Apple investigating problems with MacBook Pro's glass trackpad



  • Reply 61 of 82
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    This trackpad talk has put me off buying a MacBook. I'm going to wait till next year now.
  • Reply 62 of 82
    blah64blah64 Posts: 993member

    Originally Posted by MuncyWeb

    I've owned an old PowerBook G3 -- I NEVER had a complaint about the screen being matte, nor did I ever hear anyone else complain about it.

    Originally Posted by iDave View Post

    Not once in the past did I ever see someone say "I wish Apple used glossy screens" on a board such as this. Now I see tons of complaints and I hate them myself. It's beyond comprehension.

    No kidding. I'm not sure about beyond comprehension, but certainly ridiculous. Look at the various polls - people are pissed about the lost ability to buy a non-glare screen.

    I could care less about most of the other "feature" issues. If lack of firewire is an issue, then there you have other options, even if they aren't perfect - i.e. a lower or upper model. If you have particular video connector needs, you can always buy an adapter. Again, not ideal, but manageable.

    But the godawful mirror-screen displays on these new machines are unusable for many people, and as of this moment, Apple no longer sells a laptop that I can use - at any price! I can't opt to pay more. Nothing. I can only hope that the MBP 2.2 C2D I am typing on lasts for a long time. If they don't re-think this decision I will probably be forced in the future to consider buying from from another manufacturer and running a hacked version of OS X. This is NOT something I consider lightly!

    Don't tell me to go try one. I've seen both the new laptops and the current iMacs in the store, and they suck. I've also used a friend's previous generation MacBook, which is also unusable.

    When people say "oh, it's not that big a deal, you'll get used to it", my thoughts are either

    1) You have a perfect lighting environment. Good for you. Or...

    2) What the fuck kind of drugs are you taking that let you disengage the part of your brain that receives signals from your eyeballs!

    If you can't see the mirrored reflections then you have a serious vision impairment! How can people that are generally picky about details, like appearances, be so mind-fkd as to be able to ignore reflections staring at them right in the face, hour after hour?!

    Okay, pardon my rant. I am so frustrated with this - beyond anything Apple has done in my 23 years of buying and using their products. They don't make a product I can buy right now, and it's really depressing. :-(
  • Reply 63 of 82
    All I can do is laugh at this...How ironic there appears to be a design flaw in "proprietary" hardware.
  • Reply 64 of 82
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I just got back from Apple store- they are way too glossy. I asked how do they look outdoors and the saleshelp could not even answer the question. They said the lighting was stonger indoors and it should not be an issue! I told the idiot to look outside - it was brighter out there.

    It's boneheaded design decisions like this with the glossy screens that will get Steve booted from his position at Apple.
  • Reply 65 of 82
    Originally Posted by Pachomius View Post

    intersting - my hinge is perfect. I just tested it at several angles. First, fully open and then I held the body vertical = no movement. Second, the display at a 90 degree angle with the body. I moved the body to a vertical position so that the display is parallel with the ground = no movement. Third, I reduced the angle a bit so that it is at about a 60 degree angle then held the body up again = no movement.

    so- what's the deal?

    Click pad problems? yep - but I use a bluetooth mouse most of the time, so not a problem for me :-)


    Can I have yours? :-p
  • Reply 66 of 82
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) He agrees with you.

    2) An unnatural angle in this sense is one that is not natural to a normal computer user. Like holding the keyboard vertical with the keyboard screen facing down in a horizontal position like you are holding it while laying down and looking up. The display should stay where it is without succumbing to gravity. Not enough friction means it'll fall closed.

    Am I to understand that the disabled people out here (aka ME) that cannot sit in a chair to work on the computer are always in unnatural positions? I regularly type with my computer at a 45 degree angle and the screen 90 degrees to that. with my new MBP, my fingers tingle a lot from having them slammed between the screen and keyboard. Not all users can or do sit to use there computers. I am working on my PhD in computer science, so I use my computer a lot.... and I just forked out a lot of money to make my fingers numb.

    Apple has replaced my computer once, yet the issue remains. They tell me that the screen should not start to close until you are past 45 degrees... guess what?? I need it to stay open past 45 degrees.
  • Reply 67 of 82
    targontargon Posts: 103member
    Originally Posted by jcw5002 View Post

    I'm with you. I LOVE the new display hinge. It's dramatically better than on my old white MacBook. It always bothered me that it didn't bend back very far.

    I'm also experiencing the trackpad clicking issues that everyone is describing. Hopefully we'll see a firmware fix soon because it's very annoying.

    You fool!! This topic is about the display closing on someone's hands due to the loose hinges. It has nothing to do with the extra angle introduced... fsckin read or fsck off!!!!!!!!

    For others that have a clue an this issue is a major concern this is also relevant in the 17" MBP

  • Reply 68 of 82
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jjm390 View Post

    Am I to understand that the disabled people out here (aka ME) that cannot sit in a chair to work on the computer are always in unnatural positions? I regularly type with my computer at a 45 degree angle and the screen 90 degrees to that. with my new MBP, my fingers tingle a lot from having them slammed between the screen and keyboard. Not all users can or do sit to use there computers. I am working on my PhD in computer science, so I use my computer a lot.... and I just forked out a lot of money to make my fingers numb.

    Apple has replaced my computer once, yet the issue remains. They tell me that the screen should not start to close until you are past 45 degrees... guess what?? I need it to stay open past 45 degrees.

    I would call that unnatural at all. Perhaps unusual compared to most people, but the lid should be staying open. My unibody MB lid is perfect. I can lower it just a couple mm and it won't fall closed. Anything lower than that and it will close because of the magnetic pull.

    I'd say you definitely have a problem. If it's been more than 14 days I guess all you can do is call Apple again.
  • Reply 69 of 82
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Sounds like the laptop version of the godawful 1st generation Mighty Mouse. It should be perfected in the next generation laptops.

    Was there a 2nd generation Mighty Mouse?

    Originally Posted by Targon View Post

    You fool!! This topic is about the display closing on someone's hands due to the loose hinges. It has nothing to do with the extra angle introduced... fsckin read or fsck off!!!!!!!!

    Was that outburst really necessary?
  • Reply 70 of 82
    When is the next IMAC going to come out?
  • Reply 71 of 82
    Anyone with apple laptop experience.... I am switching from PC to Apple for the many obvious reasons. My problem is that I don't know which laptop to go with. I am going back an forth with the Air verses the 15" macbook pro. The priority is battery life followed by best bang for the buck. So my question is should I go for the Macbook Air 64 G SSD (Refirb) for $1799 or the New Macbook Pro 15" for about the same price. I am a little worried about the new trackpad with the Macbook.....

    Any help is greatly appreciated.
  • Reply 72 of 82
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by rwood View Post

    When is the next IMAC going to come out?

    It'll be announced at MacWorld San Francisco in early January. It'll probably be for sale that day or within a days, following their history.

    Originally Posted by rwood View Post

    Anyone with apple laptop experience.... I am switching from PC to Apple for the many obvious reasons. My problem is that I don't know which laptop to go with. I am going back an forth with the Air verses the 15" macbook pro. The priority is battery life followed by best bang for the buck. So my question is should I go for the Macbook Air 64 G SSD (Refirb) for $1799 or the New Macbook Pro 15" for about the same price. I am a little worried about the new trackpad with the Macbook.....

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    1) You are going to get a lot of varying answers now that you've breeched the subject.

    2) The trackpad issues are a bit annoying but not anything I can't live with, but since you are going to be a switcher I think it'll affect you a less than the multi-touch gestures that Mac users have been used to.

    3) The MBP over the MBA any day for battery life and bang for your buck. No question. However, there are other things you may want to consider. I'd suggest going into an Apple Store or reseller to check out the machines first hand before buying.

    4) Good luck and welcome to AI.
  • Reply 73 of 82
    The MB Pro obviously has a problematic hindge (I hope they modify it, as that's got to be limiting and frustrating) despite any new advantages. I wander if the problem extended to the 17 inch, hence the wait?
  • Reply 74 of 82
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    I wonder if the problem extended to the 17 inch, hence the wait?

    The original 17" MBP was released a couple months after the original 15" MBP was released. Since Apple sells less of these, I think the more popular sizes get priority. I doubt that is was due to a hinge issue, but if it was, why wasn't the 15" MBP delayed if their was a known issue?
  • Reply 75 of 82
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The original 17" MBP was released a couple months after the original 15" MBP was released. Since Apple sells less of these, I think the more popular sizes get priority. I doubt that is was due to a hinge issue, but if it was, why wasn't the 15" MBP delayed if their was a known issue?

    I agree that it probably wasn't the reason, but think Apple should correct it soon. If it was the reason maybe it was worse than th 15 inch and Apple new it would have too many returns so has waited. In ai's video alone it gives me pause to buy the 17 inch, I really don't want to be limited by a flappy lid, especially an even heavier flappy lid

  • Reply 76 of 82
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    I really don't want to be limited by a flappy lid, especially an even heavier flappy lid

    Then I'd wait and then buy yours in the store. Then I'd open it and check it out in the store before you take it home. It's not uncommon for consumer electronics to have issues. There is a lot going on so there will always be issues. I certainly wouldn't deal with a floppy lid.

    PS: When the 17" finally comes out, I think we can assume the same basic design elements of the unibody MB and MBP (ie: a battery and HDD along the front). I've measured the space, and there is room to keep FW400 and even add several more ports, but will they keep FW400, replace it with a 2nd FW800 or replace it with a 4th USB port? I think 2xFW800 is the most likely move for the 17" MBP.
  • Reply 77 of 82
    Originally Posted by rwood View Post

    Anyone with apple laptop experience.... I am switching from PC to Apple for the many obvious reasons. My problem is that I don't know which laptop to go with. I am going back an forth with the Air verses the 15" macbook pro. The priority is battery life followed by best bang for the buck. So my question is should I go for the Macbook Air 64 G SSD (Refirb) for $1799 or the New Macbook Pro 15" for about the same price. I am a little worried about the new trackpad with the Macbook.....

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    The MBP batteries can be replaced by the users, on the spot with a spare.The Air's are built in and require about twice as long to charge as the MBP.

    If I was you though,given your post, I would opt for the Air, you'll love it and you'll use it more than the MBP because of it's agility.

    I personally would love to get the new 17" MBP when it's finally released because of what I think will be an incredible HD display. Polarizing sunglasses withstanding.
  • Reply 78 of 82
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Then I'd wait and then buy yours in the store. Then I'd open it and check it out in the store before you take it home. It's not uncommon for consumer electronics to have issues. There is a lot going on so there will always be issues. I certainly wouldn't deal with a floppy lid.

    PS: When the 17" finally comes out, I think we can assume the same basic design elements of the unibody MB and MBP (ie: a battery and HDD along the front). I've measured the space, and there is room to keep FW400 and even add several more ports, but will they keep FW400, replace it with a 2nd FW800 or replace it with a 4th USB port? I think 2xFW800 is the most likely move for the 17" MBP.

    Sorry dude I'm pretty new to computers period. Iv'e only had a computer (actually three) for one year and I've never used Firewire even though I'm a photographer (fine art photographer) Believe it or not it was only reading your post earlier today about FW400 being on the Mac Mini that I checked my Mac Mini and to my surprise it had one. I'm still shooting film (Fuji F film) and have never needed it. However, your reasoning that Apple would scrap in the vein of other moves seemed highly plausible to me. Whatever the latest thing that Apple can do in my opinion is what they will do, adapt or die,survival of the fittest. I've no idea why they couldn't figure blue ray out though however their dealings with those three guys in DC over royalties with their artist certainly makes me think Apple was probably going for an all or nothing deal, and this time around didn't get their way. I guess they didn't have the leverage of publicly saying that they would close down iTunes!!
  • Reply 79 of 82
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    Mouse click I can see being a huge thing if it is true. My mighty mouse really really annoys me every week when it stops recognizing right clicks, not to mention the ball now only recognising scrolling up.

    If you want to continue using a Mighty Mouse, you are going to have to take it apart and clean it.

    Here is a video that describes the process in detail.

    I prefer a cheap wired Logitech mouse myself, but I fixed my wireless mighty mouse according to the instructions and it works like new.
  • Reply 80 of 82
    rokkenrokken Posts: 236member
    I have just received my aluminium macbook today and both of hinge and trackpad are so much better the previous plastic macbook. The hinge is not as stiff as the white one but it isn't loose either. It's just perfect. I had been playing around with the trackpad before i started installing WD Scorpio Black and I hadn't noticed it did not have a button before i put my head down. It hasn't failed to register a single click either, but the sound is a bit too noisy so I opted to use tap to click. The whole machine is nothing but phenomenal. Apple really take their entry level notebook to the next level.
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