iPhone 2.1 jailbroken with end run around iTunes 8 defenses

in iPhone edited January 2014
The well-known iPhone Dev Team has already managed to jailbreak the 2.1 firmware for iPhones and iPod touch, all the while without requiring tricks to circumvent new anti-hacking provisions in iTunes 8.

New versions of PwnageTool and its accompanying QuickPwn app have arrived just days after the launch of Apple's 2.1 upgrade.

The combination will allow unsigned third-party code to run on iPhone and iPhone 3G as well as the first-generation iPod touch; the second-generation iPod touch isn't yet known to work, in part because none of the Dev Team has an example to verify the status of the jailbreak.

The solution comes in spite of new, significant measures reportedly discovered in iTunes 8 to thwart more direct attempts at loading modified firmware on to untouched devices. Just before the new jailbreak, the Dev Team said it had discovered apparent security measures in Apple's software that pops up an error as long as the rogue firmware is loaded into iTunes, refusing to sync with iPhones or iPods if the device is still running official code.

Members of the modding group initially thought they might need to patch iTunes 8 to allow the altered firmware and had even developed an early version of the patch before it became clear that one wasn't necessary.

While no one has yet claimed to successfully unlock an iPhone 3G purely through software, the current hack suggests Apple has yet to find a definitive trick to winning the "cat and mouse" game between itself and those groups bent on loosening the phone's limitations, many of which now have a long-established history of overturning any new controls Apple might put in place.

"WeÂ?re waiting to see what Apple tries next," the iPhone Dev Team says. "But we think they might want to rethink their priorities. Â*They probably wonÂ?t though."


  • Reply 1 of 116
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Apple doesn't care.

    Better that someone uses an Apple product through 'other means' than use a bona fide Windows product.

    Lesser of two weevils
  • Reply 2 of 116
    I know it does keep apple on their toes and gets their developers to think more about improving their products, but I don't see the point of jailbreaking a phone beyond that.
  • Reply 3 of 116
    I agree. Seems like a waste of time to jailbreak the thing. I'd put this down as hobby stuff more than anything meaningful or important to the Mac user community. It's like hacks for the PS2 or something.
  • Reply 4 of 116
    I'd be curious to know how many man hours the iTunes team put into developing the jailbreak blocks that are built into 2.1 only to have them cracked in a little over 24 hours.
  • Reply 5 of 116
    dws-2dws-2 Posts: 277member
    I love these guys. My main goal is the unlock, because then I can use the first gen phone on tmobile in the U.S.
  • Reply 6 of 116
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    It's like hacking decktop Mac OS itself: It's not for me, but if it lets someone do some particular thing they want to do, or they simply enjoy it in a hobby sense, then I can understand that. I say, go for it!

    And Apple seems most concerned about plugging security holes. They haven't helped Jailbreakers, but they haven't totally blocked them either. To the extent that jailbreaking can be done without actually exploting security holes, I expect it will continue!

    Now, if something breaks, don't get mad at Apple, just wait (hope) for patches from the 3rd parties. The iPhone OS platform is young and changing/improving fast. We all benefit from Apple having the freedom to make those changes. But unofficial apps and hacks won't get any help from Apple in being compatible with those changes. So I prefer to stick with official methods--less trouble/steps/questions, and the official OS + App Store software has proven amazingly powerful for my needs.

    I do think Apple has made some truly bad calls in rejecting certain apps (Podcaster, Pull my Finger). They review thousands, and I do hope they mature the process and reverse some of those calls. In the meantime, jailbreaking is a way to run rejected apps, which gives certain hard-working devs a an option to sell their work to some small number of people. Better than nothing.
  • Reply 7 of 116
    Actually there's a very good very to jailbreak and I'm getting closer and closer to trying it myself. And that's the problem of apple the nanny corporation and it's oppressive and childish actions with regard to rejecting certain apps from the appstore
  • Reply 8 of 116
    Originally Posted by pmoeser View Post

    I know it does keep apple on their toes and gets their developers to think more about improving their products, but I don't see the point of jailbreaking a phone beyond that.

    Actually, jailbreaking give us the software that Apple forbid on the official AppStore. Especially mod your phone or even more important support for languages not officially supported by the phone. (like right-to-left hebrew or arabic)...
  • Reply 9 of 116
    All the files you need can be quickly downloaded from here:

    QuickPwn 1.1 & PwnageTool 2.1
  • Reply 10 of 116
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    It's like hacking decktop Mac OS itself: It's not for me, but if it lets someone do some particular thing they want to do, or they simply enjoy it in a hobby sense, then I can understand that. I say, go for it!

    And Apple seems most concerned about plugging security holes. They haven't helped Jailbreakers, but they haven't totally blocked them either. To the extent that jailbreaking can be done without actually exploting security holes, I expect it will continue!

    Now, if something breaks, don't get mad at Apple, just wait (hope) for patches from the 3rd parties. The iPhone OS platform is young and changing/improving fast. We all benefit from Apple having the freedom to make those changes. But unofficial apps and hacks won't get any help from Apple in being compatible with those changes. So I prefer to stick with official methods--less trouble/steps/questions, and the official OS + App Store software has proven amazingly powerful for my needs.

    I do think Apple has made some truly bad calls in rejecting certain apps (Podcaster, Pull my Finger). They review thousands, and I do hope they mature the process and reverse some of those calls. In the meantime, jailbreaking is a way to run rejected apps, which gives certain hard-working devs a an option to sell their work to some small number of people. Better than nothing.

    Indeed, security is a big, big, big issue. People keep as much, if not more valuable info on a phone when they travel and do business, that security alone is enough to warrant cautious behavior. Not only the info on your phone, but the access to the network as well.

    So far as I'm concerned I haven't seen a single app i would want or need from the jailbreak community. That's not to say someone else hasn't found a use for them. But I imagine it is a growingly insignificant number of people. That's why it's hobby stuff. Say the iPhone users are 25 million in number, it is a very small number of those who are doing this or care about it. Again, it's like phone phreaking' or whatever in the 1970's. Some people (Woz!) really got into it. But for the rest of us it didn't offer enough upside to get too involved in it.
  • Reply 11 of 116
    Originally Posted by Mark Fearing View Post

    Indeed, security is a big, big, big issue. People keep as much, if not more valuable info on a phone when they travel and do business, that security alone is enough to warrant cautious behavior. Not only the info on your phone, but the access to the network as well.

    So far as I'm concerned I haven't seen a single app i would want or need from the jailbreak community. That's not to say someone else hasn't found a use for them. But I imagine it is a growingly insignificant number of people. That's why it's hobby stuff. Say the iPhone users are 25 million in number, it is a very small number of those who are doing this or care about it. Again, it's like phone phreaking' or whatever in the 1970's. Some people (Woz!) really got into it. But for the rest of us it didn't offer enough upside to get too involved in it.

    A very cool video camera, with sound, for the iphone-works GREAT and is FREE!
  • Reply 12 of 116
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Jail Breaking a phone was not even an option on the table for me until 30 minutes ago when I found out that updating my 2G iPhone that was replaced by a 3G model was bricked until I activated it. I am going to jail break it just so I can still use it as an iPod. WTF was Apple thinking on this?

    I swapped SIM cards per Apple Support and it didn't work. Nice move on Apple's part. If this jail break thing works, they are getting a $donation$ from me.
  • Reply 13 of 116
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "We?re waiting to see what Apple tries next," the iPhone Dev Team says. "But we think they might want to rethink their priorities. *They probably won?t though."

    That's the whole point - this isn't a high priority for Apple. I'd bet some Apple intern has been assigned the task of thwarting the jail-breakers. Otherwise they'd have a better hardware lock solution.
  • Reply 14 of 116
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    That's the whole point - this isn't a high priority for Apple. I'd bet some Apple intern has been assigned the task of thwarting the jail-breakers. Otherwise they'd have a better hardware lock solution.

    Yeah... just like they have thrown an intern at HackInTosh's too for a hardware lock solution...

    It is a big deal for Apple. Not in the US, but outside the US. Granted, it is becoming less of an issue but it is a big one none-the-less at this time.
  • Reply 15 of 116
    ytvytv Posts: 109member
    I just hope someone in the jailbreak community hacks the bluetooth module in the new ipod touch's fast, so that i can get rid on my iphone.
  • Reply 16 of 116
    [QUOTE=aplnub;1308159]Jail Breaking a phone was not even an option on the table for me until 30 minutes ago when I found out that updating my 2G iPhone that was replaced by a 3G model was bricked until I activated it. I am going to jail break it just so I can still use it as an iPod. WTF was Apple thinking on this?

    I have updated both my 2G and 3G iPhone with no problem at all. Both synched with iTunes and restored my apps and music.

    Could you be running on Vista? If so, Apple has released an update for Windows users.

    I thought it was only for instability with the OS but maybe a place to start looking if you are a Windows OS user.

    The upgrade has given me better reception, stronger signal and everything else advertised with the exception of significantly better battery life.

    My battery is still drained by the end of the day but the phone appears to be as stable as 1.1.4 (at least for me).

    Hope it helps.
  • Reply 17 of 116
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    Jail Breaking a phone was not even an option on the table for me until 30 minutes ago when I found out that updating my 2G iPhone that was replaced by a 3G model was bricked until I activated it. I am going to jail break it just so I can still use it as an iPod. WTF was Apple thinking on this?

    I have updated both my 2G and 3G iPhone with no problem at all. Both synched with iTunes and restored my apps and music.

    Could you be running on Vista? If so, Apple has released an update for Windows users.

    I thought it was only for instability with the OS but maybe a place to start looking if you are a Windows OS user.

    The upgrade has given me better reception, stronger signal and everything else advertised with the exception of significantly better battery life.

    My battery is still drained by the end of the day but the phone appears to be as stable as 1.1.4 (at least for me).

    Hope it helps.

    Are both your phones, phones? My 2G iPhone is not an active "Phone". I deactivated it the day I got my 3G.

    I just jail broke my 2G iPhone (iTouch now) and it is working great. I wish I would have changed my startup icons to show my defiance to Apple on this one. Freekn' senseless!

    PS I run Leopard.
  • Reply 18 of 116
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member
    Apple, ¡grow up and let the iPhone and iPod touch be free! Market share should be the number 1 priority. Do not make the same mistake as with the Mac 25 years ago.
  • Reply 19 of 116
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    Are both your phones, phones? My 2G iPhone is not an active "Phone". I deactivated it the day I got my 3G.

    I just jail broke my 2G iPhone (iTouch now) and it is working great. I wish I would have changed my startup icons to show my defiance to Apple on this one. Freekn' senseless!

    PS I run Leopard.

    Both my 2G and 3G are iPhones. My 2G phone is still not activated and I use it when I'm at home within my WiFi to save battery life of my 3G.

    It may be an expensive iPod but I like the option of having both. My iPhone 3G creates a pop sound about every 5 minutes in my Bose Wireless Dock and my 2G doesn't, even when it was active on 2.01 (now currently not active on 2.1 and still no popping sound).

    Bose solution was to put my phone in AirPlane Mode. That is not an option for me as 99% of my calls are to my cell phone and not my home phone.

    Never will be a fan of Jail Breaking. If it gets to the point that Apple doesn't satisfy my needs and there is a better alternative I'll consider switching Vendors.


    I was a little sad when I read that Steve Wozniak Jail Broke is 3G iPhone. It really lowered my level of respect I had for him.
  • Reply 20 of 116
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    Market share should be the number 1 priority.

    You'll have to explain to me why marketshare is more important than profit.
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