Hardware improvements the 2009 iPhone will need to satisfy me! And get me to buy.



  • Reply 41 of 63
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Audio recording is software, which is available. And a hardware keyboard is kind of missing the whole point of this device.

    honestly say that the camera makes no difference to me. I would NEVER expect to take important pics on any phone.

    The size and cost of dedicated cameras makes chirping about the iphone's camera ridiculous and foolish. Just buy one of those if you really need better pics!

    taking pictures in a bar??


    crikey we are all going to h*ll in a handcart!!
  • Reply 42 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    honestly say that the camera makes no difference to me. I would NEVER expect to take important pics on any phone.

    The size and cost of dedicated cameras makes chirping about the iphone's camera ridiculous and foolish. Just buy one of those if you really need better pics!

    taking pictures in a bar??


    crikey we are all going to h*ll in a handcart!!

    Overreacting a little are we? The bar example is a common one, I wouldn't be doing it, but it gets the point across. 2MP in a phone is lame, deal with it.
  • Reply 43 of 63
    joedrcjoedrc Posts: 86member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Because it's shit. Well relatively, they could have took a leap here.

    Agreed they could of improved it, but it really isn't a deal breaker, its a phone camera.

    You'd be paying more for something you'll only use a few times, i've had the 3g iphone for a week now and i've used the camera...... zero times.
  • Reply 44 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by JoeDRC View Post

    Agreed they could of improved it, but it really isn't a deal breaker, its a phone camera.

    You'd be paying more for something you'll only use a few times, i've had the 3g iphone for a week now and i've used the camera...... zero times.

    I wouldn't use a 2MP camera either

    Seriously though, as an owner of the first gen. iPhone, keeping the same old camera in it was reason alone not to bother upgrading. If they had have added a 3.5 or 4MP camera with a flash practically all first get iPhone owners would have upgraded. Word on the street is only 10% are now, and I can see why. 340 x 480 video and a decent still camera were needed, and no reality distortion field can convince me otherwise. Bad move Apple, bad move. 2.0MP just isn't going to cut it.

    New customers are buying because of the OS, and the slickness of the phone, but I'd bet 95% of them are disappointed the camera is only 2MP. And 100% are disappointed it doesn't record video.

    Apple likes to build features slowly, but this time they misjudged it. They should have, should have, should have, should have added a better camera.
  • Reply 45 of 63
    iphone91iphone91 Posts: 98member
    I cannot wait for the next hardware iteration of the iPhone. I would expect:

    -A better screen (Possibly OLED, definitely higher resolution)

    -A more powerful processor, video card, etc, because this phone is gong to blow the competition out of the water

    -A more powerful camera (3.2 MP or more with video capture and maybe a flash)

    -A slimmer design

    -A front-facing camera for video chat

    I think this covers everything.

    I cannot wait for Macworld 2009.

  • Reply 46 of 63
    galoregalore Posts: 35member
    Originally Posted by wonderbread View Post

    A 3.5 in OLED made for the mobile iPhone market in 2009 would likely cost about $1,000 for the screen alone.

    Given that Sparkfun (an electronics hobby site) has 2.8" OLEDs for $215 (out of stock, though) I doubt your $1000 prediction. Especially if we are talking economy of scale in the millions.

  • Reply 47 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by galore View Post

    Given that Sparkfun (an electronics hobby site) has 2.8" OLEDs for $215 (out of stock, though) I doubt your $1000 prediction. Especially if we are talking economy of scale in the millions.


    Yeah, try and buy a 3.5" LCD display, then see what Apple paid. They'll pay about 10% what you will, even less.
  • Reply 48 of 63
    I'd like 802.11n.
  • Reply 49 of 63
    I'd like to be able to create directories and save files for later viewing. As I understand it, you have to attach everything to an e-mail and pull it up from there.

    Longer battery life too. Yes I know it is better than everything else that is close to its class, but I have held off buying any of those for that reason. I really thought the second rendition would improve on battery or at least stay the same but be 3G.
  • Reply 50 of 63
    How about an infared port? Your iPhone could also replace every remote in your house. I doubt Apple would put one it but it would be cool.
  • Reply 51 of 63
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Overreacting a little are we? The bar example is a common one, I wouldn't be doing it, but it gets the point across. 2MP in a phone is lame, deal with it.

    So wait...you used the bar example despite the fact that you don't actually plan on using the camera like that? So really you have no need for a flash/better camera at all. Nice.

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I wouldn't use a 2MP camera either

    Seriously though, as an owner of the first gen. iPhone, keeping the same old camera in it was reason alone not to bother upgrading. If they had have added a 3.5 or 4MP camera with a flash practically all first get iPhone owners would have upgraded.

    Totally unsupported speculation. And you based it on your personal preferences only.


    Word on the street is only 10% are now,

    I would like a link for that, please.


    and I can see why. 340 x 480 video and a decent still camera were needed, and no reality distortion field can convince me otherwise. Bad move Apple, bad move. 2.0MP just isn't going to cut it.

    Except it really does cut it. Perhaps it doesn't cut it in low light, but it takes pretty decent photos, especially for a mobile phone.


    New customers are buying because of the OS, and the slickness of the phone, but I'd bet 95% of them are disappointed the camera is only 2MP. And 100% are disappointed it doesn't record video.

    I like how you just make crap up. You can't support the first number, and the second is blatantly false.


    Apple likes to build features slowly, but this time they misjudged it. They should have, should have, should have, should have added a better camera.

    They can't even build them fast enough and yet they "misjudged" it. Righto.

    Originally Posted by shutterrelease View Post

    How about an infared port? Your iPhone could also replace every remote in your house. I doubt Apple would put one it but it would be cool.

    It might be cool, but it's very unlikely.
  • Reply 52 of 63
    johnqhjohnqh Posts: 242member
    Having more pixels does not make it a better camera.

    The essense of better camera is larger sensor area (for both traditional camera and digital) and better lens.

    Given the depth of iPhone, there is no way to increase the sensor area, and certainly the only feasible lens solution is the tiny fixed focus (essentially the cheap single-use camera type). You can squeeze 20M pixels, and you won't get better photos.
  • Reply 53 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    SDW2001, you're just a straight up fanboy right? At all costs. Any reasonable person would understand users being a least a little confused by Apple keeping the 2MP camera. It needs a flash too. Apple won't give it one, but it needs one. 2MP sucks. Get over your love of Apple and look at the facts. Sheesh! I'm done with you.
  • Reply 54 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by johnqh View Post

    Having more pixels does not make it a better camera.

    The essense of better camera is larger sensor area (for both traditional camera and digital) and better lens.

    Given the depth of iPhone, there is no way to increase the sensor area, and certainly the only feasible lens solution is the tiny fixed focus (essentially the cheap single-use camera type). You can squeeze 20M pixels, and you won't get better photos.

    Oh holy shit. People, please. Ahh!!! The RDF from Steve's talk has past. Yeah cause putting a very good 3.2 sensor in there wouldn't be any better right? Wrong!
  • Reply 55 of 63
    johnqhjohnqh Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Oh holy shit. People, please. Ahh!!! The RDF from Steve's talk has past. Yeah cause putting a very good 3.2 sensor in there wouldn't be any better right? Wrong!

    It won't be any better.

    You can scale a 2MP to 20MP in software. Does that introduce more information in the photo? NO.

    You can put sensor with more density in the same tiny area. Does that give you more information in the photo? NO.

    Let me give you a real world example. Fuju had some excellent P&S digital cameras with their F-series. They had excellent low-light performance, with F20 and F30, at 6MP. They had a extremely strong following among customers. What did they do? They added more pixels to the same sensor area, and photo quality actually suffered. A lot of long time customers are upset.

    The thing is, when taking photos at the same resolution as before (6MP), the F50 quality is as good as F30. However, if you take photos at the max resolution (12MP on F50), it sucks big time. The suggestion is only taking the photos at 6MP, or resize in Photoshop.

    For any particular sensor size, there is a optimal number of pixels. That's just how it works.
  • Reply 56 of 63
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    SDW2001, you're just a straight up fanboy right? At all costs. Any reasonable person would understand users being a least a little confused by Apple keeping the 2MP camera. It needs a flash too. Apple won't give it one, but it needs one. 2MP sucks. Get over your love of Apple and look at the facts. Sheesh! I'm done with you.

    A fanboy? Why because I'm taking issue with your scathing criticism of a feature you won't even use? Do you know how many times I've bashed Apple when they've deserved it? I posted a thread last year called "I'm not getting an iphone." So I'm no fanboy, my friend.

    Now, the camera: I've already agreed with you that it should have a better camera. I don't think it "needs" a flash, even if it would be nice. But my issue is your unyielding criticism of the product just because of these features. It's a PHONE. If you want high quality photos, no phone is going to provide them. Period.

    So now we've isolated and nullified two of your criticisms: Battery life that isn't yet technically possible, and a camera that you won't use. Next?
  • Reply 57 of 63
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    He's just extra pissed today 'cus me mum said "No!"
  • Reply 58 of 63
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    He's just extra pissed today 'cus me mum said "No!"

    Wow...did you just rip on your OWN Mom? Really though, he said he's done with me. It's too bad...I really just don't see where he is coming from. He's furious about the iPhone 1) lacking a feature he won't use and 2) not having battery life beyond what is technically feasible.

    It's one thing to say he's like to see some more improvements before upgrading. It's another to chastise Apple and essentially call their upgrade a joke. I could understand if he said "I'd like to have more memory, a better camera and better battery life" before I upgrade to 3G." But that's not what he did.
  • Reply 59 of 63
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Wow...did you just rip on your OWN Mom? Really though, he said he's done with me. It's too bad...I really just don't see where he is coming from. He's furious about the iPhone 1) lacking a feature he won't use and 2) not having battery life beyond what is technically feasible.

    It's one thing to say he's like to see some more improvements before upgrading. It's another to chastise Apple and essentially call their upgrade a joke. I could understand if he said "I'd like to have more memory, a better camera and better battery life" before I upgrade to 3G." But that's not what he did.

    Yeah, I did. But me mum's one tough Irish broad. 89 and an avid Mac user!
  • Reply 60 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Yeah, I did. But me mum's one tough Irish broad. 89 and an avid Mac user!

    We had a quickie but she was to much for me!
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