iPhone 3G now all but sold out in 38 states



  • Reply 41 of 103
    dgnr8dgnr8 Posts: 196member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    Or maybe they just misjudged demand. Anyway, how would a staggered launch be any better? That would mean some people get phones and other places get none. Or do you mean that America should have been first according to the "America is the centre of the universe" rule?

    BTW, is it just me or is this article written in tortured English?

    Here we go again with the America bashing again.

    If it was not for America you would not have Apple so in turn you would not have an option for the iPhone.

    Also if you think another company would have made it, then why was the iPhone released by Apple and not another of those manufactures.

    Only after Apple had released the 1st gen iPhone did you see the copycat mentality begin.

    If you hate America, your not the first nor the last, just get in line.

    All America has done is been the first in line to help when natural disasters hit other countries.

    America and Americans have given untold BILLIONS to other countries for a multitude of reasons from AIDS to poverty to nation rebuilding (and I am not talking about IRAQ).

    If you hate America so much then do not support her or her companies, and you can start by not buying Apple products.

    If the recession is so impending and the demise of American consumer is a far gone conclusion, then why is the iPhone nearly sold out nation wide?

    Also I would like to point out, if you think it is a good thing America enters into a recession then you are sadly mistaken.

    Whether you like it or not America is one of the largest consumer nation's on the planet.

    If a recession hit's America, it will be felt world wide.
  • Reply 42 of 103
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    And yet the stock languishes at $164.

    Guaranteed to drop further when Wall Street expectations are not met. :
  • Reply 43 of 103
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member
    Originally Posted by DGNR8 View Post

    Here we go again with the America bashing again..

    I live in the UK and have lots of idiot friends who like to bash america at every opportunity. If you study monkeys you can discover striking similarities, where the young males deliberately antagonize the dominant male so they can brag about it to their mates and increase their social status amonst peers. It has sadly become 'cool' to have a pop at the US. How sad.

    Some humans are yet to fully evolve it seems.
  • Reply 44 of 103
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by mrod View Post

    Basically, most people in the UK want the 16GB Black unit. The 8GB is considered far too small and the white one just looks cheap and naff. If you're going to pay £150 for a phone which you're planning to keep for a while there's no point in buying the second best.

    it is a good point, but 8GB also run out of stock, i guess 8GB black and 16Gb White should be low in numbers...
  • Reply 45 of 103
    dgnr8dgnr8 Posts: 196member
    Originally Posted by satchmo View Post

    And yet the stock languishes at $164.

    Guaranteed to drop further when Wall Street expectations are not met. :

    The largest underlying reason Apple's stock has fallen, is not due to supply / demand, economy or anything else, it is Steve Jobs health.

    Apple stock has continued to fall since his keynote address and the sudden weight loss of Mr. jobs.

  • Reply 46 of 103
    I really think that the endless tirades against America is unwarranted. It is only natural. When Sony wants to launch the Playstation or another product, they mostly launch in in Japan. European companies all launch in their home countries before going abroad. All non-US companies tend to forego the US when deciding where to launch a product. There is nothing wrong with Americans wanting an American product to be launched in America first. Apple was being ambitious, though some may say overly so, to launch the product in 21 different countries. However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with arguing that if it was a staggered launch, America should be first, with other countries getting their phones later.

    This is what is wrong with online posters who don't reside in America. You all tend to ignore reality and yet criticize whenever America is involved. So the next time Sony announces a Japanese launch of the Playstation 4, or if Nokia launches the N96 in Europe, you'll hopefully be aware of your hypocritical statements and I urge you to also post that Nokia is being very Euro-centric and selfish by launching their flagship product in their native country/continent.
  • Reply 47 of 103
    bigmc6000bigmc6000 Posts: 767member
    So are there any numbers/speculation (certainly there's speculation by some analyst, there always is) about what is the most sought after model? I'd, honestly, guess the white 16GB's sell out faster than anything else. That's a combination of Apple not making as many and the fact that you get "exclusive" status when buying the white one because everybody knows you ponied up for the 16GB version. Don't think that's how things work? Look at the BlackBook, they charge extra for colored plastic and it still sells like hotcakes...
  • Reply 48 of 103
    bigmc6000bigmc6000 Posts: 767member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    I live in the UK and have lots of idiot friends who like to bash america at every opportunity. If you study monkeys you can discover striking similarities, where the young males deliberately antagonize the dominant male so they can brag about it to their mates and increase their social status amonst peers. It has sadly become 'cool' to have a pop at the US. How sad.

    Some humans are yet to fully evolve it seems.

    Don't worry - America has them as well. Michael Moore comes to mind...
  • Reply 49 of 103
    celemourncelemourn Posts: 769member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    Yeah, yeah there's a million reasons why America should be first and that's why you're suggesting it. America is No 1, yada, yada, yada. If you were some two bit country in Africa you wouldn't be.

    The fact is that staggering will exclude people completely. They won't get one no matter how early they line up. That's unfair to most people and would reflect much more poorly on Apple. And the fact is that international markets are more important than the American market these days (and even more so after the US slips in the deep and long recession that is coming) so American companies can't treat international customers with complete contempt anymore.

    You seem not to have caught the point of his comment about staggered rollout: Build enough for the first two rollouts, then, if you run out in the first, pull from the stockpile aimed at the second WHILE YOU BUILD MORE. Prevents shortage altogether. If you have too many for the first two rollouts, then cut production for the third and fourth rollouts.

    As to ulterior motivations for liking the idea of staggared rollout, don't be so shallow. A good idea is a good idea regardless of who presents it or what their motivation. Ignoring a good idea simply because it benefits your opponent is just as stupid as ignoring your own faults, simply because they were pointed out by your opponent. It's pure ego, nothing more.

    As to 'just stating the facts', not all facts are equal. Living leads to death. Wow, guess that means living is a bad idea, huh? I just broke my collarbone by crashing my bicycle. Guess I shouldn't ride a bike, huh? One negative truism is not necessarily grounds for pessimism (though each individual's experiences vary). Whatever image you are trying to convey to us about the 'American Attitude', cannot possibly be conveyed by such a universal trait as the human desire to be the first to gain resources. It's pointless to point it out. Trivial.

    If you'd like us to understand your perspective on American Attitude, it would be better (more useful, that is, and more likely to convince someone) to paint a full picture, so that we can see the whole and appreciate it as you do, rather than to simply show us three pixels and say, "There! You SEE!!! It's OBVIOUS!" Coincidentally, the Political Outsider forum would be an excellent place to create such a thread, and you would likely get some worthwhile debate from it.

    I'm all for criticism and self examination, be it on an individual or national level. Just as long as it's done effectively and in the right place. Otherwise it turns into a pointless screaming match where people get insulted and angry, with no benefit.

  • Reply 50 of 103
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    I live in the UK and have lots of idiot friends who like to bash america at every opportunity. If you study monkeys you can discover striking similarities, where the young males deliberately antagonize the dominant male so they can brag about it to their mates and increase their social status amonst peers. It has sadly become 'cool' to have a pop at the US. How sad.

    Some humans are yet to fully evolve it seems.

    Well no one can accuse the UK of abusing the dominant male. They're more into the arse kissing sort of thing.

    It's funny that any criticism of America or Americans triggers defensive responses. They're so dominant that they can't take one on the chin?

    Anyway, who say's America is the "dominant male"? Economically they're on their knees, politically they are isolated and militarily they have been shown to be defenceless to any bunch of nutjobs who want to attack them.

    This is the twilight of the American age, an objective person would be looking to Europe or China to define the future. It's interesting to note that Apple, with their great success, manufacture their product in China (and Taiwan) and their team of top industrial designers are almost all European.
  • Reply 51 of 103
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Originally Posted by DGNR8 View Post

    The largest underlying reason Apple's stock has fallen, is not due to supply / demand, economy or anything else, it is Steve Jobs health.

    Apple stock has continued to fall since his keynote address and the sudden weight loss of Mr. jobs.


    You have to question anyone who says they know why a stock moves. You really think that it's got nothing to do with the bear market in the wider world?
  • Reply 52 of 103
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    I think you miss my point, if my name is Andrew Aadrvark, I'd be supporting handing out iPhones and most other things in alphabetical order.

    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    I mainly look at events from the point of view of how they affect me, not other people.

    Maybe this is the problem. You are projecting your own small minded, self centered view of the world onto what other people are saying--then you get mad at them for presumably thinking like you.

    Incidentially, my concern here, is not my ability to get an iPhone here in the US--I want one but it is not in my plans at present. My concern is for Apple, or more particularly AAPL.
  • Reply 53 of 103
    celemourncelemourn Posts: 769member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    Well no one can accuse the UK of abusing the dominant male. They're more into the arse kissing sort of thing.

    It's funny that any criticism of America or Americans triggers defensive responses. They're so dominant that they can't take one on the chin?

    Anyway, who say's America is the "dominant male"? Economically they're on their knees, politically they are isolated and militarily they have been shown to be defenceless to any bunch of nutjobs who want to attack them.

    This is the twilight of the American age, an objective person would be looking to Europe or China to define the future. It's interesting to note that Apple, with their great success, manufacture their product in China (and Taiwan) and their team of top industrial designers are almost all European.

    It's funny that any criticism of a person triggers defensive responses. People don't like getting assaulted, regardless of who they are. Criticism is always easier to take when it isn't presented combatively. I've found that it is usually pretty pointless to use aggressive argumentative styles, as it almost guarantees that the person you are trying to convince will do nothing but ignore the point you are trying to make. Surest way to stop communication.

    So again, take it to Political Outsider, if you truely want to do something productive. Otherwise we must question your motives.

  • Reply 54 of 103
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    It's funny that any criticism of America or Americans triggers defensive responses. They're so dominant that they can't take one on the chin?

    Hey, make an inteligent criticism of America and I am interested in hearing it. However, criticize me for being an arogant American with steriotypical views for things that I didn't even say, well, then I will get defensive...
  • Reply 55 of 103
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    True, true enough. I missed that. But is it my imagination or are the 22 July 11th countries the biggest fish in the market? If so, then the benefits of staggering are somewhat lost...

    There is still India coming later this year and and I'm confident that China will onboard too. Both having a growing middle class, and despite an assumed considerably smaller percentage of potential iPhone buyers the shear per capita of each country could make either of them the largest iPhone populace.

    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    I think you miss my point, if my name is Andrew Aadrvark, I'd be supporting handing out iPhones and most other things in alphabetical order.

    I'm still miss your point. Are you suggesting that everyone asks in selfish ways that benefit on their short term needs? I don't. While I'm an American I don't think it takes a good deal of effort to understand why the iPhone was released in the US first. It is the home of Apple, Inc. and has purchased considerably more iPhones than any other country. From a business since it makes since to release to the US first.


    The people who talk about staggering are merely saying that they are entitled to a phone before someone else and these people are American, which reflects the attitude.

    I read their comments that way, but I also don't agree with the comments. The iPhone would have sold out in the US no matter what they did, but by releasing to N. America, Japan, and most of Europe and Oceania they have made headway as a global company, released their product to most of the 1st World countries (I hate that term), and have stifled most of the grey market sales that would have occurred.


    Now I have nothing against America, I sometimes live in America, have American friends and buy American products. It isn't just an anti-American rant, it's a critique of the American attitude.

    You said that I have an "American-centric" attitude yet I am the one defending the countries you consider to be worthless while you are pejoratively pigeonholing and making bigoted comments toward or about an entire populace.

    It is common that many Americans don't have a well developed worldview, but there are many reasons for this. Geography, for one. Europeans have the benefit of being able to travel relatively short distances to get to many other countries with different languages and different cultures. This just isn't possible in the US. But that doesn't mean the entire country is like that or that Americans think they are better than other cultures. It's just a different culture with different circumstances.


    And yes, Africa is full of two-bit countries, it's the least developed continent on Earth. How is saying that elitist? What wrong with favouring the elite? Or are you a communist, each according to his need, from each according to his labour? That's strange if true, because at the price, the iPhone is not the People's phone, comrade.

    There are plenty of impoverished countries in Africa but not one of them is worthless or insignificant. They all have a rich history and every single one of them has the birthplace of prominent people who have changed this world for the better. I am not African but I do take offense to anyone referring to any country or culture as having no real value.
  • Reply 56 of 103
    celemourncelemourn Posts: 769member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Maybe this is the problem. You are projecting your own small minded, self centered view of the world onto what other people are saying--then you get mad at them for presumably thinking like you.

    Careful now. He has actually got a good point, even if it wasn't presented in the best way. Most people (in my experience) DO function in a very self-centric manner. Most people's first priority is themselves. However, once that first priority is addressed, most people will also give consideration to the well-being of others. So I agree with his point that most are selfish, but not with the degree of crassness that he seems to imply as a part of it.

  • Reply 57 of 103
    sobensoben Posts: 1member
    I agree with dagamer34 -- you have to call the stores mid-day.

    The situation may not be as not as bleak as the iPhone availability checker makes it seem. Apple's availability checker is only updated at night, and can only tell you if there is stock left at the end of the day that can be purchased when the store reopens in the morning. What it can't tell you is if the store received a shipment mid-day and sold out before closing.

    In the DC area, where I am, all the local stores showed as completely out of stock on Apple's checker, but on Friday I was able to snag a 16/black by calling the store mid-day to see if a shipment had arrived. I was told, "we just got them in. You better be quick!" They seemed to have a decent number of them and the store sales were brisk. A friend who got there two hours after me was out of luck.

    Your best bet is to call you local store mid-day, and if they have received a shipment, rush over ASAP because they may not last until the next morning.

    AI's headline is misleading if not plain wrong... From my experience, "selling briskly as each shipment arrives" would be more accurate than saying they are "sold out"
  • Reply 58 of 103
    robbrobb Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by soben View Post

    Apple's availability checker is only updated at night, and can only tell you if there is stock left at the end of the day that can be purchased when the store reopens in the morning.

    I have to slightly disagree. I say slightly because I still agree that the best way to get an accurate answer as to if your local store has iPhones in stock is to call them, but you can use the iPhone 3G Availability website at any time of the day to monitor their stock. You can do this by simply adjusting the system clock on your computer to a time that is after 9:00pm. This then allows you to visit the availability page to view a store's current stock.

    I have done this a few times today, and each time I have check, more stores are showing green circles as opposed to red squares.

    Now, I can't say it happens in realtime, and there may be some lag involved (minutes, hours), but you can definitely view it anytime you want, and each time I have viewed it today, more stores are obtaining stock.

    Try it. You will probably be surprised at the number of stores that are showing iPhones available. The red squares still vastly outnumber the green circles here in America, but the stores are slowly refreshing their supplies.
  • Reply 59 of 103
    Why isnt there enough to go round.
  • Reply 60 of 103
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by dagamer34 View Post

    I really think they learned from this launch that a staggered release is the best approach and that they need to ramp up production for a while before any release.

    But your suggestion is exactly what Apple did. Only 21 countries on July 11th out of 70+ launched. Delay of over a month from announcement to launch, when most signs were pointing to end of June launch.

    What is true is that Apple failed to accurately predict demand by a lot. At the launch of any new product, there will be some shortage (see iMac, MBP, MB, MBA, most iPods, etc), but this is turning out to be worse than the iPod mini, which was constrained for almost 6 months. If many Apple Stores got new stock today, than this isn't that bad. But if many Apple Stores don't get re-stocked this week, then it's clear that Apple didn't expect this high of a demand worldwide, and didn't procure enough manufacturing facilities or components.

    (Note that companies desperately don't want to overproduce and have inventory sitting around for months on end, leading to clearance sales. See Zune and even Xbox as examples.)
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