatever else you guys come up with.

    You missed the point. Your ego is hardly fragile.


    It's rediculous[sic]. It'll be easy for you guys to now point a finger at me and say "Hah.. he's running away from the truth." But i'm not running away. I'm telling you all that you are full of shit and that you have no idea who I am.

    Perhaps, but do you realize how you come off in these discussions? If I am the asshole villain, what are you? The innocent perfect bystander? Naturally you assume the best about yourself, but you have never been self-critical in any of these interactions. People pick on you because there is a whole hell of a lot that is consistently wrong about your internet interactions. Maybe in "real" life, your physical presence is demonstrably awkward so people expect this sort of awkwardness to come out of you mouth, but on the internet we have only your words to judge. And your words do speak volumes.


    Marc is the only guy who might actually believe me. I am telling the truth.

    Nah, Marc is only coddling you because everyone else has jumped on you at some point or another. His response is to be naturally dismissive of the group, to be a contrarian, if you will.

    Not that there is anything wrong with his approach to you -- from what I have seen, its really truly a lost cause; your growth is stymied by your inability to consider everything you are encountering as plausible, you have no internal mirror with which to question why things are the way they are. You blame bad interactions on the others in the conversation. That is your response; it is how your mother raised you. Poorly, I might add. Regardless, Marc is right in suggesting that there is some improvement, but I think instead of being an internal monologue gearing up as Marc would suggest, it is more the response of a whipped dog who will go back to being the same old couch-shitter once his master turns his back...
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  • Reply 22 of 41
    Originally Posted by hardeeharhar View Post

    Maybe in "real" life, your physical presence is demonstrably awkward so people expect this sort of awkwardness to come out of you mouth, but on the internet we have only your words to judge. And your words do speak volumes.

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  • Reply 23 of 41
    Can we please stay on topic? Thanks.
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  • Reply 24 of 41
    hardeeharharhardeeharhar Posts: 4,841member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    Are there any theories about what it means that I can't visualize a certain persons face even after spending a bunch of time with them?

    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    Can we please stay on topic? Thanks.

    The thread started about you, so I really fail to see the problem with openly discussing your issues or even my issues with you...
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  • Reply 25 of 41
    Originally Posted by hardeeharhar View Post

    The thread started about you, so I really fail to see the problem with openly discussing your issues or even my issues with you...

    Okay, let's discuss my issues.

    This morning, I couldn't make it out the door in time because my ass had grown a giant wart that was larger than the door. I was embarrassed because Steven Spielberg was over visiting, and I didn't want him to see the man-sized wart that had grown on my ass. So I went down into my bunker and hid there, but I forgot that Hitler was down there. Luckily however, Hitler was so scared of the wart that he called an army of nazi's over to shoot it up, and that solved my problem. I was still late for work though.

    Or would you rather discuss the issues that you consider more "real" but are just as ridiculous?
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  • Reply 26 of 41
    You mean like the one where you claim to be dating a girl?
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  • Reply 27 of 41
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    You mean like the one where you claim to be dating a girl?

    I don't even know what to say to that. \

    I am dating a very mature, beautiful, intelligent girl. You know, someone on my level. I rarely ask a girl out, because I have extremely high standards.

    edit: One of these days you childish bullies are going to have to realize that your judgements, assumptions, and impressions of me are DEAD WRONG.

    And I will admit that I have given you every reason to believe what you do about me, from what i've written on internet forums, but it's not really who I am.
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  • Reply 28 of 41
    dudditsduddits Posts: 260member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    I can see their general outline, and some specific features, but not most of the face or the expression. Are there any theories about what it means that I can't visualize a certain persons face even after spending a bunch of time with them? One friend told me that that happens when you care a lot about the person. Is that true?

    If you approach this logically, you also have to consider the possibility that her face was not fully formed during the period in which you spent time with her. It's possible that while her body was fully developed, her face was an amorphous, murky blob, a hazy cloud of shifting protoplasm floating above her shoulders. Maybe that's just the way she is, until you get to know her better, at which point the hazy cloud above her shoulders resolves into the sort of conventional human-like face that is easier to remember following a visit.
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  • Reply 29 of 41
    Originally Posted by Duddits View Post

    If you approach this logically, you also have to consider the possibility that her face was not fully formed during the period in which you spent time with her. It's possible that while her body was fully developed, her face was an amorphous, murky blob, a hazy cloud of shifting protoplasm floating above her shoulders. Maybe that's just the way she is, until you get to know her better, at which point the hazy cloud above her shoulders resolves into the sort of conventional human-like face that is easier to remember following a visit.

    You should be a novelist. I read your post for the first time out loud to my girlfriend on the phone, and we were both laughing our asses off. Thanks.
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  • Reply 30 of 41
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    I don't even know what to say to that. \

    I am dating a very mature, beautiful, intelligent girl. You know, someone on my level. I rarely ask a girl out, because I have extremely high standards.

    edit: One of these days you childish bullies are going to have to realize that your judgements, assumptions, and impressions of me are DEAD WRONG.

    And I will admit that I have given you every reason to believe what you do about me, from what i've written on internet forums, but it's not really who I am.

    Just ignore some of the other posters. They're good for discussing technology issues but any real personal/relationship discussions evade them sometimes.
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  • Reply 31 of 41
    hardeeharharhardeeharhar Posts: 4,841member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    Or would you rather discuss the issues that you consider more "real" but are just as ridiculous?

    I see improvement here already -- you learned how to spell ridiculous...

    btw, if what we believe about you is based upon evidence it isn't an assumption...

    the more you know ...
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  • Reply 32 of 41
    hardeeharharhardeeharhar Posts: 4,841member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    I am dating a very mature, beautiful, intelligent girl. You know, someone on my level.

    Let's put this a different way... would you date a girl that you find childish, ugly and stupid?
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  • Reply 33 of 41
    Originally Posted by hardeeharhar View Post

    Let's put this a different way... would you date a girl that you find childish, ugly and stupid?

    Is Penelope Cruz beautiful?

    When many people agree on something, it can be considered true. Most people consider my girlfriend to be beautiful, mature, and intelligent. There is no absolute truth, but that is the general consensus.
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  • Reply 34 of 41
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    Is Penelope Cruz beautiful?

    Depends on who you ask. She does have a horse face.

    The essential point of course being that people don't date those who they think are childish, ugly, or stupid. They date people they think are mature, intelligent, and beautiful. It's all relative.


    When many people agree on something, it can be considered true. Most people consider my girlfriend to be beautiful, mature, and intelligent. There is no absolute truth, but that is the general consensus.

    Not necessarily. You always tell someone that their baby is beautiful, often unprompted, even if its ugly as hell. The point here of course being that people like to tell others what they want to here.
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  • Reply 35 of 41
    Fuckin' Flounder...

    You have the highest standards out of anyone I have ever met.

    Jessica Simpson, Penelope Cruz, I know I am missing some too!
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  • Reply 36 of 41
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    The point here of course being that people like to tell others what they want to here.

    Which is why, young Lennon, you must always tell girls what they want to hear, not what they need to hear.

    Otherwise, you'll be just like hardee...
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  • Reply 37 of 41
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    Fuckin' Flounder...

    You have the highest standards out of anyone I have ever met.

    Jessica Simpson, Penelope Cruz, I know I am missing some too!

    Trust me, my standards are pretty low

    Despite any horsey qualities her face may have, I find Penelope Cruz quite beautiful.

    Mostly I was thinking about the episode of family guy where they have a clip of Cleveland as an E! correspondent doing interviews on the red carpet. He calls Penelope Cruz sea biscuit and then feeds her carrot.

    I do, however, legitimately find Jessica Simpson unattractive.
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  • Reply 38 of 41
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    Which is why, young Lennon, you must always tell girls what they want to hear, not what they need to hear.

    Otherwise, you'll be just like hardee...

    There is nothing that anybody needs to hear. Only what you think they need to hear.

    I am 100% honest with my girlfriend, and that's why things are going so well between us.
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  • Reply 39 of 41
    hardeeharharhardeeharhar Posts: 4,841member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    When many people agree on something, it can be considered true.

    I knew you would go there, I just didn't realize it would be so easy to get you there.

    This view, that when more than one person believes something it can be considered true is a devastating falsehood. It is perhaps the most intellectually weak argument that the human mind can create. It implicitly allows simultaneous, mutually exclusive truths to exist. It weakens the very notion of facts and provides no framework upon which any understanding can be built. In short, people who have this view point are no better than dullards and should be summarily shot. That means you, in this context.
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  • Reply 40 of 41
    hardeeharharhardeeharhar Posts: 4,841member
    Originally Posted by thehellgate911 View Post

    There is nothing that anybody needs to hear. Only what you think they need to hear.

    You haven't lived long enough to realize how wrong you are.
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