Bottom of MacBook Pro revealed; more last minute specs



  • Reply 41 of 118
    Originally Posted by EauVive View Post

    You guys are too much dollar-centric. There exist other currencies, especially euro and yen. The dollar exchange rate is so low that it is impossible for Apple not to rise theirs prices. Converted into euros, a € 1000 MacBook (that translates to around $1200, since the commercial exchange rate is always at least 10% lower than the actual one) is quite affordable for us over here. Sorry, you're living on the wrong side of the pond (at least these days).

    What is much worrisome is this Nvidia stuff. I planned to run a real opensource OS (NetBSD) in parallel with MacOS, but Nvidia has been known to keep secret all the docs related to its hardware, effectively impeding any opensource driver developement, even if the nouveau project is making great effort to reverse-engineer the code. Bummer. I hope it'll work, though.

    That may be true in the EU but it's not true in GB. I've had a long discussion with a Brit about this and we found that our british counterparts make about half of what an American makes for the same job and currently the exchange rate is under 2:1 so a $1000 laptop is no more affordable than a 500 GBP laptop. Do you have any numbers for average pay to backup your claim?

    Edit: Apple is dollar centric because they are a US based company and they make most of their profits from the US so of course it's going to be dollar centric...
  • Reply 42 of 118
    amac4meamac4me Posts: 282member
    I'm happy with my Early 2008 MBP. I'll be holding onto this thing for another year or so and plan to update it late next year or in early 2010.

    For all those who have held out, I hope the wait was worth it.
  • Reply 43 of 118
    Snore. We need an Apple $500 mini laptop. (especially since the Touch is now a game console and not a computer.. sigh)
  • Reply 44 of 118
    Is it possible that the new casing design would allow user-replaceable hard drives? That would be a good bonus.

    Also, is there any information about any weight changes?
  • Reply 45 of 118
    phizzphizz Posts: 142member
    Why so much glossy display moaning? Do you guys work in a greenhouse in the desert??

    I'm sitting here in front of my glossy 24" iMac in a room with two windows. I've positioned my desk so that there is not a window right behind me and the display is beautiful. I'm extending my desktop with a NON-glossy Dell 19 inch monitor which looks cold and lifeless in comparison.

    In fact because of this I am excited about this new 24" monitor. BUT, no display port on my iMac (I assume an adaptor will be available) and $899?? That's a weeee bit over the top for a consumer monitor ain't it?
  • Reply 46 of 118
    The $200 price increase and removal of firewire on the Macbook could really backfire for Apple, as could the lower clockspeed CPU. For intents and purposes they have discontinued the Macbook for a 13" Macbook Pro.
  • Reply 47 of 118
    ? 1 is today $1.38.

    But, you're right, it was « worse » this summer. Since then the dollar has recovered a bit.

    Nevertheless, I expect a european pricing with figures divided by 1.2 or something.

    The Asian supplies should be cheaper... but I'm pretty convincted that, as raw petrolium, chips produced in Asia are paid in dollars and not in local currencies, which would render their price insensitive to dollar health. Anyhow, as you say, we're about to know... As a famous quote of my preferred TV series goes: "Ten minutes and it's all gonna end at the OK corral".
  • Reply 48 of 118

    i'm due for a new computer but i'm not into these new 15" notebooks at all.

    if it's true what they say and the 17" pro won't be updated, hopefully i'll be able to afford one before they get updated...

  • Reply 49 of 118
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
  • Reply 50 of 118
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by Phizz View Post

    Why so much glossy display moaning? Do you guys work in a greenhouse in the desert??

    Actually there is some reason for this:

    See now?
  • Reply 51 of 118
    I've been wanting to buy a mac for some time, as my current Toshiba laptop is very old. My friend told me to wait a while because they were bringing out these new ones, but reading all this stuff about them has really put me off. I don't want a glossy screen, and they seem like they will be too expensive anyway.

    Does anyone know if they will sell off the old 15" MBPs with the matte screens cheaply (or cheaper, at least) after the new ones come out?
  • Reply 52 of 118
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    If these rumors are true then they are underwhelming and disappointing and Apple may just have opted out of the current tech mini-rally. And no matter how you frame it, you cannot explain away a 2.0GHz chip on a $1300 machine without sounding mealy-mouthed. If these rumors are true then it seems Jobs has forgotten the painful lesson of those insanely overpriced Macs that hobbled the platform's acceptance in the 80s.

    I hope to god these laptops exceed expectations and Jobs looks healthy- otherwise expect a big drop. Then again a good time to buy.
  • Reply 53 of 118
    phizzphizz Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by rune66 View Post

    What a disappointment ... that stupid Mighty Mouse concept of one huge trackpad button. What is Apple thinking?!?!?.

    What a whiner. Have you actually used the new trackpad?? No? Then how can you be so sure it's crap. I'm not saying it isn't, I'm just saying you can't possibly be sure it is. It's "everything new/different is crap" people like you that stifle innovation.
  • Reply 54 of 118
    thttht Posts: 5,536member
    Hehe. It's inevitable. The cycle of unbounded, irrational exuberance during the rumor period, peaks just hours before the announcement, then we have the unbounded, irrational disappointment after the announcement, and finally, endless threads about good and bad about the announcement. We've been through this for a decade and it never seems to get old.
  • Reply 55 of 118
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Zandros View Post

    This is just not fun anymore. Apple, can't you keep people silent until Jobs is on the stage?


    Yeah... I love the speculation but this is just ruining the fun. I guess Apple must either step up its secrecy or let everyone know what they are doing. This is no fun.
  • Reply 56 of 118
    phizzphizz Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    Actually there is some reason for this:

    See now?

    Ha! Love it.
  • Reply 57 of 118
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Phizz View Post

    Why so much glossy display moaning? Do you guys work in a greenhouse in the desert??

    I'm sitting here in front of my glossy 24" iMac in a room with two windows. I've positioned my desk so that there is not a window right behind me and the display is beautiful. I'm extending my desktop with a NON-glossy Dell 19 inch monitor which looks cold and lifeless in comparison.

    In fact because of this I am excited about this new 24" monitor. BUT, no display port on my iMac (I assume an adaptor will be available) and $899?? That's a weeee bit over the top for a consumer monitor ain't it?

    Most apartments don't have options like that. Did you have to reconfigure you lighting in your space to accomodate your viewing as well? GLOSSY SUCKS!
  • Reply 58 of 118
    Has anyone noticed that ALL the ports are on one side of the laptop? That is if the pictures in last weeks post are geniune (, which do seem to match these.

    They also run down the whole length of the laptop (the front ones are covered with tape, ie look at previous posts pictures), I'm guessing the very front port being the DisplayPort, as the others ports in the picture don't fit that description (ie you say mini displayPort, they appear bigger than the standard displayPort, and why would they go mini when a started size displayPort would fit comfortably?). I wonder what the very back port is in that case. and what that circular button is for next to the very front port.

    Given these facts do you think we are in store for a docking station? Perhaps even the display that will take the laptop inside as mentioned in previous patents?
  • Reply 59 of 118
    phizzphizz Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    Yeah... I love the speculation but this is just ruining the fun. I guess Apple must either step up its secrecy or let everyone know what they are doing. This is no fun.

    You don't actually HAVE to read the articles do you?
  • Reply 60 of 118
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    I think I'm very glad I got a new 15" MacBook Pro at the beginning of summer.

    I like my trackpad button where it is, and I like my DVI port. The new screens look tacky.

    Oh, and seriously, one can get a 24" monitor for < $400. I know Apple's monitors are very nice, but they need to price them at least in the ballpark. Wasn't DisplayPort supposed to be cheaper?
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