It's not about it being an alternative to anything. It's about consolidating the ridiculous assortment of non-user-friendly devices one is expected to have under their TV to pass as a human being into one simple device. If i want to watch a DVD I shouldn't need to perform genital origami just to reach over the TV to unplug cords or attempt to navigate cryptic, MS DOS-like on screen menus using 3 remote controls.
Please Apple give me this one device to rule all others or open up your DRM so somebody can before I lose interest in TV altogether.
I don't know how ANYONE tolerates multiple remotes. I have a JP1 that makes switching between sources for TV and stereo a ONE button operation, on ONE remote. It cost $20.
What a bizarre statement. We're talking "Digital Video Recorder" right? Like a VCR but with an HDD instead of tapes.
Some people say that Apple shouldn't add DVR functionality because AppleTV competes against cable. That statement is making an intrinsic implication that the only stuff worth recording is transmitted over cable which requires a subscription. I'm saying that actually, there's plenty of stuff worth watching that's transmitted for free.
For me, the AppleTV's ability to rent HD movies is interesting. Its ability to stream content from a computer in the house is interesting. But if I had an AppleTV as it stands now, I'd still want a DVR and a blu-ray player. Why have three devices when a Mac Mini with a blu-ray drive, a couple of FreeView tuners and some decent Apple software could do it all in one, better, and for less money overall?
I'm also in the UK and I use four sources of video: NetFlix-style postal DVDs; BBC free tv, video podcasts and SKY for the odd sports match. But I never watch BBC/SKY in real time.
If AppleTV got DVR, then I would buy one to watch BBC, SKY and podcasts, and be a sitting duck for replacing NetFlix with Apple rentals just as soon as they get the rental choice high enough. Plus whatever future services they want to throw at me.
Um, the AppleTV is really nothing more than an iTunes player. All the AppleTV was intended to do was extend your computer's reach into the living room, it allows you to stream/sync your library over your home network. Works perfect for me as I have a huge iTunes Library.
And what exactly does whining accomplish? The AppleTV is not a DVR and is not a BlueRay/DVD player, get over it. Go find something that will do what you want. What the hell is wrong with people these days? Or is this just a typical Internet forum fill of spoiled kids who still think the world owes them everything.
Do you really think people who are interested in the AppleTV want to hear you complain about what it doesn't offer, when we know full well what it can and can't do.
Um, the AppleTV is really nothing more than an iTunes player. All the AppleTV was intended to do was extend your computer's reach into the living room, it allows you to stream/sync your library over your home network. Works perfect for me as I have a huge iTunes Library.
An iTunes player that won't let your search and have quick access to your own music files? Hmmm??
Do you ever search your huge music library files on it? Without your iPhone or iTouch? It's a joke. It has a search function to buy only?
When will apple allow us to hook up external storage to the USB port!
C'mon, it has to be in the works, what's use of streaming if it's from only a 160GB drive.
To me this is the single biggest flaw in the aTV.
First of all, if your content is copied over to your 160GB drive, it is not streamed, it is in fact played directly from the device. Streaming only occurs when the content is located somewhere else on your network, like say, your computer. The point of the internal hard drive was to store content synced from your iTunes library, say maybe all the stuff you haven't watched yet (or whatever you want).
I also have a 160GB drive, but haven't had a need for it. Since my computer is always on, I can just stream everything from computer. So that 160GB drive just sits empty. So it basically acts as an AirTunes receiver for video, except I can also rent/buy movies and buy TV Shows from it, and watch YouTube content.
First of all, if your content is copied over to your 160GB drive, it is not streamed, it is in fact played directly from the device. Streaming only occurs when the content is located somewhere else on your network, like say, your computer. The point of the internal hard drive was to store content synced from your iTunes library, say maybe all the stuff you haven't watched yet (or whatever you want).
I also have a 160GB drive, but haven't had a need for it. Since my computer is always on, I can just stream everything from computer. So that 160GB drive just sits empty. So it basically acts as an AirTunes receiver for video, except I can also rent/buy movies and buy TV Shows from it, and watch YouTube content.
First of all, don't "First of all" me!
I have over 500GB of iTunes on my iMac, it is not always on. My aTV, like everybody's, is always on, but obviously it can't fit/sync my iTunes library.
The aTV should serve as a standalone iTunes server. With the new streaming FROM aTV capabilities in 2.3, all I need more storage, hence the plea for USB support. So close.
I bought an iPod touch, even though it doesn't make ice cream.
There's a reason for Apple's madness. ATV is one of those products that seems to frustrate a lot of non-owners. They are not going to buy unless Apple adds X, Y, Z..and they better do it soon or they will switch to Dell. For the actual ATV owners, it's a joy to own and use.
There are other products that perform other duties that I need for my full TV experience. I have 2 DVD players, one standalone and one that came with the Bose surround sound system. I rarely use them. It's just too convenient to download movies from iTunes and/or wait for them on DirecTV. By the way, I've never had anyone complain about the quality of movies from iTMS. If you watch movies rather than scrutinize pixels, then you won't even notice a difference between sources.
With streaming movies and slide show functions and mobileme bonuses, the handwriting is on the wall. My parents are dropping their Netflix account after I gave them my older ATV. It's too convenient and getting better all the time as far as selection. Plus they love connecting to my mobileme account as far as photos/movies of the kids.
The v2.3 software hasn't fixed the delay when scrolling through long menus. But they did add a "HD" notification icon next to your movies that are HD resolution. I can't see any other visual differences in the GUI.
Now all they have to do is make it useful by allowing DVR functionality.
Urging Apple to "allow" DVR functionality in the AppleTV is to make light of what's needed. Unlike my TiVo HD, the ATV has no tuner of any kind, and doesn't even have an RF input. Or indeed any active input other than wired/wireless network. And its internal hard drive isn't big enough for more than minimal storage.
So it wouldn't be a question of allowing DVR functionality via a software update. Instead Apple would have to design and build a new device. While they're quite capable of doing that, they've shown no such inclination so far.
Um, the AppleTV is really nothing more than an iTunes player. All the AppleTV was intended to do was extend your computer's reach into the living room, it allows you to stream/sync your library over your home network. Works perfect for me as I have a huge iTunes Library.
And what exactly does whining accomplish? The AppleTV is not a DVR and is not a BlueRay/DVD player, get over it. Go find something that will do what you want. What the hell is wrong with people these days? Or is this just a typical Internet forum fill of spoiled kids who still think the world owes them everything.
Do you really think people who are interested in the AppleTV want to hear you complain about what it doesn't offer, when we know full well what it can and can't do.
It must have escaped your attention that the AppleTV is a very poor seller. In my opinion that's because as it stands, it's just another box to put under your telly; if instead Apple offered a device to replace all your "under the telly" boxes, they'd sell a lot more of them.
This is a discussion forum, we'll discuss whatever we d@mn well please.
Dawh, somebody got offended.
Take a look at my rank. I'm not a mod, so it's not like I actually have any say in the matter. Many an Apple TV discussion have been derailed back to "well it should have DVR blah blah." It's been exhausted and it never made sense in the first place. I actually provided an alternative solution, while you've done nothing but state the obvious.
Originally Posted by Haggar
Well, what about @people who might want to turn this into a why does anyone want TV discussion
@people who might want to turn this into a why does anyone want Blu-ray discussion?
Hey, I said please. Maybe I should have said "I suggest you stop while you're behind."
It must have escaped your attention that the AppleTV is a very poor seller. In my opinion that's because as it stands, it's just another box to put under your telly; if instead Apple offered a device to replace all your "under the telly" boxes, they'd sell a lot more of them.
I completely agree with you man, that SHOULD be the purpose of ATV but for some reason it's not. I'd really love one of these but it doesn't replace all my other dumb boxes. Plus without the option of downloading my OWN movies to iTunes; i'm not going to go and purchase all the same movies on the iTMS, what a waste of money that would be, plus you get no DVD Special features if purcahased on iTMS. like I said, would love to buy into it but it's just not there yet.
and to reply to mr. nasty above...I strongly believe that blogs area a good way to post ideas to Exec's out there. Contrary to popular belief, lot's of Apple "people" read these blogs.
And, no we aren't all spoilled little brats, we just demand better products from Version #1. Unlike most wastefull American Consumers, I can't blow $350 every couple years when the newest device comes out. I'd rather put my hard earned money into products that can last longer than a year.
I completely agree with you man, that SHOULD be the purpose of ATV but for some reason it's not. I'd really love one of these but it doesn't replace all my other dumb boxes. Plus without the option of downloading my OWN movies to iTunes; i'm not going to go and purchase all the same movies on the iTMS, what a waste of money that would be, plus you get no DVD Special features if purcahased on iTMS. like I said, would love to buy into it but it's just not there yet.
and to reply to mr. nasty above...I strongly believe that blogs area a good way to post ideas to Exec's out there. Contrary to popular belief, lot's of Apple "people" read these blogs.
And, no we aren't all spoilled little brats, we just demand better products from Version #1. Unlike most wastefull American Consumers, I can't blow $350 every couple years when the newest device comes out. I'd rather put my hard earned money into products that can last longer than a year.
RIGHT ON! If I knew back in May 2007 that it would evolve into basically an Apple Juke Box I would have said "no way" instead of laying out $$.
RIGHT ON! If I knew back in May 2007 that it would evolve into basically an Apple Juke Box I would have said "no way" instead of laying out $$.
I think Apple should think about the one stop-shop-device. Think about it, one device that can link your iTunes to your TV, Play DVD/BD, is a DVR, and have all the firmware capability of the iPhone. Drop in a optical audio output and you have the home Theater Killer. I'd easily pay $500 without hesitation.
Why pay anything when you can DVR free-to-air TV.
It's not about it being an alternative to anything. It's about consolidating the ridiculous assortment of non-user-friendly devices one is expected to have under their TV to pass as a human being into one simple device. If i want to watch a DVD I shouldn't need to perform genital origami just to reach over the TV to unplug cords or attempt to navigate cryptic, MS DOS-like on screen menus using 3 remote controls.
Please Apple give me this one device to rule all others or open up your DRM so somebody can before I lose interest in TV altogether.
I don't know how ANYONE tolerates multiple remotes. I have a JP1 that makes switching between sources for TV and stereo a ONE button operation, on ONE remote. It cost $20.
What a bizarre statement. We're talking "Digital Video Recorder" right? Like a VCR but with an HDD instead of tapes.
Some people say that Apple shouldn't add DVR functionality because AppleTV competes against cable. That statement is making an intrinsic implication that the only stuff worth recording is transmitted over cable which requires a subscription. I'm saying that actually, there's plenty of stuff worth watching that's transmitted for free.
For me, the AppleTV's ability to rent HD movies is interesting. Its ability to stream content from a computer in the house is interesting. But if I had an AppleTV as it stands now, I'd still want a DVR and a blu-ray player. Why have three devices when a Mac Mini with a blu-ray drive, a couple of FreeView tuners and some decent Apple software could do it all in one, better, and for less money overall?
I'm also in the UK and I use four sources of video: NetFlix-style postal DVDs; BBC free tv, video podcasts and SKY for the odd sports match. But I never watch BBC/SKY in real time.
If AppleTV got DVR, then I would buy one to watch BBC, SKY and podcasts, and be a sitting duck for replacing NetFlix with Apple rentals just as soon as they get the rental choice high enough. Plus whatever future services they want to throw at me.
Programming my JP1 remote was a piece of cake. Very Apple-ish.
C'mon, it has to be in the works, what's use of streaming if it's from only a 160GB drive.
To me this is the single biggest flaw in the aTV.
And let me stream my DVD playing in my Mac to it.
And what exactly does whining accomplish? The AppleTV is not a DVR and is not a BlueRay/DVD player, get over it. Go find something that will do what you want. What the hell is wrong with people these days? Or is this just a typical Internet forum fill of spoiled kids who still think the world owes them everything.
Do you really think people who are interested in the AppleTV want to hear you complain about what it doesn't offer, when we know full well what it can and can't do.
Um, the AppleTV is really nothing more than an iTunes player. All the AppleTV was intended to do was extend your computer's reach into the living room, it allows you to stream/sync your library over your home network. Works perfect for me as I have a huge iTunes Library.
An iTunes player that won't let your search and have quick access to your own music files? Hmmm??
Do you ever search your huge music library files on it? Without your iPhone or iTouch? It's a joke. It has a search function to buy only?
When will apple allow us to hook up external storage to the USB port!
C'mon, it has to be in the works, what's use of streaming if it's from only a 160GB drive.
To me this is the single biggest flaw in the aTV.
First of all, if your content is copied over to your 160GB drive, it is not streamed, it is in fact played directly from the device. Streaming only occurs when the content is located somewhere else on your network, like say, your computer. The point of the internal hard drive was to store content synced from your iTunes library, say maybe all the stuff you haven't watched yet (or whatever you want).
I also have a 160GB drive, but haven't had a need for it. Since my computer is always on, I can just stream everything from computer. So that 160GB drive just sits empty. So it basically acts as an AirTunes receiver for video, except I can also rent/buy movies and buy TV Shows from it, and watch YouTube content.
First of all, if your content is copied over to your 160GB drive, it is not streamed, it is in fact played directly from the device. Streaming only occurs when the content is located somewhere else on your network, like say, your computer. The point of the internal hard drive was to store content synced from your iTunes library, say maybe all the stuff you haven't watched yet (or whatever you want).
I also have a 160GB drive, but haven't had a need for it. Since my computer is always on, I can just stream everything from computer. So that 160GB drive just sits empty. So it basically acts as an AirTunes receiver for video, except I can also rent/buy movies and buy TV Shows from it, and watch YouTube content.
First of all, don't "First of all" me!
I have over 500GB of iTunes on my iMac, it is not always on. My aTV, like everybody's, is always on, but obviously it can't fit/sync my iTunes library.
The aTV should serve as a standalone iTunes server. With the new streaming FROM aTV capabilities in 2.3, all I need more storage, hence the plea for USB support. So close.
There's a reason for Apple's madness. ATV is one of those products that seems to frustrate a lot of non-owners. They are not going to buy unless Apple adds X, Y, Z..and they better do it soon or they will switch to Dell. For the actual ATV owners, it's a joy to own and use.
There are other products that perform other duties that I need for my full TV experience. I have 2 DVD players, one standalone and one that came with the Bose surround sound system. I rarely use them. It's just too convenient to download movies from iTunes and/or wait for them on DirecTV. By the way, I've never had anyone complain about the quality of movies from iTMS. If you watch movies rather than scrutinize pixels, then you won't even notice a difference between sources.
With streaming movies and slide show functions and mobileme bonuses, the handwriting is on the wall. My parents are dropping their Netflix account after I gave them my older ATV. It's too convenient and getting better all the time as far as selection. Plus they love connecting to my mobileme account as far as photos/movies of the kids.
The v2.3 software hasn't fixed the delay when scrolling through long menus. But they did add a "HD" notification icon next to your movies that are HD resolution. I can't see any other visual differences in the GUI.
Now all they have to do is make it useful by allowing DVR functionality.
Urging Apple to "allow" DVR functionality in the AppleTV is to make light of what's needed. Unlike my TiVo HD, the ATV has no tuner of any kind, and doesn't even have an RF input. Or indeed any active input other than wired/wireless network. And its internal hard drive isn't big enough for more than minimal storage.
So it wouldn't be a question of allowing DVR functionality via a software update. Instead Apple would have to design and build a new device. While they're quite capable of doing that, they've shown no such inclination so far.
And let me stream my DVD playing in my Mac to it.
That would be truly cool.
Um, the AppleTV is really nothing more than an iTunes player. All the AppleTV was intended to do was extend your computer's reach into the living room, it allows you to stream/sync your library over your home network. Works perfect for me as I have a huge iTunes Library.
And what exactly does whining accomplish? The AppleTV is not a DVR and is not a BlueRay/DVD player, get over it. Go find something that will do what you want. What the hell is wrong with people these days? Or is this just a typical Internet forum fill of spoiled kids who still think the world owes them everything.
Do you really think people who are interested in the AppleTV want to hear you complain about what it doesn't offer, when we know full well what it can and can't do.
It must have escaped your attention that the AppleTV is a very poor seller. In my opinion that's because as it stands, it's just another box to put under your telly; if instead Apple offered a device to replace all your "under the telly" boxes, they'd sell a lot more of them.
prolly going to pass on this
Keep us posted!
This is a discussion forum, we'll discuss whatever we d@mn well please.
Dawh, somebody got offended.
Take a look at my rank. I'm not a mod, so it's not like I actually have any say in the matter.
Well, what about @people who might want to turn this into a why does anyone want TV discussion
@people who might want to turn this into a why does anyone want Blu-ray discussion?
Hey, I said please.
It must have escaped your attention that the AppleTV is a very poor seller. In my opinion that's because as it stands, it's just another box to put under your telly; if instead Apple offered a device to replace all your "under the telly" boxes, they'd sell a lot more of them.
I completely agree with you man, that SHOULD be the purpose of ATV but for some reason it's not. I'd really love one of these but it doesn't replace all my other dumb boxes. Plus without the option of downloading my OWN movies to iTunes; i'm not going to go and purchase all the same movies on the iTMS, what a waste of money that would be, plus you get no DVD Special features if purcahased on iTMS. like I said, would love to buy into it but it's just not there yet.
and to reply to mr. nasty above...I strongly believe that blogs area a good way to post ideas to Exec's out there. Contrary to popular belief, lot's of Apple "people" read these blogs.
And, no we aren't all spoilled little brats, we just demand better products from Version #1. Unlike most wastefull American Consumers, I can't blow $350 every couple years when the newest device comes out. I'd rather put my hard earned money into products that can last longer than a year.
I completely agree with you man, that SHOULD be the purpose of ATV but for some reason it's not. I'd really love one of these but it doesn't replace all my other dumb boxes. Plus without the option of downloading my OWN movies to iTunes; i'm not going to go and purchase all the same movies on the iTMS, what a waste of money that would be, plus you get no DVD Special features if purcahased on iTMS. like I said, would love to buy into it but it's just not there yet.
and to reply to mr. nasty above...I strongly believe that blogs area a good way to post ideas to Exec's out there. Contrary to popular belief, lot's of Apple "people" read these blogs.
And, no we aren't all spoilled little brats, we just demand better products from Version #1. Unlike most wastefull American Consumers, I can't blow $350 every couple years when the newest device comes out. I'd rather put my hard earned money into products that can last longer than a year.
RIGHT ON! If I knew back in May 2007 that it would evolve into basically an Apple Juke Box I would have said "no way" instead of laying out $$.
RIGHT ON! If I knew back in May 2007 that it would evolve into basically an Apple Juke Box I would have said "no way" instead of laying out $$.
I think Apple should think about the one stop-shop-device. Think about it, one device that can link your iTunes to your TV, Play DVD/BD, is a DVR, and have all the firmware capability of the iPhone. Drop in a optical audio output and you have the home Theater Killer. I'd easily pay $500 without hesitation.