RIM's iPhone rival rumored for October with Rhapsody tie-in



  • Reply 41 of 75
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Perhaps you need to be reminded that the launch was on the 11th of THIS month. Today is the 29th. How is it over a month?

    Apple has said that the "push" servers will be online in September.

    OK so it's only been a complete and utter blunder for 18 days. Vista says it has a safe operating sytems today. Do you buy it. I won't believe it until I see it.

    Apple's 2.0 software is full of bugs, poor battery life for original and 3g phones. Basic everday tools that even the throw away phones have are still missing and Me.com is just icing on the cake of it's aniversary date.

    Yet this room blindly follows and shows pure hate when anyone has anything negative to say about Apple.

    COMPETITION IS GOOD FOR EVERY END CONSUMER. I'm sold on the iPhone today but when a better phone comes out I'll buy it in a second. I'm loyal to technology not to Apple.
  • Reply 42 of 75
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by WidnowsGuy View Post

    OK so it's only been a complete and utter blunder for 18 days. Vista says it has a safe operating sytems today. Do you buy it. I won't believe it until I see it.

    Apple's 2.0 software is full of bugs, poor battery life for original and 3g phones. Basic everday tools that even the throw away phones have are still missing and Me.com is just icing on the cake of it's aniversary date.

    Yet this room blindly follows and shows pure hate when anyone has anything negative to say about Apple.

    COMPETITION IS GOOD FOR EVERY END CONSUMER. I'm sold on the iPhone today but when a better phone comes out I'll buy it in a second. I'm loyal to technology not to Apple.

    I just like seeing the facts correct.

    I already said that Apple made mistakes and needs the competition.
  • Reply 43 of 75
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by WidnowsGuy View Post

    It's been over a month and it's still not working. I wouldn't call that even in the relm of a succesful launch. We don't know how long it will take them to fix it.

    Originally Posted by WidnowsGuy View Post

    OK so it's only been a complete and utter blunder for 18 days.

    I don't think you understand, hyperbole hurts the argument of those that use it because it makes you look unreasonable and I think it suggests that you don't think your argument stands up well on its own.

    Yes, MobileMe is clearly hurting and is not the product to use right now. There's no need to blow it out of proportion, the facts speak for themselves quite clearly.
  • Reply 44 of 75
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Telling him that he has to do the research that you have to do, is worthless.

    When you make the accusation, it's your responsibility to back it up.

    If you can show where the violations are, then we would listen. But just making unsubstantiated statements proves nothing.

    Why don't you tell us which patents are being violated, and why?

    No. Do your own research and stop being lazy yourself. You've heard of Google. Use it.
  • Reply 45 of 75
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    No. Do your own research and stop being lazy yourself. You've heard of Google. Use it.

    You don't have that kind of cred around here, not that anyone does. Mel is in the right. If all you want to do is just yell at people, then you're succeeding. If you're trying to inform or educate, you've failed. If you want to persuade, you've failed.

    If you want to say that that something is true, then it's your responsibility to back it up when challenged. If you can't back it up, then your argument is just hot air.

    Besides, Google isn't always useful unless you almost already know what you're looking for. If you know of a relevant article, then you would be able to find it quicker than anyone else.
  • Reply 46 of 75
    jamiecjamiec Posts: 42member
    That's seriously the interface for their new cutting-edge video player?

    An homage to a craptastic 1979 tape recorder, as it might have been envisioned in 1992 by a graphic design intern who had just discovered the Alien Skin "inner bevel" filter?

    I mean, seriously?
  • Reply 47 of 75
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by WidnowsGuy View Post

    OK so it's only been a complete and utter blunder for 18 days.

    Yes, you were unnecessarily exagerating earlier. The reality is bad enough without that.


    Apple's 2.0 software is full of bugs, poor battery life for original and 3g phones. Basic everday tools that even the throw away phones have are still missing and Me.com is just icing on the cake of it's aniversary date.

    How much experience do you have with pocket PCs and smart phones? Apple's 1.0 and 2.0 software are way more stable than any version of Windows Mobile or PalmOS I've ever used. And the iPhone 3G battery life is better than a 3G HTC 8525 or Treo 750. Furthermore, Mobile Safari actually works, as does push e-mail and HTML e-mail rendering. So what's the problem? Do you really miss the Flash animated advertisements?


    Yet this room blindly follows and shows pure hate when anyone has anything negative to say about Apple.

    Finally having a satisfying, workable experience with a smart phone (the iPhone) has not caused me to forget the past: the thousands of dollars I've thrown at Microsoft, HP, Sony-Ericsson, and Palm, just to get a little bit more satisfaction each time, and only to be very disappointed once again.
  • Reply 48 of 75
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by VinitaBoy View Post

    OK, RIM . . . where is the G**damned physical keyboard you said was so crucial for mobile communication?

    Where's BlueBall^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HBlackBerry's famous thumbwheel? Does anybody see evidence of it in these photos? All I see is evidence of a rocker switch (volume control) on the r.h.s., which seems like the wrong side for it even.
  • Reply 49 of 75
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Yes, you were unnecessarily exagerating earlier. The reality is bad enough without that.

    How much experience do you have with pocket PCs and smart phones? Apple's 1.0 and 2.0 software are way more stable than any version of Windows Mobile or PalmOS I've ever used. And the iPhone 3G battery life is better than a 3G HTC 8525 or Treo 750. Furthermore, Mobile Safari actually works, as does push e-mail and HTML e-mail rendering. So what's the problem? Do you really miss the Flash animated advertisements?

    Finally having a satisfying, workable experience with a smart phone (the iPhone) has not caused me to forget the past: the thousands of dollars I've thrown at Microsoft, HP, Sony-Ericsson, and Palm, just to get a little bit more satisfaction each time, and only to be very disappointed once again.

    So, let me get this clear in my head. It's OK that Apple released 2.0 before it was ready because it doesn't suck as bad as the competition.

    Also, you obviously don't work in a corporate environment because I love my iPhone but it's no comparison to a BlackBerry when it comes to actually performing business functions with your phone.

    As someone here quoted earlier. "The right tool for the Task". iPhone 3G is not a corporate phone by any standards but a fantastic phone for personal use. If I could go back to 1.14 I'd do it in a second to get stability back until Apple get's their act together and realize that it's not OK to put out crap becuase you have to make a launch date.

    That's something I'd expect from Microsoft but not Apple.
  • Reply 50 of 75
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    RIM appears to be just adding another phone to its line unlike Apple which only has one. The would be more of an entertainment (toy) like the iPhone rather than a business tool like a Blackberry.

    RIM has always had difficulty penetrating the consumer market as Blackberry's have for the most part been a corporate perk.

    This may be their salvo into the consumer space, but me thinks it's success will hinge on coolness factor. And without cool apps, you don't have a cool platform. I mean, can you see iPint on an Blackberry?

    BTW, wouldn't be funny if Apple's next generation iPhone had a slide out physical keyboard?
  • Reply 51 of 75
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by WidnowsGuy View Post

    So, let me get this clear in my head. It's OK that Apple released 2.0 before it was ready because it doesn't suck as bad as the competition.

    Yup! In my opinion, 2.0 was ready enough. Especially when you've got a 21-country roll-out to coordinate, with hardware included, and the whole world (including your rabid competition) watching, you don't just suddenly hit the brakes because the software isn't "perfect" (whatever that might mean). My feeling is that the 2.0 software is in much better shape than 1.0.14 and much of the current instability comes from running the unprecedented number of optional apps that are available. This is the kind of problem we should relish. And I expect it to be fixed soon enough.


    Also, you obviously don't work in a corporate environment because I love my iPhone but it's no comparison to a BlackBerry when it comes to actually performing business functions with your phone.

    For my business (a small corp) the iPhone works splendidly. Obviously.


    As someone here quoted earlier. "The right tool for the Task". iPhone 3G is not a corporate phone by any standards but a fantastic phone for personal use. If I could go back to 1.14 I'd do it in a second to get stability back until Apple get's their act together and realize that it's not OK to put out crap becuase you have to make a launch date.

    It's not crap and (see above).


    That's something I'd expect from Microsoft but not Apple.

    You thought Leopard was solid at initial release? A few updates later, though, and Vista is still an awful experience. That's where Microsoft and Apple differ.
  • Reply 52 of 75
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Yup! In my opinion, 2.0 was ready enough. Especially when you've got a 21-country roll-out to coordinate, with hardware included, and the whole world (including your rabid competition) watching, you don't just suddenly hit the brakes because the software isn't "perfect" (whatever that might mean). My feeling is that the 2.0 software is in much better shape than 1.0.14 and much of the current instability comes from running the unprecedented number of optional apps that are available. This is the kind of problem we should relish. And I expect it to be fixed soon enough.

    For my business (a small corp) the iPhone works splendidly. Obviously.

    It's not crap and (see above).

    You thought Leopard was solid at initial release? A few updates later, though, and Vista is still an awful experience. That's where Microsoft and Apple differ.

    Sorry tired of trying to get a point across to sheep that it's NOT OK to distribute software that you know is unstable along with the Me.com that hasn't worked from day one.

    Steve is always right and Apple is the holy grail.

    When will Mac people learn to follow technology and not a company.

    The 3g iphone has coverage for about 4% of the US on 3G. Me.com has been a joke since it's release and the 2.0 software that I don't have any 3rd party software on becuase I don't need another Tip Calculator drains my battery (with 3G off, it's not in my area), doesn't have push email as promised and is missing the simplest of features as voice dial, cut and paste, turn by turn directions.

    All of which are offered and have been for years by the competition. I'm hoping the next BlackBerry Kicks because I'll have both a personal phone and a business phone and can finally only have 1 phone.

    Bah, Bah, Bah...
  • Reply 53 of 75
    loneratolonerato Posts: 54member
    the thing that makes most companies still use blackberrys is that the corp can limit anything on the phone from the user. I have yet to see apple implement a way for companies to limit things on the phone as RIM has. I get so tired of these back and forth fanboys of iphone vs every other phone and how one is a copy of another. Palm was on the first companies to ever have a full touchscreen device and other companies have since built on what they did. Who knows the thunder might have a great os and it might not.
  • Reply 54 of 75
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by WidnowsGuy View Post

    Sorry tired of trying to get a point across to sheep that it's NOT OK to distribute software that you know is unstable along with the Me.com that hasn't worked from day one.

    Sorry, but early adopters always get bitten to some degree. Why do you deny this reality? Do you think Apple, AT&T and 20 other cellular carriers could have predicted all the ways the activation would go wrong on day 1, when potentially 6 million iPhone 1.0 users were trying to activate on the same day, too. Yes, the me.com fiasco is about as bad it has every gotten for any company and is inexcusable, but why do you lump me.com with every other transient glitch that Apple or its associates have had recently?


    Steve is always right and Apple is the holy grail.

    Your sarcasm just bites so!


    When will Mac people learn to follow technology and not a company.

    Oh, maybe when a simple check of one's e-mail doesn't routinely get interrupted by an unavoidable virus database download and system reboot.


    The 3g iphone has coverage for about 4% of the US on 3G.

    You're talking percentage of land area, right? If you're talking percentage of population, please provide your source. 4% of land area seems okay to me, because it works in my metro area.


    Me.com has been a joke since it's release and the 2.0 software that I don't have any 3rd party software on becuase I don't need another Tip Calculator drains my battery (with 3G off, it's not in my area), doesn't have push email as promised and is missing the simplest of features as voice dial, cut and paste, turn by turn directions.

    I believe the people who don't think they need another tip calculator are probably the people who really do need another tip calculator.


    All of which are offered and have been for years by the competition. I'm hoping the next BlackBerry Kicks because I'll have both a personal phone and a business phone and can finally only have 1 phone.

    Are there some great tip calculators for the BlackBerry? Is that RIM's secret sauce?


    Bah, Bah, Bah...

    d-dah, dah, dah!
  • Reply 55 of 75
    dickprinterdickprinter Posts: 1,060member
    Originally Posted by me2 View Post

    I am not a lawyer, but it seems to me that Apple will be ready to hit RIM with Patent infringement lawsuits. Honestly, how much more obvious can they be with their copy of the iphone?

    Remember when Apple tried to sue Mr. Softy and lost because the Court ruled that "you can't patent the 'look and feel' of a device." It is the individual UI procedures and the technologies behind them that are protected by patents.
  • Reply 56 of 75
    macaloymacaloy Posts: 104member
    Well, first off, I love competition and I think it keeps companies and products at their best when someone is riding behind them closely

    With that said, both my brother and best friend have had Blackberry's provided to them by work. Well, both firms are now going to be offering 3G iPhones for anyone who wants to switch and both couldn't be HAPPIER about it.

    Surprised as I had heard my brother talk about the apparent new Blackberry coming out soon
  • Reply 57 of 75
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    No. Do your own research and stop being lazy yourself. You've heard of Google. Use it.

    So, you, in effect, admit that you have no reason to say what you have said, and you expect others to do your work for you?

    That won't win you friends and influence around here.
  • Reply 58 of 75
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by WidnowsGuy View Post

    So, let me get this clear in my head. It's OK that Apple released 2.0 before it was ready because it doesn't suck as bad as the competition.

    Also, you obviously don't work in a corporate environment because I love my iPhone but it's no comparison to a BlackBerry when it comes to actually performing business functions with your phone.

    As someone here quoted earlier. "The right tool for the Task". iPhone 3G is not a corporate phone by any standards but a fantastic phone for personal use. If I could go back to 1.14 I'd do it in a second to get stability back until Apple get's their act together and realize that it's not OK to put out crap becuase you have to make a launch date.

    That's something I'd expect from Microsoft but not Apple.

    Apple didn't seem to be interested in bringing this out as a business device. Jobs said about as much originally. But when it started to appear in the business environment unexpectedly, even as the ver 1 product, apparently Apple changed their minds.

    Also, this is one reason why Apple hasn't liked working with partners. They have to meet a date. When they have their own products, responsible to no one else, they can come out with them when they are ready. But now, billions of others money rides on the products being available when they are supposed to. We all know that software is often late, and with problems. You can bet Jobs is cursing the fact that they couldn't reasonably delay any further.

    Ver.2 is a credible response, though its not up to what companies who have been catering to business for years have got.

    But Apple does have something the other companies, so far, have not. That's an upgradable system. I think we can look at this as an evolving platform. No doubt, ver 3 software will arrive with even more compelling business features, and Apple will be working on fixing what's wrong, and adding more during the wait.
  • Reply 59 of 75
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Too little to late.

    We moved one of our larger customers over to iPhone at the UK launch as a test.

    We had them setup with an initial 30 iPhone 8GB handsets all connected to their exchange server. So far there have been no issues with sync and all is working well. What's more, the feedback from the customer is excellent (its like Christmas for them)

    If, at the end of the initial 60 day test period everything is still fine we will move the remainder (100 or so users) to iphone and get rid of the blackberry server (its been a pita).

    RIM need to sort out the enterprise server software, we among other suppliers have constant headaches with the software and are glad to see the back of it.
  • Reply 60 of 75
    Why does everyone say all these companies copied iphone?? when in fact iphone copied Lg Prada??
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