First iPod nano 4G photo hits the web



  • Reply 61 of 115
    Any threat of legal action or take down notice yet? If not, it's fake.
  • Reply 62 of 115
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post

    Any threat of legal action or take down notice yet? If not, it's fake.


    Unless it's a clever rouse from Apple to set doubt by not having legal get involved.


    It did come out on Friday evening. If Apple legal doesn't get to it within a certain time frame then no amount of legal action will stop the spread so they may have decided the threshold had past to make ay legal threats worthwhile.
  • Reply 63 of 115
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member

    The site also warns returning students that the new models won't qualify for the back-to-school promotion from this summer that ends on September 15th.

    This is what Apple did last year. I bought a MacBook for my wife but couldn't get the newer iPod Nano with the free offer. I got the older one instead with $199 rebate.
  • Reply 64 of 115
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    I've just received the full text of Steve's talk on Tuesday. The text, deliberately masked by me to protect the identity of the source, is below. I, for one, can vouch for the authenticity of the text through my own sources.

    "Thanks all for coming here today [...] are pleased to announce that [...] and having sold a record [...] and boom! [...] oh, and one more thing [...] Thank you for coming, any questions."

    Pretty exciting!

    Also I've recieved pictures of the new MacBooks. I've had to obscure the pictures, so you'll have to use your imagination a little:

    This is the most accurate prediction I have yet to see, merdhead, just how closely do you work with Mr. Jobs...this should be sent to ALL the rumorboards across the world!

    In the future, I shall believe only you!

    and got a great laugh as well...thank you!
  • Reply 65 of 115
    TSNN is analyzing the picture live! Follow them at
  • Reply 66 of 115
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by takemura View Post

    If apple was Chinese company like Meizu and KDDI AU more known outside Japan every one would say that tha new i pod is a rippof of a year old design by Naoto Fukasawa... And i think the same... Very very unoriginal.

    I think a lot of people need to let up just a bit on all this "copying" and "rip off". There are obvious similarities, but there are more significant differences too. This isn't like the SuperShuffle or the nano clones where the design is 95% copied with something like two changes, your example is more like a 10%-20% similarity.
  • Reply 67 of 115
    Why is it that every website that claims to leak photos have photographers that are so retarded, they don't know how to take a CLEAR FOCUSED photo?

    The photos are fake because they are using outdated iPod colors and Apple no longer uses dock cables that require pinching the sides to release. And yes, there are many Photoshop experts out there that can make you believe anything with a photo...especially when you blur it on purpose.
  • Reply 68 of 115
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I think a lot of people need to let up just a bit on all this "copying" and "rip off". There are obvious similarities, but there are more significant differences too. This isn't like the SuperShuffle or the nano clones where the design is 95% copied with something like two changes, your example is more like a 10%-20% similarity.

    They really need to lighten up as it is obviously based on the ipod 1g/2g. If those designs came from somewhere else, that is old news. Apple completely changed the nano design for the 3rd generation and I am glad they are going back to the old profile.
  • Reply 69 of 115
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    Why is it that every website that claims to leak photos have photographers that are so retarded, they don't know how to take a CLEAR FOCUSED photo?

    The photos are fake because they are using outdated iPod colors and Apple no longer uses dock cables that require pinching the sides to release. And yes, there are many Photoshop experts out there that can make you believe anything with a photo...especially when you blur it on purpose.

    The green one is obviously fake, the orange one does not appear to be. Your two arguments only apply to the green one. Sadly, I think they purposely blurred the text at the base of the case, I wanted to see 16 GB.
  • Reply 70 of 115
    Hmmm.... I think both are faked. The green one definitely feels weird... There seems to be some sort of plastic wrapping around the green one which feels very un-Apple. The orange one... The lighting seems a bit odd. If it is such a good spy shot, why just one, really blurry shot? Can't the "spy" have provided more? My call: FAAAAKEE. We'll see... Phatboy turned out true, but the fake Red iPhone 3G was fake. So...

    Update: I think the green one is one of them China fakes with some 'Shopping... The orange one... Meh who knows.
  • Reply 71 of 115
    BTW... The MacBook Air enters its 9th month without an update. Will it be the Cinema Display of the laptop line??? W.T.F.
  • Reply 72 of 115
    Originally Posted by linducker View Post

    TSNN is analyzing the picture live! Follow them at

    Err... There's nothing there ????
  • Reply 73 of 115

  • Reply 74 of 115
    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post

    That looks like the real McCoy to me.

    If you think it so easy, YOU photoshop a pic of an existing nano - mind you don't stretch that click wheel into an oval - distort it to give a curved case - top and bottom, then give it an anodized aluminium cover, then put the whole thing in retail packaging with appropriate reflections.

    Amazing the number of Photoshop experts there are these days. \

    If I had the time I would - but I'm too busy to hang around airport elevators these days.

  • Reply 75 of 115
    My take:

    Green photo: Rubbish.

    Orange photo: Close, but no cigar. See the weird to lighting spots I highlighted.


    The new iPod Nano most definitely will have a tall and slim profile, but I really don't think it will look exactly like that orange model.

    Something about the click wheel that is too "old" now. It needs some OLED or multi-touch or something, and if you flip the nano to view in landscape, yeah, that's a big design no-no if the controls are the same.
  • Reply 76 of 115
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by philbot View Post

    Looks like a very poor fake to me

    Easiest photoshop technique in the world, to stretch an existing nano

    I will have to assume you are talking about the subject of this article - the Orange nano. In which case your ignorance demonstrates you have next to no experience with Photoshop.
  • Reply 77 of 115
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    That looks right to me. There are two reflections, one off the top surface of the relatively thick acrylic packaging and the second from the inner surface, with an appropriate displacement between the two due to parallax.

    Actually, on second thoughts, it could be lens flair in the camera.

    Why blurry? - because not all camera phones have autofocus. Also, the circumstances could have been that the photographer had very little time in which to take the photo without being noticed so it was a hurried shot.
  • Reply 78 of 115
    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post

    I will have to assume you are talking about the subject of this article - the Orange nano. In which case your ignorance demonstrates you have next to no experience with Photoshop.

    ha ha I Photoshop for a living dude, and have done since version 2.5.1...

  • Reply 79 of 115
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by philbot View Post

    ha ha I Photoshop for a living dude, and have done since version 2.5.1...

    No you don't. Your ignorant first post about how 'easy' it would be to fake the photo of the orange nano betrays that ignorance.
  • Reply 80 of 115
    Originally Posted by philbot View Post

    ha ha I Photoshop for a living dude, and have done since version 2.5.1...

    what do you see in the blue channel? I couldn't find anything
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